Reducing boxing and sizes of Expr/Stmt.
This commit is contained in:
@ -857,78 +857,94 @@ impl Engine {
if is_index {
match rhs {
// xxx[idx].dot_rhs...
Expr::Dot(idx, idx_rhs, pos) |
// xxx[idx][dot_rhs]...
Expr::Index(idx, idx_rhs, pos) => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_,_,_));
// xxx[idx].dot_rhs... | xxx[idx][dot_rhs]...
Expr::Dot(x) | Expr::Index(x) => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_));
let indexed_val = self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, idx_val, idx.position(), op_pos, false)?;
let indexed_val =
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, idx_val, x.0.position(), op_pos, false)?;
state, indexed_val, idx_rhs.as_ref(), idx_values, is_index, *pos, level, new_val
// xxx[rhs] = new_val
_ if new_val.is_some() => {
let mut indexed_val = self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, idx_val, rhs.position(), op_pos, true)?;
let mut indexed_val =
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, idx_val, rhs.position(), op_pos, true)?;
indexed_val.set_value(new_val.unwrap(), rhs.position())?;
Ok((Default::default(), true))
// xxx[rhs]
_ => self
.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, idx_val, rhs.position(), op_pos, false)
.map(|v| (v.clone_into_dynamic(), false))
.map(|v| (v.clone_into_dynamic(), false)),
} else {
match rhs {
// xxx.fn_name(arg_expr_list)
Expr::FnCall(fn_name, None, hash, _, def_val, pos) => {
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let mut args: Vec<_> = once(obj)
let def_val = def_val.as_deref();
let def_val = x.4.as_deref();
// A function call is assumed to have side effects, so the value is changed
// TODO - Remove assumption of side effects by checking whether the first parameter is &mut
self.exec_fn_call(state, fn_name, *hash, &mut args, def_val, *pos, 0).map(|v| (v, true))
self.exec_fn_call(state, &x.0, x.2, &mut args, def_val, x.5, 0)
.map(|v| (v, true))
// xxx.module::fn_name(...) - syntax error
Expr::FnCall(_, _, _, _, _, _) => unreachable!(),
Expr::FnCall(_) => unreachable!(),
// {xxx:map}.id = ???
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(id, pos) if<Map>() && new_val.is_some() => {
Expr::Property(x) if<Map>() && new_val.is_some() => {
let index = x.0.clone().into();
let mut indexed_val =
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, id.to_string().into(), *pos, op_pos, true)?;
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, index, x.1, op_pos, true)?;
indexed_val.set_value(new_val.unwrap(), rhs.position())?;
Ok((Default::default(), true))
// {xxx:map}.id
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(id, pos) if<Map>() => {
Expr::Property(x) if<Map>() => {
let index = x.0.clone().into();
let indexed_val =
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, id.to_string().into(), *pos, op_pos, false)?;
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, index, x.1, op_pos, false)?;
Ok((indexed_val.clone_into_dynamic(), false))
// = ??? a
Expr::Property(id, pos) if new_val.is_some() => {
let fn_name = make_setter(id);
Expr::Property(x) if new_val.is_some() => {
let fn_name = make_setter(&x.0);
let mut args = [obj, new_val.as_mut().unwrap()];
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, *pos, 0).map(|v| (v, true))
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, x.1, 0)
.map(|v| (v, true))
Expr::Property(id, pos) => {
let fn_name = make_getter(id);
Expr::Property(x) => {
let fn_name = make_getter(&x.0);
let mut args = [obj];
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, *pos, 0).map(|v| (v, false))
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, x.1, 0)
.map(|v| (v, false))
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
// {xxx:map}.idx_lhs[idx_expr]
Expr::Index(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, pos) |
// {xxx:map}.dot_lhs.rhs
Expr::Dot(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, pos) if<Map>() => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_,_,_));
// {xxx:map}.idx_lhs[idx_expr] | {xxx:map}.dot_lhs.rhs
Expr::Index(x) | Expr::Dot(x) if<Map>() => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_));
let indexed_val = if let Expr::Property(id, pos) = dot_lhs.as_ref() {
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, id.to_string().into(), *pos, op_pos, false)?
let indexed_val = if let Expr::Property(p) = &x.0 {
let index = p.0.clone().into();
self.get_indexed_mut(state, obj, index, x.2, op_pos, false)?
} else {
// Syntax error
return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorDotExpr(
@ -937,19 +953,24 @@ impl Engine {
state, indexed_val, dot_rhs, idx_values, is_index, *pos, level, new_val
// xxx.idx_lhs[idx_expr]
Expr::Index(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, pos) |
// xxx.dot_lhs.rhs
Expr::Dot(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, pos) => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_,_,_));
// xxx.idx_lhs[idx_expr] | xxx.dot_lhs.rhs
Expr::Index(x) | Expr::Dot(x) => {
let is_index = matches!(rhs, Expr::Index(_));
let mut args = [obj, &mut Default::default()];
let indexed_val = &mut (if let Expr::Property(id, pos) = dot_lhs.as_ref() {
let fn_name = make_getter(id);
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args[..1], None, *pos, 0)?
let indexed_val = &mut (if let Expr::Property(p) = &x.0 {
let fn_name = make_getter(&p.0);
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args[..1], None, x.2, 0)?
