fix(deps): update all dependencies #3

kjuulh merged 1 commits from renovate/all into main 2024-09-09 02:27:48 +02:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
git2 dependencies minor 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0
nats dependencies minor 0.24.1 -> 0.25.0
reqwest dev-dependencies minor 0.11.24 -> 0.12.0
sqlx dependencies minor 0.7.3 -> 0.8.0

⚠️ Warning

Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information.

Release Notes

rust-lang/git2-rs (git2)


Compare Source


  • Added opts functions to control server timeouts (get_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds, set_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds, get_server_timeout_in_milliseconds, set_server_timeout_in_milliseconds), and add ErrorCode::Timeout.
  • Fixed some callbacks to relay the error from the callback to libgit2.
seanmonstar/reqwest (reqwest)


Compare Source

  • Revert adding impl Service<http::Request<_>> for Client.


Compare Source

  • Add support for danger_accept_invalid_hostnames for rustls.
  • Add impl Service<http::Request<Body>> for Client and &'_ Client.
  • Add support for !Sync bodies in Body::wrap_stream().
  • Enable happy eyeballs when hickory-dns is used.
  • Fix Proxy so that HTTP(S)_PROXY values take precendence over ALL_PROXY.
  • Fix blocking::RequestBuilder::header() from unsetting sensitive on passed header values.


Compare Source

  • Add blocking::ClientBuilder::dns_resolver() method to change DNS resolver in blocking client.
  • Add http3 feature back, still requiring reqwest_unstable.
  • Add rustls-tls-no-provider Cargo feature to use rustls without a crypto provider.
  • Fix Accept-Encoding header combinations.
  • Fix http3 resolving IPv6 addresses.
  • Internal: upgrade to rustls 0.23.


Compare Source

  • Add zstd support, enabled with zstd Cargo feature.
  • Add ClientBuilder::read_timeout(Duration), which applies the duration for each read operation. The timeout resets after a successful read.


Compare Source

  • Add FromStr for dns::Name.
  • Add ClientBuilder::built_in_webpki_certs(bool) to enable them separately.
  • Add ClientBuilder::built_in_native_certs(bool) to enable them separately.
  • Fix sending content-length: 0 for GET requests.
  • Fix response body content_length() to return value when timeout is configured.
  • Fix ClientBuilder::resolve() to use lowercase domain names.


Compare Source

  • Fix missing ALPN when connecting to socks5 proxy with rustls.
  • Fix TLS version limits with rustls.
  • Fix not detected ALPN h2 from server with native-tls.


Compare Source

  • Fix ClientBuilder::interface() when no TLS is enabled.
  • Fix TlsInfo::peer_certificate() being truncated with rustls.
  • Fix panic if http2 feature disabled but TLS negotiated h2 in ALPN.
  • Fix Display for Error to not include its source error.


Compare Source

  • Upgrade to hyper, http, and http-body v1.
  • Add better support for converting to and from http::Request and http::Response.
  • Add http2 optional cargo feature, default on.
  • Add charset optional cargo feature, default on.
  • Add macos-system-configuration cargo feature, default on.
  • Change all optional dependencies to no longer be exposed as implicit features.
  • Add ClientBuilder::interface(str) to specify the local interface to bind to.
  • Experimental: disables the http3 feature temporarily.


  • Add hickory-dns feature, deprecating trust-dns.
  • (wasm) Fix Form::text() to not set octet-stream for plain text fields.


  • Revert system-configuration upgrade, which broke MSRV on macOS.


  • Fix Certificate::from_pem_bundle() parsing.
  • Fix Apple linker errors from detecting system proxies.


  • Add Certificate::from_pem_bundle() to add a bundle.
  • Add http3_prior_knowledge() to blocking client builder.
  • Remove Sync bounds requirement for Body::wrap_stream().
  • Fix HTTP/2 to retry REFUSED_STREAM requests.
  • Fix instances of converting Url to Uri that could panic.


  • Add Proxy::custom_http_auth(val) for setting the raw Proxy-Authorization header when connecting to proxies.
  • Fix redirect to reject locations that are not http:// or https://.
  • Fix setting nodelay when TLS is enabled but URL is HTTP.
  • (wasm) Add ClientBuilder::user_agent(val).
  • (wasm) add multipart::Form::headers(headers).


  • Fix compilation on Windows when trust-dns is enabled.


  • Add automatically detecting macOS proxy settings.
  • Add ClientBuilder::tls_info(bool), which will put tls::TlsInfo into the response extensions.
  • Fix trust-dns resolver from possible hangs.
  • Fix connect timeout to be split among multiple IP addresses.


  • Fix deflate decompression back to using zlib, as outlined in the spec.


  • Add ClientBuilder::http1_ignore_invalid_headers_in_responses() option.
  • Add ClientBuilder::http1_allow_spaces_after_header_name_in_responses() option.
  • Add support for ALL_PROXY environment variable.
  • Add support for use_preconfigured_tls when combined with HTTP/3.
  • Fix deflate decompression from using the zlib decoder.
  • Fix Response::{text, text_with_charset}() to strip BOM characters.
  • Fix a panic when HTTP/3 is used if UDP isn't able to connect.
  • Fix some dependencies for HTTP/3.
  • Increase MSRV to 1.63.


  • Fix RequestBuilder::json() method from overriding a previously set content-type header. An existing value will be left in place.
  • Upgrade internal dependencies for rustls and compression.


  • Upgrade internal dependencies of Experimental HTTP/3 to use quinn v0.9
  • (wasm) Fix blob url support


  • Chore: set MSRV in Cargo.toml.
  • Docs: fix build on


  • Add RequestBuilder methods to split and reconstruct from its parts.
  • Add experimental HTTP/3 support.
  • Fix connection_verbose to log write_vectored calls.
  • (wasm) Make requests actually cancel if the future is dropped.


