fix(deps): update all dependencies #2

kjuulh wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/all into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
chrono dependencies patch 0.4.24 -> 0.4.40
clap dependencies minor 4.2.1 -> 4.5.32
color-eyre dependencies patch 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
dagger-sdk dependencies minor 0.2.19 -> 0.17.0
eyre dependencies patch 0.6.8 -> 0.6.12
git2 dependencies minor 0.16.1 -> 0.20.0
serde_json dependencies patch 1.0.95 -> 1.0.140
serde_yaml dependencies patch 0.9.19 -> 0.9.34
tokio (source) dependencies minor 1.27.0 -> 1.44.1

Release Notes

chronotope/chrono (chrono)

v0.4.40: 0.4.40

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What's Changed

v0.4.39: 0.4.39

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What's Changed


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This release bring a ca. 20% improvement to the performance of the formatting code, and a convenient days_since method for the Weekday type.

Chrono 0.4.38 also removes the long deprecated rustc-serialize feature. Support for rustc-serialize will be soft-destabilized in the next Rust edition. Removing the feature will not break existing users of the feature; Cargo will just not update dependents that rely on it to newer versions of chrono.

In chrono 0.4.36 we made an accidental breaking change by switching to derive(Copy) for DateTime instead of a manual implementation. It is reverted in this release.




  • Return error when rounding with a zero duration (#​1474, thanks @​Dav1dde)
  • Manually implement Copy for DateTime if offset is Copy (#​1573)


  • Inline test_encodable_json and test_decodable_json functions (#​1550)
  • CI: Reduce combinations in cargo hack check (#​1553)
  • Refactor formatting code (#​1335)
  • Optimize number formatting (#​1558)
  • Only package files needed for building and testing (#​1554)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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Version 0.4.36 introduced an unexpected breaking change and was yanked. In it LocalResult was renamed to MappedLocalTime to avoid the impression that it is a Result type were some of the results are errors. For backwards compatibility a type alias with the old name was added.

As it turns out there is one case where a type alias behaves differently from the regular enum: you can't import enum variants from a type alias with use chrono::LocalResult::*. With 0.4.37 we make the new name MappedLocalTime the alias, but keep using it in function signatures and the documentation as much as possible.

See also the release notes of chrono 0.4.36 from yesterday for the yanked release.


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This release un-deprecates the methods on TimeDelta that were deprecated with the 0.4.35 release because of the churn they are causing for the ecosystem.

New is the DateTime::with_time() method. As an example of when it is useful:

use chrono::{Local, NaiveTime};
// Today at 12:00:00
let today_noon = Local::now().with_time(NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(12, 0, 0).unwrap());



  • Revert TimeDelta deprecations (#​1543)
  • Deprecate TimeStamp::timestamp_subsec_nanos, which was missed in the 0.4.35 release (#​1486)


  • Correct version number of deprecation notices (#​1486)
  • Fix some typos (#​1505)
  • Slightly improve serde documentation (#​1519)
  • Main documentation: simplify links and reflow text (#​1535)


  • CI: Lint benchmarks (#​1489)
  • Remove unnessary Copy and Send impls (#​1492, thanks @​erickt)
  • Backport streamlined NaiveDate unit tests (#​1500, thanks @​Zomtir)
  • Rename LocalResult to TzResolution, add alias (#​1501)
  • Update windows-bindgen to 0.55 (#​1504)
  • Avoid duplicate imports, which generate warnings on nightly (#​1507)
  • Add extra debug assertions to NaiveDate::from_yof (#​1518)
  • Some small simplifications to DateTime::date_naive and NaiveDate::diff_months (#​1530)
  • Remove unwrap in Unix Local type (#​1533)
  • Use different method to ignore feature-dependent doctests (#​1534)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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Most of our efforts have shifted to improving the API for a 0.5 release, for which cleanups and refactorings are landing on the 0.4.x branch.

The most significant changes in this release are two sets of deprecations.

  • We deprecated all timestamp-related methods on NaiveDateTime. The reason is that a timestamp is defined to be in UTC. The NaiveDateTime type doesn't know the offset from UTC, so it was technically wrong to have these methods. The alternative is to use the similar methods on the DateTime<Utc> type, or from the TimeZone trait.

    Converting from NaiveDateTime to DateTime<Utc> is simple with .and_utc(), and in the other direction with .naive_utc().

  • The panicking constructors of TimeDelta (the new name of the Duration type) are deprecated. This was the last part of chrono that defaulted to panicking on error, dating from before rust 1.0.

  • A nice change is that NaiveDate now includes a niche. So now Option<NaiveDate>, Option<NaiveDateTime> and Option<DateTime<Tz>> are the same size as their base types.

  • format::Numeric and format::Fixed are marked as non_exhaustive. This will allow us to improve our formatting and parsing support, and we have reason to believe this breaking change will have little to no impact on users.


  • Add DateTime::{from_timestamp_micros, from_timestamp_nanos} (#​1234)
  • Add getters to Parsed (#​1465)


  • Deprecate timestamp methods on NaiveDateTime (#​1473)
  • Deprecate panicking constructors of TimeDelta (#​1450)


  • Use NonZeroI32 inside NaiveDate (#​1207)
  • Mark format::Numeric and format::Fixed as non_exhaustive (#​1430)
  • Parsed fixes to error values (#​1439)
  • Use overflowing_naive_local in DateTime::checked_add* (#​1333)
  • Do complete range checks in Parsed::set_* (#​1465)



Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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Notable changes

  • In chrono 0.4.34 we finished the work to make all methods const where doing so is supported by rust 1.61.
  • We renamed the Duration type to TimeDelta. This removes the confusion between chrono's type and the later Duration type in the standard library. It will remain available under the old name as a type alias for compatibility.
  • The Windows implementation of Local is rewritten. The new version avoids panics when the date is outside of the range supported by windows (the years 1601 to 30828), and gives more accurate results during DST transitions.
  • The Display format of TimeDelta is modified to conform better to ISO 8601. Previously it converted all values greater than 24 hours to a value with days. This is not correct, as doing so changes the duration from an 'accurate' to a 'nominal' representation to use ISO 8601 terms.




  • Rename Duration to TimeDelta, add type alias (#​1406)
  • Make TimeDelta methods const (#​1337)
  • Make remaining methods of NaiveDate, NaiveWeek, NaiveTime and NaiveDateTime const where possible (#​1337)
  • Make methods on DateTime const where possible (#​1400)
  • Make Display format of TimeDelta conform better to ISO 8601 (#​1328)



  • Switch branch names: 0.4.x releases are the main branch, work on 0.5 happens in the 0.5.x branch (#​1390, #​1402).
  • Don't use deprecated method in impl Arbitrary for DateTime and set up CI test (#​1336)
  • Remove workaround for Rust < 1.61 (#​1393)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#​1404)
  • Remove partial support for handling -0000 offset (#​1411)
  • Move TOO_LONG error out of parse_internal (#​1419)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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This release fixes the broken build of chrono 0.4.32.

What's Changed


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In this release we shipped part of the effort to reduce the number of methods that could unexpectedly panic, notably for the DateTime and Duration types.

Chrono internally stores the value of a DateTime in UTC, and transparently converts it to the local value as required. For example adding a second to a DateTime needs to be done in UTC to get the correct result, but adding a day needs to be done in local time to be correct. What happens when the value is near the edge of the representable range, and the implicit conversions pushes it beyond the representable range? Many methods could panic on such inputs, including formatting the value for Debug output.

In chrono 0.4.32 the range of NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime and DateTime is made slightly smaller. This allows us to always do the implicit conversion, and in many cases return the expected result. Specifically the range is now from January 1, -262144 until December 31, 262143, one year less on both sides than before. We expect this may trip up tests if you hardcoded the MIN and MAX dates.

Duration had a similar issue. The range of this type was pretty arbitrary picked to match the range of an i64 in milliseconds. Negating an i64::MIN pushes a value out of range, and in the same way negating Duration::MIN could push it out of our defined range and cause a panic. This turns out to be somewhat common and hidden behind many layers of abstraction. We adjusted the type to have a minimum value of -Duration::MAX instead and prevent the panic case.

Other highlights:

  • Duration gained new fallible initialization methods.
  • Better support for rkyv.
  • Most methods on NaiveDateTime are now const.
  • We had to bump our MSRV to 1.61 to keep building with our dependencies. This will also allow us to make more methods on DateTime const in a future release.

Complete list of changes:


  • Fix panic in TimeZone::from_local_datetime (#​1071)
  • Fix out of range panics in DateTime getters and setters (#​1317, #​1329)



  • Fix panic in Duration::MIN.abs() (adjust Duration::MIN by 1 millisecond) (#​1334)
  • Bump MSRV to 1.61 (#​1347)
  • Update windows-targets requirement from 0.48 to 0.52 (#​1360)
  • Update windows-bindgen to 0.52 (#​1379)


  • Deprecate standalone format functions (#​1306)


Rkyv support

Changes to unstable features

  • Don't let unstable-locales imply the alloc feature (#​1307)
  • Remove format::{format_localized, format_item_localized} (#​1311)
  • Inline write_rfc2822_inner, don't localize (#​1322)


  • Add benchmark for DateTime::with_* (#​1309)
  • Fix *_DAYS_FROM_YEAR_0 calculation (#​1312)
  • Add NaiveTime::overflowing_(add|sub)_offset (#​1310)
  • Rewrite DateTime::overflowing_(add|sub)_offset (#​1069)
  • Tests calling date command set env LC_ALL (#​1315, thanks @​jtmoon79)
  • Update deny.toml (#​1320)
  • Bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 (#​1346)
  • test.yml remove errant with: node-version (#​1352, thanks @​jtmoon79)
  • CI Linting: Fix missing sources checkout in toml job (#​1371, thanks @​gibbz00)
  • Silence clippy lint for test code with Rust 1.74.0 (#​1362)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


Compare Source

Another maintenance release.
It was not a planned effort to improve our support for UNIX timestamps, yet most PRs seem related to this.

  • Deprecate timestamp_nanos in favor of the non-panicking timestamp_nanos_opt (#​1275)
  • Format day of month in RFC 2822 without padding (#​1272)
  • Don't allow strange leap seconds which are not on a minute boundary initialization methods (#​1283)
    This makes many methods a little more strict:
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_milli
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_milli_opt
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_micro
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_micro_opt
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_nano
    • NaiveTime::from_hms_nano_opt
    • NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight
    • NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight_opt
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_milli
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_milli_opt
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_micro
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_micro_opt
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_nano
    • NaiveDate::and_hms_nano_opt
    • NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp
    • NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt
    • TimeZone::timestamp
    • TimeZone::timestamp_opt
  • Fix underflow in NaiveDateTime::timestamp_nanos_opt (#​1294, thanks @​crepererum)
  • Add more documentation about the RFC 2822 obsolete date format (#​1267)
  • Remove internal __doctest feature and doc_comment dependency (#​1276)
  • CI: Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#​1280)
  • Optimize NaiveDate::add_days for small values (#​1214)
  • Upgrade pure-rust-locales to 0.7.0 (#​1288, thanks @​jeremija wo did good improvements on pure-rust-locales)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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In this release, we have decided to swap out the chrono::Duration type (which has been a re-export of time 0.1 Duration type) with our own definition, which exposes a strict superset of the time::Duration API. This helps avoid warnings about the CVE-2020-26235 and RUSTSEC-2020-0071 advisories for downstream users and allows us to improve the Duration API going forward.

While this is technically a SemVer-breaking change, we expect the risk of downstream users experiencing actual incompatibility to be exceedingly limited (see our analysis of public code using a crater-like experiment), and not enough justification for the large ecosystem churn of a 0.5 release. If you have any feedback on these changes, please let us know in #​1268.


Relation between chrono and time 0.1

Rust first had a time module added to std in its 0.7 release. It later moved to libextra, and then to a libtime library shipped alongside the standard library. In 2014 work on chrono started in order to provide a full-featured date and time library in Rust. Some improvements from chrono made it into the standard library; notably, chrono::Duration was included as std::time::Duration (rust#15934) in 2014.

In preparation of Rust 1.0 at the end of 2014 libtime was moved out of the Rust distro and into the time crate to eventually be redesigned (rust#18832, rust#18858), like the num and rand crates. Of course chrono kept its dependency on this time crate. time started re-exporting std::time::Duration during this period. Later, the standard library was changed to have a more limited unsigned Duration type (rust#24920, RFC 1040), while the time crate kept the full functionality with time::Duration. time::Duration had been a part of chrono's public API.

By 2016 time 0.1 lived under the rust-lang-deprecated organisation and was not actively maintained (time#136). chrono absorbed the platform functionality and Duration type of the time crate in chrono#478 (the work started in chrono#286). In order to preserve compatibility with downstream crates depending on time and chrono sharing a Duration type, chrono kept depending on time 0.1. chrono offered the option to opt out of the time dependency by disabling the oldtime feature (swapping it out for an effectively similar chrono type). In 2019, @​jhpratt took over maintenance on the time crate and released what amounts to a new crate as time 0.2.

Security advisories

In November of 2020 CVE-2020-26235 and RUSTSEC-2020-0071 were opened against the time crate. @​quininer had found that calls to localtime_r may be unsound (chrono#499). Eventually, almost a year later, this was also made into a security advisory against chrono as RUSTSEC-2020-0159, which had platform code similar to time.

On Unix-like systems a process is given a timezone id or description via the TZ environment variable. We need this timezone data to calculate the current local time from a value that is in UTC, such as the time from the system clock. time 0.1 and chrono used the POSIX function localtime_r to do the conversion to local time, which reads the TZ variable.

Rust assumes the environment to be writable and uses locks to access it from multiple threads. Some other programming languages and libraries use similar locking strategies, but these are typically not shared across languages. More importantly, POSIX declares modifying the environment in a multi-threaded process as unsafe, and getenv in libc can't be changed to take a lock because it returns a pointer to the data (see rust#27970 for more discussion).

Since version 4.20 chrono no longer uses localtime_r, instead using Rust code to query the timezone (from the TZ variable or via iana-time-zone as a fallback) and work with data from the system timezone database directly. The code for this was forked from the tz-rs crate by @​x-hgg-x. As such, chrono now respects the Rust lock when reading the TZ environment variable. In general, code should avoid modifying the environment.

Removing time 0.1

Because time 0.1 has been unmaintained for years, however, the security advisory mentioned above has not been addressed. While chrono maintainers were careful not to break backwards compatibility with the time::Duration type, there has been a long stream of issues from users inquiring about the time 0.1 dependency with the vulnerability. We investigated the potential breakage of removing the time 0.1 dependency in chrono#1095 using a crater-like experiment and determined that the potential for breaking (public) dependencies is very low. We reached out to those few crates that did still depend on compatibility with time 0.1.

As such, for chrono 0.4.30 we have decided to swap out the time 0.1 Duration implementation for a local one that will offer a strict superset of the existing API going forward. This will prevent most downstream users from being affected by the security vulnerability in time 0.1 while minimizing the ecosystem impact of semver-incompatible version churn.

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


Compare Source

This release fixes a panic introduced in chrono 0.4.27 in FromStr<DateTime<Utc>> (#​1253).

Chrono now has a Discord channel.


  • Fix arbitrary string slicing in parse_rfc3339_relaxed (#​1254)


  • Deprecate TimeZone::datetime_from_str (#​1251)


Internal improvements

  • Revert "add test_issue_866" (#​1238)
  • CI: run tests on i686 and wasm32-wasi (#​1237)
  • CI: Include doctests for code coverage (#​1248)
  • Move benchmarks to a separate crate (#​1243)
    This allows us to upgrade the criterion dependency to 5.1 without changing our MSRV.
  • Add Discord link to README (#​1240, backported in #​1256)

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


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This release fixes a test failure on 32-bit targets introduced with 0.4.27, see


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This release bumps the MSRV from 1.56 to 1.57. This allows us to take advantage of the panicking in const feature. In this release most methods on NaiveDate and NaiveTime are made const, NaiveDateTime and others will follow in a later release.

The parser for the %+ formatting specifier and the RFC3339 formatting item is switched from a strict to a relaxed parser (see This matches the existing documentation, and the parser used by DateTime::from_str. If you need to validate the input, consider using DateTime::from_rfc3339.





Internal improvements

Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, @​djc and @​pitdicker!


Compare Source

The changes from #​807 we merged for 0.4.25 unfortunately restricted parsing in a way that was incompatible with earlier 0.4.x releases. We reverted this in #​1113. A small amount of other changes were merged since.

Thanks on behalf of the chrono team (@​djc and @​esheppa) to all contributors!


Compare Source

Time for another maintenance release. This release bumps the MSRV to 1.56; given MSRV bumps in chrono's dependencies (notably for syn 2), we felt that it no longer made sense to support any older versions. Feedback welcome in our issue tracker!





Internal improvements

On behalf of @​djc and @​esheppa, thanks to all contributors!

clap-rs/clap (clap)


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  • Add Error::remove
  • (cookbook) Switch from humantime to jiff
  • (tutorial) Better cover required vs optional
  • Update pulldown-cmark


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  • Add ValueParserFactory for Saturating<T>


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  • (assert) Allow num_args(0..=1) to be used with SetTrue
  • (assert) Clean up rendering of takes_values assertions


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  • Change ArgMatches::args_present so not-present flags are considered not-present (matching the documentation)


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  • (derive) Unstable support for full markdown syntax for doc comments, enabled with unstable-markdown


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  • Iterate on tutorials and reference based on feedback


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  • (error) Reduce binary size with the suggestions feature


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  • (help) Reduce binary size


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  • (parser) Correctly handle defaults with ignore_errors(true) and when a suggestion is provided for an unknown argument


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  • (parser) When check allow_negative_numbers, allow E again


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  • (assert) Catch bugs with arguments requiring themself


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  • (parser) Ensure defaults are filled in on error with ignore_errors(true)


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  • (unstable) Add CommandExt


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  • Update dependencies


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  • (builder) Expose Arg::get_display_order and Command::get_display_order


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  • (help) Style required argument groups
  • (derive) Improve error messages when unsupported fields are used


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  • (derive) Improve error messages when derive feature is missing


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  • (unstable-ext) Arg::remove changed return types
  • (unstable-ext) Make Arg::remove return the removed item


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  • (unstable-ext) Added Arg::add for attaching arbitrary state, like completion hints, to Arg without Arg knowing about it


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  • (derive) Improve error message when #[flatten]ing an optional #[group(skip)]
  • (help) Properly wrap long subcommand descriptions in help


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  • (error) When defining a custom help flag, be sure to suggest it like we do the built-in one


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  • Reduce extra flushes


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  • Clean up error message when too few arguments for num_args


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  • Allow exclusive to override required_unless_present, required_unless_present_any, required_unless_present_all


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  • (derive) Allow non-literal #[arg(id)] attributes again


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  • Add Error::remove
  • (cookbook) Switch from humantime to jiff
  • (tutorial) Better cover required vs optional
  • Update pulldown-cmark


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  • Change ArgMatches::args_present so not-present flags are considered not-present (matching the documentation)


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  • Update dependencies


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  • Update MSRV to 1.74


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  • (error) When lacking usage feature, ensure the list of required arguments is unique


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  • Fix panic! when mixing args_conflicts_with_subcommands with ArgGroup (which is implicit with derive) introduced in 4.4.15


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  • Ensure invalid escape sequences in user-defined strings are correctly stripped when terminal doesn't support color


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  • Improve error for args_conflicts_with_subcommands
  • Ensure we error for args_conflicts_with_subcommands when using subcommand short and long flags


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  • Fix find cookbook entry to allow repeats of flags/options
  • Allow num_args(0) on options which allows making them emulate being a flag for position-tracking flags


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  • Fix link to structopt migration guide


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  • Only ask TypedValueParser for possible values if needed


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  • Add Command::mut_group


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  • Link out to changelog
  • Cross link derive's attribute reference to derive tutorial


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  • (help) Show correct Command::about under flattened headings
  • (help) Respect hide when flattening subcommands


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  • Add Command::flatten_help to allow git stash -h like help for subcommands


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  • Reduced code size


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  • Upgrade anstream


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  • (parser) When inferring subcommand name or long_flag, allow ambiguous-looking matches that unambiguously map back to the same command
  • (parser) When inferring subcommand long_flag, don't panic
  • (assert) Clarify what action is causing a positional that doesn't set values which is especially useful for derive users


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  • Update terminal_size to 0.3


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  • (derive) Clarify use of attributes within the tutorial
  • Split sections in the builder and derive tutorials into separate modules


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  • Improve build times by removing once_cell dependency


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  • (error) When lacking usage feature, ensure the list of required arguments is unique


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  • update msrv to 1.70.0


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  • Ensure column padding is preserved in --help with custom templates


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  • Fixed UnknownArgumentValueParser to not error on flag's absence


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  • Add UnknownArgumentValueParser for injecting errors for improving the experience with errors


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  • Expose TryMapValueParser so the type can be named


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  • Command::mut_args for modifying all arguments en masse


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  • (parse) Respect value_terminator even in the presence of later multiple-value positional arguments


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  • (parse) Suggest -- in fewer places where it won't work


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  • (help) Address a regression in wrapping PossibleValue descriptions in --help


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  • Don't assert when stateful value parsers fail on defaults (e.g. checking if a path exists)


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  • (unstable-styles) Re-export anstyle
  • (unstable-styles) Provide more examples


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  • ArgAction::HelpShort and ArgAction::HelpLong for explicitly specifying which style of help to display
  • Skip [OPTIONS] in usage if a help or version ArgAction is used


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  • (derive) Don't error on enum variant field attributes


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  • (derive) Support fields wrapped in num::Wrapping, Box, or Arc
  • (derive) Support Box<str>, Box<OsStr>, and Box<Path>


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  • Drop a dependency, reducing binary size by 1.3 KiB


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  • Command::ignore_errors no longer masks help/version


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  • Error on ambiguity with infer_long_arg, rather than arbitrarily picking one, matching the documentation and subcommand's behavior


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  • Further clarify magic behavior in derive tutorial
  • Further clarify derive API's relationship to builder within the tutorial


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  • Suggest clio


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  • ColorChoice::possible_values is added to simplify things for builder users
  • ColorChoice::to_possible_value no longer includes descriptions, encouraging shorter help where possible


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  • Add Error::exit_code


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  • Command::defer for delayed initialization of subcommands to reduce startup times of large applications like deno


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  • Ensure column padding is preserved in --help with custom templates


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  • (parse) Respect value_terminator even in the presence of later multiple-value positional arguments


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  • (assert) Allow multiple, value-terminated, positional arguments
  • (assert) Clear up language on last assertion
  • (parser) Correctly assign values to arguments when using multiple, value-termianted, positional arguments
  • (parser) Ensure value_terminator has higher precedence than allow_hyphen_values
  • (help) Only use next-line-help on subcommand list when explicitly specified, not just with --help
  • (help) Correctly align possible values list
  • (help) Don't waste code, vertical space in moving possible value descriptions to next line


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  • Correctly track remaining length for iterators provided by ArgMatches


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  • impl Eq<std::any::TypeId> for clap_builder::util::AnyValueId


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  • Improve panic when a group requires a non-existent ID


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  • Corrected docs for Command::style


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  • Command::styles for theming help/errors (behind unstable-styles)


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  • Update dependencies
eyre-rs/eyre (color-eyre)


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dagger/dagger (dagger-sdk)


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  • BREAKING(llm): fix go sdk capitalization of "Llm" to "LLM" instead, consistent with engine code and the rest of the go ecosystem (
    • this will break compilation of modules referencing the LLM API like dag.Llm. To fix, simply change to dag.LLM
  • when prompting for remote module LLM access, error early in non-interactive situations where we would previously hang indefinitely. (
What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


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🔥 Breaking Changes
  • To match automatic configuration, insecure-entitlements now includes security.insecure when configuring the engine manually by @​jedevc in

  • Module load performance is improved and related API refactored by @​sipsma in
    Loading of modules (the load module step shown in progress output) is faster now in many cases. In particular:

    • Cache utilization of module loading is greatly improved, which can decrease load times by up to a factor of 10 when re-calling functions after changing source code in a Daggerized repo.
    • Less extraneous files are loaded from the source repository

    Users of modules with large numbers of dependencies or in large git repositories are expected to see the most immediate benefit.

