2020-11-13 18:32:18 +08:00

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7.8 KiB

Operators and Symbols
{{#include ../links.md}}
| Operator | Description | Binary? | Binding direction |
| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------- | :--------: | :---------------: |
| `+` | add | yes | left |
| `-` | 1) subtract<br/>2) negative | yes<br/>no | left<br/>right |
| `*` | multiply | yes | left |
| `/` | divide | yes | left |
| `%` | modulo | yes | left |
| `~` | power | yes | left |
| `>>` | right bit-shift | yes | left |
| `<<` | left bit-shift | yes | left |
| `&` | 1) bit-wise _And_<br/>2) boolean _And_ | yes | left |
| <code>\|</code> | 1) bit-wise _Or_<br/>2) boolean _Or_ | yes | left |
| `^` | 1) bit-wise _Xor_<br/>2) boolean _Xor_ | yes | left |
| `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`,<br/>`~=`, `%=`, `<<=`, `>>=`, `&=`,<br/><code>\|=</code>, `^=` | assignments | yes | right |
| `==` | equals to | yes | left |
| `~=` | not equals to | yes | left |
| `>` | greater than | yes | left |
| `>=` | greater than or equals to | yes | left |
| `<` | less than | yes | left |
| `<=` | less than or equals to | yes | left |
| `&&` | boolean _And_ (short-circuits) | yes | left |
| <code>\|\|</code> | boolean _Or_ (short-circuits) | yes | left |
| `!` | boolean _Not_ | no | left |
| `[` .. `]` | indexing | yes | right |
| `.` | 1) property access<br/>2) method call | yes | right |
Symbols and Patterns
| Symbol | Name | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | :------------------: | ------------------------------------- |
| `_` | underscore | default `switch` case |
| `;` | semicolon | statement separator |
| `,` | comma | list separator |
| `:` | colon | [object map] property value separator |
| `::` | path | module path separator |
| `#{` .. `}` | hash map | [object map] literal |
| `"` .. `"` | double quote | [string] |
| `'` .. `'` | single quote | [character][string] |
| `\` | escape | escape character literal |
| `(` .. `)` | parentheses | expression grouping |
| `{` .. `}` | braces | block statement |
| <code>\|</code> .. <code>\|</code> | pipes | closure |
| `[` .. `]` | brackets | [array] literal |
| `!` | bang | function call in calling scope |
| `=>` | double arrow | `switch` expression case separator |
| `//` | comment | line comment |
| `/*` .. `*/` | comment | block comment |
| `(*` .. `*)` | comment | _reserved_ |
| `<` .. `>` | angular brackets | _reserved_ |
| `++` | increment | _reserved_ |
| `--` | decrement | _reserved_ |
| `..` | range | _reserved_ |
| `...` | range | _reserved_ |
| `**` | exponentiation | _reserved_ |
| `#` | hash | _reserved_ |
| `@` | at | _reserved_ |
| `$` | dollar | _reserved_ |
| `->` | arrow | _reserved_ |
| `<-` | left arrow | _reserved_ |
| `===` | strict equals to | _reserved_ |
| `!==` | strict not equals to | _reserved_ |
| `:=` | assignment | _reserved_ |
| `::<` .. `>` | turbofish | _reserved_ |