} else {
// Syntax error
return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorDotExpr(
@ -958,20 +979,28 @@ impl Engine {
let (result, may_be_changed) = self.eval_dot_index_chain_helper(
state, indexed_val.into(), dot_rhs, idx_values, is_index, *pos, level, new_val
// Feed the value back via a setter just in case it has been updated
if may_be_changed {
if let Expr::Property(id, pos) = dot_lhs.as_ref() {
let fn_name = make_setter(id);
if let Expr::Property(p) = &x.0 {
let fn_name = make_setter(&p.0);
// Re-use args because the first &mut parameter will not be consumed
args[1] = indexed_val;
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, *pos, 0).or_else(|err| match *err {
// If there is no setter, no need to feed it back because the property is read-only
EvalAltResult::ErrorDotExpr(_,_) => Ok(Default::default()),
err => Err(Box::new(err))
self.exec_fn_call(state, &fn_name, 0, &mut args, None, x.2, 0)
.or_else(|err| match *err {
// If there is no setter, no need to feed it back because the property is read-only
EvalAltResult::ErrorDotExpr(_, _) => Ok(Default::default()),
err => Err(Box::new(err)),
@ -1004,18 +1033,18 @@ impl Engine {
match dot_lhs {
// id.??? or id[???]
Expr::Variable(id, modules, hash, index, pos) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let (target, typ) =
search_scope(scope, id, modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash)), index, *pos)?;
search_scope(scope, &x.0, x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2)), index, x.4)?;
// Constants cannot be modified
match typ {
ScopeEntryType::Module => unreachable!(),
ScopeEntryType::Constant if new_val.is_some() => {
return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(
ScopeEntryType::Constant | ScopeEntryType::Normal => (),
@ -1060,26 +1089,26 @@ impl Engine {
level: usize,
) -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
match expr {
Expr::FnCall(_, None, _, arg_exprs, _, _) => {
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let mut arg_values = StaticVec::<Dynamic>::new();
for arg_expr in arg_exprs.iter() {
for arg_expr in x.3.iter() {
arg_values.push(self.eval_expr(scope, state, arg_expr, level)?);
Expr::FnCall(_, _, _, _, _, _) => unreachable!(),
Expr::Property(_, _) => idx_values.push(()), // Store a placeholder - no need to copy the property name
Expr::Index(lhs, rhs, _) | Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, _) => {
Expr::FnCall(_) => unreachable!(),
Expr::Property(_) => idx_values.push(()), // Store a placeholder - no need to copy the property name
Expr::Index(x) | Expr::Dot(x) => {
// Evaluate in left-to-right order
let lhs_val = match lhs.as_ref() {
Expr::Property(_, _) => Default::default(), // Store a placeholder in case of a property
_ => self.eval_expr(scope, state, lhs, level)?,
let lhs_val = match x.0 {
Expr::Property(_) => Default::default(), // Store a placeholder in case of a property
_ => self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?,
// Push in reverse order
self.eval_indexed_chain(scope, state, rhs, idx_values, size, level)?;
self.eval_indexed_chain(scope, state, &x.1, idx_values, size, level)?;
@ -1255,35 +1284,36 @@ impl Engine {
level: usize,
) -> Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
match expr {
Expr::IntegerConstant(i, _) => Ok((*i).into()),
Expr::IntegerConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.into()),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Expr::FloatConstant(f, _) => Ok((*f).into()),
Expr::StringConstant(s, _) => Ok(s.to_string().into()),
Expr::CharConstant(c, _) => Ok((*c).into()),
Expr::Variable(id, modules, hash, index, pos) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
let mod_and_hash = modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash));
let (val, _) = search_scope(scope, id, mod_and_hash, index, *pos)?;
Expr::FloatConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.into()),
Expr::StringConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.to_string().into()),
Expr::CharConstant(x) => Ok(x.0.into()),
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let mod_and_hash = x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2));
let (val, _) = search_scope(scope, &x.0, mod_and_hash, index, x.4)?;
Expr::Property(_, _) => unreachable!(),
Expr::Property(_) => unreachable!(),
// Statement block
Expr::Stmt(stmt, _) => self.eval_stmt(scope, state, stmt, level),
Expr::Stmt(stmt) => self.eval_stmt(scope, state, &stmt.0, level),
// lhs = rhs
Expr::Assignment(lhs, rhs, op_pos) => {
let rhs_val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, rhs, level)?;
Expr::Assignment(x) => {
let op_pos = x.2;
let rhs_val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?;
match lhs.as_ref() {
match &x.0 {
// name = rhs
Expr::Variable(id, modules, hash, index, pos) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { *index };
let mod_and_hash = modules.as_ref().map(|m| (m, *hash));
let (value_ptr, typ) = search_scope(scope, id, mod_and_hash, index, *pos)?;
Expr::Variable(x) => {
let index = if state.always_search { None } else { x.3 };
let mod_and_hash = x.1.as_ref().map(|m| (m, x.2));
let (value_ptr, typ) = search_scope(scope, &x.0, mod_and_hash, index, x.4)?;
match typ {
ScopeEntryType::Constant => Err(Box::new(
EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(id.to_string(), *pos),
EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(x.0.clone(), x.4),
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
*value_ptr = rhs_val;
@ -1295,58 +1325,56 @@ impl Engine {
// idx_lhs[idx_expr] = rhs