    For some concrete numbers, here are load module times for the dagger-dev's module in Dagger's repository under different scenarios:

    • dagger call --help on new engines with an empty cache
      • v0.15.4: 1m20s
      • v0.16.0: 1m1s
      • ~23% faster
    • re-running dagger call --help with no file changes in the repo:
      • v0.15.4: 10.9s
      • v0.16.0: 2.8s
      • ~74% faster
    • re-running dagger call --help after making a change to a random source code file in the repo:
      • v0.15.4: 32.1s
      • v0.16.0: 2.8s
      • ~91% faster

    These improvements in cache utilization are also setup for future improvements not only in load module times but function call times more generally.

    This improvement comes with a few breaking changes that are not expected to impact most users. However, the changes require that users upgrade their CLI to v0.16.0 in order to connect to v0.16.0 engines. Older CLIs will error when connecting to newer engines.

    In terms of the breaking changes, impacted users are those who:

    • have function code that imports local libraries outside of the dagger module source directory
    • rely on a package manager configuration file (e.g. go.mod) that exists in a parent directory of the dagger module source directory

    They may need to update their dagger.json configuration file to add an explicit "include" setting to ensure those extra files or directories are loaded with the module. This is because numerous files previously implicitly loaded are now skipped by default, which contributes to the performance improvements.

    For example, if your module code is in .dagger and relies on the go.mod file in the parent directory, you would add the following to your dagger.json file:

      "include": ["../go.mod", "../go.sum"]

    The values in the "include" array are relative to the directory containing dagger.json. They can be also be glob patterns (e.g. "**/*.txt"). To explicitly exclude some files matched by a previous include pattern, you can prepend the include pattern with a ! character (e.g. "!**/foo.txt").

    • Previously, the exclude setting existed but has now been superseded by prefixing an include pattern with a ! character. However, this is backwards-compatible, so existing exclude settings will be automatically turned into equivalent !-prefixed include settings when running dagger develop. No user intervention is needed.

    The core API's ModuleSource and Module types have also undergone some cleanup that includes breaking changes. Most users do not interact with these APIs, but any that do may need some minor adjustments to their code. In particular:

    • Module.initialize no longer needs to be called; the module is initialized on creation
    • ResolveFromCaller no longer needs to be called for local module sources; context is automatically loaded and resolved efficiently as needed by other API calls
What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


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What to do next?


  • Updated default cache policies to avoid consuming too much disk by @​jedevc in
    The new policies attempt to co-operate with other applications using the disk
    and will adjust its cache usage accordingly.
  • cli: limit printing objects to state by @​helderco in
    Previously, when a function chain in dagger call ended in an object, we'd
    print all functions that return a simple value and don't have any arguments.
    Now, only object fields will be included, not all functions.
What to do next?


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What to do next?


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🔥 Breaking Changes
What to do next?


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Full Changelog:

What to do next?


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Full Changelog:

What to do next?


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Full Changelog:

What to do next?

rust-lang/git2-rs (git2)


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  • Added Repository::branch_upstream_merge()
  • Added Index::conflict_get()
  • Added Index::conflict_remove()
  • Added opts::set_cache_object_limit()
  • Added Repo::merge_file_from_index() and associated MergeFileOptions and MergeFileResult.
  • The url dependency minimum raised to 2.5.4
  • Changed the tracing callback to abort the process if the callback panics instead of randomly detecting the panic in some other function.
  • Credential helper config (loaded with CredentialHelper::config) now checks for helpers that start with something that looks like an absolute path, rather than checking for a / or \ anywhere in the helper string (which resolves an issue if the helper had arguments with / or \).
  • Fixed panic in Remote::url_bytes if the url is empty.
  • Fixed incorrect lifetimes on Patch::delta, Patch::hunk, and Patch::line_in_hunk. The return values must not outlive the Patch.
  • Bumped requirement to libgit2-sys 0.18.1, which fixes linking of advapi32 on Windows.


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  • Debug is now implemented for transport::Service
  • Added Repository::commondir
  • Added Repository::merge_base_octopus
  • Restored impls for PartialOrd, Ord, and Hash for bitflags types that were inadvertently removed in a prior release.
  • Added CheckoutBuilder::disable_pathspec_match
  • Added PackBuilder::write
  • Updated to libgit2 1.9.0
  • Removed the ssh_key_from_memory Cargo feature, it was unused.
  • Errors from Tree::walk are now correctly reported to the caller.
  • The trace_set callback now takes a &[u8] instead of a &str.
  • Error::last_error now returns Error instead of Option<Error>.
  • Fixed OdbReader::read return value.
  • When a credential helper executes a shell command, don't pop open a console window on Windows.


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  • Added opts functions to control server timeouts (get_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds, set_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds, get_server_timeout_in_milliseconds, set_server_timeout_in_milliseconds), and add ErrorCode::Timeout.
  • Fixed some callbacks to relay the error from the callback to libgit2.


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  • Added opts:: functions to get / set libgit2 mwindow options
  • Updated examples to use clap instead of structopt


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  • Added opts::set_ssl_cert_file and opts::set_ssl_cert_dir for setting Certificate Authority file locations.
  • Added TreeIter::nth which makes jumping ahead in the iterator more efficient.
  • Added Repository::find_commit_by_prefix to find a commit by a shortened hash.
  • Added Repository::find_tag_by_prefix to find a tag by a shortened hash.
  • Added Repository::find_object_by_prefix to find an object by a shortened hash.


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  • Added FetchOptions::depth to set the depth of a fetch or clone, adding support for shallow clones.
  • Fixed an internal data type (TreeWalkCbData) to not assume it is a transparent type while casting.
  • Fixed so that DiffPatchidOptions and StashSaveOptions are publicly exported allowing the corresponding APIs to actually be used.


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  • Added Blame::blame_buffer for getting blame data for a file that has been modified in memory.
  • Updated to libgit2 1.7.0.
  • Updated to libgit2 1.7.1.
  • Switched from bitflags 1.x to 2.1. This brings some small changes to types generated by bitflags.
  • Changed Revwalk::with_hide_callback to take a mutable reference to its callback to enforce type safety.
  • Implemented FusedIterator for many iterators that can support it.
  • Fixed builds with cargo's -Zminimal-versions.


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  • Added support for stashing with options (which can support partial stashing).


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  • Added IntoIterator implementation for Statuses.
  • Added Reference::symbolic_set_target
  • Added Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, and Eq implementations for AutotagOption and FetchPrune.
  • Added Eq and PartialEq implementations for Signature.
  • Added Repository::discover_path.
  • Added Submodule::repo_init.
  • Added Tag::is_valid_name.
  • Added Repository::set_head_bytes.
  • Added the Indexer type which is a low-level API for storing and indexing pack files.
  • Added Index::find_prefix.
  • Added support for the deprecated group-writeable blob mode. This adds a new variant to FileMode.
  • Added PushCallbacks::push_negotiation callback and the corresponding PushUpdate type for getting receiving information about the updates to perform.
  • Updated to libgit2 1.6.3.
    This brings in many changes, including better SSH host key support on Windows and better SSH host key algorithm negotiation.
    1.6.3 is now the minimum supported version.
  • Updated libssh2-sys from 0.2 to 0.3.
    This brings in numerous changes, including SHA2 algorithm support with RSA.
  • Changed RemoteCallbacks::credentials callback error handler to correctly set the libgit2 error class.
  • DiffOptions::flag now takes a git_diff_option_t type.
serde-rs/json (serde_json)


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Turn on "float_roundtrip" and "unbounded_depth" features for serde_json in (#​1231)


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  • Optimize serde_json::value::Serializer::serialize_map by using Map::with_capacity (#​1230, thanks @​goffrie)


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  • Add RawValue associated constants for literal null, true, false (#​1221, thanks @​bheylin)


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  • Implement From<[T; N]> for serde_json::Value (#​1215)


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  • Improve binary size and compile time for JSON array and JSON object deserialization by about 50% (#​1205)
  • Improve performance of JSON array and JSON object deserialization by about 8% (#​1206)


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  • Implement Deserializer and IntoDeserializer for Map<String, Value> and &Map<String, Value> (#​1135, thanks @​swlynch99)


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  • Support converting and deserializing Number from i128 and u128 (#​1141, thanks @​druide)


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  • Improve string parsing on targets that use 32-bit pointers but also have fast 64-bit integer arithmetic, such as aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32 and x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32 (#​1182, thanks @​CryZe)


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  • Support using json! in no-std crates (#​1166)


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  • Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning (#​1130)


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Fix unused_imports warnings when compiled by rustc 1.78


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  • Add swap_remove and shift_remove methods on Map (#​1109)


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  • Improve formatting of "invalid type" error messages involving floats (#​1107)


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  • Update proc-macro2 to fix caching issue when using a rustc-wrapper such as sccache


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • impl IntoDeserializer for &RawValue (#​1071)


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Add a way to customize the serialization of byte arrays (#​1039)


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  • Support -Z minimal-versions


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  • Update indexmap dependency used by "preserve_order" feature to version 2


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  • Add io_error_kind() method to serde_json::Error: fn io_error_kind(&self) -> Option<std::io::ErrorKind> (#​1026)


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dtolnay/serde-yaml (serde_yaml)


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As of this release, I am not planning to publish further versions of serde_yaml as none of my projects have been using YAML for a long time, so I have archived the GitHub repo and marked the crate deprecated in the version number. An official replacement isn't designated for those who still need to work with YAML, but and has a number of reasonable-looking options available.


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  • Fix unused_imports warnings when compiled by rustc 1.78


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  • Add swap_remove and shift_remove methods on Mapping (#​408)


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  • Update proc-macro2 to fix caching issue when using a rustc-wrapper such as sccache


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  • Turn on deny(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn) lint


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  • Update unsafe-libyaml dependency to pull in unaligned write fix


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  • Always serialize serde_yaml::Number containing NaN as a positive NaN (#​394)


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  • Guarantee that .nan is deserialized as a positive NaN (#​392, #​393)


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  • Serialize using quoted style around scalar that has digits with leading zero (#​347)


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  • Implement FromStr for serde_yaml::Number (#​381)


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  • Documentation improvements


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  • Update indexmap dependency to version 2


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  • Make Tag::new panic if given empty string, since YAML has no syntax for an empty tag


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  • Allow an empty YAML document to deserialize to None or Value::Null, in addition to the previously supported empty vector, empty map, and struct with no required fields
tokio-rs/tokio (tokio)

v1.44.1: Tokio v1.44.1

Compare Source

1.44.1 (March 13th, 2025)

  • rt: skip defer queue in block_in_place context (#​7216)

v1.44.0: Tokio v1.44.0

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1.44.0 (March 7th, 2025)

This release changes the from_std method on sockets to panic if a blocking socket is provided. We determined this change is not a breaking change as Tokio is not intended to operate using blocking sockets. Doing so results in runtime hangs and should be considered a bug. Accidentally passing a blocking socket to Tokio is one of the most common user mistakes. If this change causes an issue for you, please comment on #​7172.

  • coop: add task::coop module (#​7116)
  • process: add Command::get_kill_on_drop() (#​7086)
  • sync: add broadcast::Sender::closed (#​6685, #​7090)
  • sync: add broadcast::WeakSender (#​7100)
  • sync: add oneshot::Receiver::is_empty() (#​7153)
  • sync: add oneshot::Receiver::is_terminated() (#​7152)
  • fs: empty reads on File should not start a background read (#​7139)
  • process: calling start_kill on exited child should not fail (#​7160)
  • signal: fix CTRL_CLOSE, CTRL_LOGOFF, CTRL_SHUTDOWN on windows (#​7122)
  • sync: properly handle panic during mpsc drop (#​7094)
  • runtime: clean up magic number in registration set (#​7112)
  • coop: make coop yield using waker defer strategy (#​7185)
  • macros: make select! budget-aware (#​7164)
  • net: panic when passing a blocking socket to from_std (#​7166)
  • io: clean up buffer casts (#​7142)
Changes to unstable APIs
  • rt: add before and after task poll callbacks (#​7120)
  • tracing: make the task tracing API unstable public (#​6972)
  • docs: fix nesting of sections in top-level docs (#​7159)
  • fs: rename symlink and hardlink parameter names (#​7143)
  • io: swap reader/writer in simplex doc test (#​7176)
  • macros: docs about select! alternatives (#​7110)
  • net: rename the argument for send_to (#​7146)
  • process: add example for reading Child stdout (#​7141)
  • process: clarify Child::kill behavior (#​7162)
  • process: fix grammar of the ChildStdin struct doc comment (#​7192)
  • runtime: consistently use worker_threads instead of core_threads (#​7186)

v1.43.0: Tokio v1.43.0

Compare Source

1.43.0 (Jan 8th, 2025)

  • net: add UdpSocket::peek methods (#​7068)
  • net: add support for Haiku OS (#​7042)
  • process: add Command::into_std() (#​7014)
  • signal: add SignalKind::info on illumos (#​6995)
  • signal: add support for realtime signals on illumos (#​7029)
  • io: don't call set_len before initializing vector in Blocking (#​7054)
  • macros: suppress clippy::needless_return in #[tokio::main] (#​6874)
  • runtime: fix thread parking on WebAssembly (#​7041)
  • chore: use unsync loads for unsync_load (#​7073)
  • io: use Buf::put_bytes in Repeat read impl (#​7055)
  • task: drop the join waker of a task eagerly (#​6986)
Changes to unstable APIs
  • metrics: improve flexibility of H2Histogram Configuration (#​6963)
  • taskdump: add accessor methods for backtrace (#​6975)
  • io: clarify ReadBuf::uninit allows initialized buffers as well (#​7053)
  • net: fix ambiguity in TcpStream::try_write_vectored docs (#​7067)
  • runtime: fix LocalRuntime doc links (#​7074)
  • sync: extend documentation for watch::Receiver::wait_for (#​7038)
  • sync: fix typos in OnceCell docs (#​7047)

v1.42.0: Tokio v1.42.0

Compare Source

1.42.0 (Dec 3rd, 2024)

  • io: add AsyncFd::{try_io, try_io_mut} (#​6967)
  • io: avoid ptr->ref->ptr roundtrip in RegistrationSet (#​6929)
  • runtime: do not defer yield_now inside block_in_place (#​6999)
  • io: simplify io readiness logic (#​6966)
  • net: fix docs for tokio::net::unix::{pid_t, gid_t, uid_t} (#​6791)
  • time: fix a typo in Instant docs (#​6982)

v1.41.1: Tokio v1.41.1

Compare Source

1.41.1 (Nov 7th, 2024)

  • metrics: fix bug with wrong number of buckets for the histogram (#​6957)
  • net: display net requirement for net::UdpSocket in docs (#​6938)
  • net: fix typo in TcpStream internal comment (#​6944)

v1.41.0: Tokio v1.41.0

Compare Source

1.41.0 (Oct 22th, 2024)

Added (unstable)
  • metrics: add H2 Histogram option to improve histogram granularity (#​6897)
  • metrics: rename some histogram apis (#​6924)
  • runtime: add LocalRuntime (#​6808)
  • runtime: box futures larger than 16k on release mode (#​6826)
  • sync: add #[must_use] to Notified (#​6828)
  • sync: make watch cooperative (#​6846)
  • sync: make broadcast::Receiver cooperative (#​6870)
  • task: add task size to tracing instrumentation (#​6881)
  • wasm: enable cfg_fs for wasi target (#​6822)
  • net: fix regression of abstract socket path in unix socket (#​6838)
  • io: recommend OwnedFd with AsyncFd (#​6821)
  • io: document cancel safety of AsyncFd methods (#​6890)
  • macros: render more comprehensible documentation for join and try_join (#​6814, #​6841)
  • net: fix swapped examples for TcpSocket::set_nodelay and TcpSocket::nodelay (#​6840)
  • sync: document runtime compatibility (#​6833)

v1.40.0: Tokio v1.40.0

Compare Source

1.40.0 (August 30th, 2024)

  • io: add util::SimplexStream (#​6589)
  • process: stabilize Command::process_group (#​6731)
  • sync: add {TrySendError,SendTimeoutError}::into_inner (#​6755)
  • task: add JoinSet::join_all (#​6784)
Added (unstable)
  • runtime: add Builder::{on_task_spawn, on_task_terminate} (#​6742)
  • io: use vectored io for write_all_buf when possible (#​6724)
  • runtime: prevent niche-optimization to avoid triggering miri (#​6744)
  • sync: mark mpsc types as UnwindSafe (#​6783)
  • sync,time: make Sleep and BatchSemaphore instrumentation explicit roots (#​6727)
  • task: use NonZeroU64 for task::Id (#​6733)
  • task: include panic message when printing JoinError (#​6753)
  • task: add #[must_use] to JoinHandle::abort_handle (#​6762)
  • time: eliminate timer wheel allocations (#​6779)
  • docs: clarify that [build] section doesn't go in Cargo.toml (#​6728)
  • io: clarify zero remaining capacity case (#​6790)
  • macros: improve documentation for select! (#​6774)
  • sync: document mpsc channel allocation behavior (#​6773)

v1.39.3: Tokio v1.39.3

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1.39.3 (August 17th, 2024)

This release fixes a regression where the unix socket api stopped accepting the abstract socket namespace. (#​6772)

v1.39.2: Tokio v1.39.2

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1.39.2 (July 27th, 2024)

This release fixes a regression where the select! macro stopped accepting expressions that make use of temporary lifetime extension. (#​6722)

v1.39.1: Tokio v1.39.1

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1.39.1 (July 23rd, 2024)

This release reverts "time: avoid traversing entries in the time wheel twice" because it contains a bug. (#​6715)

v1.39.0: Tokio v1.39.0

Compare Source

1.39.0 (July 23rd, 2024)

  • This release bumps the MSRV to 1.70. (#​6645)
  • This release upgrades to mio v1. (#​6635)
  • This release upgrades to windows-sys v0.52 (#​6154)
  • io: implement AsyncSeek for Empty (#​6663)
  • metrics: stabilize num_alive_tasks (#​6619, #​6667)
  • process: add Command::as_std_mut (#​6608)
  • sync: add watch::Sender::same_channel (#​6637)
  • sync: add {Receiver,UnboundedReceiver}::{sender_strong_count,sender_weak_count} (#​6661)
  • sync: implement Default for watch::Sender (#​6626)
  • task: implement Clone for AbortHandle (#​6621)
  • task: stabilize consume_budget (#​6622)
  • io: improve panic message of ReadBuf::put_slice() (#​6629)
  • io: read during write in copy_bidirectional and copy (#​6532)
  • runtime: replace num_cpus with available_parallelism (#​6709)
  • task: avoid stack overflow when passing large future to block_on (#​6692)
  • time: avoid traversing entries in the time wheel twice (#​6584)
  • time: support IntoFuture with timeout (#​6666)
  • macros: support IntoFuture with join! and select! (#​6710)
  • docs: fix docsrs builds with the fs feature enabled (#​6585)
  • io: only use short-read optimization on known-to-be-compatible platforms (#​6668)
  • time: fix overflow panic when using large durations with Interval (#​6612)
Added (unstable)
  • macros: allow unhandled_panic behavior for #[tokio::main] and #[tokio::test] (#​6593)
  • metrics: add spawned_tasks_count (#​6114)
  • metrics: add worker_park_unpark_count (#​6696)
  • metrics: add worker thread id (#​6695)
  • io: update tokio::io::stdout documentation (#​6674)
  • macros: typo fix in and (#​6641)
  • runtime: fix typo in unhandled_panic (#​6660)
  • task: document behavior of JoinSet::try_join_next when all tasks are running (#​6671)

v1.38.1: Tokio v1.38.1

Compare Source

1.38.1 (July 16th, 2024)

This release fixes the bug identified as (#​6682), which caused timers not
to fire when they should.

