mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 17:20:38 +01:00
fix(sdk): fix builder pattern to actually work with default values
In previous versions the builder pattern required all values to be set. This has not been fixed, so that default values are allowed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ pub fn render_optional_field_args(
quote! {
$(a.description.pipe(|d| format_struct_comment(d)))
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub $(format_struct_name(&a.name)): Option<$(type_)>,
@ -25,28 +25,3 @@ impl Engine {
mod tests {
use crate::{config::Config, connect_params::ConnectParams};
use super::Engine;
// TODO: these tests potentially have a race condition
async fn engine_can_start() {
let engine = Engine::new();
let params = engine
.start(&Config::new(None, None, None, None))
ConnectParams {
port: 123,
session_token: "123".into()
@ -12,13 +12,3 @@ pub async fn get_schema() -> eyre::Result<IntrospectionResponse> {
mod tests {
use super::get_schema;
async fn can_get_schema() {
let _ = get_schema().await.unwrap();
@ -50,134 +50,134 @@ pub struct Container {
pub struct ContainerBuildOpts<'a> {
/// Path to the Dockerfile to use.
/// Default: './Dockerfile'.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub dockerfile: Option<&'a str>,
/// Additional build arguments.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub build_args: Option<Vec<BuildArg>>,
/// Target build stage to build.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub target: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerEndpointOpts<'a> {
/// The exposed port number for the endpoint
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub port: Option<isize>,
/// Return a URL with the given scheme, eg. http for http://
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub scheme: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerExecOpts<'a> {
/// Command to run instead of the container's default command (e.g., ["run", "main.go"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub args: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
/// Content to write to the command's standard input before closing (e.g., "Hello world").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub stdin: Option<&'a str>,
/// Redirect the command's standard output to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stdout").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub redirect_stdout: Option<&'a str>,
/// Redirect the command's standard error to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stderr").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub redirect_stderr: Option<&'a str>,
/// Provide dagger access to the executed command.
/// Do not use this option unless you trust the command being executed.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub experimental_privileged_nesting: Option<bool>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerExportOpts {
/// Identifiers for other platform specific containers.
/// Used for multi-platform image.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub platform_variants: Option<Vec<ContainerId>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerPipelineOpts<'a> {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub description: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerPublishOpts {
/// Identifiers for other platform specific containers.
/// Used for multi-platform image.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub platform_variants: Option<Vec<ContainerId>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithDefaultArgsOpts<'a> {
/// Arguments to prepend to future executions (e.g., ["-v", "--no-cache"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub args: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithDirectoryOpts<'a> {
/// Patterns to exclude in the written directory (e.g., ["node_modules/**", ".gitignore", ".git/"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub exclude: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
/// Patterns to include in the written directory (e.g., ["*.go", "go.mod", "go.sum"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub include: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithExecOpts<'a> {
/// Content to write to the command's standard input before closing (e.g., "Hello world").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub stdin: Option<&'a str>,
/// Redirect the command's standard output to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stdout").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub redirect_stdout: Option<&'a str>,
/// Redirect the command's standard error to a file in the container (e.g., "/tmp/stderr").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub redirect_stderr: Option<&'a str>,
/// Provides dagger access to the executed command.
/// Do not use this option unless you trust the command being executed.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub experimental_privileged_nesting: Option<bool>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithExposedPortOpts<'a> {
/// Transport layer network protocol
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub protocol: Option<NetworkProtocol>,
/// Optional port description
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub description: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithFileOpts {
/// Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600).
/// Default: 0644.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub permissions: Option<isize>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithMountedCacheOpts {
/// Identifier of the directory to use as the cache volume's root.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub source: Option<DirectoryId>,
/// Sharing mode of the cache volume.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub sharing: Option<CacheSharingMode>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithNewFileOpts<'a> {
/// Content of the file to write (e.g., "Hello world!").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub contents: Option<&'a str>,
/// Permission given to the written file (e.g., 0600).
/// Default: 0644.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub permissions: Option<isize>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContainerWithoutExposedPortOpts {
/// Port protocol to unexpose
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub protocol: Option<NetworkProtocol>,
@ -1371,57 +1371,57 @@ pub struct Directory {
pub struct DirectoryDockerBuildOpts<'a> {
/// Path to the Dockerfile to use (e.g., "frontend.Dockerfile").
/// Defaults: './Dockerfile'.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub dockerfile: Option<&'a str>,
/// The platform to build.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub platform: Option<Platform>,
/// Build arguments to use in the build.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub build_args: Option<Vec<BuildArg>>,
/// Target build stage to build.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub target: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryEntriesOpts<'a> {
/// Location of the directory to look at (e.g., "/src").
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub path: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryPipelineOpts<'a> {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub description: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryWithDirectoryOpts<'a> {
/// Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub exclude: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
/// Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub include: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryWithFileOpts {
/// Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600).
/// Default: 0644.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub permissions: Option<isize>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryWithNewDirectoryOpts {
/// Permission granted to the created directory (e.g., 0777).
/// Default: 0755.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub permissions: Option<isize>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryWithNewFileOpts {
/// Permission given to the copied file (e.g., 0600).
/// Default: 0644.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub permissions: Option<isize>,
@ -1948,9 +1948,9 @@ pub struct GitRef {
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct GitRefTreeOpts<'a> {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub ssh_known_hosts: Option<&'a str>,
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub ssh_auth_socket: Option<SocketId>,
@ -2077,19 +2077,19 @@ pub struct Host {
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct HostDirectoryOpts<'a> {
/// Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub exclude: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
/// Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub include: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct HostWorkdirOpts<'a> {
/// Exclude artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["node_modules/", ".git*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub exclude: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
/// Include only artifacts that match the given pattern (e.g., ["app/", "package.*"]).
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub include: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
@ -2343,39 +2343,39 @@ pub struct Query {
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryContainerOpts {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub id: Option<ContainerId>,
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub platform: Option<Platform>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryDirectoryOpts {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub id: Option<DirectoryId>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryGitOpts {
/// Set to true to keep .git directory.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub keep_git_dir: Option<bool>,
/// A service which must be started before the repo is fetched.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub experimental_service_host: Option<ContainerId>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryHttpOpts {
/// A service which must be started before the URL is fetched.
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub experimental_service_host: Option<ContainerId>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryPipelineOpts<'a> {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub description: Option<&'a str>,
#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct QuerySocketOpts {
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option))]
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub id: Option<SocketId>,
@ -2720,6 +2720,6 @@ pub enum CacheSharingMode {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum NetworkProtocol {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user