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Index(idx_lhs, idx_expr, op_pos) => {
Expr::Index(x) => {
let new_val = Some(rhs_val);
scope, state, idx_lhs, idx_expr, true, *op_pos, level, new_val,
scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, true, x.2, level, new_val,
// dot_lhs.dot_rhs = rhs
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, _) => {
Expr::Dot(x) => {
let new_val = Some(rhs_val);
scope, state, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, false, *op_pos, level, new_val,
scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, false, op_pos, level, new_val,
// Error assignment to constant
expr if expr.is_constant() => {
// Syntax error
_ => Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS(
expr => Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS(
// lhs[idx_expr]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Index(lhs, idx_expr, op_pos) => {
self.eval_dot_index_chain(scope, state, lhs, idx_expr, true, *op_pos, level, None)
Expr::Index(x) => {
self.eval_dot_index_chain(scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, true, x.2, level, None)
// lhs.dot_rhs
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(lhs, dot_rhs, op_pos) => {
self.eval_dot_index_chain(scope, state, lhs, dot_rhs, false, *op_pos, level, None)
Expr::Dot(x) => {
self.eval_dot_index_chain(scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, false, x.2, level, None)
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Array(contents, _) => Ok(Dynamic(Union::Array(Box::new(
Expr::Array(x) => Ok(Dynamic(Union::Array(Box::new(
.map(|item| self.eval_expr(scope, state, item, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Map(contents, _) => Ok(Dynamic(Union::Map(Box::new(
Expr::Map(x) => Ok(Dynamic(Union::Map(Box::new(
.map(|(key, expr, _)| {
self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)
.map(|val| (key.clone(), val))
@ -1355,27 +1383,26 @@ impl Engine {
// Normal function call
Expr::FnCall(fn_name, None, hash, arg_exprs, def_val, pos) => {
let mut arg_values = arg_exprs
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_none() => {
let mut arg_values =
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
let hash_fn_spec =
calc_fn_hash(empty(), KEYWORD_EVAL, once(TypeId::of::<String>()));
if fn_name.as_ref() == KEYWORD_EVAL
if x.0 == KEYWORD_EVAL
&& args.len() == 1
&& !self.has_override(state, hash_fn_spec, *hash)
&& !self.has_override(state, hash_fn_spec, x.2)
// eval - only in function call style
let prev_len = scope.len();
// Evaluate the text string as a script
let result =
self.eval_script_expr(scope, state, args[0], arg_exprs[0].position());
let result = self.eval_script_expr(scope, state, args[0], x.3[0].position());
if scope.len() != prev_len {
// IMPORTANT! If the eval defines new variables in the current scope,
@ -1386,20 +1413,20 @@ impl Engine {
} else {
// Normal function call - except for eval (handled above)
let def_value = def_val.as_deref();
self.exec_fn_call(state, fn_name, *hash, &mut args, def_value, *pos, level)
let def_value = x.4.as_deref();
self.exec_fn_call(state, &x.0, x.2, &mut args, def_value, x.5, level)
// Module-qualified function call
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
Expr::FnCall(fn_name, Some(modules), hash1, arg_exprs, def_val, pos) => {
let modules = modules.as_ref();
Expr::FnCall(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
let modules = x.1.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut arg_values = arg_exprs
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut arg_values =
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
@ -1418,8 +1445,8 @@ impl Engine {
// First search in script-defined functions (can override built-in)
if let Some(fn_def) = module.get_qualified_scripted_fn(*hash1) {
self.call_script_fn(None, state, fn_def, &mut args, *pos, level)
if let Some(fn_def) = module.get_qualified_scripted_fn(x.2) {
self.call_script_fn(None, state, fn_def, &mut args, x.5, level)
} else {
// Then search in Rust functions
@ -1430,47 +1457,45 @@ impl Engine {
// the actual list of parameter `TypeId`'.s
let hash2 = calc_fn_hash(empty(), "", args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id()));
// 3) The final hash is the XOR of the two hashes.
let hash = *hash1 ^ hash2;
let hash = x.2 ^ hash2;
match module.get_qualified_fn(fn_name, hash, *pos) {
Ok(func) => func(&mut args, *pos),
Err(_) if def_val.is_some() => Ok(def_val.as_deref().unwrap().clone()),
match module.get_qualified_fn(&x.0, hash, x.5) {
Ok(func) => func(&mut args, x.5),
Err(_) if x.4.is_some() => Ok(x.4.as_deref().unwrap().clone()),
Err(err) => Err(err),
Expr::In(lhs, rhs, _) => {
self.eval_in_expr(scope, state, lhs.as_ref(), rhs.as_ref(), level)
Expr::In(x) => self.eval_in_expr(scope, state, &x.0, &x.1, level),
Expr::And(lhs, rhs, _) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, lhs.as_ref(), level)?
Expr::And(x) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), lhs.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), x.0.position())
&& // Short-circuit using &&
.eval_expr(scope, state, rhs.as_ref(), level)?
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), rhs.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into(), x.1.position())
Expr::Or(lhs, rhs, _) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, lhs.as_ref(), level)?
Expr::Or(x) => Ok((self
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), lhs.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), x.0.position())
|| // Short-circuit using ||
.eval_expr(scope, state, rhs.as_ref(), level)?
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?