  • time: update wake_up while holding all the locks of sharded time wheels (#​6683)

v1.38.0: Tokio v1.38.0

Compare Source

This release marks the beginning of stabilization for runtime metrics. It
stabilizes RuntimeMetrics::worker_count. Future releases will continue to
stabilize more metrics.

  • fs: add File::create_new (#​6573)
  • io: add copy_bidirectional_with_sizes (#​6500)
  • io: implement AsyncBufRead for Join (#​6449)
  • net: add Apple visionOS support (#​6465)
  • net: implement Clone for NamedPipeInfo (#​6586)
  • net: support QNX OS (#​6421)
  • sync: add Notify::notify_last (#​6520)
  • sync: add mpsc::Receiver::{capacity,max_capacity} (#​6511)
  • sync: add split method to the semaphore permit (#​6472, #​6478)
  • task: add tokio::task::join_set::Builder::spawn_blocking (#​6578)
  • wasm: support rt-multi-thread with wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads (#​6510)
  • macros: make #[tokio::test] append #[test] at the end of the attribute list (#​6497)
  • metrics: fix blocking_threads count (#​6551)
  • metrics: stabilize RuntimeMetrics::worker_count (#​6556)
  • runtime: move task out of the lifo_slot in block_in_place (#​6596)
  • runtime: panic if global_queue_interval is zero (#​6445)
  • sync: always drop message in destructor for oneshot receiver (#​6558)
  • sync: instrument Semaphore for task dumps (#​6499)
  • sync: use FIFO ordering when waking batches of wakers (#​6521)
  • task: make LocalKey::get work with Clone types (#​6433)
  • tests: update nix and mio-aio dev-dependencies (#​6552)
  • time: clean up implementation (#​6517)
  • time: lazily init timers on first poll (#​6512)
  • time: remove the true_when field in TimerShared (#​6563)
  • time: use sharding for timer implementation (#​6534)
  • taskdump: allow building taskdump docs on non-unix machines (#​6564)
  • time: check for overflow in Interval::poll_tick (#​6487)
  • sync: fix incorrect is_empty on mpsc block boundaries (#​6603)
  • fs: rewrite file system docs (#​6467)
  • io: fix stdin documentation (#​6581)
  • io: fix obsolete reference in ReadHalf::unsplit() documentation (#​6498)
  • macros: render more comprehensible documentation for select! (#​6468)
  • net: add missing types to module docs (#​6482)
  • net: fix misleading NamedPipeServer example (#​6590)
  • sync: add examples for SemaphorePermit, OwnedSemaphorePermit (#​6477)
  • sync: document that Barrier::wait is not cancel safe (#​6494)
  • sync: explain relation between watch::Sender::{subscribe,closed} (#​6490)
  • task: clarify that you can't abort spawn_blocking tasks (#​6571)
  • task: fix a typo in doc of LocalSet::run_until (#​6599)
  • time: fix test-util requirement for pause and resume in docs (#​6503)

v1.37.0: Tokio v1.37.0

Compare Source

1.37.0 (March 28th, 2024)

  • fs: add set_max_buf_size to tokio::fs::File (#​6411)
  • io: add try_new and try_with_interest to AsyncFd (#​6345)
  • sync: add forget_permits method to semaphore (#​6331)
  • sync: add is_closed, is_empty, and len to mpsc receivers (#​6348)
  • sync: add a rwlock() method to owned RwLock guards (#​6418)
  • sync: expose strong and weak counts of mpsc sender handles (#​6405)
  • sync: implement Clone for watch::Sender (#​6388)
  • task: add TaskLocalFuture::take_value (#​6340)
  • task: implement FromIterator for JoinSet (#​6300)
  • io: make io::split use a mutex instead of a spinlock (#​6403)
  • docs: fix docsrs build without net feature (#​6360)
  • macros: allow select with only else branch (#​6339)
  • runtime: fix leaking registration entries when os registration fails (#​6329)
  • io: document cancel safety of AsyncBufReadExt::fill_buf (#​6431)
  • io: document cancel safety of AsyncReadExt's primitive read functions (#​6337)
  • runtime: add doc link from Runtime to #[tokio::main] (#​6366)
  • runtime: make the enter example deterministic (#​6351)
  • sync: add Semaphore example for limiting the number of outgoing requests (#​6419)
  • sync: fix missing period in broadcast docs (#​6377)
  • sync: mark mpsc::Sender::downgrade with #[must_use] (#​6326)
  • sync: reorder const_new before new_with (#​6392)
  • sync: update watch channel docs (#​6395)
  • task: fix documentation links (#​6336)
Changed (unstable)
  • runtime: include task Id in taskdumps (#​6328)
  • runtime: panic if unhandled_panic is enabled when not supported (#​6410)

v1.36.0: Tokio v1.36.0

Compare Source

1.36.0 (February 2nd, 2024)

  • io: add tokio::io::Join (#​6220)
  • io: implement AsyncWrite for Empty (#​6235)
  • net: add support for anonymous unix pipes (#​6127)
  • net: add UnixSocket (#​6290)
  • net: expose keepalive option on TcpSocket (#​6311)
  • sync: add {Receiver,UnboundedReceiver}::poll_recv_many (#​6236)
  • sync: add Sender::{try_,}reserve_many (#​6205)
  • sync: add watch::Receiver::mark_unchanged (#​6252)
  • task: add JoinSet::try_join_next (#​6280)
  • io: make copy cooperative (#​6265)
  • io: make repeat and sink cooperative (#​6254)
  • io: simplify check for empty slice (#​6293)
  • process: use pidfd on Linux when available (#​6152)
  • sync: use AtomicBool in broadcast channel future (#​6298)
  • io: clarify clear_ready docs (#​6304)
  • net: document that *Fd traits on TcpSocket are unix-only (#​6294)
  • sync: document FIFO behavior of tokio::sync::Mutex (#​6279)
  • chore: typographic improvements (#​6262)
  • runtime: remove obsolete comment (#​6303)
  • task: fix typo (#​6261)

v1.35.1: Tokio v1.35.1

Compare Source

1.35.1 (December 19, 2023)

This is a forward part of a change that was backported to 1.25.3.

  • io: add budgeting to tokio::runtime::io::registration::async_io (#​6221)

v1.35.0: Tokio v1.35.0

Compare Source

1.35.0 (December 8th, 2023)

  • net: add Apple watchOS support (#​6176)
  • io: drop the Sized requirements from AsyncReadExt.read_buf (#​6169)
  • runtime: make Runtime unwind safe (#​6189)
  • runtime: reduce the lock contention in task spawn (#​6001)
  • tokio: update nix dependency to 0.27.1 (#​6190)
  • chore: make --cfg docsrs work without net feature (#​6166)
  • chore: use relaxed load for unsync_load on miri (#​6179)
  • runtime: handle missing context on wake (#​6148)
  • taskdump: fix taskdump cargo config example (#​6150)
  • taskdump: skip notified tasks during taskdumps (#​6194)
  • tracing: avoid creating resource spans with current parent, use a None parent instead (#​6107)
  • tracing: make task span explicit root (#​6158)
  • io: flush in AsyncWriteExt examples (#​6149)
  • runtime: document fairness guarantees and current behavior (#​6145)
  • task: document cancel safety of LocalSet::run_until (#​6147)

v1.34.0: Tokio v1.34.0

Compare Source

  • io: allow clear_readiness after io driver shutdown (#​6067)
  • io: fix integer overflow in take (#​6080)
  • io: fix I/O resource hang (#​6134)
  • sync: fix broadcast::channel link (#​6100)
  • macros: use ::core qualified imports instead of ::std inside tokio::test macro (#​5973)
  • fs: update cfg attr in fs::read_dir to include aix (#​6075)
  • sync: add mpsc::Receiver::recv_many (#​6010)
  • tokio: added vita target support (#​6094)

v1.33.0: Tokio v1.33.0

Compare Source

1.33.0 (October 9, 2023)

  • io: mark Interest::add with #[must_use] (#​6037)
  • runtime: fix cache line size for RISC-V (#​5994)
  • sync: prevent lock poisoning in watch::Receiver::wait_for (#​6021)
  • task: fix spawn_local source location (#​5984)
  • sync: use Acquire/Release orderings instead of SeqCst in watch (#​6018)
  • fs: add vectored writes to tokio::fs::File (#​5958)
  • io: add Interest::remove method (#​5906)
  • io: add vectored writes to DuplexStream (#​5985)
  • net: add Apple tvOS support (#​6045)
  • sync: add ?Sized bound to {MutexGuard,OwnedMutexGuard}::map (#​5997)
  • sync: add watch::Receiver::mark_unseen (#​5962, #​6014, #​6017)
  • sync: add watch::Sender::new (#​5998)
  • sync: add const fn OnceCell::from_value (#​5903)
  • remove unused stats feature (#​5952)
  • taskdump: fix potential deadlock (#​6036)

v1.32.1: Tokio v1.32.1

Compare Source

1.32.1 (December 19, 2023)

This is a forward part of a change that was backported to 1.25.3.

  • io: add budgeting to tokio::runtime::io::registration::async_io (#​6221)

v1.32.0: Tokio v1.32.0

Compare Source

  • sync: fix potential quadratic behavior in broadcast::Receiver (#​5925)
  • process: stabilize Command::raw_arg (#​5930)
  • io: enable awaiting error readiness (#​5781)
  • rt(alt): improve the scalability of alt runtime as the number of cores grows (#​5935)

v1.31.0: Tokio v1.31.0

Compare Source

  • io: delegate WriteHalf::poll_write_vectored (#​5914)
  • rt(unstable): fix memory leak in unstable next-gen scheduler prototype (#​5911)
  • rt: expose mean task poll time metric (#​5927)

v1.30.0: Tokio v1.30.0

Compare Source

1.30.0 (August 9, 2023)

This release bumps the MSRV of Tokio to 1.63. (#​5887)

  • tokio: reduce LLVM code generation (#​5859)
  • io: support --cfg mio_unsupported_force_poll_poll flag (#​5881)
  • sync: make const_new methods always available (#​5885)
  • sync: avoid false sharing in mpsc channel (#​5829)
  • rt: pop at least one task from inject queue (#​5908)
  • sync: add broadcast::Sender::new (#​5824)
  • net: implement UCred for espidf (#​5868)
  • fs: add File::options() (#​5869)
  • time: implement extra reset variants for Interval (#​5878)
  • process: add {ChildStd*}::into_owned_{fd, handle} (#​5899)
  • tokio: removed unused tokio_* cfgs (#​5890)
  • remove build script to speed up compilation (#​5887)
  • sync: mention lagging in docs for broadcast::send (#​5820)
  • runtime: expand on sharing runtime docs (#​5858)
  • io: use vec in example for AsyncReadExt::read_exact (#​5863)
  • time: mark Sleep as !Unpin in docs (#​5916)
  • process: fix raw_arg not showing up in docs (#​5865)
  • rt: add runtime ID (#​5864)
  • rt: initial implementation of new threaded runtime (#​5823)

v1.29.1: Tokio v1.29.1

Compare Source

  • rt: fix nesting two block_in_place with a block_on between (#​5837)

v1.29.0: Tokio v1.29.0

Compare Source

Technically a breaking change, the Send implementation is removed from
runtime::EnterGuard. This change fixes a bug and should not impact most users.

  • rt: EnterGuard should not be Send (#​5766)
  • fs: reduce blocking ops in fs::read_dir (#​5653)
  • rt: fix possible starvation (#​5686, #​5712)
  • rt: fix stacked borrows issue in JoinSet (#​5693)
  • rt: panic if EnterGuard dropped incorrect order (#​5772)
  • time: do not overflow to signal value (#​5710)
  • fs: wait for in-flight ops before cloning File (#​5803)
  • rt: reduce time to poll tasks scheduled from outside the runtime (#​5705, #​5720)
  • net: add uds doc alias for unix sockets (#​5659)
  • rt: add metric for number of tasks (#​5628)
  • sync: implement more traits for channel errors (#​5666)
  • net: add nodelay methods on TcpSocket (#​5672)
  • sync: add broadcast::Receiver::blocking_recv (#​5690)
  • process: add raw_arg method to Command (#​5704)
  • io: support PRIORITY epoll events (#​5566)
  • task: add JoinSet::poll_join_next (#​5721)
  • net: add support for Redox OS (#​5790)

v1.28.2: Tokio v1.28.2

Compare Source

1.28.2 (May 28, 2023)

Forward ports 1.18.6 changes.

  • deps: disable default features for mio (#​5728)

v1.28.1: Tokio v1.28.1

Compare Source

1.28.1 (May 10th, 2023)

This release fixes a mistake in the build script that makes AsFd implementations unavailable on Rust 1.63. (#​5677)

v1.28.0: Tokio v1.28.0

Compare Source

1.28.0 (April 25th, 2023)

  • io: add AsyncFd::async_io (#​5542)
  • io: impl BufMut for ReadBuf (#​5590)
  • net: add recv_buf for UdpSocket and UnixDatagram (#​5583)
  • sync: add OwnedSemaphorePermit::semaphore (#​5618)
  • sync: add same_channel to broadcast channel (#​5607)
  • sync: add watch::Receiver::wait_for (#​5611)
  • task: add JoinSet::spawn_blocking and JoinSet::spawn_blocking_on (#​5612)
  • deps: update windows-sys to 0.48 (#​5591)
  • io: make read_to_end not grow unnecessarily (#​5610)
  • macros: make entrypoints more efficient (#​5621)
  • sync: improve Debug impl for RwLock (#​5647)
  • sync: reduce contention in Notify (#​5503)
  • net: support get_peer_cred on AIX (#​5065)
  • sync: avoid deadlocks in broadcast with custom wakers (#​5578)
  • sync: fix typo in Semaphore::MAX_PERMITS (#​5645)
  • sync: fix typo in tokio::sync::watch::Sender docs (#​5587)


