This commit is contained in:
@ -890,6 +890,8 @@ impl Engine {
match rhs {
// xxx.fn_name(arg_expr_list)
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let ((name, pos), modules, hash, args, def_val) = x.as_ref();
let mut args: Vec<_> = once(obj)
@ -898,10 +900,9 @@ impl Engine {
let def_val = x.4.as_deref();
// A function call is assumed to have side effects, so the value is changed
// TODO - Remove assumption of side effects by checking whether the first parameter is &mut
self.exec_fn_call(state, &x.0, x.2, &mut args, def_val, x.5, 0)
self.exec_fn_call(state, name, *hash, &mut args, def_val.as_ref(), *pos, 0)
.map(|v| (v, true))
// xxx.module::fn_name(...) - syntax error
@ -1034,17 +1035,18 @@ impl Engine {
match dot_lhs {
// id.??? or id[???]
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let (target, typ) =
search_scope(scope, &x.0, x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2)), index, x.4)?;
let ((name, pos), modules, hash, index) = x.as_ref();
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
let mod_and_hash = modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash));
let (target, typ) = search_scope(scope, &name, mod_and_hash, index, *pos)?;
// Constants cannot be modified
match typ {
ScopeEntryType::Module => unreachable!(),
ScopeEntryType::Constant if new_val.is_some() => {
return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(
ScopeEntryType::Constant | ScopeEntryType::Normal => (),
@ -1290,9 +1292,10 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::StringConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.to_string().into()),
Expr::CharConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.into()),
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let mod_and_hash = x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2));
let (val, _) = search_scope(scope, &x.0, mod_and_hash, index, x.4)?;
let ((name, pos), modules, hash, index) = x.as_ref();
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
let mod_and_hash = modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash));
let (val, _) = search_scope(scope, name, mod_and_hash, index, *pos)?;
Expr::Property(_) => unreachable!(),
@ -1308,12 +1311,14 @@ impl Engine {
match &x.0 {
// name = rhs
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let mod_and_hash = x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2));
let (value_ptr, typ) = search_scope(scope, &x.0, mod_and_hash, index, x.4)?;
let ((name, pos), modules, hash, index) = x.as_ref();
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
let mod_and_hash = modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash));
let (value_ptr, typ) =
search_scope(scope, name, mod_and_hash, index, *pos)?;
match typ {
ScopeEntryType::Constant => Err(Box::new(
EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(x.0.clone(), x.4),
EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(name.clone(), *pos),
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
*value_ptr = rhs_val;
@ -1375,7 +1380,7 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Map(x) => Ok(Dynamic(Union::Map(Box::new(
.map(|(key, expr, _)| {
.map(|((key, _), expr)| {
self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)
.map(|val| (key.clone(), val))
@ -1384,25 +1389,28 @@ impl Engine {
// Normal function call
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let mut arg_values =
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let ((name, pos), _, hash_fn_def, args_expr, def_val) = x.as_ref();
let mut arg_values = args_expr
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
let hash_fn_spec =
calc_fn_hash(empty(), KEYWORD_EVAL, once(TypeId::of::<String>()));
if x.0 == KEYWORD_EVAL
if name == KEYWORD_EVAL
&& args.len() == 1
&& !self.has_override(state, hash_fn_spec, x.2)
&& !self.has_override(state, hash_fn_spec, *hash_fn_def)
// eval - only in function call style
let prev_len = scope.len();
// Evaluate the text string as a script
let result = self.eval_script_expr(scope, state, args[0], x.3[0].position());
let result =
self.eval_script_expr(scope, state, args[0], args_expr[0].position());
if scope.len() != prev_len {
// IMPORTANT! If the eval defines new variables in the current scope,
@ -1413,20 +1421,28 @@ impl Engine {
} else {
// Normal function call - except for eval (handled above)
let def_value = x.4.as_deref();
self.exec_fn_call(state, &x.0, x.2, &mut args, def_value, x.5, level)
&mut args,
// Module-qualified function call
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
let modules = x.1.as_ref().unwrap();
let ((name, pos), modules, hash_fn_def, args_expr, def_val) = x.as_ref();
let modules = modules.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut arg_values =
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut arg_values = args_expr
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
@ -1445,8 +1461,8 @@ impl Engine {
// First search in script-defined functions (can override built-in)
if let Some(fn_def) = module.get_qualified_scripted_fn(x.2) {
self.call_script_fn(None, state, fn_def, &mut args, x.5, level)
if let Some(fn_def) = module.get_qualified_scripted_fn(*hash_fn_def) {
self.call_script_fn(None, state, fn_def, &mut args, *pos, level)
} else {
// Then search in Rust functions
@ -1455,13 +1471,13 @@ impl Engine {
// i.e. qualifiers + function name + dummy parameter types (one for each parameter).
// 2) Calculate a second hash with no qualifiers, empty function name, and
// the actual list of parameter `TypeId`'.s
let hash2 = calc_fn_hash(empty(), "", args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id()));
let hash_fn_args = calc_fn_hash(empty(), "", args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id()));
// 3) The final hash is the XOR of the two hashes.
let hash = x.2 ^ hash2;
let hash = *hash_fn_def ^ hash_fn_args;
match module.get_qualified_fn(&x.0, hash, x.5) {
Ok(func) => func(&mut args, x.5),
Err(_) if x.4.is_some() => Ok(x.4.as_deref().unwrap().clone()),
match module.get_qualified_fn(name, hash, *pos) {
Ok(func) => func(&mut args, *pos),
Err(_) if def_val.is_some() => Ok(def_val.clone().unwrap()),
Err(err) => Err(err),
@ -1469,35 +1485,41 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::In(x) => self.eval_in_expr(scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, level),
Expr::And(x) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?