  • Adds Proxy::no_proxy(url) that works like the NO_PROXY environment variable.
  • Adds multipart::Part::headers(headers) method to add custom headers.
  • (wasm) Add Response::bytes_stream().
  • Perf: several internal optimizations reducing copies and memory allocations.


  • Add ClientBuilder::dns_resolver() option for custom DNS resolvers.
  • Add ClientBuilder::tls_sni(bool) option to enable or disable TLS Server Name Indication.
  • Add Identity::from_pkcs8_pem() constructor when using native-tls.
  • Fix redirect::Policy::limited(0) from following any redirects.


  • Add ClientBuilder::resolve_to_addrs() which allows a slice of IP addresses to be specified for a single host.
  • Add Response::upgrade() to await whether the server agrees to an HTTP upgrade.


  • Add HTTP/2 keep-alive configuration methods on ClientBuilder.
  • Add ClientBuilder::http1_allow_obsolete_multiline_headers_in_responses().
  • Add impl Service<Request> for Client and &'_ Client.
  • (wasm) Add RequestBuilder::basic_auth().
  • Fix RequestBuilder::header to not override sensitive if user explicitly set on a HeaderValue.
  • Fix rustls parsing of elliptic curve private keys.
  • Fix Proxy URL parsing of some invalid targets.


  • Add Error::url() to access the URL of an error.
  • Add Response::extensions() to access the http::Extensions of a response.
  • Fix rustls-native-certs to log an error instead of panicking when loading an invalid system certificate.
  • Fix passing Basic Authorization header to proxies.


  • Add ClientBuilder::http09_responses(bool) option to allow receiving HTTP/0.9 responses.
  • Fix HTTP/2 to retry requests interrupted by an HTTP/2 graceful shutdown.
  • Fix proxy loading from environment variables to ignore empty values.


  • Update internal webpki-roots dependency.


  • Add blocking::ClientBuilder::resolve() option, matching the async builder.
  • Implement From<tokio::fs::File> for Body.
  • Fix blocking request-scoped timeout applying to bodies as well.
  • (wasm) Fix request bodies using multipart vs formdata.
  • Update internal rustls to 0.20.


  • (wasm) Fix request bodies more.


  • Add ClientBuilder::http1_only() method.
  • Add tls::Version type, and ClientBuilder::min_tls_version() and ClientBuilder::max_tls_version() methods.
  • Implement TryFrom<Request> for http::Request.
  • Implement Clone for Identity.
  • Fix NO_PROXYenvironment variable parsing to more closely match curl's. Comma-separated entries are now trimmed for whitespace, and * is allowed to match everything.
  • Fix redirection to respect https_only option.
  • (wasm) Add Body::as_bytes() method.
  • (wasm) Fix sometimes wrong conversation of bytes into a JsValue.
  • (wasm) Avoid dependency on serde-serialize feature.


  • Add ClientBuilder::resolve() option to override DNS resolution for specific domains.
  • Add native-tls-alpn Cargo feature to use ALPN with the native-tls backend.
  • Add ClientBuilder::deflate() option and deflate Cargo feature to support decoding response bodies using deflate.
  • Add RequestBuilder::version() to allow setting the HTTP version of a request.
  • Fix allowing "invalid" certificates with the rustls-tls backend, when the server uses TLS v1.2 or v1.3.
  • (wasm) Add try_clone to Request and RequestBuilder


  • Add impl From<hyper::Body> for reqwest::Body.
  • (wasm) Add credentials mode methods to RequestBuilder.


  • Add CookieStore trait to customize the type that stores and retrieves cookies for a session.
  • Add cookie::Jar as a default CookieStore, easing creating some session cookies before creating the Client.
  • Add ClientBuilder::http2_adaptive_window() option to configure an adaptive HTTP2 flow control behavior.
  • Add ClientBuilder::http2_max_frame_size() option to adjust the maximum HTTP2 frame size that can be received.
  • Implement IntoUrl for String, making it more convenient to create requests with format!.


  • Add ClientBuilder::tls_built_in_root_certs() option to disable built-in root certificates.
  • Fix rustls-tls glue to more often support ALPN to upgrade to HTTP/2.
  • Fix proxy parsing to assume http:// if no scheme is found.
  • Fix connection pool idle reaping by enabling hyper's runtime feature.
  • (wasm) Add Request::new() constructor.
launchbadge/sqlx (sqlx)


Compare Source

10 pull requests were merged this release cycle.

This release addresses a few regressions that have occurred, and refines SQLx's MSRV policy (see the FAQ).



Compare Source

16 pull requests were merged this release cycle.

This release contains a fix for RUSTSEC-2024-0363.

Postgres users are advised to upgrade ASAP as a possible exploit has been demonstrated:
#​3440 (comment)

MySQL and SQLite do not appear to be exploitable, but upgrading is recommended nonetheless.

  • [#​3421]: correct spelling of MySqlConnectOptions::no_engine_substitution() [[@​kolinfluence]]
    • Deprecates MySqlConnectOptions::no_engine_subsitution() (oops) in favor of the correctly spelled version.
  • [#​3376]: doc: hide spec_error module [[@​abonander]]
    • This is a helper module for the macros and was not meant to be exposed.
    • It is not expected to receive any breaking changes for the 0.8.x release, but is not designed as a public API.
      Use at your own risk.
  • [#​3382]: feat: bumped to libsqlite3-sys=0.30.1 to support sqlite 3.46 [[@​CommanderStorm]]
  • [#​3385]: chore(examples):Migrated the pg-chat example to ratatui [[@​CommanderStorm]]
  • [#​3399]: Upgrade to rustls 0.23 [[@​djc]]
    • RusTLS now has pluggable cryptography providers: ring (the existing implementation),
      and aws-lc-rs which has optional FIPS certification.
    • The existing features activating RusTLS (runtime-tokio-rustls, runtime-async-std-rustls, tls-rustls)
      enable the ring provider of RusTLS to match the existing behavior so this should not be a breaking change.
    • Switch to the tls-rustls-aws-lc-rs feature to use the aws-lc-rs provider.
      • If using runtime-tokio-rustls or runtime-async-std-rustls,
        this will necessitate switching to the appropriate non-legacy runtime feature:
        runtime-tokio or runtime-async-std
    • See the RusTLS README for more details:


Compare Source

70 pull requests were merged this release cycle.