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [chrono]( | dependencies | patch | `0.4.24` -> `0.4.40` | | [clap]( | dependencies | minor | `4.2.1` -> `4.5.32` | | [color-eyre]( | dependencies | patch | `0.6.2` -> `0.6.3` | | [dagger-sdk]( | dependencies | minor | `0.2.19` -> `0.17.0` | | [eyre]( | dependencies | patch | `0.6.8` -> `0.6.12` | | [git2]( | dependencies | minor | `0.16.1` -> `0.20.0` | | [serde_json]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.95` -> `1.0.140` | | [serde_yaml]( | dependencies | patch | `0.9.19` -> `0.9.34` | | [tokio]( ([source]( | dependencies | minor | `1.27.0` -> `1.44.1` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>chronotope/chrono (chrono)</summary> ### [`v0.4.40`]( 0.4.40 [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Add Month::num_days() by [@&#8203;djc]( in - Update Windows dependencies by [@&#8203;kennykerr]( in - Feature/round_up method on DurationRound trait by [@&#8203;MagnumTrader]( in - Expose `write_to` for `DelayedFormat` by [@&#8203;tugtugtug]( in - Update LICENSE.txt by [@&#8203;maximevtush]( in - docs: fix minor typo by [@&#8203;samfolo]( in - Use NaiveDateTime for internal tz_info methods. by [@&#8203;AVee]( in - Upgrade to windows-bindgen 0.60 by [@&#8203;djc]( in - Add quarter (%q) date string specifier by [@&#8203;drinkcat]( in ### [`v0.4.39`]( 0.4.39 [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - [#&#8203;1577]( Changed years_since documentation to match its implementation by [@&#8203;Taxalo]( in - Remove obsolete weird feature guard by [@&#8203;djc]( in - Fix format::strftime docs link by [@&#8203;frederikhors]( in - Fix micros (optional) limit in and_hms_micro_opt by [@&#8203;qrilka]( in - Update windows-bindgen requirement from 0.56 to 0.57 by [@&#8203;dependabot]( in - native/date: Improve DelayedFormat doc re Panics by [@&#8203;behnam-oneschema]( in - Fix typo in rustdoc of `from_timestamp_nanos()` by [@&#8203;sgoll]( in - Update windows-bindgen requirement from 0.57 to 0.58 by [@&#8203;dependabot]( in - docs: document century cutoff for %y by [@&#8203;MarcoGorelli]( in - Checked `NaiveWeek` methods by [@&#8203;bragov4ik]( in - Impl serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize for TimeDelta by [@&#8203;Awpteamoose]( in - Derive `PartialEq`,`Eq`,`Hash`,`Copy` and `Clone` on `NaiveWeek` by [@&#8203;DSeeLP]( in - Support ohos tzdata since ver.oh35 by [@&#8203;MirageLyu]( in - Use Formatter::pad (instead of write_str) for Weekdays by [@&#8203;horazont]( in - Fix typos by [@&#8203;szepeviktor]( in - Fix comment. by [@&#8203;khuey]( in - chore: add `#[inline]` to `num_days` by [@&#8203;CommanderStorm]( in - fix typo by [@&#8203;futreall]( in - Update by [@&#8203;donatik27]( in ### [`v0.4.38`]( [Compare Source]( This release bring a ca. 20% improvement to the performance of the formatting code, and a convenient `days_since` method for the `Weekday` type. Chrono 0.4.38 also removes the long deprecated `rustc-serialize` feature. Support for `rustc-serialize` will be [soft-destabilized in the next Rust edition]( Removing the feature will not break existing users of the feature; Cargo will just not update dependents that rely on it to newer versions of chrono. In chrono 0.4.36 we made an accidental breaking change by switching to `derive(Copy)` for `DateTime` instead of a manual implementation. It is reverted in this release. ### Removals - Remove `rustc-serialize` feature ([#&#8203;1548](, thanks [@&#8203;workingjubilee]( ### Additions - Add `Weekday::days_since` ([#&#8203;1249](, based on [#&#8203;216]( by [@&#8203;clarfonthey]( - Add `TimeDelta::checked_mul` and `TimeDelta::checked_div` ([#&#8203;1565](, thanks [@&#8203;Zomtir]( ### Fixes - Return error when rounding with a zero duration ([#&#8203;1474](, thanks [@&#8203;Dav1dde]( - Manually implement `Copy` for `DateTime` if offset is `Copy` ([#&#8203;1573]( ### Internal - Inline `test_encodable_json` and `test_decodable_json` functions ([#&#8203;1550]( - CI: Reduce combinations in `cargo hack check` ([#&#8203;1553]( - Refactor formatting code ([#&#8203;1335]( - Optimize number formatting ([#&#8203;1558]( - Only package files needed for building and testing ([#&#8203;1554]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.37`]( [Compare Source]( Version 0.4.36 introduced an unexpected breaking change and was yanked. In it `LocalResult` was renamed to `MappedLocalTime` to avoid the impression that it is a `Result` type were some of the results are errors. For backwards compatibility a type alias with the old name was added. As it turns out there is one case where a type alias behaves differently from the regular enum: you can't import enum variants from a type alias with `use chrono::LocalResult::*`. With 0.4.37 we make the new name `MappedLocalTime` the alias, but keep using it in function signatures and the documentation as much as possible. See also the release notes of [chrono 0.4.36]( from yesterday for the yanked release. ### [`v0.4.36`]( [Compare Source]( This release un-deprecates the methods on `TimeDelta` that were deprecated with the 0.4.35 release because of the churn they are causing for the ecosystem. New is the `DateTime::with_time()` method. As an example of when it is useful: ```rust use chrono::{Local, NaiveTime}; // Today at 12:00:00 let today_noon = Local::now().with_time(NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(12, 0, 0).unwrap()); ``` ### Additions - Add `DateTime::with_time()` ([#&#8203;1510]( ### Deprecations - Revert `TimeDelta` deprecations ([#&#8203;1543]( - Deprecate `TimeStamp::timestamp_subsec_nanos`, which was missed in the 0.4.35 release ([#&#8203;1486]( ### Documentation - Correct version number of deprecation notices ([#&#8203;1486]( - Fix some typos ([#&#8203;1505]( - Slightly improve serde documentation ([#&#8203;1519]( - Main documentation: simplify links and reflow text ([#&#8203;1535]( ### Internal - CI: Lint benchmarks ([#&#8203;1489]( - Remove unnessary `Copy` and `Send` impls ([#&#8203;1492](, thanks [@&#8203;erickt]( - Backport streamlined `NaiveDate` unit tests ([#&#8203;1500](, thanks [@&#8203;Zomtir]( - Rename `LocalResult` to `TzResolution`, add alias ([#&#8203;1501]( - Update windows-bindgen to 0.55 ([#&#8203;1504]( - Avoid duplicate imports, which generate warnings on nightly ([#&#8203;1507]( - Add extra debug assertions to `NaiveDate::from_yof` ([#&#8203;1518]( - Some small simplifications to `DateTime::date_naive` and `NaiveDate::diff_months` ([#&#8203;1530]( - Remove `unwrap` in Unix `Local` type ([#&#8203;1533]( - Use different method to ignore feature-dependent doctests ([#&#8203;1534]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.35`]( [Compare Source]( Most of our efforts have shifted to improving the API for a 0.5 release, for which cleanups and refactorings are landing on the 0.4.x branch. The most significant changes in this release are two sets of deprecations. - We deprecated all timestamp-related methods on `NaiveDateTime`. The reason is that a timestamp is defined to be in UTC. The `NaiveDateTime` type doesn't know the offset from UTC, so it was technically wrong to have these methods. The alternative is to use the similar methods on the `DateTime<Utc>` type, or from the `TimeZone` trait. Converting from `NaiveDateTime` to `DateTime<Utc>` is simple with `.and_utc()`, and in the other direction with `.naive_utc()`. - The panicking constructors of `TimeDelta` (the new name of the `Duration` type) are deprecated. This was the last part of chrono that defaulted to panicking on error, dating from before rust 1.0. - A nice change is that `NaiveDate` now includes a niche. So now `Option<NaiveDate>`, `Option<NaiveDateTime>` and `Option<DateTime<Tz>>` are the same size as their base types. - `format::Numeric` and `format::Fixed` are marked as `non_exhaustive`. This will allow us to improve our formatting and parsing support, and we have reason to believe this breaking change will have little to no impact on users. ### Additions - Add `DateTime::{from_timestamp_micros, from_timestamp_nanos}` ([#&#8203;1234]( - Add getters to `Parsed` ([#&#8203;1465]( ### Deprecations - Deprecate timestamp methods on `NaiveDateTime` ([#&#8203;1473]( - Deprecate panicking constructors of `TimeDelta` ([#&#8203;1450]( ### Changes/fixes - Use `NonZeroI32` inside `NaiveDate` ([#&#8203;1207]( - Mark `format::Numeric` and `format::Fixed` as `non_exhaustive` ([#&#8203;1430]( - `Parsed` fixes to error values ([#&#8203;1439]( - Use `overflowing_naive_local` in `DateTime::checked_add*` ([#&#8203;1333]( - Do complete range checks in `Parsed::set_*` ([#&#8203;1465]( ### Documentation - Rustfmt doctests ([#&#8203;1452]( - Improve docs for crate features ([#&#8203;1455](, thanks [@&#8203;edmorley]( - Add more documentation and examples to `Parsed` ([#&#8203;1439]( ### Internal - Refactor `internals` module ([#&#8203;1428](, [#&#8203;1429](, [#&#8203;1431](, [#&#8203;1432](, [#&#8203;1433](, [#&#8203;1438]( - CI: test cross-compiling to `x86_64-unknown-illumos` instead of Solaris ([#&#8203;1437]( - CI: lint Windows target, fix clippy warning ([#&#8203;1441]( - CI: only run `cargo hack check` on Linux ([#&#8203;1442]( - Update windows-bindgen to 0.54 ([#&#8203;1462](, [#&#8203;1483]( - Simplify error value of `parse_internal` ([#&#8203;1459]( - Simplify `SerdeError` ([#&#8203;1458]( - Simplify `NaiveDate::from_isoywd` a bit ([#&#8203;1464]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.34`]( [Compare Source]( ### Notable changes - In chrono 0.4.34 we finished the work to make all methods const where doing so is supported by rust 1.61. - We renamed the `Duration` type to `TimeDelta`. This removes the confusion between chrono's type and the later `Duration` type in the standard library. It will remain available under the old name as a type alias for compatibility. - The Windows implementation of `Local` is rewritten. The new version avoids panics when the date is outside of the range supported by windows (the years 1601 to 30828), and gives more accurate results during DST transitions. - The `Display` format of `TimeDelta` is modified to conform better to ISO 8601. Previously it converted all values greater than 24 hours to a value with days. This is not correct, as doing so changes the duration from an 'accurate' to a 'nominal' representation to use ISO 8601 terms. ### Fixes - Add missing range check in `TimeDelta::milliseconds` ([#&#8203;1385](, thanks [@&#8203;danwilliams]( - Remove check for `DurationExceedsTimestamp` in `DurationRound` ([#&#8203;1403](, thanks [@&#8203;joroKr21]( - Fix localized formatting with `%X` (, [#&#8203;1420]( - Windows: base implementation on `GetTimeZoneInformationForYear` ([#&#8203;1017]( ### Additions - Add `TimeDelta::try_milliseconds` ([#&#8203;1385](, thanks [@&#8203;danwilliams]( - Add `TimeDelta::new` ([#&#8203;1337]( - Add `StrftimeItems::{parse, parse_to_owned}` and more documentation ([#&#8203;1184]( - More standard traits and documentation for `format::Locale` (via ### Changes - Rename `Duration` to `TimeDelta`, add type alias ([#&#8203;1406]( - Make `TimeDelta` methods const ([#&#8203;1337]( - Make remaining methods of `NaiveDate`, `NaiveWeek`, `NaiveTime` and `NaiveDateTime` const where possible ([#&#8203;1337]( - Make methods on `DateTime` const where possible ([#&#8203;1400]( - Make `Display` format of `TimeDelta` conform better to ISO 8601 ([#&#8203;1328]( ### Documentation - Fix the formatting of `timestamp_micros`'s Example doc ([#&#8203;1338]( via [#&#8203;1386](, thanks [@&#8203;emikitas]( - Specify branch for GitHub Actions badge and fix link ([#&#8203;1388]( - Don't mention some deprecated methods in docs ([#&#8203;1395]( - Remove stray documentation from main ([#&#8203;1397]( - Improved documentation of `TimeDelta` constructors ([#&#8203;1385](, thanks [@&#8203;danwilliams]( ### Internal - Switch branch names: 0.4.x releases are the `main` branch, work on 0.5 happens in the `0.5.x` branch ([#&#8203;1390](, [#&#8203;1402]( - Don't use deprecated method in `impl Arbitrary for DateTime` and set up CI test ([#&#8203;1336]( - Remove workaround for Rust < 1.61 ([#&#8203;1393]( - Bump `codecov/codecov-action` from 3 to 4 ([#&#8203;1404]( - Remove partial support for handling `-0000` offset ([#&#8203;1411]( - Move `TOO_LONG` error out of `parse_internal` ([#&#8203;1419]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.33`]( [Compare Source]( This release fixes the broken build of [chrono 0.4.32]( #### What's Changed - Make `rkyv` feature imply `size_32` ([#&#8203;1383]( - Fixed typo in `Duration::hours()` exception ([#&#8203;1384](, thanks [@&#8203;danwilliams]( ### [`v0.4.32`]( [Compare Source]( In this release we shipped part of the effort to reduce the number of methods that could unexpectedly panic, notably for the `DateTime` and `Duration` types. Chrono internally stores the value of a `DateTime` in UTC, and transparently converts it to the local value as required. For example adding a second to a `DateTime` needs to be done in UTC to get the correct result, but adding a day needs to be done in local time to be correct. What happens when the value is near the edge of the representable range, and the implicit conversions pushes it beyond the representable range? *Many* methods could panic on such inputs, including formatting the value for `Debug` output. In chrono 0.4.32 the range of `NaiveDate`, `NaiveDateTime` and `DateTime` is made slightly smaller. This allows us to always do the implicit conversion, and in many cases return the expected result. Specifically the range is now from January 1, -262144 until December 31, 262143, one year less on both sides than before. We expect this may trip up tests if you hardcoded the `MIN` and `MAX` dates. `Duration` had a similar issue. The range of this type was pretty arbitrary picked to match the range of an `i64` in milliseconds. Negating an `i64::MIN` pushes a value out of range, and in the same way negating `Duration::MIN` could push it out of our defined range and cause a panic. This turns out to be somewhat common and hidden behind many layers of abstraction. We adjusted the type to have a minimum value of `-Duration::MAX` instead and prevent the panic case. Other highlights: - `Duration` gained new fallible initialization methods. - Better support for `rkyv`. - Most methods on `NaiveDateTime` are now const. - We had to bump our MSRV to 1.61 to keep building with our dependencies. This will also allow us to make more methods on `DateTime` const in a future release. Complete list of changes: #### Fixes - Fix panic in `TimeZone::from_local_datetime` ([#&#8203;1071]( - Fix out of range panics in `DateTime` getters and setters ([#&#8203;1317](, [#&#8203;1329]( #### Additions - Add `NaiveDateTime::checked_(add|sub)_offset` ([#&#8203;1313]( - Add `DateTime::to_utc` ([#&#8203;1325]( - Derive `Default` for `Duration` ([#&#8203;1327]( - Add `Duration::subsec_nanos` ([#&#8203;1327]( - Add `try_*` builders to `Duration` ([#&#8203;1327]( - Implement `AddAssign` and `SubAssign` for `Duration` ([#&#8203;1327]( - Make methods on `NaiveDateTime` const where possible ([#&#8203;1286]( - Split `clock` feature into `clock` and `now` ([#&#8203;1343](, thanks [@&#8203;mmastrac]( - Add `From<NaiveDate>` for `NaiveDateTime` ([#&#8203;1355](, thanks [@&#8203;dcechano]( - Add `NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_nanos` ([#&#8203;1357](, thanks [@&#8203;Ali-Mirghasemi]( - Add `Months::num_months()` and `num_years()` ([#&#8203;1373](, thanks [@&#8203;danwilliams]( - Add `DateTime<Utc>::from_timestamp_millis` ([#&#8203;1374](, thanks [@&#8203;xmakro]( #### Changes - Fix panic in `Duration::MIN.abs()` (adjust `Duration::MIN` by 1 millisecond) ([#&#8203;1334]( - Bump MSRV to 1.61 ([#&#8203;1347]( - Update windows-targets requirement from 0.48 to 0.52 ([#&#8203;1360]( - Update windows-bindgen to 0.52 ([#&#8203;1379]( #### Deprecations - Deprecate standalone `format` functions ([#&#8203;1306]( #### Documentation - Improve doc comment and tests for timestamp_nanos_opt ([#&#8203;1299](, thanks [@&#8203;mlegner]( - Switch to `doc_auto_cfg` ([#&#8203;1305](, [#&#8203;1326]( - Document panics in `Add`/`Sub` impls and use `expect` ([#&#8203;1316]( - Improve types listed in top-level documentation ([#&#8203;1274]( - Improve deprecation note of `TimeZone::datetime_from_str` ([#&#8203;1342](, thanks [@&#8203;tmccombs]( - Fix typos in `Datelike` impl for `DateTime` ([#&#8203;1376](, thanks [@&#8203;ElectrifyPro]( #### Rkyv support - Export `Archived*` types in `rkyv` module ([#&#8203;1304]( - Duplicate derives on `Archived*` types ([#&#8203;1271](, thanks [@&#8203;Awpteamoose]( - Archive derive of PartialEq for rkyv ([#&#8203;959](, thanks [@&#8203;mkatychev]( - Expose rkyv features as features for chrono users ([#&#8203;1368](, thanks [@&#8203;gz]( #### Changes to unstable features - Don't let `unstable-locales` imply the `alloc` feature ([#&#8203;1307]( - Remove `format::{format_localized, format_item_localized}` ([#&#8203;1311]( - Inline `write_rfc2822_inner`, don't localize ([#&#8203;1322]( #### Internal - Add benchmark for `DateTime::with_*` ([#&#8203;1309]( - Fix `*_DAYS_FROM_YEAR_0` calculation ([#&#8203;1312]( - Add `NaiveTime::overflowing_(add|sub)_offset` ([#&#8203;1310]( - Rewrite `DateTime::overflowing_(add|sub)_offset` ([#&#8203;1069]( - Tests calling date command `set env LC_ALL` ([#&#8203;1315](, thanks [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Update `deny.toml` ([#&#8203;1320]( - Bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 ([#&#8203;1346]( - test.yml remove errant `with: node-version` ([#&#8203;1352](, thanks [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - CI Linting: Fix missing sources checkout in `toml` job ([#&#8203;1371](, thanks [@&#8203;gibbz00]( - Silence clippy lint for test code with Rust 1.74.0 ([#&#8203;1362]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.31`]( [Compare Source]( Another maintenance release. It was not a planned effort to improve our support for UNIX timestamps, yet most PRs seem related to this. ##### Deprecations - Deprecate `timestamp_nanos` in favor of the non-panicking `timestamp_nanos_opt` ([#&#8203;1275]( ##### Additions - Add `DateTime::<Utc>::from_timestamp` ([#&#8203;1279](, thanks [@&#8203;demurgos]( - Add `TimeZone::timestamp_micros` ([#&#8203;1285](, thanks [@&#8203;emikitas]( - Add `DateTime<Tz>::timestamp_nanos_opt` and `NaiveDateTime::timestamp_nanos_opt` ([#&#8203;1275]( - Add `UNIX_EPOCH` constants ([#&#8203;1291]( ##### Fixes - Format day of month in RFC 2822 without padding ([#&#8203;1272]( - Don't allow strange leap seconds which are not on a minute boundary initialization methods ([#&#8203;1283]( This makes many methods a little more strict: - `NaiveTime::from_hms_milli` - `NaiveTime::from_hms_milli_opt` - `NaiveTime::from_hms_micro` - `NaiveTime::from_hms_micro_opt` - `NaiveTime::from_hms_nano` - `NaiveTime::from_hms_nano_opt` - `NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight` - `NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight_opt` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_milli` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_milli_opt` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_micro` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_micro_opt` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_nano` - `NaiveDate::and_hms_nano_opt` - `NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp` - `NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt` - `TimeZone::timestamp` - `TimeZone::timestamp_opt` - Fix underflow in `NaiveDateTime::timestamp_nanos_opt` ([#&#8203;1294](, thanks [@&#8203;crepererum]( ##### Documentation - Add more documentation about the RFC 2822 obsolete date format ([#&#8203;1267]( ##### Internal - Remove internal `__doctest` feature and `doc_comment` dependency ([#&#8203;1276]( - CI: Bump `actions/checkout` from 3 to 4 ([#&#8203;1280]( - Optimize `NaiveDate::add_days` for small values ([#&#8203;1214]( - Upgrade `pure-rust-locales` to 0.7.0 ([#&#8203;1288](, thanks [@&#8203;jeremija]( wo did good improvements on `pure-rust-locales`) Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.30`]( [Compare Source]( In this release, we have decided to swap out the `chrono::Duration` type (which has been a re-export of time 0.1 `Duration` type) with our own definition, which exposes a strict superset of the `time::Duration` API. This helps avoid warnings about the [CVE-2020-26235] and [RUSTSEC-2020-0071] advisories for downstream users and allows us to improve the `Duration` API going forward. While this is technically a SemVer-breaking change, we expect the risk of downstream users experiencing actual incompatibility to be exceedingly limited (see [our analysis]( of public code using a crater-like experiment), and not enough justification for the large ecosystem churn of a 0.5 release. If you have any feedback on these changes, please let us know in [#&#8203;1268]( ##### Additions - Add `NaiveDate::leap_year` ([#&#8203;1261]( ##### Documentation - Update main documentation from README ([#&#8203;1260](, thanks [@&#8203;Stygmates]( - Add history of relation between chrono and time 0.1 to documentation (, - Clarify `Timelike::num_seconds_from_midnight` is a simple mapping ([#&#8203;1255]( #### Relation between chrono and time 0.1 Rust first had a `time` module added to `std` in its 0.7 release. It later moved to `libextra`, and then to a `libtime` library shipped alongside the standard library. In 2014 work on chrono started in order to provide a full-featured date and time library in Rust. Some improvements from chrono made it into the standard library; notably, `chrono::Duration` was included as `std::time::Duration` ([rust#15934]) in 2014. In preparation of Rust 1.0 at the end of 2014 `libtime` was moved out of the Rust distro and into the `time` crate to eventually be redesigned ([rust#18832], [rust#18858]), like the `num` and `rand` crates. Of course chrono kept its dependency on this `time` crate. `time` started re-exporting `std::time::Duration` during this period. Later, the standard library was changed to have a more limited unsigned `Duration` type ([rust#24920], [RFC 1040]), while the `time` crate kept the full functionality with `time::Duration`. `time::Duration` had been a part of chrono's public API. By 2016 `time` 0.1 lived under the `rust-lang-deprecated` organisation and was not actively maintained ([time#136]). chrono absorbed the platform functionality and `Duration` type of the `time` crate in [chrono#478] (the work started in [chrono#286]). In order to preserve compatibility with downstream crates depending on `time` and `chrono` sharing a `Duration` type, chrono kept depending on time 0.1. chrono offered the option to opt out of the `time` dependency by disabling the `oldtime` feature (swapping it out for an effectively similar chrono type). In 2019, [@&#8203;jhpratt]( took over maintenance on the `time` crate and released what amounts to a new crate as `time` 