.map_err(|_| {
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), rhs.position())
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into(), x.1.position())
@ -1498,7 +1523,7 @@ impl Engine {
Stmt::Expr(expr) => {
let result = self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)?;
Ok(if let Expr::Assignment(_, _, _) = *expr.as_ref() {
Ok(if let Expr::Assignment(_) = *expr.as_ref() {
// If it is an assignment, erase the result at the root
} else {
@ -1507,10 +1532,10 @@ impl Engine {
// Block scope
Stmt::Block(block, _) => {
Stmt::Block(x) => {
let prev_len = scope.len();
let result = block.iter().try_fold(Default::default(), |_, stmt| {
let result = x.0.iter().try_fold(Default::default(), |_, stmt| {
self.eval_stmt(scope, state, stmt, level)
@ -1524,24 +1549,24 @@ impl Engine {
// If-else statement
Stmt::IfThenElse(guard, if_body, else_body) => self
.eval_expr(scope, state, guard, level)?
Stmt::IfThenElse(x) => self
.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?
.map_err(|_| Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLogicGuard(guard.position())))
.map_err(|_| Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLogicGuard(x.0.position())))
.and_then(|guard_val| {
if guard_val {
self.eval_stmt(scope, state, if_body, level)
} else if let Some(stmt) = else_body {
self.eval_stmt(scope, state, stmt.as_ref(), level)
self.eval_stmt(scope, state, &x.1, level)
} else if let Some(stmt) = &x.2 {
self.eval_stmt(scope, state, stmt, level)
} else {
// While loop
Stmt::While(guard, body) => loop {
match self.eval_expr(scope, state, guard, level)?.as_bool() {
Ok(true) => match self.eval_stmt(scope, state, body, level) {
Stmt::While(x) => loop {
match self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.0, level)?.as_bool() {
Ok(true) => match self.eval_stmt(scope, state, &x.1, level) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => match *err {
EvalAltResult::ErrorLoopBreak(false, _) => (),
@ -1550,9 +1575,7 @@ impl Engine {
Ok(false) => return Ok(Default::default()),
Err(_) => {
return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLogicGuard(guard.position())))
Err(_) => return Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLogicGuard(x.0.position()))),
@ -1569,9 +1592,9 @@ impl Engine {
// For loop
Stmt::For(name, expr, body) => {
let arr = self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)?;
let tid = arr.type_id();
Stmt::For(x) => {
let iter_type = self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?;
let tid = iter_type.type_id();
if let Some(iter_fn) = self
@ -1579,14 +1602,14 @@ impl Engine {
.or_else(|| self.packages.get_iterator(tid))
// Add the loop variable
let var_name = name.as_ref().clone();
scope.push(var_name, ());
let name = x.0.clone();
scope.push(name, ());
let index = scope.len() - 1;
for a in iter_fn(arr) {
for a in iter_fn(iter_type) {
*scope.get_mut(index).0 = a;
match self.eval_stmt(scope, state, body, level) {
match self.eval_stmt(scope, state, &x.2, level) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => match *err {
EvalAltResult::ErrorLoopBreak(false, _) => (),
@ -1599,7 +1622,7 @@ impl Engine {
scope.rewind(scope.len() - 1);
} else {
@ -1609,67 +1632,74 @@ impl Engine {
// Break statement
Stmt::Break(pos) => Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorLoopBreak(true, *pos))),
// Empty return
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(None, ReturnType::Return, pos) => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::Return(Default::default(), *pos)))
// Return value
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Some(a), ReturnType::Return, pos) => Err(Box::new(
EvalAltResult::Return(self.eval_expr(scope, state, a, level)?, *pos),
// Empty throw
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(None, ReturnType::Exception, pos) => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime("".into(), *pos)))
// Throw value
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Some(a), ReturnType::Exception, pos) => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, a, level)?;
val.take_string().unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()),
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.0.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?,
// Empty return
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::Return(Default::default(), x.2)))
// Throw value
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Exception => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.0.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
val.take_string().unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()),
// Empty throw
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.1 == ReturnType::Exception => {
Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime("".into(), x.2)))
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(_) => unreachable!(),
// Let statement
Stmt::Let(name, Some(expr), _) => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)?;
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, x.1.as_ref().unwrap(), level)?;
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = name.as_ref().clone();
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name, ScopeEntryType::Normal, val, false);
Stmt::Let(name, None, _) => {
Stmt::Let(x) => {
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = name.as_ref().clone();
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push(var_name, ());
// Const statement
Stmt::Const(name, expr, _) if expr.is_constant() => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)?;
Stmt::Const(x) if x.1.is_constant() => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, state, &x.1, level)?;
// TODO - avoid copying variable name in inner block?
let var_name = name.as_ref().clone();
let var_name = x.0.clone();
scope.push_dynamic_value(var_name, ScopeEntryType::Constant, val, true);
// Const expression not constant
Stmt::Const(_, _, _) => unreachable!(),
Stmt::Const(_) => unreachable!(),
// Import statement
Stmt::Import(expr, name, _) => {
Stmt::Import(x) => {
let (expr, name, _) = x.as_ref();
#[cfg(feature = "no_module")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
if let Some(path) = self
.eval_expr(scope, state, expr, level)?
