chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.51.1 #21

kjuulh wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/playwright-monorepo into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@playwright/test (source) devDependencies minor 1.28.0 -> 1.51.1

Release Notes

microsoft/playwright (@​playwright/test)


Compare Source

Highlights - [Regression]: TimeoutOverflowWarning: 2149630.634 does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer - [Regression]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'expectInfo')

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 134.0.6998.35
  • Mozilla Firefox 135.0
  • WebKit 18.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 133
  • Microsoft Edge 133


Compare Source

StorageState for indexedDB

  • New option indexedDB for browserContext.storageState() allows to save and restore IndexedDB contents. Useful when your application uses IndexedDB API to store authentication tokens, like Firebase Authentication.

    Here is an example following the authentication guide:

    // tests/auth.setup.ts
    import { test as setup, expect } from '@​playwright/test';
    import path from 'path';
    const authFile = path.join(__dirname, '../playwright/.auth/user.json');
    setup('authenticate', async ({ page }) => {
      await page.goto('/');
      // ... perform authentication steps ...
      // make sure to save indexedDB
      await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile, indexedDB: true });

Copy prompt

New "Copy prompt" button on errors in the HTML report, trace viewer and UI mode. Click to copy a pre-filled LLM prompt that contains the error message and useful context for fixing the error.

Copy prompt

Filter visible elements

New option visible for locator.filter() allows matching only visible elements.

// example.spec.ts
test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
  // Ignore invisible todo items.
  const todoItems = page.getByTestId('todo-item').filter({ visible: true });
  // Check there are exactly 3 visible ones.
  await expect(todoItems).toHaveCount(3);

Git information in HTML report

Set option testConfig.captureGitInfo to capture git information into testConfig.metadata.

// playwright.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@​playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  captureGitInfo: { commit: true, diff: true }

HTML report will show this information when available:

Git information in the report

Test Step improvements

A new TestStepInfo object is now available in test steps. You can add step attachments or skip the step under some conditions.

test('some test', async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
  // Note the new "step" argument:
  await test.step('here is my step', async step => {
    step.skip(isMobile, 'not relevant on mobile layouts');

    // ...
    await step.attach('my attachment', { body: 'some text' });
    // ...


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 134.0.6998.35
  • Mozilla Firefox 135.0
  • WebKit 18.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 133
  • Microsoft Edge 133


Compare Source

Highlights - [Feature]: single aria snapshot for different engines/browsers - [Bug]: Firefox not handling keepalive: true fetch requests - [Bug]: update snapshots not creating good diffs - [Bug]: snapshotPathTemplate doesnt work when multiple projects - [Bug]: updateSnapshots "changed" throws an error

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 133.0.6943.16
  • Mozilla Firefox 134.0
  • WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 132
  • Microsoft Edge 132


Compare Source

Test runner

  • New option timeout allows specifying a maximum run time for an individual test step. A timed-out step will fail the execution of the test.

    test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
      await test.step('a step', async () => {
        // This step can time out separately from the test
      }, { timeout: 1000 });
  • New method test.step.skip() to disable execution of a test step.

    test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
      await test.step('before running step', async () => {
        // Normal step
      await test.step.skip('not yet ready', async () => {
        // This step is skipped
      await test.step('after running step', async () => {
        // This step still runs even though the previous one was skipped
  • Expanded expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot() to allow storing of aria snapshots in separate YAML files.

  • Added method expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage() to assert the Locator points to an element with a given aria errormessage.

  • Option testConfig.updateSnapshots added the configuration enum changed. changed updates only the snapshots that have changed, whereas all now updates all snapshots, regardless of whether there are any differences.

  • New option testConfig.updateSourceMethod defines the way source code is updated when testConfig.updateSnapshots is configured. Added overwrite and 3-way modes that write the changes into source code, on top of existing patch mode that creates a patch file.

    npx playwright test --update-snapshots=changed --update-source-method=3way
  • Option testConfig.webServer added a gracefulShutdown field for specifying a process kill signal other than the default SIGKILL.

  • Exposed testStep.attachments from the reporter API to allow retrieval of all attachments created by that step.

  • New option pathTemplate for toHaveScreenshot and toMatchAriaSnapshot assertions in the testConfig.expect configuration.

UI updates

  • Updated default HTML reporter to improve display of attachments.
  • New button for picking elements to produce aria snapshots.
  • Additional details (such as keys pressed) are now displayed alongside action API calls in traces.
  • Display of canvas content in traces is error-prone. Display is now disabled by default, and can be enabled via the Display canvas content UI setting.
  • Call and Network panels now display additional time information.


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 133.0.6943.16
  • Mozilla Firefox 134.0
  • WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 132
  • Microsoft Edge 132


Compare Source

Highlights - [Bug]: Codegen's Clear button doesn't work if not recording - [Bug]: playwright hangs while waiting for pending navigations - [Bug]: VSC extension isn't capturing all entered text - [Regression]: Double clicking the steps in trace viewer doesn't filter actions - [Bug]: aria_snapshot generates invalid yaml when combined with an aria-label attribut - [Bug]: text input with number value raises "container is not iterable" with to_match_aria_snapshot - [Bug]: getByRole can't find element with the accessible name from label element when aria-labelledby is not valid - [Regression]: Unable to open Playwright UI in Dark Mode

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 131.0.6778.33
  • Mozilla Firefox 132.0
  • WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 130
  • Microsoft Edge 130


Compare Source

Aria snapshots

New assertion expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot() verifies page structure by comparing to an expected accessibility tree, represented as YAML.

await page.goto('');
await expect(page.locator('body')).toMatchAriaSnapshot(`
  - banner:
    - heading /Playwright enables reliable/ [level=1]
    - link "Get started"
    - link "Star microsoft/playwright on GitHub"
  - main:
    - img "Browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit)"
    - heading "Any browser • Any platform • One API"

You can generate this assertion with Test Generator and update the expected snapshot with --update-snapshots command line flag.

Learn more in the aria snapshots guide.