0.2. [rust#15934]: [rust#18832]: [rust#18858]: [rust#24920]: [RFC 1040]: [time#136]: [chrono#286]: [chrono#478]: ##### Security advisories In November of 2020 [CVE-2020-26235] and [RUSTSEC-2020-0071] were opened against the `time` crate. [@&#8203;quininer]( had found that calls to `localtime_r` may be unsound ([chrono#499]). Eventually, almost a year later, this was also made into a security advisory against chrono as [RUSTSEC-2020-0159], which had platform code similar to `time`. On Unix-like systems a process is given a timezone id or description via the `TZ` environment variable. We need this timezone data to calculate the current local time from a value that is in UTC, such as the time from the system clock. `time` 0.1 and chrono used the POSIX function `localtime_r` to do the conversion to local time, which reads the `TZ` variable. Rust assumes the environment to be writable and uses locks to access it from multiple threads. Some other programming languages and libraries use similar locking strategies, but these are typically not shared across languages. More importantly, POSIX declares modifying the environment in a multi-threaded process as unsafe, and `getenv` in libc can't be changed to take a lock because it returns a pointer to the data (see [rust#27970] for more discussion). Since version 4.20 chrono no longer uses `localtime_r`, instead using Rust code to query the timezone (from the `TZ` variable or via `iana-time-zone` as a fallback) and work with data from the system timezone database directly. The code for this was forked from the [tz-rs crate] by [@&#8203;x-hgg-x]( As such, chrono now respects the Rust lock when reading the `TZ` environment variable. In general, code should avoid modifying the environment. [CVE-2020-26235]: [RUSTSEC-2020-0071]: [chrono#499]: [RUSTSEC-2020-0159]: [rust#27970]: [chrono#677]: [tz-rs crate]: ##### Removing time 0.1 Because time 0.1 has been unmaintained for years, however, the security advisory mentioned above has not been addressed. While chrono maintainers were careful not to break backwards compatibility with the `time::Duration` type, there has been a long stream of issues from users inquiring about the time 0.1 dependency with the vulnerability. We investigated the potential breakage of removing the time 0.1 dependency in [chrono#1095] using a crater-like experiment and determined that the potential for breaking (public) dependencies is very low. We reached out to those few crates that did still depend on compatibility with time 0.1. As such, for chrono 0.4.30 we have decided to swap out the time 0.1 `Duration` implementation for a local one that will offer a strict superset of the existing API going forward. This will prevent most downstream users from being affected by the security vulnerability in time 0.1 while minimizing the ecosystem impact of semver-incompatible version churn. [chrono#1095]: Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.29`]( [Compare Source]( This release fixes a panic introduced in chrono 0.4.27 in `FromStr<DateTime<Utc>>` ([#&#8203;1253]( Chrono now has a [Discord channel]( #### Fixes - Fix arbitrary string slicing in `parse_rfc3339_relaxed` ([#&#8203;1254]( #### Deprecations - Deprecate `TimeZone::datetime_from_str` ([#&#8203;1251]( #### Documentation - Correct documentation for `FromStr` for `Weekday` and `Month` ([#&#8203;1226](, thanks [@&#8203;wfraser]( #### Internal improvements - Revert "add test_issue\_866" ([#&#8203;1238]( - CI: run tests on `i686` and `wasm32-wasi` ([#&#8203;1237]( - CI: Include doctests for code coverage ([#&#8203;1248]( - Move benchmarks to a separate crate ([#&#8203;1243]( This allows us to upgrade the criterion dependency to 5.1 without changing our MSRV. - Add Discord link to README ([#&#8203;1240](, backported in [#&#8203;1256]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.28`]( [Compare Source]( This release fixes a test failure on 32-bit targets introduced with 0.4.27, see ### [`v0.4.27`]( [Compare Source]( This release bumps the MSRV from 1.56 to 1.57. This allows us to take advantage of the panicking in const feature. In this release most methods on `NaiveDate` and `NaiveTime` are made const, `NaiveDateTime` and others will follow in a later release. The parser for the `%+` formatting specifier and the `RFC3339` formatting item is switched from a strict to a relaxed parser (see This matches the existing documentation, and the parser used by `DateTime::from_str`. If you need to validate the input, consider using `DateTime::from_rfc3339`. #### Deprecations - Deprecate `DateTime::{from_local, from_utc}` ( #### Additions - Let `DateTime::signed_duration_since` take argument with `Borrow` ( - Implement `PartialOrd` for `Month` (, thanks [@&#8203;Munksgaard]( - Add `Ord` and `Eq` for types which already derive `PartialOrd` and `PartialEq` (, thanks [@&#8203;totikom]( - implement `FusedIterator` for `NaiveDateDaysIterator` and `NaiveDateWeeksIterator` ( - Make `NaiveDateDaysIterator` and `NaiveDateWeeksIterator` public ( - Add `FromStr` for `FixedOffset` (, thanks [@&#8203;mcronce]( - Remove `Tz::Offset: Display` requirement from `DateTime::to_rfc*` ( - More flexible offset formatting (not exposed yet) ( - Make `StrftimeItems` with `unstable-locales` work without allocating ( - Make `NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt` const (, thanks [@&#8203;kamadorueda]( - Implement `Error` trait for `ParseWeekdayError` and `ParseMonthError` (, thanks [@&#8203;mike-kfed]( - Make methods on `NaiveTime` const, update MSRV to 1.57 ( - Make methods on `NaiveDate` const ( - Implement operations for `core::time::Duration` on `DateTime` types ( #### Fixes - Ensure `timestamp_nanos` panics on overflow in release builds ( - Fix `offset_from_local_datetime` for `wasm_bindgen` ( - Parsing: Consider `%s` to be a timestamp in UTC ( - Don't panic when formatting with `%#z` (, thanks [@&#8203;domodwyer]( - Parsing: allow MINUS SIGN (U+2212) in offset (, thanks [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Fix locale formatting for `%c` and `%r` ( - Localize decimal point with `unstable-locales` feature ( - Fix panic on macOS 10.12 caused by using version 1 of the TZif file format (, thanks to help from [@&#8203;jfro]( - Fix deserialization of negative timestamps ( - Do not use `Offset`'s `Debug` impl when serializing `DateTime` ( - Allow missing seconds in `NaiveTime::from_str` ( - Do not depend on `android-tzdata` if the `clock` feature is not enabled (, thanks [@&#8203;AlexTMjugador]( - Small fixes to the RFC 3339 parsers ( #### Documentation - Add "Errors" and "Panics" sections to API docs ( - Specify licenses in SPDX format (, backport of, thanks [@&#8203;LingMan]( - Fix `NaiveTime` doc typo (, thanks [@&#8203;zachs18]( - Clarify nanosecond formatting specifier doc ( - Add warning against combining multiple `Datelike::with_*` ( - Fix typo "accepted" (, thanks [@&#8203;simon04]( - Add some examples to `Utc::now` and `Local::now` ( - Add example to `Weekday::num_days_from_monday` ( - Fix some comments and panic messages (, thanks [@&#8203;umanwizard]( #### Internal improvements - `DateTime::to_rfc_*` optimizations ( - Move all tests into modules, fix clippy warnings ( - Offset parsing cleanup ( - Factor out formatting to `format/` ( - Format refactorings ( - Format toml files with taplo (, thanks [@&#8203;tottoto]( - Stop vendoring `saturating_abs` ( - CI: shell set -eux, use bash (, thanks [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Fix dead code error when running dateutils test on Windows ( - Remove `Makefile` ( - CI: Test `wasm-bindgen` feature ( - Stop using deprecated methods in parse module ( - Add formatting benchmarks ( - Feature gate tests instead of methods (, - Parallelize `try_verify_against_date_command` ( - CI: also run integration tests with `no_std` ( - Split ` test_parse ` ( - Remove `#![deny(dead_code)]` ( - Clippy fixes for Rust 1.71 ( - Various small improvements ( - Add unit test for uncovered regions (, thanks [@&#8203;CXWorks]( - Don't test the same thing twice in `test_date_extreme_offset` ( - CI: Add workflow code coverage report and upload (,, thanks [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - CI: fail on warnings in `features-check` ( - Switch to windows-bindgen (, thanks to help from [@&#8203;MarijnS95]( Thanks to all contributors on behalf of the chrono team, [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;pitdicker](! ### [`v0.4.26`]( [Compare Source]( The changes from [#&#8203;807]( we merged for 0.4.25 unfortunately restricted parsing in a way that was incompatible with earlier 0.4.x releases. We reverted this in [#&#8203;1113]( A small amount of other changes were merged since. - Update README ([#&#8203;1111](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Revert backport of [#&#8203;807]( ([#&#8203;1113](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Update to 2021 edition ([#&#8203;1109](, thanks to [@&#8203;tottoto]( - Fix `DurationRound` panics from issue [#&#8203;1010]( ([#&#8203;1093](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - tests: date path consolidate (branch 0.4.x) ([#&#8203;1090](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Parse tests nanosecond bare dot (branch 0.4.x) ([#&#8203;1098](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - yamllint cleanup lint.yml test.yml ([#&#8203;1102](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Remove num-iter dependency ([#&#8203;1107](, thanks to [@&#8203;tottoto]( Thanks on behalf of the chrono team ([@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;esheppa]( to all contributors! ### [`v0.4.25`]( [Compare Source]( Time for another maintenance release. This release bumps the MSRV to 1.56; given MSRV bumps in chrono's dependencies (notably for syn 2), we felt that it no longer made sense to support any older versions. Feedback welcome in our issue tracker! #### Additions - Bump the MSRV to 1.56 ([#&#8203;1053]( - Apply comments from MSRV bump ([#&#8203;1026](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Remove num-integer dependency ([#&#8203;1037](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add `NaiveDateTime::and_utc()` method ([#&#8203;952](, thanks to [@&#8203;klnusbaum]( - derive `Hash` for most pub types that also derive `PartialEq` ([#&#8203;938](, thanks to [@&#8203;bruceg]( - Add `parse_and_remainder()` methods ([#&#8203;1011](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add `DateTime::fix_offset()` ([#&#8203;1030](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add `#[track_caller]` to `LocalResult::unwrap` ([#&#8203;1046](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add `#[must_use]` to some methods ([#&#8203;1007](, thanks to [@&#8203;aceArt-GmbH]( - Implement `PartialOrd` for `Month` ([#&#8203;999](, thanks to [@&#8203;Munksgaard]( - Add `impl From<NaiveDateTime> for NaiveDate` ([#&#8203;1012](, thanks to [@&#8203;pezcore]( - Extract timezone info from tzdata file on Android ([#&#8203;978](, thanks to [@&#8203;RumovZ]( #### Fixes - Prevent string slicing inside char boundaries ([#&#8203;1024](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - fix IsoWeek so that its flags are always correct ([#&#8203;991](, thanks to [@&#8203;moshevds]( - Fix out-of-range panic in `NaiveWeek::last_day` ([#&#8203;1070](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Use correct offset in conversion from `Local` to `FixedOffset` ([#&#8203;1041](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Fix military timezones in RFC 2822 parsing ([#&#8203;1013](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Guard against overflow in NaiveDate::with_\*0 methods ([#&#8203;1023](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Fix panic in from_num_days_from_ce_opt ([#&#8203;1052](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( #### Refactoring - Rely on std for getting local time offset ([#&#8203;1072](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Make functions in internals const ([#&#8203;1043](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Refactor windows module in `Local` ([#&#8203;992](, thanks to [@&#8203;nekevss]( - Simplify from_timestamp_millis, from_timestamp_micros ([#&#8203;1032](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Backport [#&#8203;983]( and [#&#8203;1000]( ([#&#8203;1063](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( #### Documentation - Backport documentation improvements ([#&#8203;1066](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add documentation for %Z quirk ([#&#8203;1051](, thanks to [@&#8203;campbellcole]( - Add an example to Weekday ([#&#8203;1019](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( #### Internal improvements - Gate test on `clock` feature ([#&#8203;1061](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - CI: Also run tests with `--no-default-features` ([#&#8203;1059](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Prevent `bench_year_flags_from_year` from being optimized out ([#&#8203;1034](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Fix test_leap_second during DST transition ([#&#8203;1064](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Fix warnings when running tests on Windows ([#&#8203;1038](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Fix tests on AIX ([#&#8203;1028](, thanks to [@&#8203;ecnelises]( - Fix doctest warnings, remove mention of deprecated methods from main doc ([#&#8203;1081](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Reformat `test_datetime_parse_from_str` ([#&#8203;1078](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - GitHub yml shell `set -eux`, use bash ([#&#8203;1103](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - test: explicitly set `LANG` to `c` in gnu `date` ([#&#8203;1089](, thanks to [@&#8203;scarf005]( - Switch test to `TryFrom` ([#&#8203;1086](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - Add test for issue 551 ([#&#8203;1020](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - RFC 2822 single-letter obsolete tests ([#&#8203;1014](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - \[CI] Lint Windows target and documentation links ([#&#8203;1062](, thanks to [@&#8203;pitdicker]( - add test_issue\_866 ([#&#8203;1077](, thanks to [@&#8203;jtmoon79]( - Remove AUTHORS metadata ([#&#8203;1074]( On behalf of [@&#8203;djc]( and [@&#8203;esheppa](, thanks to all contributors! </details> <details> <summary>clap-rs/clap (clap)</summary> ### [`v4.5.32`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `Error::remove` ##### Documentation - *(cookbook)* Switch from `humantime` to `jiff` - *(tutorial)* Better cover required vs optional ##### Internal - Update `pulldown-cmark` ### [`v4.5.31`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `ValueParserFactory` for `Saturating<T>` ### [`v4.5.30`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(assert)* Allow `num_args(0..=1)` to be used with `SetTrue` - *(assert)* Clean up rendering of `takes_values` assertions ### [`v4.5.29`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Change `ArgMatches::args_present` so not-present flags are considered not-present (matching the documentation) ### [`v4.5.28`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(derive)* Unstable support for full markdown syntax for doc comments, enabled with `unstable-markdown` ### [`v4.5.27`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Iterate on tutorials and reference based on feedback ### [`v4.5.26`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(error)* Reduce binary size with the `suggestions` feature ### [`v4.5.25`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(help)* Reduce binary size ### [`v4.5.24`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parser)* Correctly handle defaults with `ignore_errors(true)` and when a suggestion is provided for an unknown argument ### [`v4.5.23`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parser)* When check `allow_negative_numbers`, allow `E` again ### [`v4.5.22`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(assert)* Catch bugs with arguments requiring themself ### [`v4.5.21`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parser)* Ensure defaults are filled in on error with `ignore_errors(true)` ### [`v4.5.20`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(unstable)* Add `CommandExt` ### [`v4.5.19`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Internal - Update dependencies ### [`v4.5.18`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(builder)* Expose `Arg::get_display_order` and `Command::get_display_order` ### [`v4.5.17`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(help)* Style required argument groups - *(derive)* Improve error messages when unsupported fields are used ### [`v4.5.16`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(derive)* Improve error messages when `derive` feature is missing ### [`v4.5.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Compatiblity - *(unstable-ext)* `Arg::remove` changed return types ##### Fixes - *(unstable-ext)* Make `Arg::remove` return the removed item ### [`v4.5.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(unstable-ext)* Added `Arg::add` for attaching arbitrary state, like completion hints, to `Arg` without `Arg` knowing about it ### [`v4.5.13`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(derive)* Improve error message when `#[flatten]`ing an optional `#[group(skip)]` - *(help)* Properly wrap long subcommand descriptions in help ### [`v4.5.12`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.5.11`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.5.10`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.5.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(error)* When defining a custom help flag, be sure to suggest it like we do the built-in one ### [`v4.5.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Reduce extra flushes ### [`v4.5.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Clean up error message when too few arguments for `num_args` ### [`v4.5.6`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.5.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Allow `exclusive` to override `required_unless_present`, `required_unless_present_any`, `required_unless_present_all` ### [`v4.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(derive)* Allow non-literal `#[arg(id)]` attributes again ### [`v4.5.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `Error::remove` ##### Documentation - *(cookbook)* Switch from `humantime` to `jiff` - *(tutorial)* Better cover required vs optional ##### Internal - Update `pulldown-cmark` ### [`v4.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Change `ArgMatches::args_present` so not-present flags are considered not-present (matching the documentation) ### [`v4.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Internal - Update dependencies ### [`v4.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Compatibility - Update MSRV to 1.74 ### [`v4.4.18`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(error)* When lacking `usage` feature, ensure the list of required arguments is unique ### [`v4.4.17`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Fix `panic!` when mixing `args_conflicts_with_subcommands` with `ArgGroup` (which is implicit with `derive`) introduced in 4.4.15 ### [`v4.4.16`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Ensure invalid escape sequences in user-defined strings are correctly stripped when terminal doesn't support color ### [`v4.4.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Improve error for `args_conflicts_with_subcommands` - Ensure we error for `args_conflicts_with_subcommands` when using subcommand short and long flags ### [`v4.4.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Fix `find` cookbook entry to allow repeats of flags/options ##### Features - Allow `num_args(0)` on options which allows making them emulate being a flag for position-tracking flags ### [`v4.4.13`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Fix link to structopt migration guide ### [`v4.4.12`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance - Only ask `TypedValueParser` for possible values if needed ### [`v4.4.11`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `Command::mut_group` ### [`v4.4.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Link out to changelog - Cross link derive's attribute reference to derive tutorial ### [`v4.4.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(help)* Show correct `Command::about` under flattened headings - *(help)* Respect `hide` when flattening subcommands ### [`v4.4.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `Command::flatten_help` to allow `git stash -h` like help for subcommands ### [`v4.4.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance - Reduced code size ### [`v4.4.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Internal - Upgrade `anstream` ### [`v4.4.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parser)* When inferring subcommand `name` or `long_flag`, allow ambiguous-looking matches that unambiguously map back to the same command - *(parser)* When inferring subcommand `long_flag`, don't panic - *(assert)* Clarify what action is causing a positional that doesn't set values which is especially useful for derive users ### [`v4.4.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Internal - Update `terminal_size` to 0.3 ### [`v4.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - *(derive)* Clarify use of attributes within the tutorial - Split sections in the builder and derive tutorials into separate modules ### [`v4.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance - Improve build times by removing `once_cell` dependency ### [`v4.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(error)* When lacking `usage` feature, ensure the list of required arguments is unique ### [`v4.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### compatibility - update msrv to 1.70.0 ### [`v4.3.24`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Ensure column padding is preserved in `--help` with custom templates ### [`v4.3.23`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Fixed `UnknownArgumentValueParser` to not error on flag's absence ### [`v4.3.22`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `UnknownArgumentValueParser` for injecting errors for improving the experience with errors ### [`v4.3.21`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Expose `TryMapValueParser` so the type can be named ### [`v4.3.20`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `Command::mut_args` for modifying all arguments en masse ### [`v4.3.19`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parse)* Respect `value_terminator` even in the presence of later multiple-value positional arguments ### [`v4.3.18`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parse)* Suggest `--` in fewer places where it won't work ### [`v4.3.17`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(help)* Address a regression in wrapping `PossibleValue` descriptions in `--help` ### [`v4.3.16`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Don't assert when stateful value parsers fail on defaults (e.g. checking if a path exists) ### [`v4.3.