#​2697 was merged the same day as release 0.7.4 and so was missed by the automatic CHANGELOG generation.

  • [#​2697]: fix(macros): only enable chrono when time is disabled [[@​saiintbrisson]]
  • [#​2973]: Generic Associated Types in Database, replacing HasValueRef, HasArguments, HasStatement [[@​nitn3lav]]
  • [#​2482]: chore: bump syn to 2.0 [[@​saiintbrisson]]
    • Deprecated type ascription syntax in the query macros was removed.
  • [#​2736]: Fix describe on PostgreSQL views with rules [[@​tsing]]
    • Potentially breaking: nullability inference changes for Postgres.
  • [#​2869]: Implement PgHasArrayType for all references [[@​tylerhawkes]]
    • Conflicts with existing manual implementations.
  • [#​2940]: fix: Decode and Encode derives (#​1031) [[@​benluelo]]
    • Changes lifetime obligations for field types.
  • [#​3064]: Sqlite explain graph [[@​tyrelr]]
    • Potentially breaking: nullability inference changes for SQLite.
  • [#​3123]: Reorder attrs in sqlx::test macro [[@​bobozaur]]
    • Potentially breaking: attributes on #[sqlx::test] usages are applied in the correct order now.
  • [#​3126]: Make Encode return a result [[@​FSMaxB]]
  • [#​3130]: Add version information for failed cli migration (#​3129) [[@​FlakM]]
    • Breaking changes to MigrateError.
  • [#​3181]: feat: no tx migration [[@​cleverjam]]
    • (Postgres only) migrations that should not run in a transaction can be flagged by adding -- no-transaction to the beginning.
    • Breaking change: added field to Migration
  • [#​3184]: [BREAKING} fix(sqlite): always use i64 as intermediate when decoding [[@​abonander]]
    • integer decoding will now loudly error on overflow instead of silently truncating.
    • some usages of the query!() macros might change an i32 to an i64.
  • [#​3252]: fix #[derive(sqlx::Type)] in Postgres [[@​abonander]]
    • Manual implementations of PgHasArrayType for enums will conflict with the generated one. Delete the manual impl or add #[sqlx(no_pg_array)] where conflicts occur.
    • Type equality for PgTypeInfo is now schema-aware.
  • [#​3329]: fix: correct handling of arrays of custom types in Postgres [[@​abonander]]
    • Potential breaking change: PgTypeInfo::with_name() infers types that start with _ to be arrays of the un-prefixed type. Wrap type names in quotes to bypass this behavior.
  • [#​3356]: breaking: fix name collision in FromRow, return Error::ColumnDecode for TryFrom errors [[@​abonander]]
    • Breaking behavior change: errors with #[sqlx(try_from = "T")] now return Error::ColumnDecode instead of Error::ColumnNotFound.
    • Breaking because #[sqlx(default)] on an individual field or the struct itself would have previously suppressed the error.
      This doesn't seem like good behavior as it could result in some potentially very difficult bugs.
      • Instead, create a wrapper implementing From and apply the default explicitly.
  • [#​3337]: allow rename with rename_all (close #​2896) [[@​DirectorX]]
    • Changes the precedence of #[sqlx(rename)] and #[sqlx(rename_all)] to match the expected behavior (rename wins).
  • [#​3285]: fix: use correct names for sslmode options [[@​lily-mosquitoes]]
    • Changes the output of ConnectOptions::to_url_lossy() to match what parsing expects.