Expr::And(x) => {
let (lhs, rhs, _) = x.as_ref();
.eval_expr(scope, state, lhs, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), x.0.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), lhs.position())
&& // Short-circuit using &&
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?
.eval_expr(scope, state, rhs, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), x.1.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), rhs.position())
Expr::Or(x) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?
Expr::Or(x) => {
let (lhs, rhs, _) = x.as_ref();
.eval_expr(scope, state, lhs, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), x.0.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), lhs.position())
|| // Short-circuit using ||
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?
.eval_expr(scope, state, rhs, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), x.1.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), rhs.position())
Expr::True(_) => Ok(true.into()),
Expr::False(_) => Ok(false.into()),
@ -1633,56 +1655,56 @@ impl Engine {
Stmt::Break(pos) => Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLoopBreak(true, *pos))),
// Return value
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1.is_some() && (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Return => {
self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.0.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?,
self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.1.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?,
// Empty return
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::Return(Default::default(), x.2)))
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Return => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::Return(Default::default(), (x.0).1)))
// Throw value
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Exception => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.0.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1.is_some() && (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Exception => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.1.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
val.take_string().unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()),
// Empty throw
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1 == ReturnType::Exception => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime("".into(), x.2)))
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Exception => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime("".into(), (x.0).1)))
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(_) => unreachable!(),
// Let statement
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.1.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
let ((var_name, _), expr) = x.as_ref();
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name, ScopeEntryType::Normal, val, false);
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Normal, val, false);
Stmt::Let(x) => {
let ((var_name, _), _) = x.as_ref();
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push(var_name, ());
scope.push(var_name.clone(), ());
// Const statement
Stmt::Const(x) if x.1.is_constant() => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?;
let ((var_name, _), expr) = x.as_ref();
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, &expr, level)?;
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name, ScopeEntryType::Constant, val, true);
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Constant, val, true);
@ -1691,7 +1713,7 @@ impl Engine {
// Import statement
Stmt::Import(x) => {
let (expr, name, _) = x.as_ref();
let (expr, (name, _)) = x.as_ref();
#[cfg(feature = "no_module")]
@ -1725,7 +1747,7 @@ impl Engine {
// Export statement
Stmt::Export(list) => {
for (id, id_pos, rename) in list.as_ref() {
for ((id, id_pos), rename) in list.as_ref() {
let mut found = false;
// Mark scope variables as public
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ impl Module {
/// use rhai::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_0("calc", || Ok(42_i64), false);
/// let hash = module.set_fn_0("calc", || Ok(42_i64));
/// assert!(module.contains_fn(hash));
/// ```
pub fn contains_fn(&self, hash: u64) -> bool {
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ impl Module {
/// use rhai::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_0("calc", || Ok(42_i64), false);
/// let hash = module.set_fn_0("calc", || Ok(42_i64));
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_0<K: Into<String>, T: Into<Dynamic>>(
@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn() -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn() -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |_: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
@ -305,12 +304,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking one parameter into the module, returning a hash key.
@ -323,7 +317,7 @@ impl Module {
/// use rhai::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1("calc", |x: i64| Ok(x + 1), false);
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1("calc", |x: i64| Ok(x + 1));
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_1<K: Into<String>, A: Variant + Clone, T: Into<Dynamic>>(
@ -331,7 +325,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(A) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(A) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
@ -339,12 +332,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking one mutable parameter into the module, returning a hash key.
@ -357,7 +345,7 @@ impl Module {
/// use rhai::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1_mut("calc", |x: &mut i64| { *x += 1; Ok(*x) }, false);
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1_mut("calc", |x: &mut i64| { *x += 1; Ok(*x) });
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_1_mut<K: Into<String>, A: Variant + Clone, T: Into<Dynamic>>(
@ -365,7 +353,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(&mut A) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(&mut A) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
@ -373,12 +360,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking two parameters into the module, returning a hash key.
@ -393,7 +375,7 @@ impl Module {
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_2("calc", |x: i64, y: String| {
/// Ok(x + y.len() as i64)
/// }, false);
/// });
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_2<K: Into<String>, A: Variant + Clone, B: Variant + Clone, T: Into<Dynamic>>(
@ -401,7 +383,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(A, B) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(A, B) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
let a = mem::take(args[0]).cast::<A>();
@ -412,12 +393,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>(), TypeId::of::<B>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking two parameters (the first one mutable) into the module,
@ -431,7 +407,7 @@ impl Module {
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_2_mut("calc", |x: &mut i64, y: String| {
/// *x += y.len() as i64; Ok(*x)
/// }, false);
/// });
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_2_mut<
@ -444,7 +420,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(&mut A, B) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(&mut A, B) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
let b = mem::take(args[1]).cast::<B>();
@ -455,12 +430,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>(), TypeId::of::<B>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking three parameters into the module, returning a hash key.