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(unstable-styles)* Re-export `anstyle` ##### Documentation - *(unstable-styles)* Provide more examples ### [`v4.3.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `ArgAction::HelpShort` and `ArgAction::HelpLong` for explicitly specifying which style of help to display ##### Fixes - Skip `[OPTIONS]` in usage if a help or version `ArgAction` is used ### [`v4.3.13`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.3.12`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(derive)* Don't error on enum variant field attributes ### [`v4.3.11`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - *(derive)* Support fields wrapped in `num::Wrapping`, `Box`, or `Arc` - *(derive)* Support `Box<str>`, `Box<OsStr>`, and `Box<Path>` ### [`v4.3.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance - Drop a dependency, reducing binary size by 1.3 KiB ### [`v4.3.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `Command::ignore_errors` no longer masks help/version ### [`v4.3.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Error on ambiguity with `infer_long_arg`, rather than arbitrarily picking one, matching the documentation and subcommand's behavior ### [`v4.3.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Further clarify magic behavior in derive tutorial - Further clarify derive API's relationship to builder within the tutorial ### [`v4.3.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Suggest `clio` ### [`v4.3.5`]( [Compare Source]( - `ColorChoice::possible_values` is added to simplify things for builder users ##### Fixes - `ColorChoice::to_possible_value` no longer includes descriptions, encouraging shorter help where possible ### [`v4.3.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add `Error::exit_code` ### [`v4.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `Command::defer` for delayed initialization of subcommands to reduce startup times of large applications like deno ### [`v4.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Ensure column padding is preserved in `--help` with custom templates ### [`v4.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(parse)* Respect `value_terminator` even in the presence of later multiple-value positional arguments ### [`v4.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - *(assert)* Allow multiple, value-terminated, positional arguments - *(assert)* Clear up language on `last` assertion - *(parser)* Correctly assign values to arguments when using multiple, value-termianted, positional arguments - *(parser)* Ensure `value_terminator` has higher precedence than `allow_hyphen_values` - *(help)* Only use next-line-help on subcommand list when explicitly specified, not just with `--help` - *(help)* Correctly align possible values list - *(help)* Don't waste code, vertical space in moving possible value descriptions to next line ### [`v4.2.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Correctly track remaining length for iterators provided by `ArgMatches` ### [`v4.2.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `impl Eq<std::any::TypeId> for clap_builder::util::AnyValueId` ### [`v4.2.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Improve panic when a group requires a non-existent ID ### [`v4.2.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Documentation - Corrected docs for `Command::style` ### [`v4.2.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `Command::styles` for theming help/errors (behind `unstable-styles`) ### [`v4.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Internal - Update dependencies </details> <details> <summary>eyre-rs/eyre (color-eyre)</summary> ### [`v0.6.3`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>dagger/dagger (dagger-sdk)</summary> ### [`v0.17.1`]( [Compare Source]( - BREAKING(llm): fix go sdk capitalization of "Llm" to "LLM" instead, consistent with engine code and the rest of the go ecosystem ( - this will break compilation of modules referencing the LLM API like `dag.Llm`. To fix, simply change to `dag.LLM` - when prompting for remote module LLM access, error early in non-interactive situations where we would previously hang indefinitely. ( ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Stabilized Dagger Shell by [@&#8203;helderco]( in Find out more at <> - New top-level `LLM` API to allow integrating LLMs with native Dagger types in Find out more at <> ##### Changed - The default unix socket used to connect to the engine is now at `/run/dagger/engine.sock` by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in \ The previous socket path still exists for backwards compatibility but may be removed in a future version. - Fields that return directory paths such as `Directory.glob` and `Directory.entries` now return a trailing slash to distinguish from regular files by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.16.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Add new `Directory.asGit` API for converting a directory into a git repository by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Allow CLI flags in `dagger call` for `GitRepository` and `GitRef` types by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Improved caching of `Container.asTarball` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### Changed - Improved visualization of chains with content digests by [@&#8203;vito]( in ##### Dependencies - Downgrade go to 1.23 by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - This is due to a regression in go 1.24, see ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.16.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Add `` field to retrieve current directory name by [@&#8203;TomChv]( in ##### Fixed - Fixed panic when `dagger call` or `dagger functions` called in directory with no modules - it now errors cleanly by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in - Improve load time when dagger commands run in directories with no `dagger.json` by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in - Fixed secret when using context directories from a private HTTPS module by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### Dependencies - Bump go to 1.24 by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix typescript modules on arm64 using tsx for wrong platform by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in - Fix internal error `cannot sub-select 1th item from *dagql.PostCallTyped` by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🔥 Breaking Changes - To match automatic configuration, `insecure-entitlements` now includes `security.insecure` when configuring the engine manually by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Module load performance is improved and related API refactored by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in \ Loading of modules (the `load module` step shown in progress output) is faster now in many cases. In particular: - Cache utilization of module loading is greatly improved, which can decrease load times by up to a factor of 10 when re-calling functions after changing source code in a Daggerized repo. - Less extraneous files are loaded from the source repository Users of modules with large numbers of dependencies or in large git repositories are expected to see the most immediate benefit. For some concrete numbers, here are `load module` times for the `dagger-dev`'s module in Dagger's repository under different scenarios: - `dagger call --help` on new engines with an empty cache - v0.15.4: 1m20s - v0.16.0: 1m1s - \~23% faster - re-running `dagger call --help` with no file changes in the repo: - v0.15.4: 10.9s - v0.16.0: 2.8s - \~74% faster - re-running `dagger call --help` after making a change to a random source code file in the repo: - v0.15.4: 32.1s - v0.16.0: 2.8s - \~91% faster These improvements in cache utilization are also setup for future improvements not only in `load module` times but function call times more generally. This improvement comes with a few breaking changes that are not expected to impact most users. However, the changes require that users upgrade their CLI to v0.16.0 in order to connect to v0.16.0 engines. Older CLIs will error when connecting to newer engines. In terms of the breaking changes, impacted users are those who: - have function code that imports local libraries outside of the dagger module source directory - rely on a package manager configuration file (e.g. go.mod) that exists in a parent directory of the dagger module source directory They may need to update their dagger.json configuration file to add an explicit `"include"` setting to ensure those extra files or directories are loaded with the module. This is because numerous files previously implicitly loaded are now skipped by default, which contributes to the performance improvements. For example, if your module code is in `.dagger` and relies on the `go.mod` file in the parent directory, you would add the following to your `dagger.json` file: ```json { "include": ["../go.mod", "../go.sum"] } ``` The values in the `"include"` array are relative to the directory containing `dagger.json`. They can be also be glob patterns (e.g. `"**/*.txt"`). To explicitly exclude some files matched by a previous include pattern, you can prepend the include pattern with a `!` character (e.g. `"!**/foo.txt"`). - Previously, the `exclude` setting existed but has now been superseded by prefixing an include pattern with a `!` character. However, this is backwards-compatible, so existing `exclude` settings will be automatically turned into equivalent `!`-prefixed include settings when running `dagger develop`. No user intervention is needed. The core API's `ModuleSource` and `Module` types have also undergone some cleanup that includes breaking changes. Most users do not interact with these APIs, but any that do may need some minor adjustments to their code. In particular: - `Module.initialize` no longer needs to be called; the module is initialized on creation - `ResolveFromCaller` no longer needs to be called for local module sources; context is automatically loaded and resolved efficiently as needed by other API calls ##### Added - Allow tilde home expansion in `dag.Host` operations by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.15.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Move `dagger.json` `sdk` field to `sdk.source` by [@&#8203;rajatjindal]( in ##### Fixed - Fix various memory leaks in dagger engine by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in - Fix weird secret transfer errors when using context directories with private modules by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Cache function calls per-client in a session by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.15.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Add float support in the engine by [@&#8203;TomChv]( in \ Note: the precision of float is limited to float64 inside the engine. ##### Fixed - Fix incorrectly namespaced cache volumes by [@&#8203;jedevc]( and [@&#8203;sipsma]( in and - Allow trailing slashes in destination directory in `Container.WithFiles` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Correctly resolve dependency context directories by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Improve initial engine startup time by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Allow automatic CA certificate provisioning to work in Wolfi containers by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### Dependencies - OTEL bumped to v1.32.0 by [@&#8203;vito]( in - Modules that use old versions of the OTEL Go SDK may need to be manually updated. ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.15.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - New `dagger update` command to update dependencies in `dagger.json` by [@&#8203;rajatjindal]( in - Allow `$schema` property in `dagger.json` by [@&#8203;JacobLey]( in ##### Changed - `CacheVolumes` are now namespaced between different modules by [@&#8203;rajatjindal]( in - Print `CACHED` operations for `--progress=plain` output by [@&#8203;marcosnils]( in ##### Fixed - Provide a better out-of-the-box experience for `AsService` by [@&#8203;marcosnils]( in - Prevent interactive terminal sessions from crashing in Windows terminal by [@&#8203;rajatjindal]( in - Allow using old dockerfile syntax pragmas by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Avoid frozen progress output when using `Container.terminal` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Ensure that `Container.up` behaves as identically as possible to `Container.AsService.up` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in - Ensure `dagger install` always inserts dependencies in the right order by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.15.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Metrics display in the TUI is fixed to display for all executed containers, rather than just services by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.13.7`]( ##### Added - New `expect` arg for `Container.withExec` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in \ This enum arg allows specifying valid return statuses for which the command can return without failing immediately. - New `Container.exitCode` field to get the exit code of the last `withExec` by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### Changed - Updated default cache policies to avoid consuming too much disk by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in \ The new policies attempt to co-operate with other applications using the disk and will adjust its cache usage accordingly. - cli: limit printing objects to state by [@&#8203;helderco]( in \ Previously, when a function chain in `dagger call` ended in an object, we'd print all functions that return a simple value and don't have any arguments. Now, only object fields will be included, not all functions. ##### Fixed - Fix excessive cache invalidation of `withExec`s using the `ExperimentalPrivilegedNesting` flag by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.11.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - Fix engine local disk cache growing indefinitely by [@&#8203;sipsma]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.9.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🔥 Breaking Changes - Service.Stop now uses SIGTERM instead of SIGKILL by default by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### Added - Add option to skip healthcheck on exposed ports by [@&#8203;KGB33]( in - New kill option for Service.Stop by [@&#8203;jedevc]( in ##### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.2.22`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog ##### Changes - [`286d86d`]( Fix regression when printing 0.1 compat error msg ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`5213e0d`]( Manually flush events in case of exiting without returning from ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`c423fcd`]( Send telemetry event when plan does not evaluate ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`0ce2907`]( feat(universe): add codecov uploader to alpha ([@&#8203;sagikazarmark]( - [`455e318`]( feat: add python aws cdk package ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`5b27724`]( feat: add support for HTTP, HTTPS proxy ([@&#8203;samalba]( - [`a855c66`]( feat: restore code to generate docs from a package name ([@&#8203;samalba]( - [`49956f4`]( feat: restore doc generation for the whole library + index ([@&#8203;samalba]( - [`33bf208`]( feat: support parsing and providing Pulumi outputs as secret ([#&#8203;2745]( ([@&#8203;rawkode]( - [`3e5f13a`]( fix: prevent auth panic and handle auth race condition ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`f640234`]( universe: bash: #RunSimple ([@&#8203;shykes]( **Full Changelog**: #### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.2.21`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog ##### Changes - [`a54b635`]( Add a possible configuration to use dagger in TravisCi ([@&#8203;jjuarez]( - [`0b24557`]( Avoid to make more complex the build command adding the cache stuff ([@&#8203;jjuarez]( - [`7be1a51`]( Change to follow the style in the original guide ([@&#8203;jjuarez]( - [`d456665`]( Effectively use embedding ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`7404748`]( Fixes a markdown issue (@&#8203;) - [`d3796b8`]( Fixes a somekind of markdown issue (@&#8203;) - [`2e707d2`]( \[Docs] Categories UI improvement ([@&#8203;crjm]( - [`f0b86d6`]( \[Docs] Fix hyperlinks rendering inside admonitions ([@&#8203;crjm]( - [`9bc90e2`]( enforce configuration mount ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`d958b46`]( feat: add support for aws sso credentials and container credentials relative ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`3127b4a`]( fix: Correct case for private definition per style ([#&#8203;2691]( ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`2b1ad9d`]( fix: Correct case for private definition per style ([#&#8203;2691]( ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`2d6cd10`]( fix: Correct docs routes ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`5e04ea5`]( fix: redirect better visually ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`08c9f60`]( fix: visual fix (@&#8203;) - [`992fe08`]( print Dagger Cloud URL when starting plan ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`ccf81d7`]( revert useless image configurations ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`bc64ebc`]( universe: php: composer: Allow container to accept a docker.#image ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`07c5397`]( universe: php: composer: Formatted code ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`7b40538`]( universe: php: composer: Make image and repository configurable ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`3355703`]( universe: php: composer: Pulled apart image and container to seperate file and made package more extensible ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`d95417a`]( universe: php: composer: Removed string as argument for repository ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`386d74a`]( universe: php: composer: Use env directly and restructure output to be one entry ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( **Full Changelog**: #### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( ### [`v0.2.20`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changelog ##### Changes - [`e21acdd`]( Add alpha and beta paths ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`901269c`]( Added package to use the package manager composer ([#&#8203;2620]( ([@&#8203;rob-vanderlee-jvs]( - [`14bf990`]( Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/website/concurrently-7.2.2 ([@&#8203;slumbering]( - [`0b89d1f`]( Start w getting started ([#&#8203;2690]( ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`2f8e6d6`]( Use a worker pool to send telemetry data ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`c314506`]( add offline_access scope so refresh token flow can be performed ([@&#8203;marcosnils]( - [`209f6d5`]( core: `#Mount` supports inline file ([@&#8203;TomChv]( - [`5a7762a`]( feat: Add install directory customization ([@&#8203;clly]( - [`4d0730b`]( feat: Support Helm upgrade and custom namespace ([#&#8203;2674]( ([@&#8203;olljanat]( - [`3e6491c`]( feat: add golangci to alpha universe ([#&#8203;2654]( ([@&#8203;sagikazarmark]( - [`a064577`]( feat: allow custom image usage on go.#Build ([#&#8203;2632]( ([@&#8203;Butterneck]( - [`4714f91`]( fix: add additional flags to command ([#&#8203;2641]( ([@&#8203;Siafu]( - [`1c60cdd`]( fix: added a variable to customize the binary in go.#Build ([@&#8203;xocasdashdash]( - [`ba2d442`]( fix: correct GitHub camel case ([#&#8203;2678]( ([@&#8203;jpadams]( - [`61e6971`]( fix: reverse `go.mod` change in merged PR ([@&#8203;helderco]( - [`46b9b0d`]( universe(x): add experimental Scaleway package ([@&#8203;TomChv]( - [`240f1a9`]( universe(x): add experimental Scaleway package tests ([@&#8203;TomChv]( - [`14e4b86`]( universe(x): move Scaleway pkg from x to alpha ([@&#8203;TomChv]( - [`35baced`]( updated the dagger cloud doc ([@&#8203;mircubed]( **Full Changelog**: #### What to do next? - Read the [documentation]( - Join our [Discord server]( - Follow us on [Twitter]( </details> <details> <summary>rust-lang/git2-rs (git2)</summary> ### [`v0.20.1`]( [Compare Source]( [0.20.0...0.20.1]( ##### Added - Added `Repository::branch_upstream_merge()` [#&#8203;1131]( - Added `Index::conflict_get()` [#&#8203;1134]( - Added `Index::conflict_remove()` [#&#8203;1133]( - Added `opts::set_cache_object_limit()` [#&#8203;1118]( - Added `Repo::merge_file_from_index()` and associated `MergeFileOptions` and `MergeFileResult`. [#&#8203;1062]( ##### Changed - The `url` dependency minimum raised to 2.5.4 [#&#8203;1128]( - Changed the tracing callback to abort the process if the callback panics instead of randomly detecting the panic in some other function. [#&#8203;1121]( - Credential helper config (loaded with `CredentialHelper::config`) now checks for helpers that start with something that looks like an absolute path, rather than checking for a `/` or `\` anywhere in the helper string (which resolves an issue if the helper had arguments with `/` or `\`). [#&#8203;1137]( ##### Fixed - Fixed panic in `Remote::url_bytes` if the url is empty. [#&#8203;1120]( - Fixed incorrect lifetimes on `Patch::delta`, `Patch::hunk`, and `Patch::line_in_hunk`. The return values must not outlive the `Patch`. [#&#8203;1141]( - Bumped requirement to libgit2-sys 0.18.1, which fixes linking of advapi32 on Windows. [#&#8203;1143]( ### [`v0.20.0`]( [Compare Source]( [0.19.0...0.20.0]( ##### Added - `Debug` is now implemented for `transport::Service` [#&#8203;1074]( - Added `Repository::commondir` [#&#8203;1079]( - Added `Repository::merge_base_octopus` [#&#8203;1088]( - Restored impls for `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, and `Hash` for bitflags types that were inadvertently removed in a prior release. [#&#8203;1096]( - Added `CheckoutBuilder::disable_pathspec_match` [#&#8203;1107]( - Added `PackBuilder::write` [#&#8203;1110]( ##### Changed - ❗ Updated to libgit2 [1.9.0]( [#&#8203;1111]( - ❗ Removed the `ssh_key_from_memory` Cargo feature, it was unused. [#&#8203;1087]( - ❗ Errors from `Tree::walk` are now correctly reported to the caller. [#&#8203;1098]( - ❗ The `trace_set` callback now takes a `&[u8]` instead of a `&str`. [#&#8203;1071]( - ❗ `Error::last_error` now returns `Error` instead of `Option<Error>`. [#&#8203;1072]( ##### Fixed - Fixed `OdbReader::read` return value. [#&#8203;1061]( - When a credential helper executes a shell command, don't pop open a console window on Windows. [#&#8203;1075]( ### [`v0.