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [git2]( | dependencies | minor | `0.18.3` -> `0.19.0` | | [nats]( | dependencies | minor | `0.24.1` -> `0.25.0` | | [reqwest]( | dev-dependencies | minor | `0.11.24` -> `0.12.0` | | [sqlx]( | dependencies | minor | `0.7.3` -> `0.8.0` | --- > ⚠️ **Warning** > > Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information. --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>rust-lang/git2-rs (git2)</summary> ### [`v0.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( [0.18.3...0.19.0]( ##### Added - Added `opts` functions to control server timeouts (`get_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `set_server_connect_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `get_server_timeout_in_milliseconds`, `set_server_timeout_in_milliseconds`), and add `ErrorCode::Timeout`. [#&#8203;1052]( ##### Changed - ❗ Updated to libgit2 [1.8.1]( [#&#8203;1032]( - Reduced size of the `Error` struct. [#&#8203;1053]( ##### Fixed - Fixed some callbacks to relay the error from the callback to libgit2. [#&#8203;1043]( </details> <details> <summary>seanmonstar/reqwest (reqwest)</summary> ### [`v0.12.7`]( [Compare Source]( - Revert adding `impl Service<http::Request<_>>` for `Client`. ### [`v0.12.6`]( [Compare Source]( - Add support for `danger_accept_invalid_hostnames` for `rustls`. - Add `impl Service<http::Request<Body>>` for `Client` and `&'_ Client`. - Add support for `!Sync` bodies in `Body::wrap_stream()`. - Enable happy eyeballs when `hickory-dns` is used. - Fix `Proxy` so that `HTTP(S)_PROXY` values take precendence over `ALL_PROXY`. - Fix `blocking::RequestBuilder::header()` from unsetting `sensitive` on passed header values. ### [`v0.12.5`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `blocking::ClientBuilder::dns_resolver()` method to change DNS resolver in blocking client. - Add `http3` feature back, still requiring `reqwest_unstable`. - Add `rustls-tls-no-provider` Cargo feature to use rustls without a crypto provider. - Fix `Accept-Encoding` header combinations. - Fix http3 resolving IPv6 addresses. - Internal: upgrade to rustls 0.23. ### [`v0.12.4`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `zstd` support, enabled with `zstd` Cargo feature. - Add `ClientBuilder::read_timeout(Duration)`, which applies the duration for each read operation. The timeout resets after a successful read. ### [`v0.12.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `FromStr` for `dns::Name`. - Add `ClientBuilder::built_in_webpki_certs(bool)` to enable them separately. - Add `ClientBuilder::built_in_native_certs(bool)` to enable them separately. - Fix sending `content-length: 0` for GET requests. - Fix response body `content_length()` to return value when timeout is configured. - Fix `ClientBuilder::resolve()` to use lowercase domain names. ### [`v0.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix missing ALPN when connecting to socks5 proxy with rustls. - Fix TLS version limits with rustls. - Fix not detected ALPN h2 from server with native-tls. ### [`v0.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix `ClientBuilder::interface()` when no TLS is enabled. - Fix `TlsInfo::peer_certificate()` being truncated with rustls. - Fix panic if `http2` feature disabled but TLS negotiated h2 in ALPN. - Fix `Display` for `Error` to not include its source error. ### [`v0.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Upgrade to `hyper`, `http`, and `http-body` v1. - Add better support for converting to and from `http::Request` and `http::Response`. - Add `http2` optional cargo feature, default on. - Add `charset` optional cargo feature, default on. - Add `macos-system-configuration` cargo feature, default on. - Change all optional dependencies to no longer be exposed as implicit features. - Add `ClientBuilder::interface(str)` to specify the local interface to bind to. - Experimental: disables the `http3` feature temporarily. #### v0.11.27 - Add `hickory-dns` feature, deprecating `trust-dns`. - (wasm) Fix `Form::text()` to not set octet-stream for plain text fields. #### v0.11.26 - Revert `system-configuration` upgrade, which broke MSRV on macOS. #### v0.11.25 - Fix `Certificate::from_pem_bundle()` parsing. - Fix Apple linker errors from detecting system proxies. #### v0.11.24 - Add `Certificate::from_pem_bundle()` to add a bundle. - Add `http3_prior_knowledge()` to blocking client builder. - Remove `Sync` bounds requirement for `Body::wrap_stream()`. - Fix HTTP/2 to retry `REFUSED_STREAM` requests. - Fix instances of converting `Url` to `Uri` that could panic. #### v0.11.23 - Add `Proxy::custom_http_auth(val)` for setting the raw `Proxy-Authorization` header when connecting to proxies. - Fix redirect to reject locations that are not `http://` or `https://`. - Fix setting `nodelay` when TLS is enabled but URL is HTTP. - (wasm) Add `ClientBuilder::user_agent(val)`. - (wasm) add `multipart::Form::headers(headers)`. #### v0.11.22 - Fix compilation on Windows when `trust-dns` is enabled. #### v0.11.21 - Add automatically detecting macOS proxy settings. - Add `ClientBuilder::tls_info(bool)`, which will put `tls::TlsInfo` into the response extensions. - Fix trust-dns resolver from possible hangs. - Fix connect timeout to be split among multiple IP addresses. #### v0.11.20 - Fix `deflate` decompression back to using zlib, as outlined in the spec. #### v0.11.19 - Add `ClientBuilder::http1_ignore_invalid_headers_in_responses()` option. - Add `ClientBuilder::http1_allow_spaces_after_header_name_in_responses()` option. - Add support for `ALL_PROXY` environment variable. - Add support for `use_preconfigured_tls` when combined with HTTP/3. - Fix `deflate` decompression from using the zlib decoder. - Fix `Response::{text, text_with_charset}()` to strip BOM characters. - Fix a panic when HTTP/3 is used if UDP isn't able to connect. - Fix some dependencies for HTTP/3. - Increase MSRV to 1.63. #### v0.11.18 - Fix `RequestBuilder::json()` method from overriding a previously set `content-type` header. An existing value will be left in place. - Upgrade internal dependencies for rustls and compression. #### v0.11.17 - Upgrade internal dependencies of Experimental HTTP/3 to use quinn v0.9 - (wasm) Fix blob url support #### v0.11.16 - Chore: set MSRV in `Cargo.toml`. - Docs: fix build on #### v0.11.15 - Add `RequestBuilder` methods to split and reconstruct from its parts. - Add experimental HTTP/3 support. - Fix `connection_verbose` to log `write_vectored` calls. - (wasm) Make requests actually cancel if the future is dropped. #### v0.11.14 - Adds `Proxy::no_proxy(url)` that works like the NO_PROXY environment variable. - Adds `multipart::Part::headers(headers)` method to add custom headers. - (wasm) Add `Response::bytes_stream()`. - Perf: several internal optimizations reducing copies and memory allocations. #### v0.11.13 - Add `ClientBuilder::dns_resolver()` option for custom DNS resolvers. - Add `ClientBuilder::tls_sni(bool)` option to enable or disable TLS Server Name Indication. - Add `Identity::from_pkcs8_pem()` constructor when using `native-tls`. - Fix `redirect::Policy::limited(0)` from following any redirects. #### v0.11.12 - Add `ClientBuilder::resolve_to_addrs()` which allows a slice of IP addresses to be specified for a single host. - Add `Response::upgrade()` to await whether the server agrees to an HTTP upgrade. #### v0.11.11 - Add HTTP/2 keep-alive configuration methods on `ClientBuilder`. - Add `ClientBuilder::http1_allow_obsolete_multiline_headers_in_responses()`. - Add `impl Service<Request>` for `Client` and `&'_ Client`. - (wasm) Add `RequestBuilder::basic_auth()`. - Fix `RequestBuilder::header` to not override `sensitive` if user explicitly set on a `HeaderValue`. - Fix rustls parsing of elliptic curve private keys. - Fix Proxy URL parsing of some invalid targets. #### v0.11.10 - Add `Error::url()` to access the URL of an error. - Add `Response::extensions()` to access the `http::Extensions` of a response. - Fix `rustls-native-certs` to log an error instead of panicking when loading an invalid system certificate. - Fix passing Basic Authorization header to proxies. #### v0.11.9 - Add `ClientBuilder::http09_responses(bool)` option to allow receiving HTTP/0.9 responses. - Fix HTTP/2 to retry requests interrupted by an HTTP/2 graceful shutdown. - Fix proxy loading from environment variables to ignore empty values. #### v0.11.8 - Update internal webpki-roots dependency. #### v0.11.7 - Add `blocking::ClientBuilder::resolve()` option, matching the async builder. - Implement `From<tokio::fs::File>` for `Body`. - Fix `blocking` request-scoped timeout applying to bodies as well. - (wasm) Fix request bodies using multipart vs formdata. - Update internal `rustls` to 0.20. #### v0.11.6 - (wasm) Fix request bodies more. #### v0.11.5 - Add `ClientBuilder::http1_only()` method. - Add `tls::Version` type, and `ClientBuilder::min_tls_version()` and `ClientBuilder::max_tls_version()` methods. - Implement `TryFrom<Request>` for `http::Request`. - Implement `Clone` for `Identity`. - Fix `NO_PROXY`environment variable parsing to more closely match curl's. Comma-separated entries are now trimmed for whitespace, and `*` is allowed to match everything. - Fix redirection to respect `https_only` option. - (wasm) Add `Body::as_bytes()` method. - (wasm) Fix sometimes wrong conversation of bytes into a `JsValue`. - (wasm) Avoid dependency on serde-serialize feature. #### v0.11.4 - Add `ClientBuilder::resolve()` option to override DNS resolution for specific domains. - Add `native-tls-alpn` Cargo feature to use ALPN with the native-tls backend. - Add `ClientBuilder::deflate()` option and `deflate` Cargo feature to support decoding response bodies using deflate. - Add `RequestBuilder::version()` to allow setting the HTTP version of a request. - Fix allowing "invalid" certificates with the `rustls-tls` backend, when the server uses TLS v1.2 or v1.3. - (wasm) Add `try_clone` to `Request` and `RequestBuilder` #### v0.11.3 - Add `impl From<hyper::Body> for reqwest::Body`. - (wasm) Add credentials mode methods to `RequestBuilder`. #### v0.11.2 - Add `CookieStore` trait to customize the type that stores and retrieves cookies for a session. - Add `cookie::Jar` as a default `CookieStore`, easing creating some session cookies before creating the `Client`. - Add `ClientBuilder::http2_adaptive_window()` option to configure an adaptive HTTP2 flow control behavior. - Add `ClientBuilder::http2_max_frame_size()` option to adjust the maximum HTTP2 frame size that can be received. - Implement `IntoUrl` for `String`, making it more convenient to create requests with `format!