.eval_expr(scope, state, &expr, level)?
if let Some(resolver) = self.module_resolver.as_ref() {
@ -1678,7 +1708,7 @@ impl Engine {
resolver.resolve(self, Scope::new(), &path, expr.position())?;
// TODO - avoid copying module name in inner block?
let mod_name = name.as_ref().clone();
let mod_name = name.clone();
scope.push_module(mod_name, module);
} else {
@ -1695,7 +1725,7 @@ impl Engine {
// Export statement
Stmt::Export(list) => {
for (id, id_pos, rename) in list {
for (id, id_pos, rename) in list.as_ref() {
let mut found = false;
// Mark scope variables as public
@ -131,63 +131,63 @@ fn call_fn(
fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -> Stmt {
match stmt {
// if expr { Noop }
Stmt::IfThenElse(expr, if_block, None) if matches!(*if_block, Stmt::Noop(_)) => {
Stmt::IfThenElse(x) if matches!(x.1, Stmt::Noop(_)) => {
let pos = expr.position();
let expr = optimize_expr(*expr, state);
let pos = x.0.position();
let expr = optimize_expr(x.0, state);
if preserve_result {
// -> { expr, Noop }
Stmt::Block(vec![Stmt::Expr(Box::new(expr)), *if_block], pos)
Stmt::Block(Box::new((vec![Stmt::Expr(Box::new(expr)), x.1], pos)))
} else {
// -> expr
// if expr { if_block }
Stmt::IfThenElse(expr, if_block, None) => match *expr {
Stmt::IfThenElse(x) if x.2.is_none() => match x.0 {
// if false { if_block } -> Noop
Expr::False(pos) => {
// if true { if_block } -> if_block
Expr::True(_) => optimize_stmt(*if_block, state, true),
Expr::True(_) => optimize_stmt(x.1, state, true),
// if expr { if_block }
expr => Stmt::IfThenElse(
Box::new(optimize_expr(expr, state)),
Box::new(optimize_stmt(*if_block, state, true)),
expr => Stmt::IfThenElse(Box::new((
optimize_expr(expr, state),
optimize_stmt(x.1, state, true),
// if expr { if_block } else { else_block }
Stmt::IfThenElse(expr, if_block, Some(else_block)) => match *expr {
Stmt::IfThenElse(x) if x.2.is_some() => match x.0 {
// if false { if_block } else { else_block } -> else_block
Expr::False(_) => optimize_stmt(*else_block, state, true),
Expr::False(_) => optimize_stmt(x.2.unwrap(), state, true),
// if true { if_block } else { else_block } -> if_block
Expr::True(_) => optimize_stmt(*if_block, state, true),
Expr::True(_) => optimize_stmt(x.1, state, true),
// if expr { if_block } else { else_block }
expr => Stmt::IfThenElse(
Box::new(optimize_expr(expr, state)),
Box::new(optimize_stmt(*if_block, state, true)),
match optimize_stmt(*else_block, state, true) {
expr => Stmt::IfThenElse(Box::new((
optimize_expr(expr, state),
optimize_stmt(x.1, state, true),
match optimize_stmt(x.2.unwrap(), state, true) {
Stmt::Noop(_) => None, // Noop -> no else block
stmt => Some(Box::new(stmt)),
stmt => Some(stmt),
// while expr { block }
Stmt::While(expr, block) => match *expr {
Stmt::While(x) => match x.0 {
// while false { block } -> Noop
Expr::False(pos) => {
// while true { block } -> loop { block }
Expr::True(_) => Stmt::Loop(Box::new(optimize_stmt(*block, state, false))),
Expr::True(_) => Stmt::Loop(Box::new(optimize_stmt(x.1, state, false))),
// while expr { block }
expr => match optimize_stmt(*block, state, false) {
expr => match optimize_stmt(x.1, state, false) {
// while expr { break; } -> { expr; }
Stmt::Break(pos) => {
// Only a single break statement - turn into running the guard expression once
@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
if preserve_result {
Stmt::Block(statements, pos)
Stmt::Block(Box::new((statements, pos)))
// while expr { block }
stmt => Stmt::While(Box::new(optimize_expr(expr, state)), Box::new(stmt)),
stmt => Stmt::While(Box::new((optimize_expr(expr, state), stmt))),
// loop { block }
@ -214,38 +214,41 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
stmt => Stmt::Loop(Box::new(stmt)),
// for id in expr { block }
Stmt::For(id, expr, block) => Stmt::For(
Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state)),
Box::new(optimize_stmt(*block, state, false)),
Stmt::For(x) => Stmt::For(Box::new((
optimize_expr(x.1, state),
optimize_stmt(x.2, state, false),
// let id = expr;
Stmt::Let(id, Some(expr), pos) => {
Stmt::Let(id, Some(Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state))), pos)
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => Stmt::Let(Box::new((
Some(optimize_expr(x.1.unwrap(), state)),
// let id;
Stmt::Let(_, None, _) => stmt,
stmt @ Stmt::Let(_) => stmt,
// import expr as id;
Stmt::Import(expr, id, pos) => Stmt::Import(Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state)), id, pos),
Stmt::Import(x) => Stmt::Import(Box::new((optimize_expr(x.0, state), x.1, x.2))),
// { block }
Stmt::Block(block, pos) => {
let orig_len = block.len(); // Original number of statements in the block, for change detection
Stmt::Block(x) => {
let orig_len = x.0.len(); // Original number of statements in the block, for change detection
let orig_constants_len = state.constants.len(); // Original number of constants in the state, for restore later
let pos = x.1;
// Optimize each statement in the block
let mut result: Vec<_> = block
.map(|stmt| match stmt {
// Add constant into the state
Stmt::Const(name, value, pos) => {
state.push_constant(&name, *value);
Stmt::Noop(pos) // No need to keep constants
// Optimize the statement