Test runner

Breaking: channels chrome, msedge and similar switch to new headless

This change affects you if you're using one of the following channels in your playwright.config.ts:

  • chrome, chrome-dev, chrome-beta, or chrome-canary
  • msedge, msedge-dev, msedge-beta, or msedge-canary
What do I need to do?

After updating to Playwright v1.49, run your test suite. If it still passes, you're good to go. If not, you will probably need to update your snapshots, and adapt some of your test code around PDF viewers and extensions. See issue #​33566 for more details.

Other breaking changes

  • There will be no more updates for WebKit on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11. We recommend updating your OS to a later version.
  • Package @playwright/experimental-ct-vue2 will no longer be updated.
  • Package @playwright/experimental-ct-solid will no longer be updated.

Try new Chromium headless

You can opt into the new headless mode by using 'chromium' channel. As official Chrome documentation puts it:

New Headless on the other hand is the real Chrome browser, and is thus more authentic, reliable, and offers more features. This makes it more suitable for high-accuracy end-to-end web app testing or browser extension testing.

See issue #​33566 for the list of possible breakages you could encounter and more details on Chromium headless. Please file an issue if you see any problems after opting in.

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@​playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  projects: [
      name: 'chromium',
      use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], channel: 'chromium' },


  • <canvas> elements inside a snapshot now draw a preview.
  • New method to visually group actions in the trace.
  • Playwright docker images switched from Node.js v20 to Node.js v22 LTS.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 131.0.6778.33
  • Mozilla Firefox 132.0
  • WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 130
  • Microsoft Edge 130


Compare Source

Highlights - [Bug]: UI Mode crashed - [BUG] Trace Viewer PWA crashes with "Aw, Snap!" - [Bug]: UI Mode Memory problem - [Regression]: Inspector and Browser doesn't close on CTRL+C - [Bug]: Chrome tab and inspector not closing after terminating session in terminal

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 130.0.6723.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 129
  • Microsoft Edge 129


Compare Source

Highlights - [Bug]: command line flag --headed has no effect in ui mode - [REGRESSION]: page.waitForRequest does not get resolved since 1.48.0 - [Bug]: WebSocket route does not handle full URLs in Playwright - [Regression]: Inspector not showing recorded steps - [Bug]: Wrong Ubuntu release name in Dockerfile.noble - [BUG] Trace attachments have small unusable height

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 130.0.6723.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 129
  • Microsoft Edge 129


Compare Source

WebSocket routing

New methods page.routeWebSocket() and browserContext.routeWebSocket() allow to intercept, modify and mock WebSocket connections initiated in the page. Below is a simple example that mocks WebSocket communication by responding to a "request" with a "response".

await page.routeWebSocket('/ws', ws => {
  ws.onMessage(message => {
    if (message === 'request')

See WebSocketRoute for more details.

UI updates

  • New "copy" buttons for annotations and test location in the HTML report.
  • Route method calls like route.fulfill() are not shown in the report and trace viewer anymore. You can see which network requests were routed in the network tab instead.
  • New "Copy as cURL" and "Copy as fetch" buttons for requests in the network tab.


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 130.0.6723.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 129
  • Microsoft Edge 129


Compare Source

Highlights [REGRESSION]: fix(codegen): use content_frame property in python/.NET [REGRESSION]: page.pause() does not pause test timeout after 1.47 - fix(trace-viewer): time delta between local and remote actions

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 129.0.6668.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 128
  • Microsoft Edge 128


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: tsconfig.json's compilerOptions.paths no longer working in 1.47 - [REGRESSION]: broken UI in Trace Viewer while showing network response body

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 129.0.6668.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 128
  • Microsoft Edge 128


Compare Source

Network Tab improvements

The Network tab in the UI mode and trace viewer has several nice improvements:

  • filtering by asset type and URL
  • better display of query string parameters
  • preview of font assets

Network tab now has filters

Credit to @​kubajanik for these wonderful improvements!

--tsconfig CLI option

By default, Playwright will look up the closest tsconfig for each imported file using a heuristic. You can now specify a single tsconfig file in the command line, and Playwright will use it for all imported files, not only test files:

### Pass a specific tsconfig
npx playwright test --tsconfig tsconfig.test.json

APIRequestContext now accepts URLSearchParams and string as query parameters

You can now pass URLSearchParams and string as query parameters to APIRequestContext:

test('query params', async ({ request }) => {
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
  searchParams.set('userId', 1);
  const response = await request.get(
        params: searchParams // or as a string: 'userId=1'
  // ...


  • The now serves a Playwright image based on Ubuntu 24.04 Noble.
    To use the 22.04 jammy-based image, please use instead.
  • The :latest/:focal/:jammy tag for Playwright Docker images is no longer being published. Pin to a specific version for better stability and reproducibility.
  • New option behavior in page.removeAllListeners(), browser.removeAllListeners() and browserContext.removeAllListeners() to wait for ongoing listeners to complete.
  • TLS client certificates can now be passed from memory by passing cert and key as buffers instead of file paths.
  • Attachments with a text/html content type can now be opened in a new tab in the HTML report. This is useful for including third-party reports or other HTML content in the Playwright test report and distributing it to your team.
  • noWaitAfter in locator.selectOption() was deprecated.
  • We've seen reports of WebGL in Webkit misbehaving on GitHub Actions macos-13. We recommend upgrading GitHub Actions to macos-14.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 129.0.6668.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 130.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 128
  • Microsoft Edge 128


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: Client Certificates don't work with Microsoft IIS - [REGRESSION]: Websites stall on TLS handshake errors when using Client Certificates - [BUG]: Credential scanners warn about internal socks-proxy TLS certificates - [REGRESSION]: 1.46.0 (TypeScript) - custom fixtures extend no longer chainable - [Bug]: --only-changed flag and project dependencies - [Bug]: --only-changed with shallow clone throws "unknown revision" error

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 128.0.6613.18
  • Mozilla Firefox 128.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 127
  • Microsoft Edge 127


Compare Source

TLS Client Certificates

Playwright now allows to supply client-side certificates, so that server can verify them, as specified by TLS Client Authentication.

When client certificates are specified, all browser traffic is routed through a proxy that establishes the secure TLS connection, provides client certificates to the server and validates server certificates.