`. #### v0.11.1 - Add `ClientBuilder::tls_built_in_root_certs()` option to disable built-in root certificates. - Fix `rustls-tls` glue to more often support ALPN to upgrade to HTTP/2. - Fix proxy parsing to assume `http://` if no scheme is found. - Fix connection pool idle reaping by enabling hyper's `runtime` feature. - (wasm) Add `Request::new()` constructor. </details> <details> <summary>launchbadge/sqlx (sqlx)</summary> ### [`v0.8.2`]( [Compare Source]( 10 pull requests were merged this release cycle. This release addresses a few regressions that have occurred, and refines SQLx's MSRV policy (see [the FAQ]( ##### Added - \[[#&#8203;3447]]: Clarify usage of Json/Jsonb in query macros \[\[[@&#8203;Lachstec](]] ##### Changed - \[[#&#8203;3424]]: Remove deprecated feature-names from `Cargo.toml` files in examples \[\[[@&#8203;carschandler](]] ##### Fixed - \[[#&#8203;3403]]: Fix ([#&#8203;3395]( sqlx::test macro in 0.8 \[\[[@&#8203;joeydewaal](]] - \[[#&#8203;3411]]: fix: Use rfc3339 to decode date from text \[\[[@&#8203;pierre-wehbe](]] - \[[#&#8203;3453]]: fix([#&#8203;3445]( PgHasArrayType \[\[[@&#8203;joeydewaal](]] - Fixes `#[sqlx(no_pg_array)]` being forbidden on `#[derive(Type)]` structs. - \[[#&#8203;3454]]: fix: non snake case warning \[\[[@&#8203;joeydewaal](]] - \[[#&#8203;3459]]: Pgsql cube type compile fail \[\[[@&#8203;kdesjard](]] - \[[#&#8203;3465]]: fix(postgres): max number of binds is 65535, not 32767 (regression) \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3467]]: fix cancellation issues with `PgListener`, `PgStream::recv()` \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - Fixes cryptic `unknown message: "\\0"` error - \[[#&#8203;3474]]: Fix try_get example in \[\[[@&#8203;luveti](]] [#&#8203;3403]: [#&#8203;3411]: [#&#8203;3424]: [#&#8203;3447]: [#&#8203;3453]: [#&#8203;3454]: [#&#8203;3455]: [#&#8203;3459]: [#&#8203;3465]: [#&#8203;3467]: [#&#8203;3474]: ### [`v0.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( 16 pull requests were merged this release cycle. This release contains a fix for [RUSTSEC-2024-0363]. Postgres users are advised to upgrade ASAP as a possible exploit has been demonstrated: [#&#8203;3440 (comment)]( MySQL and SQLite do not *appear* to be exploitable, but upgrading is recommended nonetheless. ##### Added - \[[#&#8203;3421]]: correct spelling of `MySqlConnectOptions::no_engine_substitution()` \[\[[@&#8203;kolinfluence](]] - Deprecates `MySqlConnectOptions::no_engine_subsitution()` (oops) in favor of the correctly spelled version. ##### Changed - \[[#&#8203;3376]]: doc: hide `spec_error` module \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - This is a helper module for the macros and was not meant to be exposed. - It is not expected to receive any breaking changes for the 0.8.x release, but is not designed as a public API. Use at your own risk. - \[[#&#8203;3382]]: feat: bumped to `libsqlite3-sys=0.30.1` to support sqlite 3.46 \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3385]]: chore(examples):Migrated the pg-chat example to ratatui \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3399]]: Upgrade to rustls 0.23 \[\[[@&#8203;djc](]] - RusTLS now has pluggable cryptography providers: `ring` (the existing implementation), and `aws-lc-rs` which has optional FIPS certification. - The existing features activating RusTLS (`runtime-tokio-rustls`, `runtime-async-std-rustls`, `tls-rustls`) enable the `ring` provider of RusTLS to match the existing behavior so this *should not* be a breaking change. - Switch to the `tls-rustls-aws-lc-rs` feature to use the `aws-lc-rs` provider. - If using `runtime-tokio-rustls` or `runtime-async-std-rustls`, this will necessitate switching to the appropriate non-legacy runtime feature: `runtime-tokio` or `runtime-async-std` - See the RusTLS README for more details: <> ##### Fixed - \[[#&#8203;2786]]: fix(sqlx-cli): do not clean sqlx during prepare \[\[[@&#8203;cycraig](]] - \[[#&#8203;3354]]: sqlite: fix inconsistent read-after-write \[\[[@&#8203;ckampfe](]] - \[[#&#8203;3371]]: Fix encoding and decoding of MySQL enums in `sqlx::Type` \[\[[@&#8203;alu](]] - \[[#&#8203;3374]]: fix: usage of `node12` in `SQLx` action \[\[[@&#8203;hamirmahal](]] - \[[#&#8203;3380]]: chore: replace structopt with clap in examples \[\[[@&#8203;tottoto](]] - \[[#&#8203;3381]]: Fix CI after Rust 1.80, remove dead feature references \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3384]]: chore(tests): fixed deprecation warnings \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3386]]: fix(dependencys):bumped cargo_metadata to `v0.18.1` to avoid yanked `v0.14.3` \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3389]]: fix(cli): typo in error for required DB URL \[\[[@&#8203;ods](]] - \[[#&#8203;3417]]: Update version to 0.8 in README \[\[[@&#8203;soucosmo](]] - \[[#&#8203;3441]]: fix: audit protocol handling \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - This addresses [RUSTSEC-2024-0363] and includes regression tests for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite. [#&#8203;2786]: [#&#8203;3354]: [#&#8203;3371]: [#&#8203;3374]: [#&#8203;3376]: [#&#8203;3380]: [#&#8203;3381]: [#&#8203;3382]: [#&#8203;3384]: [#&#8203;3385]: [#&#8203;3386]: [#&#8203;3389]: [#&#8203;3399]: [#&#8203;3417]: [#&#8203;3421]: [#&#8203;3441]: [RUSTSEC-2024-0363]: ### [`v0.