@ -475,7 +445,7 @@ impl Module {
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_3("calc", |x: i64, y: String, z: i64| {
/// Ok(x + y.len() as i64 + z)
/// }, false);
/// });
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_3<
@ -489,7 +459,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(A, B, C) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(A, B, C) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
let a = mem::take(args[0]).cast::<A>();
@ -501,12 +470,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>(), TypeId::of::<B>(), TypeId::of::<C>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Set a Rust function taking three parameters (the first one mutable) into the module,
@ -522,7 +486,7 @@ impl Module {
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_3_mut("calc", |x: &mut i64, y: String, z: i64| {
/// *x += y.len() as i64 + z; Ok(*x)
/// }, false);
/// });
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_fn_3_mut<
@ -536,7 +500,6 @@ impl Module {
fn_name: K,
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))] func: impl Fn(&mut A, B, C) -> FuncReturn<T> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "sync")] func: impl Fn(&mut A, B, C) -> FuncReturn<T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
is_private: bool,
) -> u64 {
let f = move |args: &mut FnCallArgs, pos| {
let b = mem::take(args[1]).cast::<B>();
@ -548,12 +511,7 @@ impl Module {
.map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::set_position(err, pos))
let arg_types = vec![TypeId::of::<A>(), TypeId::of::<B>(), TypeId::of::<C>()];
let access = if is_private {
} else {
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), access, arg_types, Box::new(f))
self.set_fn(fn_name.into(), FnAccess::Public, arg_types, Box::new(f))
/// Get a Rust function.
@ -567,7 +525,7 @@ impl Module {
/// use rhai::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1("calc", |x: i64| Ok(x + 1), false);
/// let hash = module.set_fn_1("calc", |x: i64| Ok(x + 1));
/// assert!(module.get_fn(hash).is_some());
/// ```
pub fn get_fn(&self, hash: u64) -> Option<&Box<FnAny>> {
@ -694,16 +652,16 @@ impl Module {
// Rust functions are indexed in two steps:
// 1) Calculate a hash in a similar manner to script-defined functions,
// i.e. qualifiers + function name + dummy parameter types (one for each parameter).
let hash1 = calc_fn_hash(
let hash_fn_def = calc_fn_hash(
qualifiers.iter().map(|v| *v),
// 2) Calculate a second hash with no qualifiers, empty function name, and
// the actual list of parameter `TypeId`'.s
let hash2 = calc_fn_hash(empty(), "", params.iter().cloned());
let hash_fn_args = calc_fn_hash(empty(), "", params.iter().cloned());
// 3) The final hash is the XOR of the two hashes.
let hash = hash1 ^ hash2;
let hash = hash_fn_def ^ hash_fn_args;
functions.push((hash, func.clone()));
@ -220,15 +220,13 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
optimize_stmt(x.2, state, false),
// let id = expr;
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => Stmt::Let(Box::new((
Some(optimize_expr(x.1.unwrap(), state)),
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
Stmt::Let(Box::new((x.0, Some(optimize_expr(x.1.unwrap(), state)))))
// let id;
stmt @ Stmt::Let(_) => stmt,
// import expr as id;
Stmt::Import(x) => Stmt::Import(Box::new((optimize_expr(x.0, state), x.1, x.2))),
Stmt::Import(x) => Stmt::Import(Box::new((optimize_expr(x.0, state), x.1))),
// { block }
Stmt::Block(x) => {
let orig_len = x.0.len(); // Original number of statements in the block, for change detection
@ -241,9 +239,10 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
.map(|stmt| match stmt {
// Add constant into the state
Stmt::Const(v) => {
state.push_constant(&v.0, v.1);
let ((name, pos), expr) = *v;
state.push_constant(&name, expr);
Stmt::Noop(v.2) // No need to keep constants
Stmt::Noop(pos) // No need to keep constants
// Optimize the statement
_ => optimize_stmt(stmt, state, preserve_result),
@ -336,11 +335,9 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
// expr;
Stmt::Expr(expr) => Stmt::Expr(Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state))),
// return expr;
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() => Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new((
Some(optimize_expr(x.0.unwrap(), state)),
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new((x.0, Some(optimize_expr(x.1.unwrap(), state)))))
// All other statements - skip
stmt => stmt,
@ -394,13 +391,13 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// map.string
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::Property(p)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::Property(p)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x)| x.is_pure()) => {
// Map literal where everything is pure - promote the indexed item.
// All other items can be thrown away.
let pos = m.1;
m.0.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &p.0)
.map(|(_, expr, _)| expr.set_position(pos))
m.0.into_iter().find(|((name, _), _)| name == &p.0)
.map(|(_, expr)| expr.set_position(pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Expr::Unit(pos))
// lhs.rhs
@ -420,13 +417,13 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
a.0.remove(i.0 as usize).set_position(a.1)
// map[string]
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::StringConstant(s)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::StringConstant(s)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x)| x.is_pure()) => {
// Map literal where everything is pure - promote the indexed item.