The following snippet sets up a client certificate for

import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  use: {
    clientCertificates: [{
      origin: '',
      certPath: './cert.pem',
      keyPath: './key.pem',
      passphrase: 'mysecretpassword',
  // ...

You can also provide client certificates to a particular test project or as a parameter of browser.newContext() and apiRequest.newContext().

--only-changed cli option

New CLI option --only-changed allows to only run test files that have been changed since the last git commit or from a specific git "ref".

### Only run test files with uncommitted changes
npx playwright test --only-changed

### Only run test files changed relative to the "main" branch
npx playwright test --only-changed=main

Component Testing: New router fixture

This release introduces an experimental router fixture to intercept and handle network requests in component testing.
There are two ways to use the router fixture:

  • Call router.route(url, handler) that behaves similarly to page.route().
  • Call router.use(handlers) and pass MSW library request handlers to it.

Here is an example of reusing your existing MSW handlers in the test.

import { handlers } from '@&#8203;src/mocks/handlers';

test.beforeEach(async ({ router }) => {
  // install common handlers before each test
  await router.use(...handlers);

test('example test', async ({ mount }) => {
  // test as usual, your handlers are active
  // ...

This fixture is only available in component tests.

UI Mode / Trace Viewer Updates

  • Test annotations are now shown in UI mode.
  • Content of text attachments is now rendered inline in the attachments pane.
  • New setting to show/hide routing actions like route.continue().
  • Request method and status are shown in the network details tab.
  • New button to copy source file location to clipboard.
  • Metadata pane now displays the baseURL.


Possibly breaking change

Fixture values that are array of objects, when specified in the test.use() block, may require being wrapped into a fixture tuple. This is best seen on the example:

import { test as base } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';

// Define an option fixture that has an "array of objects" value
type User = { name: string, password: string };
const test = base.extend<{ users: User[] }>({
  users: [ [], { option: true } ],

// Specify option value in the test.use block.
  // WRONG: this syntax may not work for you
  users: [
    { name: 'John Doe', password: 'secret' },
    { name: 'John Smith', password: 's3cr3t' },
  // CORRECT: this syntax will work. Note extra [] around the value, and the "scope" property.
  users: [[
    { name: 'John Doe', password: 'secret' },
    { name: 'John Smith', password: 's3cr3t' },
  ], { scope: 'test' }],

test('example test', async () => {
  // ...

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 128.0.6613.18
  • Mozilla Firefox 128.0
  • WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 127
  • Microsoft Edge 127


Compare Source

Highlights - [Bug]: some actions do not appear in the trace file - [Bug]: Traceviewer not reporting all actions

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 127.0.6533.5
  • Mozilla Firefox 127.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 126
  • Microsoft Edge 126


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: Trace is not showing any screenshots nor test name - [REGRESSION]: missing trace for 2nd browser - [REGRESSION]: Failing tests have a trace with no images and with steps missing

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 127.0.6533.5
  • Mozilla Firefox 127.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 126
  • Microsoft Edge 126


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: Playwright raises an error ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'test-results/.playwright-artifacts-0/' with Electron - [REGRESSION]: Locators of elements changing from/to hidden have operations hanging when using --disable-web-security - [REGRESSION]: NewTab doesn't work properly with Chrome with --disable-web-security - [REGRESSION]: beforeEach hooks are not skipped when describe condition depends on fixtures - [REGRESSION]: @playwright/experimental-ct-react doesn't work with VSCode extension and PNPM

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 127.0.6533.5
  • Mozilla Firefox 127.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 126
  • Microsoft Edge 126


Compare Source


Utilizing the new Clock API allows to manipulate and control time within tests to verify time-related behavior. This API covers many common scenarios, including:

  • testing with predefined time;
  • keeping consistent time and timers;
  • monitoring inactivity;
  • ticking through time manually.
// Initialize clock and let the page load naturally.
await page.clock.install({ time: new Date('2024-02-02T08:00:00') });
await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');

// Pretend that the user closed the laptop lid and opened it again at 10am,
// Pause the time once reached that point.
await page.clock.pauseAt(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00'));

// Assert the page state.
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM');

// Close the laptop lid again and open it at 10:30am.
await page.clock.fastForward('30:00');
await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:30:00 AM');

See the clock guide for more details.

Test runner

  • New CLI option --fail-on-flaky-tests that sets exit code to 1 upon any flaky tests. Note that by default, the test runner exits with code 0 when all failed tests recovered upon a retry. With this option, the test run will fail in such case.

  • New enviroment variable PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY controls whether built-in list, line and dot reporters assume a live terminal. For example, this could be useful to disable tty behavior when your CI environment does not handle ANSI control sequences well. Alternatively, you can enable tty behavior even when to live terminal is present, if you plan to post-process the output and handle control sequences.

Avoid TTY features that output ANSI control sequences

PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY=0 npx playwright test

Enable TTY features, assuming a terminal width 80

PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY=80 npx playwright test

- New options [testConfig.respectGitIgnore]( and [testProject.respectGitIgnore]( control whether files matching `.gitignore` patterns are excluded when searching for tests.
- New property `timeout` is now available for custom expect matchers. This property takes into account `playwright.config.ts` and `expect.configure()`.

import { expect as baseExpect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';

export const expect = baseExpect.extend({
  async toHaveAmount(locator: Locator, expected: number, options?: { timeout?: number }) {
    // When no timeout option is specified, use the config timeout.
    const timeout = options?.timeout ?? this.timeout;
    // ... implement the assertion ...


  • Method locator.setInputFiles() now supports uploading a directory for <input type=file webkitdirectory> elements.

    await page.getByLabel('Upload directory').setInputFiles(path.join(__dirname, 'mydir'));
  • Multiple methods like or now support a ControlOrMeta modifier key. This key maps to Meta on macOS and maps to Control on Windows and Linux.

    // Press the common keyboard shortcut Control+S or Meta+S to trigger a "Save" operation.
  • New property httpCredentials.send in apiRequest.newContext() that allows to either always send the Authorization header or only send it in response to 401 Unauthorized.