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( [0.18.3...0.19.0]( ##### Added - Added `opts` functions to control server timeouts (`get_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `set_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `get_server_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `set_server_timeout_in_milliseconds`), and add `ErrorCode::Timeout`. [#&#8203;1052]( ##### Changed - ❗ Updated to libgit2 [1.8.1]( [#&#8203;1032]( - Reduced size of the `Error` struct. [#&#8203;1053]( ##### Fixed - Fixed some callbacks to relay the error from the callback to libgit2. [#&#8203;1043]( ### [`v0.18.3`]( [Compare Source]( [0.18.2...0.18.3]( ##### Added - Added `opts::` functions to get / set libgit2 mwindow options [#&#8203;1035]( ##### Changed - Updated examples to use clap instead of structopt [#&#8203;1007]( ### [`v0.18.2`]( [Compare Source]( [0.18.1...0.18.2]( ##### Added - Added `opts::set_ssl_cert_file` and `opts::set_ssl_cert_dir` for setting Certificate Authority file locations. [#&#8203;997]( - Added `TreeIter::nth` which makes jumping ahead in the iterator more efficient. [#&#8203;1004]( - Added `Repository::find_commit_by_prefix` to find a commit by a shortened hash. [#&#8203;1011]( - Added `Repository::find_tag_by_prefix` to find a tag by a shortened hash. [#&#8203;1015]( - Added `Repository::find_object_by_prefix` to find an object by a shortened hash. [#&#8203;1014]( ##### Changed - ❗ Updated to libgit2 [1.7.2]( This fixes [CVE-2024-24575]( and [CVE-2024-24577]( [#&#8203;1017]( ### [`v0.18.1`]( [Compare Source]( [0.18.0...0.18.1]( ##### Added - Added `FetchOptions::depth` to set the depth of a fetch or clone, adding support for shallow clones. [#&#8203;979]( ##### Fixed - Fixed an internal data type (`TreeWalkCbData`) to not assume it is a transparent type while casting. [#&#8203;989]( - Fixed so that `DiffPatchidOptions` and `StashSaveOptions` are publicly exported allowing the corresponding APIs to actually be used. [#&#8203;988]( ### [`v0.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( [0.17.2...0.18.0]( ##### Added - Added `Blame::blame_buffer` for getting blame data for a file that has been modified in memory. [#&#8203;981]( ##### Changed - Updated to libgit2 [1.7.0]( [#&#8203;968]( - Updated to libgit2 [1.7.1]( [#&#8203;982]( - Switched from bitflags 1.x to 2.1. This brings some small changes to types generated by bitflags. [#&#8203;973]( - Changed `Revwalk::with_hide_callback` to take a mutable reference to its callback to enforce type safety. [#&#8203;970]( - Implemented `FusedIterator` for many iterators that can support it. [#&#8203;955]( ##### Fixed - Fixed builds with cargo's `-Zminimal-versions`. [#&#8203;960]( ### [`v0.17.2`]( [Compare Source]( [0.17.1...0.17.2]( ##### Added - Added support for stashing with options (which can support partial stashing). [#&#8203;930]( ### [`v0.17.1`]( [Compare Source]( [0.17.0...0.17.1]( ##### Changed - Updated to libgit2 [1.6.4]( [#&#8203;948]( ### [`v0.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( [0.16.1...0.17.0]( ##### Added - Added `IntoIterator` implementation for `Statuses`. [#&#8203;880]( - Added `Reference::symbolic_set_target` [#&#8203;893]( - Added `Copy`, `Clone`, `Debug`, `PartialEq`, and `Eq` implementations for `AutotagOption` and `FetchPrune`. [#&#8203;889]( - Added `Eq` and `PartialEq` implementations for `Signature`. [#&#8203;890]( - Added `Repository::discover_path`. [#&#8203;883]( - Added `Submodule::repo_init`. [#&#8203;914]( - Added `Tag::is_valid_name`. [#&#8203;882]( - Added `Repository::set_head_bytes`. [#&#8203;931]( - Added the `Indexer` type which is a low-level API for storing and indexing pack files. [#&#8203;911]( - Added `Index::find_prefix`. [#&#8203;903]( - Added support for the deprecated group-writeable blob mode. This adds a new variant to `FileMode`. [#&#8203;887]( - Added `PushCallbacks::push_negotiation` callback and the corresponding `PushUpdate` type for getting receiving information about the updates to perform. [#&#8203;926]( ##### Changed - Updated to libgit2 [1.6.3]( This brings in many changes, including better SSH host key support on Windows and better SSH host key algorithm negotiation. 1.6.3 is now the minimum supported version. [#&#8203;935]( - Updated libssh2-sys from 0.2 to 0.3. This brings in numerous changes, including SHA2 algorithm support with RSA. [#&#8203;919]( - Changed `RemoteCallbacks::credentials` callback error handler to correctly set the libgit2 error class. [#&#8203;918]( - `DiffOptions::flag` now takes a `git_diff_option_t` type. [#&#8203;935]( </details> <details> <summary>serde-rs/json (serde_json)</summary> ### [`v1.0.140`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.139`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.138`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.137`]( [Compare Source]( - Turn on "float_roundtrip" and "unbounded_depth" features for serde_json in ([#&#8203;1231]( ### [`v1.0.136`]( [Compare Source]( - Optimize serde_json::value::Serializer::serialize_map by using Map::with_capacity ([#&#8203;1230](, thanks [@&#8203;goffrie]( ### [`v1.0.135`]( [Compare Source]( - Add serde_json::Map::into_values method ([#&#8203;1226](, thanks [@&#8203;tisonkun]( ### [`v1.0.134`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `RawValue` associated constants for literal `null`, `true`, `false` ([#&#8203;1221](, thanks [@&#8203;bheylin]( ### [`v1.0.133`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement From<\[T; N]> for serde_json::Value ([#&#8203;1215]( ### [`v1.0.132`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve binary size and compile time for JSON array and JSON object deserialization by about 50% ([#&#8203;1205]( - Improve performance of JSON array and JSON object deserialization by about 8% ([#&#8203;1206]( ### [`v1.0.131`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement Deserializer and IntoDeserializer for `Map<String, Value>` and `&Map<String, Value>` ([#&#8203;1135](, thanks [@&#8203;swlynch99]( ### [`v1.0.130`]( [Compare Source]( - Support converting and deserializing `Number` from i128 and u128 ([#&#8203;1141](, thanks [@&#8203;druide]( ### [`v1.0.129`]( [Compare Source]( - Add [`serde_json::Map::sort_keys`]( and [`serde_json::Value::sort_all_objects`]( ([#&#8203;1199]( ### [`v1.0.128`]( [Compare Source]( - Support serializing maps containing 128-bit integer keys to serde_json::Value ([#&#8203;1188](, thanks [@&#8203;Mrreadiness]( ### [`v1.0.127`]( [Compare Source]( - Add more removal methods to OccupiedEntry ([#&#8203;1179](, thanks [@&#8203;GREsau]( ### [`v1.0.126`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve string parsing on targets that use 32-bit pointers but also have fast 64-bit integer arithmetic, such as aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32 and x86\_64-unknown-linux-gnux32 ([#&#8203;1182](, thanks [@&#8203;CryZe]( ### [`v1.0.125`]( [Compare Source]( - Speed up \uXXXX parsing and improve handling of unpaired surrogates when deserializing to bytes ([#&#8203;1172](, [#&#8203;1175](, thanks [@&#8203;purplesyringa]( ### [`v1.0.124`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix a bug in processing string escapes in big-endian architectures ([#&#8203;1173](, thanks [@&#8203;purplesyringa]( ### [`v1.0.123`]( [Compare Source]( - Optimize string parsing by applying SIMD-within-a-register: 30.3% improvement on [twitter.json]( from 613 MB/s to 799 MB/s ([#&#8203;1161](, thanks [@&#8203;purplesyringa]( ### [`v1.0.122`]( [Compare Source]( - Support using `json!` in no-std crates ([#&#8203;1166]( ### [`v1.0.121`]( [Compare Source]( - Optimize position search in error path ([#&#8203;1160](, thanks [@&#8203;purplesyringa]( ### [`v1.0.120`]( [Compare Source]( - Correctly specify required version of `indexmap` dependency ([#&#8203;1152](, thanks [@&#8203;cforycki]( ### [`v1.0.119`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `serde_json::Map::shift_insert` ([#&#8203;1149](, thanks [@&#8203;joshka]( ### [`v1.0.118`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement Hash for serde_json::Value ([#&#8203;1127](, thanks [@&#8203;edwardycl]( ### [`v1.0.117`]( [Compare Source]( - Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning ([#&#8203;1130]( ### [`v1.0.116`]( [Compare Source]( - Make module structure comprehensible to static analysis ([#&#8203;1124](, thanks [@&#8203;mleonhard]( ### [`v1.0.115`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.114`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix unused_imports warnings when compiled by rustc 1.78 ### [`v1.0.113`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `swap_remove` and `shift_remove` methods on Map ([#&#8203;1109]( ### [`v1.0.112`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve formatting of "invalid type" error messages involving floats ([#&#8203;1107]( ### [`v1.0.111`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve floating point parsing performance on loongarch64 ([#&#8203;1100](, thanks [@&#8203;heiher]( ### [`v1.0.110`]( [Compare Source]( - Update proc-macro2 to fix caching issue when using a rustc-wrapper such as sccache ### [`v1.0.109`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.108`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ([#&#8203;1075](, [#&#8203;1081](, [#&#8203;1082](, thanks [@&#8203;dimo414]( and [@&#8203;fritzrehde]( ### [`v1.0.107`]( [Compare Source]( - impl IntoDeserializer for \&RawValue ([#&#8203;1071]( ### [`v1.0.106`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `Value::as_number` accessor ([#&#8203;1069](, thanks [@&#8203;chanced]( - Add `Number::as_str` accessor under "arbitrary_precision" feature ([#&#8203;1067](, thanks [@&#8203;chanced]( ### [`v1.0.105`]( [Compare Source]( - Support bool in map keys ([#&#8203;1054]( ### [`v1.0.104`]( [Compare Source]( - Provide IntoDeserializer impl for \&serde_json::Value ([#&#8203;1045](, thanks [@&#8203;ZetaNumbers]( ### [`v1.0.103`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.102`]( [Compare Source]( - Add a way to customize the serialization of byte arrays ([#&#8203;1039]( ### [`v1.0.101`]( [Compare Source]( - Allow f32 and f64 as keys in maps ([#&#8203;1027](, thanks [@&#8203;overdrivenpotato]( ### [`v1.0.100`]( [Compare Source]( - Support `-Z minimal-versions` ### [`v1.0.99`]( [Compare Source]( - Support serializing serde's **option** type in a map key ([#&#8203;1030](, thanks [@&#8203;LPGhatguy]( ### [`v1.0.98`]( [Compare Source]( - Update indexmap dependency used by "preserve_order" feature to version 2 ### [`v1.0.97`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `io_error_kind()` method to serde_json::Error: `fn io_error_kind(&self) -> Option<std::io::ErrorKind>` ([#&#8203;1026]( ### [`v1.0.96`]( [Compare Source]( - Guarantee that `to_writer` only writes valid UTF-8 strings ([#&#8203;1011](, thanks [@&#8203;stepancheg]( </details> <details> <summary>dtolnay/serde-yaml (serde_yaml)</summary> ### [`v0.9.34`]( [Compare Source]( As of this release, I am not planning to publish further versions of `serde_yaml` as none of my projects have been using YAML for a long time, so I have archived the GitHub repo and marked the crate deprecated in the version number. An official replacement isn't designated for those who still need to work with YAML, but\&sort=relevance and has a number of reasonable-looking options available. ### [`v0.9.33`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix quadratic parse time for YAML containing deeply nested flow collections ( ### [`v0.9.32`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix unused_imports warnings when compiled by rustc 1.78 ### [`v0.9.31`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `swap_remove` and `shift_remove` methods on Mapping ([#&#8203;408]( ### [`v0.9.30`]( [Compare Source]( - Update proc-macro2 to fix caching issue when using a rustc-wrapper such as sccache ### [`v0.9.29`]( [Compare Source]( - Turn on `deny(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)` lint ### [`v0.9.28`]( [Compare Source]( - Update `unsafe-libyaml` dependency to pull in unaligned write fix ### [`v0.9.27`]( [Compare Source]( - Always serialize serde_yaml::Number containing NaN as a positive NaN ([#&#8203;394]( ### [`v0.9.26`]( [Compare Source]( - Guarantee that `.nan` is deserialized as a positive NaN ([#&#8203;392](, [#&#8203;393]( ### [`v0.9.25`]( [Compare Source]( - Serialize using quoted style around scalar that has digits with leading zero ([#&#8203;347]( ### [`v0.9.24`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement FromStr for serde_yaml::Number ([#&#8203;381]( ### [`v0.9.23`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v0.9.22`]( [Compare Source]( - Update indexmap dependency to version 2 ### [`v0.9.21`]( [Compare Source]( - Make `Tag::new` panic if given empty string, since YAML has no syntax for an empty tag ### [`v0.9.20`]( [Compare Source]( - Allow an empty YAML document to deserialize to `None` or `Value::Null`, in addition to the previously supported empty vector, empty map, and struct with no required fields </details> <details> <summary>tokio-rs/tokio (tokio)</summary> ### [`v1.44.1`]( Tokio v1.44.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.44.1 (March 13th, 2025) ##### Fixed - rt: skip defer queue in `block_in_place` context ([#&#8203;7216]) [#&#8203;7216]: ### [`v1.44.0`]( Tokio v1.44.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.44.0 (March 7th, 2025) This release changes the `from_std` method on sockets to panic if a blocking socket is provided. We determined this change is not a breaking change as Tokio is not intended to operate using blocking sockets. Doing so results in runtime hangs and should be considered a bug. Accidentally passing a blocking socket to Tokio is one of the most common user mistakes. If this change causes an issue for you, please comment on [#&#8203;7172]. ##### Added - coop: add `task::coop` module ([#&#8203;7116]) - process: add `Command::get_kill_on_drop()` ([#&#8203;7086]) - sync: add `broadcast::Sender::closed` ([#&#8203;6685], [#&#8203;7090]) - sync: add `broadcast::WeakSender` ([#&#8203;7100]) - sync: add `oneshot::Receiver::is_empty()` ([#&#8203;7153]) - sync: add `oneshot::Receiver::is_terminated()` ([#&#8203;7152]) ##### Fixed - fs: empty reads on `File` should not start a background read ([#&#8203;7139]) - process: calling `start_kill` on exited child should not fail ([#&#8203;7160]) - signal: fix `CTRL_CLOSE`, `CTRL_LOGOFF`, `CTRL_SHUTDOWN` on windows ([#&#8203;7122]) - sync: properly handle panic during mpsc drop ([#&#8203;7094]) ##### Changes - runtime: clean up magic number in registration set ([#&#8203;7112]) - coop: make coop yield using waker defer strategy ([#&#8203;7185]) - macros: make `select!` budget-aware ([#&#8203;7164]) - net: panic when passing a blocking socket to `from_std` ([#&#8203;7166]) - io: clean up buffer casts ([#&#8203;7142]) ##### Changes to unstable APIs - rt: add before and after task poll callbacks ([#&#8203;7120]) - tracing: make the task tracing API unstable public ([#&#8203;6972]) ##### Documented - docs: fix nesting of sections in top-level docs ([#&#8203;7159]) - fs: rename symlink and hardlink parameter names ([#&#8203;7143]) - io: swap reader/writer in simplex doc test ([#&#8203;7176]) - macros: docs about `select!` alternatives ([#&#8203;7110]) - net: rename the argument for `send_to` ([#&#8203;7146]) - process: add example for reading `Child` stdout ([#&#8203;7141]) - process: clarify `Child::kill` behavior ([#&#8203;7162]) - process: fix grammar of the `ChildStdin` struct doc comment ([#&#8203;7192]) - runtime: consistently use `worker_threads` instead of `core_threads` ([#&#8203;7186]) [#&#8203;6685]: [#&#8203;6972]: [#&#8203;7086]: [#&#8203;7090]: [#&#8203;7094]: [#&#8203;7100]: [#&#8203;7110]: [#&#8203;7112]: [#&#8203;7116]: [#&#8203;7120]: [#&#8203;7122]: [#&#8203;7139]: [#&#8203;7141]: [#&#8203;7142]: [#&#8203;7143]: [#&#8203;7146]: [#&#8203;7152]: [#&#8203;7153]: [#&#8203;7159]: [#&#8203;7160]: [#&#8203;7162]: [#&#8203;7164]: [#&#8203;7166]: [#&#8203;7172]: [#&#8203;7176]: [#&#8203;7185]: [#&#8203;7186]: [#&#8203;7192]: ### [`v1.43.0`]( Tokio v1.43.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.43.0 (Jan 8th, 2025) ##### Added - net: add `UdpSocket::peek` methods ([#&#8203;7068]) - net: add support for Haiku OS ([#&#8203;7042]) - process: add `Command::into_std()` ([#&#8203;7014]) - signal: add `SignalKind::info` on illumos ([#&#8203;6995]) - signal: add support for realtime signals on illumos ([#&#8203;7029]) ##### Fixed - io: don't call `set_len` before initializing vector in `Blocking` ([#&#8203;7054]) - macros: suppress `clippy::needless_return` in `#[tokio::main]` ([#&#8203;6874]) - runtime: fix thread parking on WebAssembly ([#&#8203;7041]) ##### Changes - chore: use unsync loads for `unsync_load` ([#&#8203;7073]) - io: use `Buf::put_bytes` in `Repeat` read impl ([#&#8203;7055]) - task: drop the join waker of a task eagerly ([#&#8203;6986]) ##### Changes to unstable APIs - metrics: improve flexibility of H2Histogram Configuration ([#&#8203;6963]) - taskdump: add accessor methods for backtrace ([#&#8203;6975]) ##### Documented - io: clarify `ReadBuf::uninit` allows initialized buffers as well ([#&#8203;7053]) - net: fix ambiguity in `TcpStream::try_write_vectored` docs ([#&#8203;7067]) - runtime: fix `LocalRuntime` doc links ([#&#8203;7074]) - sync: extend documentation for `watch::Receiver::wait_for` ([#&#8203;7038]) - sync: fix typos in `OnceCell` docs ([#&#8203;7047]) [#&#8203;6874]: [#&#8203;6963]: [#&#8203;6975]: [#&#8203;6986]: [#&#8203;6995]: [#&#8203;7014]: [#&#8203;7029]: [#&#8203;7038]: [#&#8203;7041]: [#&#8203;7042]: [#&#8203;7047]: [#&#8203;7053]: [#&#8203;7054]: [#&#8203;7055]: [#&#8203;7067]: [#&#8203;7068]: [#&#8203;7073]: [#&#8203;7074]: ### [`v1.42.0`]( Tokio v1.42.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.42.0 (Dec 3rd, 2024) ##### Added - io: add `AsyncFd::{try_io, try_io_mut}` ([#&#8203;6967]) ##### Fixed - io: avoid `ptr->ref->ptr` roundtrip in RegistrationSet ([#&#8203;6929]) - runtime: do not defer `yield_now` inside `block_in_place` ([#&#8203;6999]) ##### Changes - io: simplify io readiness logic ([#&#8203;6966]) ##### Documented - net: fix docs for `tokio::net::unix::{pid_t, gid_t, uid_t}` ([#&#8203;6791]) - time: fix a typo in `Instant` docs ([#&#8203;6982]) [#&#8203;6791]: [#&#8203;6929]: [#&#8203;6966]: [#&#8203;6967]: [#&#8203;6982]: [#&#8203;6999]: ### [`v1.41.1`]( Tokio v1.41.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.41.1 (Nov 7th, 2024) ##### Fixed - metrics: fix bug with wrong number of buckets for the histogram ([#&#8203;6957]) - net: display `net` requirement for `net::UdpSocket` in docs ([#&#8203;6938]) - net: fix typo in `TcpStream` internal comment ([#&#8203;6944]) [#&#8203;6957]: [#&#8203;6938]: [#&#8203;6944]: ### [`v1.41.0`]( Tokio v1.41.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.41.0 (Oct 22th, 2024) ##### Added - metrics: stabilize `global_queue_depth` ([#&#8203;6854], [#&#8203;6918]) - net: add conversions for unix `SocketAddr` ([#&#8203;6868]) - sync: add `watch::Sender::sender_count` ([#&#8203;6836]) - sync: add `mpsc::Receiver::blocking_recv_many` ([#&#8203;6867]) - task: stabilize `Id` apis ([#&#8203;6793], [#&#8203;6891]) ##### Added (unstable) - metrics: add H2 Histogram option to improve histogram granularity ([#&#8203;6897]) - metrics: rename some histogram apis ([#&#8203;6924]) - runtime: add `LocalRuntime` ([#&#8203;6808]) ##### Changed - runtime: box futures larger than 16k on release mode ([#&#8203;6826]) - sync: add `#[must_use]` to `Notified` ([#&#8203;6828]) - sync: make `watch` cooperative ([#&#8203;6846]) - sync: make `broadcast::Receiver` cooperative ([#&#8203;6870]) - task: add task size to tracing instrumentation ([#&#8203;6881]) - wasm: enable `cfg_fs` for `wasi` target ([#&#8203;6822]) ##### Fixed - net: fix regression of abstract socket path in unix socket ([#&#8203;6838]) ##### Documented - io: recommend `OwnedFd` with `AsyncFd` ([#&#8203;6821]) - io: document cancel safety of `AsyncFd` methods ([#&#8203;6890]) - macros: render more comprehensible documentation for `join` and `try_join` ([#&#8203;6814], [#&#8203;6841]) - net: fix swapped examples for `TcpSocket::set_nodelay` and `TcpSocket::nodelay` ([#&#8203;6840]) - sync: document runtime compatibility ([#&#8203;6833]) [#&#8203;6793]: [#&#8203;6808]: [#&#8203;6810]: [#&#8203;6814]: [#&#8203;6821]: [#&#8203;6822]: [#&#8203;6826]: [#&#8203;6828]: [#&#8203;6833]: [#&#8203;6836]: [#&#8203;6838]: [#&#8203;6840]: [#&#8203;6841]: [#&#8203;6846]: [#&#8203;6854]: [#&#8203;6867]: [#&#8203;6868]: [#&#8203;6870]: [#&#8203;6881]: [#&#8203;6890]: [#&#8203;6891]: [#&#8203;6897]: [#&#8203;6918]: [#&#8203;6924]: ### [`v1.40.0`]( Tokio v1.40.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.40.0 (August 30th, 2024) ##### Added - io: add `util::SimplexStream` ([#&#8203;6589]) - process: stabilize `Command::process_group` ([#&#8203;6731]) - sync: add `{TrySendError,SendTimeoutError}::into_inner` ([#&#8203;6755]) - task: add `JoinSet::join_all` ([#&#8203;6784]) ##### Added (unstable) - runtime: add `Builder::{on_task_spawn, on_task_terminate}` ([#&#8203;6742]) ##### Changed - io: use vectored io for `write_all_buf` when possible ([#&#8203;6724]) - runtime: prevent niche-optimization to avoid triggering miri ([#&#8203;6744]) - sync: mark mpsc types as `UnwindSafe` ([#&#8203;6783]) - sync,time: make `Sleep` and `BatchSemaphore` instrumentation explicit roots ([#&#8203;6727]) - task: use `NonZeroU64` for `task::Id` ([#&#8203;6733]) - task: include panic message when printing `JoinError` ([#&#8203;6753]) - task: add `#[must_use]` to `JoinHandle::abort_handle` ([#&#8203;6762]) - time: eliminate timer wheel allocations ([#&#8203;6779]) ##### Documented - docs: clarify that `[build]` section doesn't go in Cargo.toml ([#&#8203;6728]) - io: clarify zero remaining capacity case ([#&#8203;6790]) - macros: improve documentation for `select!` ([#&#8203;6774]) - sync: document mpsc channel allocation behavior ([#&#8203;6773]) [#&#8203;6589]: [#&#8203;6724]: [#&#8203;6727]: [#&#8203;6728]: [#&#8203;6731]: [#&#8203;6733]: [#&#8203;6742]: [#&#8203;6744]: [#&#8203;6753]: [#&#8203;6755]: [#&#8203;6762]: [#&#8203;6773]: [#&#8203;6774]: [#&#8203;6779]: [#&#8203;6783]: [#&#8203;6784]: [#&#8203;6790]: ### [`v1.39.3`]( Tokio v1.39.3 [Compare Source]( ### 1.39.3 (August 17th, 2024) This release fixes a regression where the unix socket api stopped accepting the abstract socket namespace. ([#&#8203;6772]) [#&#8203;6772]: ### [`v1.39.2`]( Tokio v1.39.2 [Compare Source]( ### 1.39.2 (July 27th, 2024) This release fixes a regression where the `select!` macro stopped accepting expressions that make use of temporary lifetime extension. ([#&#8203;6722]) [#&#8203;6722]: ### [`v1.39.1`]( Tokio v1.39.