// All other items can be thrown away.
let pos = m.1;
m.0.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &s.0)
.map(|(_, expr, _)| expr.set_position(pos))
m.0.into_iter().find(|((name, _), _)| name == &s.0)
.map(|(_, expr)| expr.set_position(pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Expr::Unit(pos))
// string[int]
@ -448,7 +445,7 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Map(m) => Expr::Map(Box::new((m.0
.map(|(key, expr, pos)| (key, optimize_expr(expr, state), pos))
.map(|((key, pos), expr)| ((key, pos), optimize_expr(expr, state)))
.collect(), m.1))),
// lhs in rhs
Expr::In(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
@ -465,7 +462,7 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
// "xxx" in #{...}
(Expr::StringConstant(a), Expr::Map(b)) => {
if b.0.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &a.0).is_some() {
if b.0.iter().find(|((name, _), _)| name == &a.0).is_some() {
} else {
@ -476,7 +473,7 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
let ch = a.0.to_string();
if b.0.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &ch).is_some() {
if b.0.iter().find(|((name, _), _)| name == &ch).is_some() {
} else {
@ -527,7 +524,7 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
// Do not call some special keywords
Expr::FnCall(mut x) if DONT_EVAL_KEYWORDS.contains(&x.0.as_ref().as_ref())=> {
Expr::FnCall(mut x) if DONT_EVAL_KEYWORDS.contains(&(x.0).0.as_ref())=> {
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
@ -538,25 +535,27 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
&& state.optimization_level == OptimizationLevel::Full // full optimizations
&& x.3.iter().all(|expr| expr.is_constant()) // all arguments are constants
=> {
let ((name, pos), _, _, args, def_value) = x.as_mut();
// First search in script-defined functions (can override built-in)
if state.fn_lib.iter().find(|(name, len)| *name == x.0 && *len == x.3.len()).is_some() {
if state.fn_lib.iter().find(|(id, len)| *id == name && *len == args.len()).is_some() {
// A script-defined function overrides the built-in function - do not make the call
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
return Expr::FnCall(x);
let mut arg_values: Vec<_> = x.3.iter().map(Expr::get_constant_value).collect();
let mut arg_values: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(Expr::get_constant_value).collect();
let mut call_args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
// Save the typename of the first argument if it is `type_of()`
// This is to avoid `call_args` being passed into the closure
let arg_for_type_of = if x.0 == KEYWORD_TYPE_OF && call_args.len() == 1 {
let arg_for_type_of = if name == KEYWORD_TYPE_OF && call_args.len() == 1 {
} else {
call_fn(&state.engine.packages, &state.engine.base_package, &x.0, &mut call_args, x.5).ok()
call_fn(&state.engine.packages, &state.engine.base_package, name, &mut call_args, *pos).ok()
result.or_else(|| {
if !arg_for_type_of.is_empty() {
@ -564,9 +563,9 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
} else {
// Otherwise use the default value, if any
x.4.clone().map(|v| *v)
}).and_then(|result| map_dynamic_to_expr(result, x.5))
}).and_then(|result| map_dynamic_to_expr(result, *pos))
.map(|expr| {
@ -585,11 +584,12 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
// constant-name
Expr::Variable(x) if x.1.is_none() && state.contains_constant(&x.0) => {
Expr::Variable(x) if x.1.is_none() && state.contains_constant(&(x.0).0) => {
let (name, pos) = x.0;
// Replace constant with value
state.find_constant(&x.0).expect("should find constant in scope!").clone().set_position(x.4)
state.find_constant(&name).expect("should find constant in scope!").clone().set_position(pos)
// All other expressions - skip
@ -643,9 +643,10 @@ fn optimize<'a>(
.map(|(i, stmt)| {
match &stmt {
Stmt::Const(x) => {
Stmt::Const(v) => {
// Load constants
state.push_constant(&x.0, x.1.clone());
let ((name, _), expr) = v.as_ref();
state.push_constant(&name, expr.clone());
stmt // Keep it in the global scope
_ => {
@ -718,12 +719,16 @@ pub fn optimize_into_ast(
// {} -> Noop
fn_def.body = match body.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| Stmt::Noop(pos)) {
// { return val; } -> val
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
if x.1.is_some() && (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Return =>
// { return; } -> ()
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_none() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
if x.1.is_none() && (x.0).0 == ReturnType::Return =>
// All others
stmt => stmt,
@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ pub enum Stmt {
/// for id in expr { stmt }
For(Box<(String, Expr, Stmt)>),
/// let id = expr
Let(Box<(String, Option<Expr>, Position)>),
Let(Box<((String, Position), Option<Expr>)>),
/// const id = expr
Const(Box<(String, Expr, Position)>),
Const(Box<((String, Position), Expr)>),
/// { stmt; ... }
Block(Box<(Vec<Stmt>, Position)>),
/// { stmt }
@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ pub enum Stmt {
/// break
/// return/throw
ReturnWithVal(Box<(Option<Expr>, ReturnType, Position)>),
ReturnWithVal(Box<((ReturnType, Position), Option<Expr>)>),
/// import expr as module
Import(Box<(Expr, String, Position)>),
Import(Box<(Expr, (String, Position))>),
/// expr id as name, ...