  • New option reason in apiRequestContext.dispose() that will be included in the error message of ongoing operations interrupted by the context disposal.

  • New option host in browserType.launchServer() allows to accept websocket connections on a specific address instead of unspecified

  • Playwright now supports Chromium, Firefox and WebKit on Ubuntu 24.04.

  • v1.45 is the last release to receive WebKit update for macOS 12 Monterey. Please update macOS to keep using the latest WebKit.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 127.0.6533.5
  • Mozilla Firefox 127.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 126
  • Microsoft Edge 126


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: When using video: 'on' with VSCode extension the browser got closed - [REGRESSION]: Electron launch with spaces inside executablePath didn't work - [REGRESSION]: Mask elements outside of viewport when creating fullscreen screenshots didn't work - [REGRESSION]: ipv6 got shown instead of localhost in show-trace/show-report

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 125.0.6422.14
  • Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 124
  • Microsoft Edge 124


Compare Source

New APIs

Accessibility assertions

  • expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName() checks if the element has the specified accessible name:

    const locator = page.getByRole('button');
    await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName('Submit');
  • expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription() checks if the element has the specified accessible description:

    const locator = page.getByRole('button');
    await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Upload a photo');
  • expect(locator).toHaveRole() checks if the element has the specified ARIA role:

    const locator = page.getByTestId('save-button');
    await expect(locator).toHaveRole('button');

Locator handler

  • After executing the handler added with page.addLocatorHandler(), Playwright will now wait until the overlay that triggered the handler is not visible anymore. You can opt-out of this behavior with the new noWaitAfter option.
  • You can use new times option in page.addLocatorHandler() to specify maximum number of times the handler should be run.
  • The handler in page.addLocatorHandler() now accepts the locator as argument.
  • New page.removeLocatorHandler() method for removing previously added locator handlers.
const locator = page.getByText('This interstitial covers the button');
await page.addLocatorHandler(locator, async overlay => {
  await overlay.locator('#close').click();
}, { times: 3, noWaitAfter: true });
// Run your tests that can be interrupted by the overlay.
// ...
await page.removeLocatorHandler(locator);

Miscellaneous options

  • multipart option in apiRequestContext.fetch() now accepts FormData and supports repeating fields with the same name.

    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', new File(['let x = 2024;'], 'f1.js', { type: 'text/javascript' }));
    formData.append('file', new File(['hello'], 'f2.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));'', {
      multipart: formData
  • expect(callback).toPass({ intervals }) can now be configured by expect.toPass.inervals option globally in testConfig.expect or per project in testProject.expect.

  • expect(page).toHaveURL(url) now supports ignoreCase option.

  • testProject.ignoreSnapshots allows to configure per project whether to skip screenshot expectations.

Reporter API

  • New method suite.entries() returns child test suites and test cases in their declaration order. suite.type and testCase.type can be used to tell apart test cases and suites in the list.
  • Blob reporter now allows overriding report file path with a single option outputFile. The same option can also be specified as PLAYWRIGHT_BLOB_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable that might be more convenient on CI/CD.
  • JUnit reporter now supports includeProjectInTestName option.

Command line

  • --last-failed CLI option for running only tests that failed in the previous run.

    First run all tests:

    $ npx playwright test
    Running 103 tests using 5 workers
    2 failed
      [chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:8:5 › two ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
      [chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:13:5 › three ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    101 passed (30.0s)

    Now fix the failing tests and run Playwright again with --last-failed option:

    $ npx playwright test --last-failed
    Running 2 tests using 2 workers
      2 passed (1.2s)

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 125.0.6422.14
  • Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 124
  • Microsoft Edge 124


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: UI mode restarts if keep storage state - [REGRESSION]: Brand new install of playwright, unable to run chromium with show browser using vscode

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 124.0.6367.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 124.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 123
  • Microsoft Edge 123


Compare Source

New APIs

  • Method browserContext.clearCookies() now supports filters to remove only some cookies.

    // Clear all cookies.
    await context.clearCookies();
    // New: clear cookies with a particular name.
    await context.clearCookies({ name: 'session-id' });
    // New: clear cookies for a particular domain.
    await context.clearCookies({ domain: '' });
  • New mode retain-on-first-failure for testOptions.trace. In this mode, trace is recorded for the first run of each test, but not for retires. When test run fails, the trace file is retained, otherwise it is removed.

    import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    export default defineConfig({
      use: {
        trace: 'retain-on-first-failure',
  • New property testInfo.tags exposes test tags during test execution.

    test('example', async ({ page }) => {
  • New method locator.contentFrame() converts a Locator object to a FrameLocator. This can be useful when you have a Locator object obtained somewhere, and later on would like to interact with the content inside the frame.

    const locator = page.locator('iframe[name="embedded"]');
    // ...
    const frameLocator = locator.contentFrame();
    await frameLocator.getByRole('button').click();
  • New method frameLocator.owner() converts a FrameLocator object to a Locator. This can be useful when you have a FrameLocator object obtained somewhere, and later on would like to interact with the iframe element.

    const frameLocator = page.frameLocator('iframe[name="embedded"]');
    // ...
    const locator = frameLocator.owner();
    await expect(locator).toBeVisible();

UI Mode Updates

Playwright UI Mode

  • See tags in the test list.
  • Filter by tags by typing @fast or clicking on the tag itself.
  • New shortcuts:
    • F5 to run tests.
    • Shift F5 to stop running tests.
    • Ctrl ` to toggle test output.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 124.0.6367.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 124.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 123
  • Microsoft Edge 123


Compare Source

Highlights - [Regression]: HEAD requests to webServer.url since v1.42.0 - [Regression]: Playwright CT CLI scripts fail due to broken initializePlugin import - [Bug]: Component tests fails when imported a module with a dot in a name - [Regression]: 1.42.0 breaks some import statements - [Bug]: Possible regression with chained locators in v1.42

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 123.0.6312.4
  • Mozilla Firefox 123.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 122
  • Microsoft Edge 123


Compare Source

New APIs

  • Test tags

    New tag syntax for adding tags to the tests (@​-tokens in the test title are still supported).

    test('test customer login', { tag: ['@&#8203;fast', '@&#8203;login'] }, async ({ page }) => {
      // ...