_ => optimize_stmt(stmt, state, preserve_result),
let mut result: Vec<_> =
.map(|stmt| match stmt {
// Add constant into the state
Stmt::Const(v) => {
state.push_constant(&v.0, v.1);
Stmt::Noop(v.2) // No need to keep constants
// Optimize the statement
_ => optimize_stmt(stmt, state, preserve_result),
// Remove all raw expression statements that are pure except for the very last statement
let last_stmt = if preserve_result { result.pop() } else { None };
@ -263,9 +266,9 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
while let Some(expr) = result.pop() {
match expr {
Stmt::Let(_, None, _) => removed = true,
Stmt::Let(_, Some(val_expr), _) => removed = val_expr.is_pure(),
Stmt::Import(expr, _, _) => removed = expr.is_pure(),
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_none() => removed = true,
Stmt::Let(x) if x.1.is_some() => removed = x.1.unwrap().is_pure(),
Stmt::Import(x) => removed = x.0.is_pure(),
_ => {
@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
match stmt {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(_, _, _) | Stmt::Break(_) => {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(_) | Stmt::Break(_) => {
dead_code = true;
_ => (),
@ -321,21 +324,23 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
// Only one let/import statement - leave it alone
[Stmt::Let(_, _, _)] | [Stmt::Import(_, _, _)] => Stmt::Block(result, pos),
[Stmt::Let(_)] | [Stmt::Import(_)] => Stmt::Block(Box::new((result, pos))),
// Only one statement - promote
[_] => {
_ => Stmt::Block(result, pos),
_ => Stmt::Block(Box::new((result, pos))),
// expr;
Stmt::Expr(expr) => Stmt::Expr(Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state))),
// return expr;
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Some(expr), is_return, pos) => {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Some(Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr, state))), is_return, pos)
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() => Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new((
Some(optimize_expr(x.0.unwrap(), state)),
// All other statements - skip
stmt => stmt,
@ -348,11 +353,11 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
match expr {
// ( stmt )
Expr::Stmt(stmt, pos) => match optimize_stmt(*stmt, state, true) {
Expr::Stmt(x) => match optimize_stmt(x.0, state, true) {
// ( Noop ) -> ()
Stmt::Noop(_) => {
// ( expr ) -> expr
Stmt::Expr(expr) => {
@ -360,151 +365,128 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
// ( stmt )
stmt => Expr::Stmt(Box::new(stmt), pos),
stmt => Expr::Stmt(Box::new((stmt, x.1))),
// id = expr
Expr::Assignment(id, expr, pos) => match *expr {
Expr::Assignment(x) => match x.1 {
//id = id2 = expr2
Expr::Assignment(id2, expr2, pos2) => match (*id, *id2) {
Expr::Assignment(x2) => match (x.0, x2.0) {
// var = var = expr2 -> var = expr2
(Expr::Variable(var, None, index, sp, _), Expr::Variable(var2, None, _, sp2, _))
if var == var2 && sp == sp2 =>
(Expr::Variable(a), Expr::Variable(b))
if a.1.is_none() && b.1.is_none() && a.0 == b.0 && a.3 == b.3 =>
// Assignment to the same variable - fold
Box::new(Expr::Variable(var, None, index, sp, pos)),
Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr2, state))
, pos
Expr::Assignment(Box::new((Expr::Variable(a), optimize_expr(x2.1, state), x.2)))
// id1 = id2 = expr2
(id1, id2) => Expr::Assignment(
Box::new(Expr::Assignment(Box::new(id2), Box::new(optimize_expr(*expr2, state)), pos2)),
(id1, id2) => {
id1, Expr::Assignment(Box::new((id2, optimize_expr(x2.1, state), x2.2))), x.2,
// id = expr
expr => Expr::Assignment(id, Box::new(optimize_expr(expr, state)), pos),
expr => Expr::Assignment(Box::new((x.0, optimize_expr(expr, state), x.2))),
// lhs.rhs
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, pos) => match (*lhs, *rhs) {
Expr::Dot(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// map.string
(Expr::Map(items, pos), Expr::Property(s, _)) if items.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::Property(p)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
// Map literal where everything is pure - promote the indexed item.
// All other items can be thrown away.
items.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &s)
let pos = m.1;
m.0.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &p.0)
.map(|(_, expr, _)| expr.set_position(pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Expr::Unit(pos))
// lhs.rhs
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Dot(
Box::new(optimize_expr(lhs, state)),
Box::new(optimize_expr(rhs, state)),
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Dot(Box::new((optimize_expr(lhs, state), optimize_expr(rhs, state), x.2)))
// lhs[rhs]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Index(lhs, rhs, pos) => match (*lhs, *rhs) {
Expr::Index(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// array[int]
(Expr::Array(mut items, pos), Expr::IntegerConstant(i, _))
if i >= 0 && (i as usize) < items.len() && items.iter().all(Expr::is_pure) =>
(Expr::Array(mut a), Expr::IntegerConstant(i))
if i.0 >= 0 && (i.0 as usize) < a.0.len() && a.0.iter().all(Expr::is_pure) =>
// Array literal where everything is pure - promote the indexed item.