Export(Box<Vec<(String, Position, Option<(String, Position)>)>>),
Export(Box<Vec<((String, Position), Option<(String, Position)>)>>),
impl Stmt {
@ -304,17 +304,17 @@ impl Stmt {
pub fn position(&self) -> Position {
match self {
Stmt::Noop(pos) | Stmt::Continue(pos) | Stmt::Break(pos) => *pos,
Stmt::Let(x) => x.2,
Stmt::Const(x) => x.2,
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) => x.2,
Stmt::Let(x) => (x.0).1,
Stmt::Const(x) => (x.0).1,
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) => (x.0).1,
Stmt::Block(x) => x.1,
Stmt::IfThenElse(x) => x.0.position(),
Stmt::Expr(x) => x.position(),
Stmt::While(x) => x.1.position(),
Stmt::Loop(x) => x.position(),
Stmt::For(x) => x.2.position(),
Stmt::Import(x) => x.2,
Stmt::Export(x) => x.get(0).unwrap().1,
Stmt::Import(x) => (x.1).1,
Stmt::Export(x) => (x.get(0).unwrap().0).1,
@ -379,23 +379,22 @@ pub enum Expr {
CharConstant(Box<(char, Position)>),
/// String constant.
StringConstant(Box<(String, Position)>),
/// Variable access - (variable name, optional modules, hash, optional index, position)
Variable(Box<(String, MRef, u64, Option<NonZeroUsize>, Position)>),
/// Variable access - ((variable name, position), optional modules, hash, optional index)
Variable(Box<((String, Position), MRef, u64, Option<NonZeroUsize>)>),
/// Property access.
Property(Box<(String, Position)>),
/// { stmt }
Stmt(Box<(Stmt, Position)>),
/// func(expr, ... ) - (function name, optional modules, hash, arguments, optional default value, position)
/// func(expr, ... ) - ((function name, position), optional modules, hash, arguments, optional default value)
/// Use `Cow<'static, str>` because a lot of operators (e.g. `==`, `>=`) are implemented as function calls
/// and the function names are predictable, so no need to allocate a new `String`.
Cow<'static, str>,
(Cow<'static, str>, Position),
/// expr = expr
@ -407,7 +406,7 @@ pub enum Expr {
/// [ expr, ... ]
Array(Box<(Vec<Expr>, Position)>),
/// #{ name:expr, ... }
Map(Box<(Vec<(String, Expr, Position)>, Position)>),
Map(Box<(Vec<((String, Position), Expr)>, Position)>),
/// lhs in rhs
In(Box<(Expr, Expr, Position)>),
/// lhs && rhs
@ -445,10 +444,10 @@ impl Expr {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Self::Map(x) if x.0.iter().all(|(_, v, _)| v.is_constant()) => {
Self::Map(x) if x.0.iter().all(|(_, v)| v.is_constant()) => {
.map(|(k, v, _)| (k.clone(), v.get_constant_value()))
.map(|((k, _), v)| (k.clone(), v.get_constant_value()))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
@ -493,8 +492,8 @@ impl Expr {
Self::Map(x) => x.1,
Self::Property(x) => x.1,
Self::Stmt(x) => x.1,
Self::Variable(x) => x.4,
Self::FnCall(x) => x.5,
Self::Variable(x) => (x.0).1,
Self::FnCall(x) => (x.0).1,
Self::And(x) | Self::Or(x) | Self::In(x) => x.2,
@ -515,10 +514,10 @@ impl Expr {
Self::StringConstant(x) => x.1 = new_pos,
Self::Array(x) => x.1 = new_pos,
Self::Map(x) => x.1 = new_pos,
Self::Variable(x) => x.4 = new_pos,
Self::Variable(x) => (x.0).1 = new_pos,
Self::Property(x) => x.1 = new_pos,
Self::Stmt(x) => x.1 = new_pos,
Self::FnCall(x) => x.5 = new_pos,
Self::FnCall(x) => (x.0).1 = new_pos,
Self::And(x) => x.2 = new_pos,
Self::Or(x) => x.2 = new_pos,
Self::In(x) => x.2 = new_pos,
@ -541,7 +540,8 @@ impl Expr {
Self::Array(x) => x.0.iter().all(Self::is_pure),
Self::Index(x) | Self::And(x) | Self::Or(x) | Self::In(x) => {
x.0.is_pure() && x.1.is_pure()
let (lhs, rhs, _) = x.as_ref();
lhs.is_pure() && rhs.is_pure()
Self::Stmt(x) => x.0.is_pure(),
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ impl Expr {
Self::Array(x) => x.0.iter().all(Self::is_constant),
// An map literal is constant if all items are constant
Self::Map(x) => x.0.iter().map(|(_, expr, _)| expr).all(Self::is_constant),
Self::Map(x) => x.0.iter().map(|(_, expr)| expr).all(Self::is_constant),
// Check in expression
Self::In(x) => match (&x.0, &x.1) {
@ -626,7 +626,10 @@ impl Expr {
/// Convert a `Variable` into a `Property`. All other variants are untouched.
pub(crate) fn into_property(self) -> Self {
match self {
Self::Variable(x) if x.1.is_none() => Self::Property(Box::new((x.0.clone(), x.4))),
Self::Variable(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let (name, pos) = x.0;
Self::Property(Box::new((name.clone(), pos)))
_ => self,
@ -713,34 +716,31 @@ fn parse_call_expr<'a>(
eat_token(input, Token::RightParen);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
let hash1 = {
let hash_fn_def = {
if let Some(modules) = modules.as_mut() {
// Rust functions are indexed in two steps:
// 1) Calculate a hash in a similar manner to script-defined functions,
// i.e. qualifiers + function name + no parameters.
let hash1 = calc_fn_hash(modules.iter().map(|(m, _)| m.as_str()), &id, empty());
// 2) Calculate a second hash with no qualifiers, empty function name, and
// the actual list of parameter `TypeId`'.s
// 3) The final hash is the XOR of the two hashes.
calc_fn_hash(modules.iter().map(|(m, _)| m.as_str()), &id, empty())
} else {
calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, empty())
// Qualifiers (none) + function name + no parameters.