    Use --grep command line option to run only tests with certain tags.

    npx playwright test --grep @&#8203;fast
  • Annotating skipped tests

    New annotation syntax for test annotations allows annotating the tests that do not run.

    test('test full report', {
      annotation: [
        { type: 'issue', description: '' },
        { type: 'docs', description: '' },
    }, async ({ page }) => {
      // ...
  • page.addLocatorHandler()

This feature is experimental, we are actively looking for the feedback based on your scenarios.

New method page.addLocatorHandler() registers a callback that will be invoked when specified element becomes visible and may block Playwright actions. The callback can get rid of the overlay. Here is an example that closes a cookie dialog when it appears.

// Setup the handler.
await page.addLocatorHandler(
    page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Hej! You are in control of your cookies.' }),
    async () => {
      await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Accept all' }).click();
// Write the test as usual.
await page.goto('');
await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Collection of blue and white' }).click();
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Light and easy' })).toBeVisible();
  • Project wildcard filter
    Playwright command line flag now supports '*' wildcard when filtering by project.

    npx playwright test --project='*mobile*'
  • Other APIs

    • expect(callback).toPass({ timeout })
      The timeout can now be configured by expect.toPass.timeout option globally or in project config

    • electronApplication.on('console')
      electronApplication.on('console') event is emitted when Electron main process calls console API methods.

      electronApp.on('console', async msg => {
        const values = [];
        for (const arg of msg.args())
          values.push(await arg.jsonValue());
      await electronApp.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, { foo: 'bar' }));
    • page.pdf() accepts two new options tagged and outline.

Breaking changes

Mixing the test instances in the same suite is no longer supported. Allowing it was an oversight as it makes reasoning about the semantics unnecessarily hard.

const test = baseTest.extend({ item: async ({}, use) => {} });
baseTest.describe('Admin user', () => {
  test('1', async ({ page, item }) => {});
  test('2', async ({ page, item }) => {});


  • ⚠️ Ubuntu 18 is not supported anymore.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 123.0.6312.4
  • Mozilla Firefox 123.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 122
  • Microsoft Edge 123


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION] route.continue: Protocol error (Fetch.continueRequest): Invalid InterceptionId.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 121.0.6167.57
  • Mozilla Firefox 121.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 120
  • Microsoft Edge 120


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION] Codegen/Recorder: not all clicks are being actioned nor recorded - [REGRESSION] React component tests throw type error when passing null/undefined to component - [REGRESSION] React component tests not passing Date prop values - [REGRESSION] React component tests not rendering children prop - [REGRESSION] does not currently support the loading from URL

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 121.0.6167.57
  • Mozilla Firefox 121.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 120
  • Microsoft Edge 120


Compare Source

New APIs

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 121.0.6167.57
  • Mozilla Firefox 121.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 120
  • Microsoft Edge 120


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: Version 1.40.0 Produces corrupted traces - [BUG] The color of the 'ok' text did not change to green in the vs code test results section - [BUG] Ambiguous test outcome and status for serial mode - [BUG] Merging blobs ends up in Error: Cannot create a string longer than 0x1fffffe8 characters - fix: collect all errors in removeFolders

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 120.0.6099.28
  • Mozilla Firefox 119.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 119
  • Microsoft Edge 119


Compare Source

Test Generator Update

Playwright Test Generator

New tools to generate assertions:

Here is an example of a generated test with assertions:

import { test, expect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';

test('test', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');
  await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Get started' }).click();
  await expect(page.getByLabel('Breadcrumbs').getByRole('list')).toContainText('Installation');
  await expect(page.getByLabel('Search')).toBeVisible();
  await page.getByLabel('Search').click();
  await page.getByPlaceholder('Search docs').fill('locator');
  await expect(page.getByPlaceholder('Search docs')).toHaveValue('locator');

New APIs

Other Changes

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 120.0.6099.28
  • Mozilla Firefox 119.0
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 119
  • Microsoft Edge 119


Compare Source

Add custom matchers to your expect

You can extend Playwright assertions by providing custom matchers. These matchers will be available on the expect object.

import { expect as baseExpect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
export const expect = baseExpect.extend({
  async toHaveAmount(locator: Locator, expected: number, options?: { timeout?: number }) {
    // ... see documentation for how to write matchers.

test('pass', async ({ page }) => {
  await expect(page.getByTestId('cart')).toHaveAmount(5);

See the documentation for a full example.

Merge test fixtures

You can now merge test fixtures from multiple files or modules:

import { mergeTests } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
import { test as dbTest } from 'database-test-utils';
import { test as a11yTest } from 'a11y-test-utils';

export const test = mergeTests(dbTest, a11yTest);
import { test } from './fixtures';

test('passes', async ({ database, page, a11y }) => {
  // use database and a11y fixtures.

Merge custom expect matchers

You can now merge custom expect matchers from multiple files or modules:

import { mergeTests, mergeExpects } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
import { test as dbTest, expect as dbExpect } from 'database-test-utils';
import { test as a11yTest, expect as a11yExpect } from 'a11y-test-utils';

export const test = mergeTests(dbTest, a11yTest);
export const expect = mergeExpects(dbExpect, a11yExpect);
import { test, expect } from './fixtures';

test('passes', async ({ page, database }) => {
  await expect(database).toHaveDatabaseUser('admin');
  await expect(page).toPassA11yAudit();

Hide implementation details: box test steps

You can mark a test.step() as "boxed" so that errors inside it point to the step call site.

async function login(page) {
  await test.step('login', async () => {
    // ...
  }, { box: true });  // Note the "box" option here.
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
  ... error details omitted ...

  14 |   await page.goto('');
> 15 |   await login(page);
     |         ^
  16 | });

See test.step() documentation for a full example.

