| `push` | element to insert | inserts an element at the end |
| `append` | array to append | concatenates the second array to the end of the first |
| `+=` operator | 1) array<br/>2) element to insert (not another array) | inserts an element at the end |
| `+=` operator | 1) array<br/>2) array to append | concatenates the second array to the end of the first |
| `+` operator | 1) first array<br/>2) second array | concatenates the first array with the second |
| `insert` | 1) element to insert<br/>2) position, beginning if <0,endif> length | inserts an element at a certain index |
| `pop` | _none_ | removes the last element and returns it ([`()`] if empty) |
| `shift` | _none_ | removes the first element and returns it ([`()`] if empty) |
| `extract` | 1) start position, beginning if <0,endif> length,<br/>2) _(optional)_ number of items to extract, none if <0|extractsaportionofthearrayintoanewarray|
| `remove` | index | removes an element at a particular index and returns it ([`()`] if the index is not valid) |
| `reverse` | _none_ | reverses the array |
| `len` method and property | _none_ | returns the number of elements |
| `pad` | 1) target length<br/>2) element to pad | pads the array with an element to at least a specified length |
| `clear` | _none_ | empties the array |
| `truncate` | target length | cuts off the array at exactly a specified length (discarding all subsequent elements) |
| `chop` | target length | cuts off the head of the array, leaving the tail at exactly a specified length |
| `splice` | 1) start position, beginning if <0,endif> length,<br/>2) number of items to remove, none if <0,<br/>3) array to insert | replaces a portion of the array with another (not necessarily of the same length as the replaced portion) |
| `filter` | [function pointer] to predicate (usually a [closure]) | constructs a new array with all items that returns `true` when called with the predicate function:<br/>1st parameter: array item,<br/>2nd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `map` | [function pointer] to conversion function (usually a [closure]) | constructs a new array with all items mapped to the result of applying the conversion function:<br/>1st parameter: array item,<br/>2nd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `reduce` | 1) [function pointer] to accumulator function (usually a [closure]),<br/>2) _(optional)_ [function pointer] to function (usually a [closure]) that provides the initial value | reduces the array into a single value via the accumulator function:<br/>1st parameter: accumulated value ([`()`] initially),<br/>2nd parameter: array item,<br/>3rd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `reduce_rev` | 1) [function pointer] to accumulator function (usually a [closure]),<br/>2) _(optional)_ [function pointer] to function (usually a [closure]) that provides the initial value | reduces the array (in reverse order) into a single value via the accumulator function:<br/>1st parameter: accumulated value ([`()`] initially),<br/>2nd parameter: array item,<br/>3rd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `some` | [function pointer] to predicate (usually a [closure]) | returns `true` if any item returns `true` when called with the predicate function:<br/>1st parameter: array item,<br/>2nd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `none` | [function pointer] to predicate (usually a [closure]) | returns `true` if no item returns `true` when called with the predicate function:<br/>1st parameter: array item,<br/>2nd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `all` | [function pointer] to predicate (usually a [closure]) | returns `true` if all items return `true` when called with the predicate function:<br/>1st parameter: array item,<br/>2nd parameter: _(optional)_ offset index |
| `sort` | [function pointer] to a comparison function (usually a [closure]) | sorts the array with a comparison function:<br/>1st parameter: first item,<br/>2nd parameter: second item,<br/>return value: `INT`<0iffirst<second,> 0 if first > second, 0 if first == second |