#[cfg(feature = "no_module")]
let hash1 = calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, empty());
let hash_fn_def = calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, empty());
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(Box::new((
(id.into(), begin),
// id...
@ -756,38 +756,36 @@ fn parse_call_expr<'a>(
eat_token(input, Token::RightParen);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
let hash1 = {
let hash_fn_def = {
if let Some(modules) = modules.as_mut() {
// Rust functions are indexed in two steps:
// 1) Calculate a hash in a similar manner to script-defined functions,
// i.e. qualifiers + function name + dummy parameter types (one for each parameter).
let hash1 = calc_fn_hash(
modules.iter().map(|(m, _)| m.as_str()),
// 2) Calculate a second hash with no qualifiers, empty function name, and
// the actual list of parameter `TypeId`'.s
// 3) The final hash is the XOR of the two hashes.
modules.iter().map(|(m, _)| m.as_str()),
} else {
calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(args.len()))
// Qualifiers (none) + function name + dummy parameter types (one for each parameter).
#[cfg(feature = "no_module")]
let hash1 = calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(args.len()));
let hash_fn_def =
calc_fn_hash(empty(), &id, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(args.len()));
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(Box::new((
(id.into(), begin),
// id(...args,
@ -1094,7 +1092,7 @@ fn parse_map_literal<'a>(
let expr = parse_expr(input, stack, allow_stmt_expr)?;
map.push((name, expr, pos));
map.push(((name, pos), expr));
match input.peek().unwrap() {
(Token::Comma, _) => {
@ -1127,11 +1125,11 @@ fn parse_map_literal<'a>(
// Check for duplicating properties
.try_for_each(|(i, (k1, _, _))| {
.try_for_each(|(i, ((k1, _), _))| {
.skip(i + 1)
.find(|(k2, _, _)| k2 == k1)
.map_or_else(|| Ok(()), |(k2, _, pos)| Err((k2, *pos)))
.find(|((k2, _), _)| k2 == k1)
.map_or_else(|| Ok(()), |((k2, pos), _)| Err((k2, *pos)))
.map_err(|(key, pos)| PERR::DuplicatedProperty(key.to_string()).into_err(pos))?;
@ -1163,7 +1161,7 @@ fn parse_primary<'a>(
Token::StringConst(s) => Expr::StringConstant(Box::new((s, pos))),
Token::Identifier(s) => {
let index = stack.find(&s);
Expr::Variable(Box::new((s, None, 0, index, pos)))
Expr::Variable(Box::new(((s, pos), None, 0, index)))
Token::LeftParen => parse_paren_expr(input, stack, pos, allow_stmt_expr)?,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
@ -1191,24 +1189,27 @@ fn parse_primary<'a>(
root_expr = match (root_expr, token) {
// Function call
(Expr::Variable(x), Token::LeftParen) => {
parse_call_expr(input, stack, x.0, x.1, x.4, allow_stmt_expr)?
let ((name, pos), modules, _, _) = *x;
parse_call_expr(input, stack, name, modules, pos, allow_stmt_expr)?
(Expr::Property(x), Token::LeftParen) => {
parse_call_expr(input, stack, x.0, None, x.1, allow_stmt_expr)?
let (name, pos) = *x;
parse_call_expr(input, stack, name, None, pos, allow_stmt_expr)?