New APIs

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 119.0.6045.9
  • Mozilla Firefox 118.0.1
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 118
  • Microsoft Edge 118


Compare Source

Highlights - expect(value).toMatchSnapshot() deprecation announcement on V1.38 - [BUG] PWT trace viewer fails to load trace and throws TypeError - [BUG] RangeError: Invalid time value - [REGRESSION]: npx playwright test --list prints all tests twice - [REGRESSION]: No longer able to extend PlaywrightTest.Matchers type for locators and pages - [BUG]can not display trace - [REGRESSION] Single Quote Wrongly Escaped by Locator When Using Unicode Flag - [BUG] evaluate serializing fails at 1.38

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 117.0.5938.62
  • Mozilla Firefox 117.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 116
  • Microsoft Edge 116


Compare Source

UI Mode Updates

Playwright UI Mode

  1. Zoom into time range.
  2. Network panel redesign.

New APIs

  • [browserContext.on('weberror')][browserContext.on('weberror')]
  • [locator.pressSequentially()][locator.pressSequentially()]
  • The [reporter.onEnd()][reporter.onEnd()] now reports startTime and total run duration.


  • The following methods were deprecated: [page.type()][page.type()], [frame.type()][frame.type()], [locator.type()][locator.type()] and [elementHandle.type()][elementHandle.type()].
    Please use [locator.fill()][locator.fill()] instead which is much faster. Use [locator.pressSequentially()][locator.pressSequentially()] only if there is a
    special keyboard handling on the page, and you need to press keys one-by-one.

Breaking Changes: Playwright no longer downloads browsers automatically

If you are using @playwright/test package, this change does not affect you.

Playwright recommends to use @playwright/test package and download browsers via npx playwright install command. If you are following this recommendation, nothing has changed for you.

However, up to v1.38, installing the playwright package instead of @playwright/test did automatically download browsers. This is no longer the case, and we recommend to explicitly download browsers via npx playwright install command.

v1.37 and earlier

playwright package was downloading browsers during npm install, while @playwright/test was not.

v1.38 and later

playwright and @playwright/test packages do not download browsers during npm install.

Recommended migration

Run npx playwright install to download browsers after npm install. For example, in your CI configuration:

- run: npm ci
- run: npx playwright install --with-deps

Alternative migration option - not recommended

Add @playwright/browser-chromium, @playwright/browser-firefox and @playwright/browser-webkit as a dependency. These packages download respective browsers during npm install. Make sure you keep the version of all playwright packages in sync:

// package.json
  "devDependencies": {
    "playwright": "1.38.0",
    "@&#8203;playwright/browser-chromium": "1.38.0",
    "@&#8203;playwright/browser-firefox": "1.38.0",
    "@&#8203;playwright/browser-webkit": "1.38.0"
Browser Versions
  • Chromium 117.0.5938.62
  • Mozilla Firefox 117.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 116
  • Microsoft Edge 116


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION] webServer stdout is always getting printed - [REGRESSION] test.only with project dependency is not working

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 116.0.5845.82
  • Mozilla Firefox 115.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 115
  • Microsoft Edge 115


Compare Source

Watch the overview: Playwright 1.36 & 1.37

New tool to merge reports

If you run tests on multiple shards, you can now merge all reports in a single HTML report (or any other report)
using the new merge-reports CLI tool.

Using merge-reports tool requires the following steps:

  1. Adding a new "blob" reporter to the config when running on CI:

    export default defineConfig({
      testDir: './tests',
      reporter: process.env.CI ? 'blob' : 'html',

    The "blob" reporter will produce ".zip" files that contain all the information
    about the test run.

  2. Copying all "blob" reports in a single shared location and running npx playwright merge-reports:

    npx playwright merge-reports --reporter html ./all-blob-reports

Read more in our documentation.

📚 Debian 12 Bookworm Support

Playwright now supports Debian 12 Bookworm on both x86_64 and arm64 for Chromium, Firefox and WebKit.
Let us know if you encounter any issues!

Linux support looks like this:

Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04 Debian 11 Debian 12

🌈 UI Mode Updates

  • UI Mode now respects project dependencies. You can control which dependencies to respect by checking/unchecking them in a projects list.
  • Console logs from the test are now displayed in the Console tab.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 116.0.5845.82
  • Mozilla Firefox 115.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 115
  • Microsoft Edge 115

v1.36.2: 1.36.2

Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION] Character classes are not working in globs in 1.36

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 115.0.5790.75
  • Mozilla Firefox 115.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 114
  • Microsoft Edge 114


Compare Source

Highlights - [REGRESSION]: Snapshot name contains some random string after test name when tests are run in container

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 115.0.5790.75
  • Mozilla Firefox 115.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 114
  • Microsoft Edge 114


Compare Source

Watch the overview: Playwright 1.36 & 1.37


🏝️ Summer maintenance release.

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 115.0.5790.75
  • Mozilla Firefox 115.0
  • WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 114
  • Microsoft Edge 114


Compare Source

Highlights - [Docs] Provide a description how to correctly use expect.configure with poll parameter - [BUG] Live Trace does not work with Codespaces - [BUG] attachment steps are not hidden inside expect.toHaveScreenshot()

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 115.0.5790.13
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 114
  • Microsoft Edge 114


Compare Source

Playwright v1.35 updates

  • UI mode is now available in VSCode Playwright extension via a new "Show trace viewer" button:

    Playwright UI Mode

  • UI mode and trace viewer mark network requests handled with page.route() and browserContext.route() handlers, as well as those issued via the API testing:

    Trace Viewer

  • New option maskColor for methods page.screenshot(), locator.screenshot(), expect(page).toHaveScreenshot() and expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot() to change default masking color:

    await page.goto('');
    await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({
      mask: [page.locator('img')],
      maskColor: '#&#8203;00FF00', // green
  • New uninstall CLI command to uninstall browser binaries:

    $ npx playwright uninstall # remove browsers installed by this installation
    $ npx playwright uninstall --all # remove all ever-install Playwright browsers
  • Both UI mode and trace viewer now could be opened in a browser tab:

    $ npx playwright test --ui-port 0 # open UI mode in a tab on a random port
    $ npx playwright show-trace --port 0 # open trace viewer in tab on a random port
⚠️ Breaking changes
  • playwright-core binary got renamed from playwright to playwright-core. So if you use playwright-core CLI, make sure to update the name:

    $ npx playwright-core install # the new way to install browsers when using playwright-core

    This change does not affect @playwright/test and playwright package users.