// All other items can be thrown away.
items.remove(i as usize).set_position(pos)
a.0.remove(i.0 as usize).set_position(a.1)
// map[string]
(Expr::Map(items, pos), Expr::StringConstant(s, _)) if items.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
(Expr::Map(m), Expr::StringConstant(s)) if m.0.iter().all(|(_, x, _)| x.is_pure()) => {
// Map literal where everything is pure - promote the indexed item.
// All other items can be thrown away.
items.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &s)
let pos = m.1;
m.0.into_iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &s.0)
.map(|(_, expr, _)| expr.set_position(pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Expr::Unit(pos))
// string[int]
(Expr::StringConstant(s, pos), Expr::IntegerConstant(i, _)) if i >= 0 && (i as usize) < s.chars().count() => {
(Expr::StringConstant(s), Expr::IntegerConstant(i)) if i.0 >= 0 && (i.0 as usize) < s.0.chars().count() => {
// String literal indexing - get the character
Expr::CharConstant(s.chars().nth(i as usize).expect("should get char"), pos)
Expr::CharConstant(Box::new((s.0.chars().nth(i.0 as usize).expect("should get char"), s.1)))
// lhs[rhs]
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Index(
Box::new(optimize_expr(lhs, state)),
Box::new(optimize_expr(rhs, state)),
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Index(Box::new((optimize_expr(lhs, state), optimize_expr(rhs, state), x.2))),
// [ items .. ]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Array(items, pos) => Expr::Array(items
.map(|expr| optimize_expr(expr, state))
.collect(), pos),
Expr::Array(a) => Expr::Array(Box::new((a.0
.map(|expr| optimize_expr(expr, state))
.collect(), a.1))),
// [ items .. ]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Map(items, pos) => Expr::Map(items
.map(|(key, expr, pos)| (key, optimize_expr(expr, state), pos))
.collect(), pos),
Expr::Map(m) => Expr::Map(Box::new((m.0
.map(|(key, expr, pos)| (key, optimize_expr(expr, state), pos))
.collect(), m.1))),
// lhs in rhs
Expr::In(lhs, rhs, pos) => match (*lhs, *rhs) {
Expr::In(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// "xxx" in "xxxxx"
(Expr::StringConstant(lhs, pos), Expr::StringConstant(rhs, _)) => {
(Expr::StringConstant(a), Expr::StringConstant(b)) => {
if rhs.contains(&lhs) {
} else {
if b.0.contains(&a.0) { Expr::True(a.1) } else { Expr::False(a.1) }
// 'x' in "xxxxx"
(Expr::CharConstant(lhs, pos), Expr::StringConstant(rhs, _)) => {
(Expr::CharConstant(a), Expr::StringConstant(b)) => {
if rhs.contains(&lhs.to_string()) {
} else {
if b.0.contains(a.0) { Expr::True(a.1) } else { Expr::False(a.1) }
// "xxx" in #{...}
(Expr::StringConstant(lhs, pos), Expr::Map(items, _)) => {
(Expr::StringConstant(a), Expr::Map(b)) => {
if items.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &lhs).is_some() {
if b.0.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &a.0).is_some() {
} else {
// 'x' in #{...}
(Expr::CharConstant(lhs, pos), Expr::Map(items, _)) => {
(Expr::CharConstant(a), Expr::Map(b)) => {
let lhs = lhs.to_string();
let ch = a.0.to_string();
if items.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &lhs).is_some() {
if b.0.iter().find(|(name, _, _)| name == &ch).is_some() {
} else {
// lhs in rhs
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::In(
Box::new(optimize_expr(lhs, state)),
Box::new(optimize_expr(rhs, state)),
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::In(Box::new((optimize_expr(lhs, state), optimize_expr(rhs, state), x.2))),
// lhs && rhs
Expr::And(lhs, rhs, pos) => match (*lhs, *rhs) {
Expr::And(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// true && rhs -> rhs
(Expr::True(_), rhs) => {
@ -521,14 +503,10 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
optimize_expr(lhs, state)
// lhs && rhs
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::And(
Box::new(optimize_expr(lhs, state)),
Box::new(optimize_expr(rhs, state)),
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::And(Box::new((optimize_expr(lhs, state), optimize_expr(rhs, state), x.2))),
// lhs || rhs
Expr::Or(lhs, rhs, pos) => match (*lhs, *rhs) {
Expr::Or(x) => match (x.0, x.1) {
// false || rhs -> rhs
(Expr::False(_), rhs) => {
@ -545,36 +523,40 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
optimize_expr(lhs, state)
// lhs || rhs
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Or(Box::new(optimize_expr(lhs, state)), Box::new(optimize_expr(rhs, state)), pos),
(lhs, rhs) => Expr::Or(Box::new((optimize_expr(lhs, state), optimize_expr(rhs, state), x.2))),
// Do not call some special keywords
Expr::FnCall(id, None, index, args, def_value, pos) if DONT_EVAL_KEYWORDS.contains(&id.as_ref().as_ref())=>
Expr::FnCall(id, None, index, Box::new(args.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect()), def_value, pos),
Expr::FnCall(mut x) if DONT_EVAL_KEYWORDS.contains(&x.0.as_ref().as_ref())=> {
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
// Eagerly call functions
Expr::FnCall(id, None, index, args, def_value, pos)
if state.optimization_level == OptimizationLevel::Full // full optimizations
&& args.iter().all(|expr| expr.is_constant()) // all arguments are constants
Expr::FnCall(mut x)
if x.1.is_none() // Non-qualified