// module access
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
(Expr::Variable(mut x), Token::DoubleColon) => match {
(Expr::Variable(x), Token::DoubleColon) => match {
(Token::Identifier(id2), pos2) => {
if let Some(ref mut modules) = x.1 {
modules.push((x.0, x.4));
let ((name, pos), mut modules, _, index) = *x;
if let Some(ref mut modules) = modules {
modules.push((name, pos));
} else {
let mut m: ModuleRef = Default::default();
m.push((x.0, x.4));
x.1 = Some(Box::new(m));
m.push((name, pos));
modules = Some(Box::new(m));
Expr::Variable(Box::new((id2, x.1, 0, x.3, pos2)))
Expr::Variable(Box::new(((id2, pos2), modules, 0, index)))
(_, pos2) => return Err(PERR::VariableExpected.into_err(pos2)),
@ -1226,10 +1227,11 @@ fn parse_primary<'a>(
// Cache the hash key for module-qualified variables
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
Expr::Variable(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
let modules = x.1.as_mut().unwrap();
let ((name, _), modules, hash, _) = x.as_mut();
let modules = modules.as_mut().unwrap();
// Qualifiers + variable name
x.2 = calc_fn_hash(modules.iter().map(|(v, _)| v.as_str()), &x.0, empty());
*hash = calc_fn_hash(modules.iter().map(|(v, _)| v.as_str()), name, empty());
_ => (),
@ -1292,12 +1294,11 @@ fn parse_unary<'a>(
let hash = calc_fn_hash(empty(), op, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(2));
(op.into(), pos),
@ -1310,16 +1311,17 @@ fn parse_unary<'a>(
// !expr
(Token::Bang, _) => {
let pos = eat_token(input, Token::Bang);
let expr = vec![parse_primary(input, stack, allow_stmt_expr)?];
let op = "!";
let hash = calc_fn_hash(empty(), op, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(2));
(op.into(), pos),
vec![parse_primary(input, stack, allow_stmt_expr)?],
Some(Box::new(false.into())), // NOT operator, when operating on invalid operand, defaults to false
Some(false.into()), // NOT operator, when operating on invalid operand, defaults to false
// <EOF>
@ -1338,11 +1340,12 @@ fn make_assignment_stmt<'a>(
match &lhs {
Expr::Variable(x) if x.3.is_none() => Ok(Expr::Assignment(Box::new((lhs, rhs, pos)))),
Expr::Variable(x) => {
match stack[(stack.len() - x.3.unwrap().get())].1 {
let ((name, name_pos), _, _, index) = x.as_ref();
match stack[(stack.len() - index.unwrap().get())].1 {
ScopeEntryType::Normal => Ok(Expr::Assignment(Box::new((lhs, rhs, pos)))),
// Constant values cannot be assigned to
ScopeEntryType::Constant => {
ScopeEntryType::Module => unreachable!(),
@ -1350,11 +1353,12 @@ fn make_assignment_stmt<'a>(
Expr::Index(x) | Expr::Dot(x) => match &x.0 {
Expr::Variable(x) if x.3.is_none() => Ok(Expr::Assignment(Box::new((lhs, rhs, pos)))),
Expr::Variable(x) => {
match stack[(stack.len() - x.3.unwrap().get())].1 {
let ((name, name_pos), _, _, index) = x.as_ref();
match stack[(stack.len() - index.unwrap().get())].1 {
ScopeEntryType::Normal => Ok(Expr::Assignment(Box::new((lhs, rhs, pos)))),
// Constant values cannot be assigned to
ScopeEntryType::Constant => {
ScopeEntryType::Module => unreachable!(),
@ -1403,7 +1407,7 @@ fn parse_op_assignment_stmt<'a>(
// lhs op= rhs -> lhs = op(lhs, rhs)
let args = vec![lhs_copy, rhs];
let hash = calc_fn_hash(empty(), op, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(args.len()));
let rhs_expr = Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op.into(), None, hash, args, None, pos)));
let rhs_expr = Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op.into(), pos), None, hash, args, None)));
make_assignment_stmt(stack, lhs, rhs_expr, pos)
@ -1423,15 +1427,13 @@ fn make_dot_expr(
(lhs, Expr::Variable(x)) if x.1.is_none() => {
let lhs = if is_index { lhs.into_property() } else { lhs };
Expr::Property(Box::new((x.0, x.4))),
let rhs = Expr::Property(Box::new(x.0));
Expr::Dot(Box::new((lhs, rhs, op_pos)))
(lhs, Expr::Property(x)) => {
let lhs = if is_index { lhs.into_property() } else { lhs };
Expr::Dot(Box::new((lhs, Expr::Property(x), op_pos)))
let rhs = Expr::Property(x);
Expr::Dot(Box::new((lhs, rhs, op_pos)))
// lhs.module::id - syntax error
(_, Expr::Variable(x)) if x.1.is_some() => {
@ -1441,17 +1443,31 @@ fn make_dot_expr(
return Err(PERR::PropertyExpected.into_err(x.1.unwrap().get(0).1));
// lhs.dot_lhs.dot_rhs
(lhs, Expr::Dot(x)) => Expr::Dot(Box::new((
Expr::Dot(Box::new((x.0.into_property(), x.1.into_property(), x.2))),
(lhs, Expr::Dot(x)) => {
let (dot_lhs, dot_rhs, pos) = *x;
// lhs.idx_lhs[idx_rhs]
(lhs, Expr::Index(x)) => Expr::Dot(Box::new((
Expr::Index(Box::new((x.0.into_property(), x.1.into_property(), x.2))),
(lhs, Expr::Index(x)) => {
let (idx_lhs, idx_rhs, pos) = *x;
// lhs.rhs
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Dot(Box::new((lhs, rhs.into_property(), op_pos))),
@ -1664,32 +1680,32 @@ fn parse_binary_op<'a>(
let cmp_default = Some(Box::new(false.into()));
let cmp_def = Some(false.into());
let op = op_token.syntax();
let hash = calc_fn_hash(empty(), &op, repeat(EMPTY_TYPE_ID()).take(2));
let mut args = vec![current_lhs, rhs];
current_lhs = match op_token {
Token::Plus => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Minus => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Multiply => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Divide => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Plus => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::Minus => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::Multiply => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::Divide => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::LeftShift => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::RightShift => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Modulo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::PowerOf => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::LeftShift => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::RightShift => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::Modulo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::PowerOf => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