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 115.0.5790.13
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 114
  • Microsoft Edge 114


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] Getting "Please install @​playwright/test package..." after upgrading from 1.34.0 to 1.34.1

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 114.0.5735.26
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 113
  • Microsoft Edge 113


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] VSCode Extension broken with Playwright 1.34.1

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 114.0.5735.26
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 113
  • Microsoft Edge 113


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] Container image for v1.34.0 missing library for webkit - [BUG] Unable to install supported browsers for v1.34.0 from playwright-core - [BUG] importing ES Module JSX component is broken since 1.34

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 114.0.5735.26
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 113
  • Microsoft Edge 113


Compare Source

Playwright v1.33 & v1.34 updates

  • UI Mode now shows steps, fixtures and attachments:

  • New property testProject.teardown to specify a project that needs to run after this
    and all dependent projects have finished. Teardown is useful to cleanup any resources acquired by this project.

    A common pattern would be a setup dependency with a corresponding teardown:

    // playwright.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    export default defineConfig({
      projects: [
          name: 'setup',
          testMatch: /global.setup\.ts/,
          teardown: 'teardown',
          name: 'teardown',
          testMatch: /global.teardown\.ts/,
          name: 'chromium',
          use: devices['Desktop Chrome'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
          name: 'firefox',
          use: devices['Desktop Firefox'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
          name: 'webkit',
          use: devices['Desktop Safari'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
  • New method expect.configure to create pre-configured expect instance with its own defaults such as timeout and soft.

    const slowExpect = expect.configure({ timeout: 10000 });
    await slowExpect(locator).toHaveText('Submit');
    // Always do soft assertions.
    const softExpect = expect.configure({ soft: true });
  • New options stderr and stdout in testConfig.webServer to configure output handling:

    // playwright.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    export default defineConfig({
      // Run your local dev server before starting the tests
      webServer: {
        command: 'npm run start',
        url: '',
        reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
        stdout: 'pipe',
        stderr: 'pipe',
  • New locator.and() to create a locator that matches both locators.

    const button = page.getByRole('button').and(page.getByTitle('Subscribe'));
  • New events browserContext.on('console') and browserContext.on('dialog') to subscribe to any dialogs
    and console messages from any page from the given browser context. Use the new methods
    and to pin-point event source.

⚠️ Breaking changes
  • npx playwright test no longer works if you install both playwright and @playwright/test. There's no need
    to install both, since you can always import browser automation APIs from @playwright/test directly:

    // automation.ts
    import { chromium, firefox, webkit } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    /* ... */
  • Node.js 14 is no longer supported since it reached its end-of-life on April 30, 2023.

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 114.0.5735.26
  • Mozilla Firefox 113.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 113
  • Microsoft Edge 113


Compare Source

Playwright v1.33 & v1.34 updates

Locators Update
  • Use [locator.or()][locator.or()] to create a locator that matches either of the two locators.
    Consider a scenario where you'd like to click on a "New email" button, but sometimes a security settings dialog shows up instead.
    In this case, you can wait for either a "New email" button, or a dialog and act accordingly:

    const newEmail = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'New' });
    const dialog = page.getByText('Confirm security settings');
    await expect(newEmail.or(dialog)).toBeVisible();
    if (await dialog.isVisible())
      await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Dismiss' }).click();
  • Use new options hasNot and hasNotText in [locator.filter()][locator.filter()]
    to find elements that do not match certain conditions.

    const rowLocator = page.locator('tr');
    await rowLocator
        .filter({ hasNotText: 'text in column 1' })
        .filter({ hasNot: page.getByRole('button', { name: 'column 2 button' }) })
  • Use new web-first assertion [locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()][locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()] to ensure that the element
    is present in the page's DOM. Do not confuse with the [locatorAssertions.toBeVisible()][locatorAssertions.toBeVisible()] that ensures that
    element is both attached & visible.

New APIs
  • [locator.or()][locator.or()]
  • New option hasNot in [locator.filter()][locator.filter()]
  • New option hasNotText in [locator.filter()][locator.filter()]
  • [locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()][locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()]
  • New option timeout in [route.fetch()][route.fetch()]
  • [reporter.onExit()][reporter.onExit()]
⚠️ Breaking change
  • The now serves a Playwright image based on Ubuntu Jammy.
    To use the focal-based image, please use instead.
Browser Versions
  • Chromium 113.0.5672.53
  • Mozilla Firefox 112.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 112
  • Microsoft Edge 112


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] WebServer only starting after timeout - chore: allow reusing browser between the tests - [BUG] Tests failing in toPass often marked as passed

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 112.0.5615.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 111.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 111
  • Microsoft Edge 111


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] Browser crash when using Playwright VSC extension and trace-viewer enabled in config - [Feature] Make Vue component mount props less restrictive - [REGRESSION]: Tests failing with "Error: tracing.stopChunk"

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 112.0.5615.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 111.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 111
  • Microsoft Edge 111


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] Trace is not opening on specific broken locator - [BUG] --ui fails to open with error reading mainFrame from an undefined this._page - [BUG]: UI mode, skipped tests not being found - [BUG] UI mode does not show webServer startup errors - [BUG] Parameterized tests are not displayed in the UI mode

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 112.0.5615.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 111.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 111
  • Microsoft Edge 111


Compare Source

📣 Introducing UI Mode (preview)

Playwright v1.32 updates

New UI Mode lets you explore, run and debug tests. Comes with a built-in watch mode.

Playwright UI Mode

Engage with a new flag --ui:

npx playwright test --ui

New APIs

⚠️ Breaking change in component tests

Note: component tests only, does not affect end-to-end tests.