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( 70 pull requests were merged this release cycle. [#&#8203;2697] was merged the same day as release 0.7.4 and so was missed by the automatic CHANGELOG generation. ##### Breaking - \[[#&#8203;2697]]: fix(macros): only enable chrono when time is disabled \[\[[@&#8203;saiintbrisson](]] - \[[#&#8203;2973]]: Generic Associated Types in Database, replacing HasValueRef, HasArguments, HasStatement \[\[[@&#8203;nitn3lav](]] - \[[#&#8203;2482]]: chore: bump syn to 2.0 \[\[[@&#8203;saiintbrisson](]] - Deprecated type ascription syntax in the query macros was removed. - \[[#&#8203;2736]]: Fix describe on PostgreSQL views with rules \[\[[@&#8203;tsing](]] - Potentially breaking: nullability inference changes for Postgres. - \[[#&#8203;2869]]: Implement PgHasArrayType for all references \[\[[@&#8203;tylerhawkes](]] - Conflicts with existing manual implementations. - \[[#&#8203;2940]]: fix: Decode and Encode derives ([#&#8203;1031]( \[\[[@&#8203;benluelo](]] - Changes lifetime obligations for field types. - \[[#&#8203;3064]]: Sqlite explain graph \[\[[@&#8203;tyrelr](]] - Potentially breaking: nullability inference changes for SQLite. - \[[#&#8203;3123]]: Reorder attrs in sqlx::test macro \[\[[@&#8203;bobozaur](]] - Potentially breaking: attributes on `#[sqlx::test]` usages are applied in the correct order now. - \[[#&#8203;3126]]: Make Encode return a result \[\[[@&#8203;FSMaxB](]] - \[[#&#8203;3130]]: Add version information for failed cli migration ([#&#8203;3129]( \[\[[@&#8203;FlakM](]] - Breaking changes to `MigrateError`. - \[[#&#8203;3181]]: feat: no tx migration \[\[[@&#8203;cleverjam](]] - (Postgres only) migrations that should not run in a transaction can be flagged by adding `-- no-transaction` to the beginning. - Breaking change: added field to `Migration` - \[[#&#8203;3184]]: \[BREAKING} fix(sqlite): always use `i64` as intermediate when decoding \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - integer decoding will now loudly error on overflow instead of silently truncating. - some usages of the query!() macros might change an i32 to an i64. - \[[#&#8203;3252]]: fix `#[derive(sqlx::Type)]` in Postgres \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - Manual implementations of PgHasArrayType for enums will conflict with the generated one. Delete the manual impl or add `#[sqlx(no_pg_array)]` where conflicts occur. - Type equality for PgTypeInfo is now schema-aware. - \[[#&#8203;3329]]: fix: correct handling of arrays of custom types in Postgres \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - Potential breaking change: `PgTypeInfo::with_name()` infers types that start with `_` to be arrays of the un-prefixed type. Wrap type names in quotes to bypass this behavior. - \[[#&#8203;3356]]: breaking: fix name collision in `FromRow`, return `Error::ColumnDecode` for `TryFrom` errors \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - Breaking behavior change: errors with `#[sqlx(try_from = "T")]` now return `Error::ColumnDecode` instead of `Error::ColumnNotFound`. - Breaking because `#[sqlx(default)]` on an individual field or the struct itself would have previously suppressed the error. This doesn't seem like good behavior as it could result in some potentially very difficult bugs. - Instead, create a wrapper implementing `From` and apply the default explicitly. - \[[#&#8203;3337]]: allow rename with rename_all (close [#&#8203;2896]( \[\[[@&#8203;DirectorX](]] - Changes the precedence of `#[sqlx(rename)]` and `#[sqlx(rename_all)]` to match the expected behavior (`rename` wins). - \[[#&#8203;3285]]: fix: use correct names for sslmode options \[\[[@&#8203;lily-mosquitoes](]] - Changes the output of `ConnectOptions::to_url_lossy()` to match what parsing expects. ##### Added - \[[#&#8203;2917]]: Add Debug impl for PgRow \[\[[@&#8203;g-bartoszek](]] - \[[#&#8203;3113]]: feat: new derive feature flag \[\[[@&#8203;saiintbrisson](]] - \[[#&#8203;3154]]: feat: add `MySqlTime`, audit `mysql::types` for panics \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3188]]: feat(cube): support postgres cube \[\[[@&#8203;jayy-lmao](]] - \[[#&#8203;3244]]: feat: support `NonZero*` scalar types \[\[[@&#8203;AlphaKeks](]] - \[[#&#8203;3260]]: feat: Add set_update_hook on SqliteConnection \[\[[@&#8203;gridbox](]] - \[[#&#8203;3291]]: feat: support the Postgres Bool type for the Any driver \[\[[@&#8203;etorreborre](]] - \[[#&#8203;3293]]: Add LICENSE-\* files to crates \[\[[@&#8203;LecrisUT](]] - \[[#&#8203;3303]]: add array support for NonZeroI\* in postgres \[\[[@&#8203;JohannesIBK](]] - \[[#&#8203;3311]]: Add example on how to use Transaction as Executor \[\[[@&#8203;Lachstec](]] - \[[#&#8203;3343]]: Add support for PostgreSQL HSTORE data type \[\[[@&#8203;KobusEllis](]] ##### Changed - \[[#&#8203;2652]]: MySQL: Remove collation compatibility check for strings \[\[[@&#8203;alu](]] - \[[#&#8203;2960]]: Removed `Send` trait bound from argument binding \[\[[@&#8203;bobozaur](]] - \[[#&#8203;2970]]: refactor: lift type mappings into driver crates \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3148]]: Bump libsqlite3-sys to v0.28 \[\[[@&#8203;NfNitLoop](]] - Note: version bumps to `libsqlite3-sys` are not considered breaking changes as per our semver guarantees. - \[[#&#8203;3265]]: perf: box `MySqlConnection` to reduce sizes of futures \[\[[@&#8203;stepantubanov](]] - \[[#&#8203;3352]]: chore:added a testcase for `sqlx migrate add ...