&& state.optimization_level == OptimizationLevel::Full // full optimizations
&& x.3.iter().all(|expr| expr.is_constant()) // all arguments are constants
=> {
// First search in script-defined functions (can override built-in)
if state.fn_lib.iter().find(|(name, len)| name == id.as_ref() && *len == args.len()).is_some() {
if state.fn_lib.iter().find(|(name, len)| *name == x.0 && *len == x.3.len()).is_some() {
// A script-defined function overrides the built-in function - do not make the call
return Expr::FnCall(id, None, index, Box::new(args.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect()), def_value, pos);
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
return Expr::FnCall(x);
let mut arg_values: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(Expr::get_constant_value).collect();
let mut arg_values: Vec<_> = x.3.iter().map(Expr::get_constant_value).collect();
let mut call_args: Vec<_> = arg_values.iter_mut().collect();
// Save the typename of the first argument if it is `type_of()`
// This is to avoid `call_args` being passed into the closure
let arg_for_type_of = if *id == KEYWORD_TYPE_OF && call_args.len() == 1 {
let arg_for_type_of = if x.0 == KEYWORD_TYPE_OF && call_args.len() == 1 {
} else {
call_fn(&state.engine.packages, &state.engine.base_package, &id, &mut call_args, pos).ok()
call_fn(&state.engine.packages, &state.engine.base_package, &x.0, &mut call_args, x.5).ok()
result.or_else(|| {
if !arg_for_type_of.is_empty() {
@ -582,29 +564,32 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
} else {
// Otherwise use the default value, if any
def_value.clone().map(|v| *v)
x.4.clone().map(|v| *v)
}).and_then(|result| map_dynamic_to_expr(result, pos))
}).and_then(|result| map_dynamic_to_expr(result, x.5))
.map(|expr| {
).unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Optimize function call arguments
Expr::FnCall(id, None, index, Box::new(args.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect()), def_value, pos)
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
// id(args ..) -> optimize function call arguments
Expr::FnCall(id, modules, index, args, def_value, pos) =>
Expr::FnCall(id, modules, index, Box::new(args.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect()), def_value, pos),
Expr::FnCall(mut x) => {
x.3 = x.3.into_iter().map(|a| optimize_expr(a, state)).collect();
// constant-name
Expr::Variable(name, None, _, _, pos) if state.contains_constant(&name) => {
Expr::Variable(x) if x.1.is_none() && state.contains_constant(&x.0) => {
// Replace constant with value
state.find_constant(&name).expect("should find constant in scope!").clone().set_position(pos)
state.find_constant(&x.0).expect("should find constant in scope!").clone().set_position(x.4)
// All other expressions - skip
@ -657,17 +642,17 @@ fn optimize<'a>(
.map(|(i, stmt)| {
match stmt {
Stmt::Const(ref name, ref value, _) => {
match &stmt {
Stmt::Const(x) => {
// Load constants
state.push_constant(name.as_ref(), value.as_ref().clone());
state.push_constant(&x.0, x.1.clone());
stmt // Keep it in the global scope
_ => {
// Keep all variable declarations at this level
// and always keep the last return value
let keep = match stmt {
Stmt::Let(_, _, _) | Stmt::Import(_, _, _) => true,
Stmt::Let(_) | Stmt::Import(_) => true,
_ => i == num_statements - 1,
optimize_stmt(stmt, &mut state, keep)
@ -728,19 +713,21 @@ pub fn optimize_into_ast(
// Optimize the function body
let mut body =
optimize(vec![*fn_def.body], engine, &Scope::new(), &fn_lib, level);
optimize(vec![fn_def.body], engine, &Scope::new(), &fn_lib, level);
// {} -> Noop
fn_def.body = Box::new(match body.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| Stmt::Noop(pos)) {
fn_def.body = match body.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| Stmt::Noop(pos)) {
// { return val; } -> val
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Some(val), ReturnType::Return, _) => Stmt::Expr(val),
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_some() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
// { return; } -> ()
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(None, ReturnType::Return, pos) => {
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(x) if x.0.is_none() && x.1 == ReturnType::Return => {
// All others
stmt => stmt,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::token::Position;
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
use crate::module::Module;
use crate::stdlib::{borrow::Cow, boxed::Box, iter, vec, vec::Vec};
use crate::stdlib::{borrow::Cow, boxed::Box, iter, vec::Vec};
/// Type of an entry in the Scope.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]
@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ pub enum Token {
impl Token {
/// Get the syntax of the token.
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Cow<str> {
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
use Token::*;
match self {
IntegerConstant(i) => i.to_string().into(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
FloatConstant(f) => f.to_string().into(),
Identifier(s) => s.into(),
Identifier(s) => s.clone().into(),
CharConstant(c) => c.to_string().into(),
LexError(err) => err.to_string().into(),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user