2020-10-04 23:05:33 +08:00

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Scriptable Event Handler with State

{{#include ../links.md}}

Usage Scenario

  • A system sends events that must be handled.

  • Flexibility in event handling must be provided, through user-side scripting.

  • State must be kept between invocations of event handlers.

  • Default implementations of event handlers can be provided.

Key Concepts

  • An event handler object is declared that holds the following items:

    • [Engine] with registered functions serving as an API,
    • [AST] of the user script,
    • a [Scope] containing state.
  • Upon an event, the appropriate event handler function in the script is called via [Engine::call_fn][call_fn].

  • Optionally, trap the EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound error to provide a default implementation.


Declare Handler Object

In most cases, it would be simpler to store an [Engine] instance together with the handler object because it only requires registering all API functions only once.

In rare cases where handlers are created and destroyed in a tight loop, a new [Engine] instance can be created for each event. See One Engine Instance Per Call for more details.

use rhai::{Engine, Scope, AST, EvalAltResult};

// Event handler
struct Handler {
    // Scripting engine
    pub engine: Engine,
    // Use a custom 'Scope' to keep stored state
    pub scope: Scope<'static>,
    // Program script
    pub ast: AST

Initialize Handler Object

Steps to initialize the event handler:

  1. Register an API with the [Engine],
  2. Create a custom [Scope] to serve as the stored state,
  3. Add default state variables into the custom [Scope],
  4. Get the handler script and [compile][AST] it,
  5. Store the compiled [AST] for future evaluations,
  6. Run the [AST] to initialize event handler state variables.
impl Handler {
    pub new(path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        let mut engine = Engine::new();

        // Register API functions here
            .register_fn("func1", func1)
            .register_fn("func2", func2)
            .register_fn("func3", func3)
                |obj: &mut SomeType| obj.data,
                |obj: &mut SomeType, value: i64| obj.data = value

        // Create a custom 'Scope' to hold state
        let mut scope = Scope::new();

        // Add initialized state into the custom 'Scope'
        scope.push("state1", false);
        scope.push("state2", SomeType::new(42));

        // Compile the handler script.
        // In a real application you'd be handling errors...
        let ast = engine.compile_file(path).unwrap();

        // Evaluate the script to initialize it and other state variables.
        // In a real application you'd again be handling errors...
        engine.consume_ast_with_scope(&mut scope, &ast).unwrap();

        // The event handler is essentially these three items:
        Handler { engine, scope, ast }

Hook up events

There is usually an interface or trait that gets called when an event comes from the system.

Mapping an event from the system into a scripted handler is straight-forward:

impl Handler {
    // Say there are three events: 'start', 'end', 'update'.
    // In a real application you'd be handling errors...
    pub fn on_event(&mut self, event_name: &str, event_data: i64) {
        match event_name {
            // The 'start' event maps to function 'start'.
            // In a real application you'd be handling errors...
            "start" =>
                    .call_fn(&mut self.scope, &self.ast, "start", (event_data,)).unwrap(),

            // The 'end' event maps to function 'end'.
            // In a real application you'd be handling errors...
            "end" =>
                    .call_fn(&mut self.scope, &self.ast, "end", (event_data,)).unwrap(),

            // The 'update' event maps to function 'update'.
            // This event provides a default implementation when the scripted function
            // is not found.
            "update" =>
                    .call_fn(&mut self.scope, &self.ast, "update", (event_data,))
                    .or_else(|err| match *err {
                        EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(fn_name, _) if fn_name == "update" => {
                            // Default implementation of 'update' event handler
                            self.scope.set_value("state2", SomeType::new(42));
                            // Turn function-not-found into a success
                        _ => Err(err.into())

Sample Handler Script

Because the stored state is kept in a custom [Scope], it is possible for all functions defined in the handler script to access and modify these state variables.

The API registered with the [Engine] can be also used throughout the script.

fn start(data) {
    if state1 {
        throw "Already started!";
    if func1(state2) || func2() {
        throw "Conditions not yet ready to start!";
    state1 = true;
    state2.value = 0;

fn end(data) {
    if !state1 {
        throw "Not yet started!";
    if func1(state2) || func2() {
        throw "Conditions not yet ready to start!";
    state1 = false;

fn update(data) {
    state2.value += func3(data);