` \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3340]]: ci: Add job to check that sqlx builds with its declared minimum dependencies \[\[[@&#8203;iamjpotts](]] ##### Fixed - \[[#&#8203;2702]]: Constrain cyclic associated types to themselves \[\[[@&#8203;BadBastion](]] - \[[#&#8203;2954]]: Fix several inter doc links \[\[[@&#8203;ralpha](]] - \[[#&#8203;3073]]: feat(logging): Log slow acquires from connection pool \[\[[@&#8203;iamjpotts](]] - \[[#&#8203;3137]]: SqliteConnectOptions::filename() memory fix ([#&#8203;3136]( \[\[[@&#8203;hoxxep](]] - \[[#&#8203;3138]]: PostgreSQL Bugfix: Ensure connection is usable after failed COPY inside a transaction \[\[[@&#8203;feikesteenbergen](]] - \[[#&#8203;3146]]: fix(sqlite): delete unused `ConnectionHandleRaw` type \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3162]]: Drop urlencoding dependency \[\[[@&#8203;paolobarbolini](]] - \[[#&#8203;3165]]: Bump deps that do not need code changes \[\[[@&#8203;GnomedDev](]] - \[[#&#8203;3167]]: fix(ci): use `docker compose` instead of `docker-compose` \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3172]]: fix: Option decoding in any driver \[\[[@&#8203;pxp9](]] - \[[#&#8203;3173]]: fix(postgres) : int type conversion while decoding \[\[[@&#8203;RaghavRox](]] - \[[#&#8203;3190]]: Update time to 0.3.36 \[\[[@&#8203;BlackSoulHub](]] - \[[#&#8203;3191]]: Fix unclean TLS shutdown \[\[[@&#8203;levkk](]] - \[[#&#8203;3194]]: Fix leaking connections in fetch_optional ([#&#8203;2647]( \[\[[@&#8203;danjpgriffin](]] - \[[#&#8203;3216]]: security: bump rustls to 0.21.11 \[\[[@&#8203;toxeus](]] - \[[#&#8203;3230]]: fix: sqlite pragma order for auto_vacuum \[\[[@&#8203;jasonish](]] - \[[#&#8203;3233]]: fix: get_filename should not consume self \[\[[@&#8203;jasonish](]] - \[[#&#8203;3234]]: fix(ci): pin Rust version, ditch unmaintained actions \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3236]]: fix: resolve `path` ownership problems when using `sqlx_macros_unstable` \[\[[@&#8203;lily-mosquitoes](]] - \[[#&#8203;3254]]: fix: hide `sqlx_postgres::any` \[\[[@&#8203;Zarathustra2](]] - \[[#&#8203;3266]]: ci: MariaDB - add back 11.4 and add 11.5 \[\[[@&#8203;grooverdan](]] - \[[#&#8203;3267]]: ci: syntax fix \[\[[@&#8203;grooverdan](]] - \[[#&#8203;3271]]: docs(sqlite): fix typo - unixtime() -> unixepoch() \[\[[@&#8203;joelkoen](]] - \[[#&#8203;3276]]: Invert boolean for `migrate` error message. ([#&#8203;3275]( \[\[[@&#8203;nk9](]] - \[[#&#8203;3279]]: fix Clippy errors \[\[[@&#8203;abonander](]] - \[[#&#8203;3288]]: fix: sqlite update_hook char types \[\[[@&#8203;jasonish](]] - \[[#&#8203;3297]]: Pass the `persistent` query setting when preparing queries with the `Any` driver \[\[[@&#8203;etorreborre](]] - \[[#&#8203;3298]]: Track null arguments in order to provide the appropriate type when converting them. \[\[[@&#8203;etorreborre](]] - \[[#&#8203;3312]]: doc: Minor rust docs fixes \[\[[@&#8203;SrGesus](]] - \[[#&#8203;3327]]: chore: fixed one usage of `select_input_type!()` being unhygenic \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3328]]: fix(ci): comment not separated from other characters \[\[[@&#8203;hamirmahal](]] - \[[#&#8203;3341]]: refactor: Resolve cargo check warnings in postgres examples \[\[[@&#8203;iamjpotts](]] - \[[#&#8203;3346]]: fix(postgres): don't panic if `M` or `C` Notice fields are not UTF-8 \[\[[@&#8203;YgorSouza](]] - \[[#&#8203;3350]]: fix:the `json`-feature should activate `sqlx-postgres?/json` as well \[\[[@&#8203;CommanderStorm](]] - \[[#&#8203;3353]]: fix: build script new line at eof \[\[[@&#8203;Zarthus](]] - (no PR): activate `clock` and `std` features of `workspace.dependencies.chrono`. [#&#8203;2482]: [#&#8203;2652]: [#&#8203;2697]: [#&#8203;2702]: [#&#8203;2736]: [#&#8203;2869]: [#&#8203;2917]: [#&#8203;2940]: [#&#8203;2954]: [#&#8203;2960]: [#&#8203;2970]: [#&#8203;2973]: [#&#8203;3064]: [#&#8203;3073]: [#&#8203;3113]: [#&#8203;3123]: [#&#8203;3126]: [#&#8203;3130]: [#&#8203;3137]: [#&#8203;3138]: [#&#8203;3146]: [#&#8203;3148]: [#&#8203;3154]: [#&#8203;3162]: [#&#8203;3165]: [#&#8203;3167]: [#&#8203;3172]: [#&#8203;3173]: [#&#8203;3181]: [#&#8203;3184]: [#&#8203;3188]: [#&#8203;3190]: [#&#8203;3191]: [#&#8203;3194]: [#&#8203;3216]: [#&#8203;3230]: [#&#8203;3233]: [#&#8203;3234]: [#&#8203;3236]: [#&#8203;3244]: [#&#8203;3252]: [#&#8203;3254]: [#&#8203;3260]: [#&#8203;3265]: [#&#8203;3266]: [#&#8203;3267]: [#&#8203;3271]: [#&#8203;3276]: [#&#8203;3279]: [#&#8203;3285]: [#&#8203;3288]: [#&#8203;3291]: [#&#8203;3293]: [#&#8203;3297]: [#&#8203;3298]: [#&#8203;3303]: [#&#8203;3311]: [#&#8203;3312]: [#&#8203;3327]: [#&#8203;3328]: [#&#8203;3329]: [#&#8203;3337]: [#&#8203;3340]: [#&#8203;3341]: [#&#8203;3343]: [#&#8203;3346]: [#&#8203;3350]: [#&#8203;3352]: [#&#8203;3353]: [#&#8203;3356]: </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNC4xNjAuMCIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjQyNC4zIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFpbiJ9-->
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kjuulh changed title from fix(deps): update all dependencies to chore(deps): update all dependencies 2024-05-23 22:07:32 +02:00
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kjuulh changed title from fix(deps): update all dependencies to chore(deps): update all dependencies 2024-09-07 02:29:03 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/all from 09807e4cdd to ebdd1fd71e 2024-09-07 06:27:07 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/all from ebdd1fd71e to 6800be7db9 2024-09-08 02:29:45 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update all dependencies to fix(deps): update all dependencies 2024-09-08 02:29:45 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/all from 6800be7db9 to f28035fb28 2024-09-08 15:05:53 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh merged commit f28035fb28 into main 2024-09-09 02:27:48 +02:00
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Reference: kjuulh/flux-releaser#3
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