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.39.1 (July 23rd, 2024) This release reverts "time: avoid traversing entries in the time wheel twice" because it contains a bug. ([#&#8203;6715]) [#&#8203;6715]: ### [`v1.39.0`]( Tokio v1.39.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.39.0 (July 23rd, 2024) - This release bumps the MSRV to 1.70. ([#&#8203;6645]) - This release upgrades to mio v1. ([#&#8203;6635]) - This release upgrades to windows-sys v0.52 ([#&#8203;6154]) ##### Added - io: implement `AsyncSeek` for `Empty` ([#&#8203;6663]) - metrics: stabilize `num_alive_tasks` ([#&#8203;6619], [#&#8203;6667]) - process: add `Command::as_std_mut` ([#&#8203;6608]) - sync: add `watch::Sender::same_channel` ([#&#8203;6637]) - sync: add `{Receiver,UnboundedReceiver}::{sender_strong_count,sender_weak_count}` ([#&#8203;6661]) - sync: implement `Default` for `watch::Sender` ([#&#8203;6626]) - task: implement `Clone` for `AbortHandle` ([#&#8203;6621]) - task: stabilize `consume_budget` ([#&#8203;6622]) ##### Changed - io: improve panic message of `ReadBuf::put_slice()` ([#&#8203;6629]) - io: read during write in `copy_bidirectional` and `copy` ([#&#8203;6532]) - runtime: replace `num_cpus` with `available_parallelism` ([#&#8203;6709]) - task: avoid stack overflow when passing large future to `block_on` ([#&#8203;6692]) - time: avoid traversing entries in the time wheel twice ([#&#8203;6584]) - time: support `IntoFuture` with `timeout` ([#&#8203;6666]) - macros: support `IntoFuture` with `join!` and `select!` ([#&#8203;6710]) ##### Fixed - docs: fix docsrs builds with the fs feature enabled ([#&#8203;6585]) - io: only use short-read optimization on known-to-be-compatible platforms ([#&#8203;6668]) - time: fix overflow panic when using large durations with `Interval` ([#&#8203;6612]) ##### Added (unstable) - macros: allow `unhandled_panic` behavior for `#[tokio::main]` and `#[tokio::test]` ([#&#8203;6593]) - metrics: add `spawned_tasks_count` ([#&#8203;6114]) - metrics: add `worker_park_unpark_count` ([#&#8203;6696]) - metrics: add worker thread id ([#&#8203;6695]) ##### Documented - io: update `tokio::io::stdout` documentation ([#&#8203;6674]) - macros: typo fix in `` and `` ([#&#8203;6641]) - runtime: fix typo in `unhandled_panic` ([#&#8203;6660]) - task: document behavior of `JoinSet::try_join_next` when all tasks are running ([#&#8203;6671]) [#&#8203;6114]: [#&#8203;6154]: [#&#8203;6532]: [#&#8203;6584]: [#&#8203;6585]: [#&#8203;6593]: [#&#8203;6608]: [#&#8203;6612]: [#&#8203;6619]: [#&#8203;6621]: [#&#8203;6622]: [#&#8203;6626]: [#&#8203;6629]: [#&#8203;6635]: [#&#8203;6637]: [#&#8203;6641]: [#&#8203;6645]: [#&#8203;6660]: [#&#8203;6661]: [#&#8203;6663]: [#&#8203;6666]: [#&#8203;6667]: [#&#8203;6668]: [#&#8203;6671]: [#&#8203;6674]: [#&#8203;6692]: [#&#8203;6695]: [#&#8203;6696]: [#&#8203;6709]: [#&#8203;6710]: ### [`v1.38.1`]( Tokio v1.38.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.38.1 (July 16th, 2024) This release fixes the bug identified as ([#&#8203;6682]), which caused timers not to fire when they should. ##### Fixed - time: update `wake_up` while holding all the locks of sharded time wheels ([#&#8203;6683]) [#&#8203;6682]: [#&#8203;6683]: ### [`v1.38.0`]( Tokio v1.38.0 [Compare Source]( This release marks the beginning of stabilization for runtime metrics. It stabilizes `RuntimeMetrics::worker_count`. Future releases will continue to stabilize more metrics. ##### Added - fs: add `File::create_new` ([#&#8203;6573]) - io: add `copy_bidirectional_with_sizes` ([#&#8203;6500]) - io: implement `AsyncBufRead` for `Join` ([#&#8203;6449]) - net: add Apple visionOS support ([#&#8203;6465]) - net: implement `Clone` for `NamedPipeInfo` ([#&#8203;6586]) - net: support QNX OS ([#&#8203;6421]) - sync: add `Notify::notify_last` ([#&#8203;6520]) - sync: add `mpsc::Receiver::{capacity,max_capacity}` ([#&#8203;6511]) - sync: add `split` method to the semaphore permit ([#&#8203;6472], [#&#8203;6478]) - task: add `tokio::task::join_set::Builder::spawn_blocking` ([#&#8203;6578]) - wasm: support rt-multi-thread with wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads ([#&#8203;6510]) ##### Changed - macros: make `#[tokio::test]` append `#[test]` at the end of the attribute list ([#&#8203;6497]) - metrics: fix `blocking_threads` count ([#&#8203;6551]) - metrics: stabilize `RuntimeMetrics::worker_count` ([#&#8203;6556]) - runtime: move task out of the `lifo_slot` in `block_in_place` ([#&#8203;6596]) - runtime: panic if `global_queue_interval` is zero ([#&#8203;6445]) - sync: always drop message in destructor for oneshot receiver ([#&#8203;6558]) - sync: instrument `Semaphore` for task dumps ([#&#8203;6499]) - sync: use FIFO ordering when waking batches of wakers ([#&#8203;6521]) - task: make `LocalKey::get` work with Clone types ([#&#8203;6433]) - tests: update nix and mio-aio dev-dependencies ([#&#8203;6552]) - time: clean up implementation ([#&#8203;6517]) - time: lazily init timers on first poll ([#&#8203;6512]) - time: remove the `true_when` field in `TimerShared` ([#&#8203;6563]) - time: use sharding for timer implementation ([#&#8203;6534]) ##### Fixed - taskdump: allow building taskdump docs on non-unix machines ([#&#8203;6564]) - time: check for overflow in `Interval::poll_tick` ([#&#8203;6487]) - sync: fix incorrect `is_empty` on mpsc block boundaries ([#&#8203;6603]) ##### Documented - fs: rewrite file system docs ([#&#8203;6467]) - io: fix `stdin` documentation ([#&#8203;6581]) - io: fix obsolete reference in `ReadHalf::unsplit()` documentation ([#&#8203;6498]) - macros: render more comprehensible documentation for `select!` ([#&#8203;6468]) - net: add missing types to module docs ([#&#8203;6482]) - net: fix misleading `NamedPipeServer` example ([#&#8203;6590]) - sync: add examples for `SemaphorePermit`, `OwnedSemaphorePermit` ([#&#8203;6477]) - sync: document that `Barrier::wait` is not cancel safe ([#&#8203;6494]) - sync: explain relation between `watch::Sender::{subscribe,closed}` ([#&#8203;6490]) - task: clarify that you can't abort `spawn_blocking` tasks ([#&#8203;6571]) - task: fix a typo in doc of `LocalSet::run_until` ([#&#8203;6599]) - time: fix test-util requirement for pause and resume in docs ([#&#8203;6503]) [#&#8203;6421]: [#&#8203;6433]: [#&#8203;6445]: [#&#8203;6449]: [#&#8203;6465]: [#&#8203;6467]: [#&#8203;6468]: [#&#8203;6472]: [#&#8203;6477]: [#&#8203;6478]: [#&#8203;6482]: [#&#8203;6487]: [#&#8203;6490]: [#&#8203;6494]: [#&#8203;6497]: [#&#8203;6498]: [#&#8203;6499]: [#&#8203;6500]: [#&#8203;6503]: [#&#8203;6510]: [#&#8203;6511]: [#&#8203;6512]: [#&#8203;6517]: [#&#8203;6520]: [#&#8203;6521]: [#&#8203;6534]: [#&#8203;6551]: [#&#8203;6552]: [#&#8203;6556]: [#&#8203;6558]: [#&#8203;6563]: [#&#8203;6564]: [#&#8203;6571]: [#&#8203;6573]: [#&#8203;6578]: [#&#8203;6581]: [#&#8203;6586]: [#&#8203;6590]: [#&#8203;6596]: [#&#8203;6599]: [#&#8203;6603]: ### [`v1.37.0`]( Tokio v1.37.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.37.0 (March 28th, 2024) ##### Added - fs: add `set_max_buf_size` to `tokio::fs::File` ([#&#8203;6411]) - io: add `try_new` and `try_with_interest` to `AsyncFd` ([#&#8203;6345]) - sync: add `forget_permits` method to semaphore ([#&#8203;6331]) - sync: add `is_closed`, `is_empty`, and `len` to mpsc receivers ([#&#8203;6348]) - sync: add a `rwlock()` method to owned `RwLock` guards ([#&#8203;6418]) - sync: expose strong and weak counts of mpsc sender handles ([#&#8203;6405]) - sync: implement `Clone` for `watch::Sender` ([#&#8203;6388]) - task: add `TaskLocalFuture::take_value` ([#&#8203;6340]) - task: implement `FromIterator` for `JoinSet` ([#&#8203;6300]) ##### Changed - io: make `io::split` use a mutex instead of a spinlock ([#&#8203;6403]) ##### Fixed - docs: fix docsrs build without net feature ([#&#8203;6360]) - macros: allow select with only else branch ([#&#8203;6339]) - runtime: fix leaking registration entries when os registration fails ([#&#8203;6329]) ##### Documented - io: document cancel safety of `AsyncBufReadExt::fill_buf` ([#&#8203;6431]) - io: document cancel safety of `AsyncReadExt`'s primitive read functions ([#&#8203;6337]) - runtime: add doc link from `Runtime` to `#[tokio::main]` ([#&#8203;6366]) - runtime: make the `enter` example deterministic ([#&#8203;6351]) - sync: add Semaphore example for limiting the number of outgoing requests ([#&#8203;6419]) - sync: fix missing period in broadcast docs ([#&#8203;6377]) - sync: mark `mpsc::Sender::downgrade` with `#[must_use]` ([#&#8203;6326]) - sync: reorder `const_new` before `new_with` ([#&#8203;6392]) - sync: update watch channel docs ([#&#8203;6395]) - task: fix documentation links ([#&#8203;6336]) ##### Changed (unstable) - runtime: include task `Id` in taskdumps ([#&#8203;6328]) - runtime: panic if `unhandled_panic` is enabled when not supported ([#&#8203;6410]) [#&#8203;6300]: [#&#8203;6326]: [#&#8203;6328]: [#&#8203;6329]: [#&#8203;6331]: [#&#8203;6336]: [#&#8203;6337]: [#&#8203;6339]: [#&#8203;6340]: [#&#8203;6345]: [#&#8203;6348]: [#&#8203;6351]: [#&#8203;6360]: [#&#8203;6366]: [#&#8203;6377]: [#&#8203;6388]: [#&#8203;6392]: [#&#8203;6395]: [#&#8203;6403]: [#&#8203;6405]: [#&#8203;6410]: [#&#8203;6411]: [#&#8203;6418]: [#&#8203;6419]: [#&#8203;6431]: ### [`v1.36.0`]( Tokio v1.36.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.36.0 (February 2nd, 2024) ##### Added - io: add `tokio::io::Join` ([#&#8203;6220]) - io: implement `AsyncWrite` for `Empty` ([#&#8203;6235]) - net: add support for anonymous unix pipes ([#&#8203;6127]) - net: add `UnixSocket` ([#&#8203;6290]) - net: expose keepalive option on `TcpSocket` ([#&#8203;6311]) - sync: add `{Receiver,UnboundedReceiver}::poll_recv_many` ([#&#8203;6236]) - sync: add `Sender::{try_,}reserve_many` ([#&#8203;6205]) - sync: add `watch::Receiver::mark_unchanged` ([#&#8203;6252]) - task: add `JoinSet::try_join_next` ([#&#8203;6280]) ##### Changed - io: make `copy` cooperative ([#&#8203;6265]) - io: make `repeat` and `sink` cooperative ([#&#8203;6254]) - io: simplify check for empty slice ([#&#8203;6293]) - process: use pidfd on Linux when available ([#&#8203;6152]) - sync: use AtomicBool in broadcast channel future ([#&#8203;6298]) ##### Documented - io: clarify `clear_ready` docs ([#&#8203;6304]) - net: document that `*Fd` traits on `TcpSocket` are unix-only ([#&#8203;6294]) - sync: document FIFO behavior of `tokio::sync::Mutex` ([#&#8203;6279]) - chore: typographic improvements ([#&#8203;6262]) - runtime: remove obsolete comment ([#&#8203;6303]) - task: fix typo ([#&#8203;6261]) [#&#8203;6220]: [#&#8203;6235]: [#&#8203;6127]: [#&#8203;6290]: [#&#8203;6311]: [#&#8203;6236]: [#&#8203;6205]: [#&#8203;6252]: [#&#8203;6280]: [#&#8203;6265]: [#&#8203;6254]: [#&#8203;6293]: [#&#8203;6238]: [#&#8203;6152]: [#&#8203;6298]: [#&#8203;6262]: [#&#8203;6303]: [#&#8203;6261]: [#&#8203;6304]: [#&#8203;6294]: [#&#8203;6279]: ### [`v1.35.1`]( Tokio v1.35.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.35.1 (December 19, 2023) This is a forward part of a change that was backported to 1.25.3. ##### Fixed - io: add budgeting to `tokio::runtime::io::registration::async_io` ([#&#8203;6221]) [#&#8203;6221]: ### [`v1.35.0`]( Tokio v1.35.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.35.0 (December 8th, 2023) ##### Added - net: add Apple watchOS support ([#&#8203;6176]) ##### Changed - io: drop the `Sized` requirements from `AsyncReadExt.read_buf` ([#&#8203;6169]) - runtime: make `Runtime` unwind safe ([#&#8203;6189]) - runtime: reduce the lock contention in task spawn ([#&#8203;6001]) - tokio: update nix dependency to 0.27.1 ([#&#8203;6190]) ##### Fixed - chore: make `--cfg docsrs` work without net feature ([#&#8203;6166]) - chore: use relaxed load for `unsync_load` on miri ([#&#8203;6179]) - runtime: handle missing context on wake ([#&#8203;6148]) - taskdump: fix taskdump cargo config example ([#&#8203;6150]) - taskdump: skip notified tasks during taskdumps ([#&#8203;6194]) - tracing: avoid creating resource spans with current parent, use a None parent instead ([#&#8203;6107]) - tracing: make task span explicit root ([#&#8203;6158]) ##### Documented - io: flush in `AsyncWriteExt` examples ([#&#8203;6149]) - runtime: document fairness guarantees and current behavior ([#&#8203;6145]) - task: document cancel safety of `LocalSet::run_until` ([#&#8203;6147]) [#&#8203;6001]: [#&#8203;6107]: [#&#8203;6144]: [#&#8203;6145]: [#&#8203;6147]: [#&#8203;6148]: [#&#8203;6149]: [#&#8203;6150]: [#&#8203;6158]: [#&#8203;6166]: [#&#8203;6169]: [#&#8203;6176]: [#&#8203;6179]: [#&#8203;6189]: [#&#8203;6190]: [#&#8203;6194]: ### [`v1.34.0`]( Tokio v1.34.0 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - io: allow `clear_readiness` after io driver shutdown ([#&#8203;6067]) - io: fix integer overflow in `take` ([#&#8203;6080]) - io: fix I/O resource hang ([#&#8203;6134]) - sync: fix `broadcast::channel` link ([#&#8203;6100]) ##### Changed - macros: use `::core` qualified imports instead of `::std` inside `tokio::test` macro ([#&#8203;5973]) ##### Added - fs: update cfg attr in `fs::read_dir` to include `aix` ([#&#8203;6075]) - sync: add `mpsc::Receiver::recv_many` ([#&#8203;6010]) - tokio: added vita target support ([#&#8203;6094]) [#&#8203;5973]: [#&#8203;6067]: [#&#8203;6080]: [#&#8203;6134]: [#&#8203;6100]: [#&#8203;6075]: [#&#8203;6010]: [#&#8203;6094]: ### [`v1.33.0`]( Tokio v1.33.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.33.0 (October 9, 2023) ##### Fixed - io: mark `Interest::add` with `#[must_use]` ([#&#8203;6037]) - runtime: fix cache line size for RISC-V ([#&#8203;5994]) - sync: prevent lock poisoning in `watch::Receiver::wait_for` ([#&#8203;6021]) - task: fix `spawn_local` source location ([#&#8203;5984]) ##### Changed - sync: use Acquire/Release orderings instead of SeqCst in `watch` ([#&#8203;6018]) ##### Added - fs: add vectored writes to `tokio::fs::File` ([#&#8203;5958]) - io: add `Interest::remove` method ([#&#8203;5906]) - io: add vectored writes to `DuplexStream` ([#&#8203;5985]) - net: add Apple tvOS support ([#&#8203;6045]) - sync: add `?Sized` bound to `{MutexGuard,OwnedMutexGuard}::map` ([#&#8203;5997]) - sync: add `watch::Receiver::mark_unseen` ([#&#8203;5962], [#&#8203;6014], [#&#8203;6017]) - sync: add `watch::Sender::new` ([#&#8203;5998]) - sync: add const fn `OnceCell::from_value` ([#&#8203;5903]) ##### Removed - remove unused `stats` feature ([#&#8203;5952]) ##### Documented - add missing backticks in code examples ([#&#8203;5938], [#&#8203;6056]) - fix typos ([#&#8203;5988], [#&#8203;6030]) - process: document that `Child::wait` is cancel safe ([#&#8203;5977]) - sync: add examples for `Semaphore` ([#&#8203;5939], [#&#8203;5956], [#&#8203;5978], [#&#8203;6031], [#&#8203;6032], [#&#8203;6050]) - sync: document that `broadcast` capacity is a lower bound ([#&#8203;6042]) - sync: document that `const_new` is not instrumented ([#&#8203;6002]) - sync: improve cancel-safety documentation for `mpsc::Sender::send` ([#&#8203;5947]) - sync: improve docs for `watch` channel ([#&#8203;5954]) - taskdump: render taskdump documentation on ([#&#8203;5972]) ##### Unstable - taskdump: fix potential deadlock ([#&#8203;6036]) [#&#8203;5903]: [#&#8203;5906]: [#&#8203;5938]: [#&#8203;5939]: [#&#8203;5947]: [#&#8203;5952]: [#&#8203;5954]: [#&#8203;5956]: [#&#8203;5958]: [#&#8203;5960]: [#&#8203;5962]: [#&#8203;5971]: [#&#8203;5972]: [#&#8203;5977]: [#&#8203;5978]: [#&#8203;5984]: [#&#8203;5985]: [#&#8203;5988]: [#&#8203;5994]: [#&#8203;5997]: [#&#8203;5998]: [#&#8203;6002]: [#&#8203;6014]: [#&#8203;6017]: [#&#8203;6018]: [#&#8203;6021]: [#&#8203;6030]: [#&#8203;6031]: [#&#8203;6032]: [#&#8203;6036]: [#&#8203;6037]: [#&#8203;6042]: [#&#8203;6045]: [#&#8203;6050]: [#&#8203;6056]: [#&#8203;6058]: ### [`v1.32.1`]( Tokio v1.32.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.32.1 (December 19, 2023) This is a forward part of a change that was backported to 1.25.3. ##### Fixed - io: add budgeting to `tokio::runtime::io::registration::async_io` ([#&#8203;6221]) [#&#8203;6221]: ### [`v1.32.0`]( Tokio v1.32.0 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - sync: fix potential quadratic behavior in `broadcast::Receiver` ([#&#8203;5925]) ##### Added - process: stabilize `Command::raw_arg` ([#&#8203;5930]) - io: enable awaiting error readiness ([#&#8203;5781]) ##### Unstable - rt(alt): improve the scalability of alt runtime as the number of cores grows ([#&#8203;5935]) [#&#8203;5925]: [#&#8203;5930]: [#&#8203;5781]: [#&#8203;5935]: ### [`v1.31.0`]( Tokio v1.31.0 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - io: delegate `WriteHalf::poll_write_vectored` ([#&#8203;5914]) ##### Unstable - rt(unstable): fix memory leak in unstable next-gen scheduler prototype ([#&#8203;5911]) - rt: expose mean task poll time metric ([#&#8203;5927]) [#&#8203;5914]: [#&#8203;5911]: [#&#8203;5927]: ### [`v1.30.0`]( Tokio v1.30.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.30.0 (August 9, 2023) This release bumps the MSRV of Tokio to 1.63. ([#&#8203;5887]) ##### Changed - tokio: reduce LLVM code generation ([#&#8203;5859]) - io: support `--cfg mio_unsupported_force_poll_poll` flag ([#&#8203;5881]) - sync: make `const_new` methods always available ([#&#8203;5885]) - sync: avoid false sharing in mpsc channel ([#&#8203;5829]) - rt: pop at least one task from inject queue ([#&#8203;5908]) ##### Added - sync: add `broadcast::Sender::new` ([#&#8203;5824]) - net: implement `UCred` for espidf ([#&#8203;5868]) - fs: add `File::options()` ([#&#8203;5869]) - time: implement extra reset variants for `Interval` ([#&#8203;5878]) - process: add `{ChildStd*}::into_owned_{fd, handle}` ([#&#8203;5899]) ##### Removed - tokio: removed unused `tokio_*` cfgs ([#&#8203;5890]) - remove build script to speed up compilation ([#&#8203;5887]) ##### Documented - sync: mention lagging in docs for `broadcast::send` ([#&#8203;5820]) - runtime: expand on sharing runtime docs ([#&#8203;5858]) - io: use vec in example for `AsyncReadExt::read_exact` ([#&#8203;5863]) - time: mark `Sleep` as `!Unpin` in docs ([#&#8203;5916]) - process: fix `raw_arg` not showing up in docs ([#&#8203;5865]) ##### Unstable - rt: add runtime ID ([#&#8203;5864]) - rt: initial implementation of new threaded runtime ([#&#8203;5823]) [#&#8203;5820]: [#&#8203;5823]: [#&#8203;5824]: [#&#8203;5829]: [#&#8203;5858]: [#&#8203;5859]: [#&#8203;5863]: [#&#8203;5864]: [#&#8203;5865]: [#&#8203;5868]: [#&#8203;5869]: [#&#8203;5878]: [#&#8203;5881]: [#&#8203;5885]: [#&#8203;5887]: [#&#8203;5890]: [#&#8203;5899]: [#&#8203;5908]: [#&#8203;5916]: ### [`v1.29.1`]( Tokio v1.29.1 [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - rt: fix nesting two `block_in_place` with a `block_on` between ([#&#8203;5837]) [#&#8203;5837]: ### [`v1.29.0`]( Tokio v1.29.0 [Compare Source]( Technically a breaking change, the `Send` implementation is removed from `runtime::EnterGuard`. This change fixes a bug and should not impact most users. ##### Breaking - rt: `EnterGuard` should not be `Send` ([#&#8203;5766]) ##### Fixed - fs: reduce blocking ops in `fs::read_dir` ([#&#8203;5653]) - rt: fix possible starvation ([#&#8203;5686], [#&#8203;5712]) - rt: fix stacked borrows issue in `JoinSet` ([#&#8203;5693]) - rt: panic if `EnterGuard` dropped incorrect order ([#&#8203;5772]) - time: do not overflow to signal value ([#&#8203;5710]) - fs: wait for in-flight ops before cloning `File` ([#&#8203;5803]) ##### Changed - rt: reduce time to poll tasks scheduled from outside the runtime ([#&#8203;5705], [#&#8203;5720]) ##### Added - net: add uds doc alias for unix sockets ([#&#8203;5659]) - rt: add metric for number of tasks ([#&#8203;5628]) - sync: implement more traits for channel errors ([#&#8203;5666]) - net: add nodelay methods on TcpSocket ([#&#8203;5672]) - sync: add `broadcast::Receiver::blocking_recv` ([#&#8203;5690]) - process: add `raw_arg` method to `Command` ([#&#8203;5704]) - io: support PRIORITY epoll events ([#&#8203;5566]) - task: add `JoinSet::poll_join_next` ([#&#8203;5721]) - net: add support for Redox OS ([#&#8203;5790]) ##### Unstable - rt: add the ability to dump task backtraces ([#&#8203;5608], [#&#8203;5676], [#&#8203;5708], [#&#8203;5717]) - rt: instrument task poll times with a histogram ([#&#8203;5685]) [#&#8203;5766]: [#&#8203;5653]: [#&#8203;5686]: [#&#8203;5712]: [#&#8203;5693]: [#&#8203;5772]: [#&#8203;5710]: [#&#8203;5803]: [#&#8203;5705]: [#&#8203;5720]: [#&#8203;5659]: [#&#8203;5628]: [#&#8203;5666]: [#&#8203;5672]: [#&#8203;5690]: [#&#8203;5704]: [#&#8203;5566]: [#&#8203;5721]: [#&#8203;5790]: [#&#8203;5608]: [#&#8203;5676]: [#&#8203;5708]: [#&#8203;5717]: [#&#8203;5685]: ### [`v1.28.2`]( Tokio v1.28.2 [Compare Source]( ##### 1.28.2 (May 28, 2023) Forward ports 1.18.6 changes. ##### Fixed - deps: disable default features for mio ([#&#8203;5728]) [#&#8203;5728]: ### [`v1.28.1`]( Tokio v1.28.1 [Compare Source]( ### 1.28.1 (May 10th, 2023) This release fixes a mistake in the build script that makes `AsFd` implementations unavailable on Rust 1.63. ([#&#8203;5677]) [#&#8203;5677]: ### [`v1.28.0`]( Tokio v1.28.0 [Compare Source]( ### 1.28.0 (April 25th, 2023) ##### Added - io: add `AsyncFd::async_io` ([#&#8203;5542]) - io: impl BufMut for ReadBuf ([#&#8203;5590]) - net: add `recv_buf` for `UdpSocket` and `UnixDatagram` ([#&#8203;5583]) - sync: add `OwnedSemaphorePermit::semaphore` ([#&#8203;5618]) - sync: add `same_channel` to broadcast channel ([#&#8203;5607]) - sync: add `watch::Receiver::wait_for` ([#&#8203;5611]) - task: add `JoinSet::spawn_blocking` and `JoinSet::spawn_blocking_on` ([#&#8203;5612]) ##### Changed - deps: update windows-sys to 0.48 ([#&#8203;5591]) - io: make `read_to_end` not grow unnecessarily ([#&#8203;5610]) - macros: make entrypoints more efficient ([#&#8203;5621]) - sync: improve Debug impl for `RwLock` ([#&#8203;5647]) - sync: reduce contention in `Notify` ([#&#8203;5503]) ##### Fixed - net: support `get_peer_cred` on AIX ([#&#8203;5065]) - sync: avoid deadlocks in `broadcast` with custom wakers ([#&#8203;5578]) ##### Documented - sync: fix typo in `Semaphore::MAX_PERMITS` ([#&#8203;5645]) - sync: fix typo in `tokio::sync::watch::Sender` docs ([#&#8203;5587]) [#&#8203;5065]: [#&#8203;5503]: [#&#8203;5542]: [#&#8203;5578]: [#&#8203;5583]: [#&#8203;5587]: [#&#8203;5590]: [#&#8203;5591]: [#&#8203;5607]: [#&#8203;5610]: [#&#8203;5611]: [#&#8203;5612]: [#&#8203;5618]: [#&#8203;5621]: [#&#8203;5645]: [#&#8203;5647]: </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. 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kjuulh force-pushed renovate/all from c00ec09849 to 6768db3712 2025-03-26 04:59:01 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/all from 6768db3712 to f379909d1c 2025-03-26 05:29:06 +01:00 Compare
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git fetch -u origin renovate/all:renovate/all
git checkout renovate/all
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Reference: kjuulh/update-deployment#2
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