// Comparison operators default to false when passed invalid operands
Token::EqualsTo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos))),
Token::NotEqualsTo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos))),
Token::LessThan => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos))),
Token::EqualsTo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def))),
Token::NotEqualsTo => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def))),
Token::LessThan => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def))),
Token::LessThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos)))
Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def)))
Token::GreaterThan => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos))),
Token::GreaterThan => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def))),
Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, cmp_default, pos)))
Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, cmp_def)))
Token::Or => {
@ -1702,9 +1718,9 @@ fn parse_binary_op<'a>(
let current_lhs = args.pop().unwrap();
Expr::And(Box::new((current_lhs, rhs, pos)))
Token::Ampersand => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Pipe => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::XOr => Expr::FnCall(Box::new((op, None, hash, args, None, pos))),
Token::Ampersand => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::Pipe => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::XOr => Expr::FnCall(Box::new(((op, pos), None, hash, args, None))),
Token::In => {
let rhs = args.pop().unwrap();
@ -1916,12 +1932,12 @@ fn parse_let<'a>(
// let name = expr
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
stack.push((name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Normal));
Ok(Stmt::Let(Box::new((name, Some(init_value), pos))))
Ok(Stmt::Let(Box::new(((name, pos), Some(init_value)))))
// const name = { expr:constant }
ScopeEntryType::Constant if init_value.is_constant() => {
stack.push((name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Constant));
Ok(Stmt::Const(Box::new((name, init_value, pos))))
Ok(Stmt::Const(Box::new(((name, pos), init_value))))
// const name = expr - error
ScopeEntryType::Constant => {
@ -1935,11 +1951,11 @@ fn parse_let<'a>(
match var_type {
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
stack.push((name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Normal));
Ok(Stmt::Let(Box::new((name, None, pos))))
Ok(Stmt::Let(Box::new(((name, pos), None))))
ScopeEntryType::Constant => {
stack.push((name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Constant));
Ok(Stmt::Const(Box::new((name, Expr::Unit(pos), pos))))
Ok(Stmt::Const(Box::new(((name, pos), Expr::Unit(pos)))))
// Variable cannot be a module
ScopeEntryType::Module => unreachable!(),
@ -1978,7 +1994,7 @@ fn parse_import<'a>(
stack.push((name.clone(), ScopeEntryType::Module));
Ok(Stmt::Import(Box::new((expr, name, pos))))
Ok(Stmt::Import(Box::new((expr, (name, pos)))))
/// Parse an export statement.
@ -2005,7 +2021,7 @@ fn parse_export<'a>(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) -> Result<Stmt, Box
exports.push((id, id_pos, rename));
exports.push(((id, id_pos), rename));
match input.peek().unwrap() {
(Token::Comma, _) => {
@ -2026,14 +2042,14 @@ fn parse_export<'a>(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) -> Result<Stmt, Box
.try_for_each(|(i, (p1, _, _))| {
.try_for_each(|(i, ((id1, _), _))| {
.skip(i + 1)
.find(|(p2, _, _)| p2 == p1)
.map_or_else(|| Ok(()), |(p2, pos, _)| Err((p2, *pos)))
.find(|((id2, _), _)| id2 == id1)
.map_or_else(|| Ok(()), |((id2, pos), _)| Err((id2, *pos)))
.map_err(|(p, pos)| PERR::DuplicatedExport(p.to_string()).into_err(pos))?;
.map_err(|(id2, pos)| PERR::DuplicatedExport(id2.to_string()).into_err(pos))?;
@ -2165,10 +2181,10 @@ fn parse_stmt<'a>(
match input.peek().unwrap() {
// `return`/`throw` at <EOF>
(Token::EOF, pos) => Ok(Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new((None, return_type, *pos)))),
(Token::EOF, pos) => Ok(Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new(((return_type, *pos), None)))),
// `return;` or `throw;`
(Token::SemiColon, _) => {
Ok(Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new((None, return_type, pos))))
Ok(Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new(((return_type, pos), None))))
// `return` or `throw` with expression
(_, _) => {
@ -2176,9 +2192,8 @@ fn parse_stmt<'a>(
let pos = expr.position();
(return_type, pos),
@ -2448,13 +2463,14 @@ pub fn map_dynamic_to_expr(value: Dynamic, pos: Position) -> Option<Expr> {
Union::Map(map) => {
let items: Vec<_> = map
.map(|(k, v)| (k, map_dynamic_to_expr(v, pos), pos))
.map(|(k, v)| ((k, pos), map_dynamic_to_expr(v, pos)))
if items.iter().all(|(_, expr, _)| expr.is_some()) {
if items.iter().all(|(_, expr)| expr.is_some()) {
.map(|(k, expr, pos)| (k, expr.unwrap(), pos))
.map(|((k, pos), expr)| ((k, pos), expr.unwrap()))
@ -18,12 +18,7 @@ fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
let mut sub_module2 = Module::new();
sub_module2.set_var("answer", 41 as INT);
let hash_inc = sub_module2.set_fn_1("inc", |x: INT| Ok(x + 1), false);
let hash_hidden = sub_module2.set_fn_0(
|| Err("shouldn't see me!".into()) as Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>>,
let hash_inc = sub_module2.set_fn_1("inc", |x: INT| Ok(x + 1));
sub_module.set_sub_module("universe", sub_module2);
module.set_sub_module("life", sub_module);
@ -36,7 +31,6 @@ fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
assert_eq!(m2.get_var_value::<INT>("answer").unwrap(), 41);
@ -59,11 +53,6 @@ fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
*engine.eval_expression_with_scope::<()>(&mut scope, "question::life::universe::hidden()")
.expect_err("should error"),
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(fn_name, _) if fn_name == "hidden"
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