  • @playwright/experimental-ct-react now supports React 18 only.
  • If you're running component tests with React 16 or 17, please replace
    @playwright/experimental-ct-react with @playwright/experimental-ct-react17.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 112.0.5615.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 111.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 111
  • Microsoft Edge 111


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] ECONNREFUSED on GitHub Actions with Node 18 - [REGRESSION]: firefox-1378 times out on await page.reload() when URL contains a #hash - [BUG] Playwright seems to get stuck when using shard option and last test is skipped - Using the webServer config with a Vite dev server? - throw if defineConfig is not used for component testing

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 111.0.5563.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 109.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 110
  • Microsoft Edge 110


Compare Source

Highlights - [Regression v1.31] Headless Windows shows cascading cmd windows - fix(loader): experimentalLoader with node@18

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 111.0.5563.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 109.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 110
  • Microsoft Edge 110


Compare Source

New APIs

  • New property TestProject.dependencies to configure dependencies between projects.

    Using dependencies allows global setup to produce traces and other artifacts,
    see the setup steps in the test report and more.

    // playwright.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    export default defineConfig({
      projects: [
          name: 'setup',
          testMatch: /global.setup\.ts/,
          name: 'chromium',
          use: devices['Desktop Chrome'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
          name: 'firefox',
          use: devices['Desktop Firefox'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
          name: 'webkit',
          use: devices['Desktop Safari'],
          dependencies: ['setup'],
  • New assertion expect(locator).toBeInViewport() ensures that locator points to an element that intersects viewport, according to the intersection observer API.

    const button = page.getByRole('button');
    // Make sure at least some part of element intersects viewport.
    await expect(button).toBeInViewport();
    // Make sure element is fully outside of viewport.
    await expect(button).not.toBeInViewport();
    // Make sure that at least half of the element intersects viewport.
    await expect(button).toBeInViewport({ ratio: 0.5 });


  • DOM snapshots in trace viewer can be now opened in a separate window.
  • New method defineConfig to be used in playwright.config.
  • New option maxRedirects for method Route.fetch.
  • Playwright now supports Debian 11 arm64.
  • Official docker images now include Node 18 instead of Node 16.

⚠️ Breaking change in component tests

Note: component tests only, does not affect end-to-end tests.

playwright-ct.config configuration file for component testing now requires calling defineConfig.

// Before

import { type PlaywrightTestConfig, devices } from '@&#8203;playwright/experimental-ct-react';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  // ... config goes here ...
export default config;

Replace config variable definition with defineConfig call:

// After

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@&#8203;playwright/experimental-ct-react';
export default defineConfig({
  // ... config goes here ...

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 111.0.5563.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 109.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 110
  • Microsoft Edge 110


Compare Source

🎉 Happy New Year 🎉

Maintenance release with bugfixes and new browsers only. We are baking some nice features for v1.31.

Browser Versions
  • Chromium 110.0.5481.38
  • Mozilla Firefox 108.0.2
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 109
  • Microsoft Edge 109


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] 1.29.1 browserserver + page.goto = net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


Compare Source

Highlights - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0 - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.1 - [REGRESSION]: 1.28 does not work with electron-serve anymore. - [BUG] returns the path one level higher if you run electron pointing to the directory - [REGRESSION]: Ubuntu 18 LTS not supported anymore

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


Compare Source

New APIs

  • New method route.fetch() and new option json for route.fulfill():

    await page.route('**/api/settings', async route => {
      // Fetch original settings.
      const response = await route.fetch();
      // Force settings theme to a predefined value.
      const json = await response.json();
      json.theme = 'Solorized';
      // Fulfill with modified data.
      await route.fulfill({ json });
  • New method locator.all() to iterate over all matching elements:

    // Check all checkboxes!
    const checkboxes = page.getByRole('checkbox');
    for (const checkbox of await checkboxes.all())
      await checkbox.check();
  • Locator.selectOption matches now by value or label:

    <select multiple>
      <option value="red">Red</div>
      <option value="green">Green</div>
      <option value="blue">Blue</div>
    await element.selectOption('Red');
  • Retry blocks of code until all assertions pass:

    await expect(async () => {
      const response = await page.request.get('');
      await expect(response).toBeOK();

    Read more in our documentation.

  • Automatically capture full page screenshot on test failure:

    // playwright.config.ts
    import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test';
    const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
      use: {
        screenshot: {
          mode: 'only-on-failure',
          fullPage: true,
    export default config;


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


Compare Source


This patch release includes the following bug fixes: - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0 - [BUG] [expanded=false] in role selector returns elements without aria-expanded attribute - [BUG] regression in killing web server process in 1.28.0

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 108.0.5359.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 106.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 107
  • Microsoft Edge 107


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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@playwright/test]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`1.28.0` -> `1.51.1`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>microsoft/playwright (@&#8203;playwright/test)</summary> ### [`v1.51.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Regression]: TimeoutOverflowWarning: [`2149630`]( does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer - \[Regression]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'expectInfo') #### Browser Versions - Chromium 134.0.6998.35 - Mozilla Firefox 135.0 - WebKit 18.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 133 - Microsoft Edge 133 ### [`v1.51.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### StorageState for indexedDB - New option [`indexedDB`]( for [browserContext.storageState()]( allows to save and restore IndexedDB contents. Useful when your application uses [IndexedDB API]( to store authentication tokens, like Firebase Authentication. Here is an example following the [authentication guide]( ```js // tests/auth.setup.ts import { test as setup, expect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; import path from 'path'; const authFile = path.join(__dirname, '../playwright/.auth/user.json'); setup('authenticate', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/'); // ... perform authentication steps ... // make sure to save indexedDB await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile, indexedDB: true }); }); ``` #### Copy prompt New "Copy prompt" button on errors in the HTML report, trace viewer and UI mode. Click to copy a pre-filled LLM prompt that contains the error message and useful context for fixing the error. ![Copy prompt]( #### Filter visible elements New option [`visible`]( for [locator.filter()]( allows matching only visible elements. ```js // example.spec.ts test('some test', async ({ page }) => { // Ignore invisible todo items. const todoItems = page.getByTestId('todo-item').filter({ visible: true }); // Check there are exactly 3 visible ones. await expect(todoItems).toHaveCount(3); }); ``` #### Git information in HTML report Set option [testConfig.captureGitInfo]( to capture git information into [testConfig.metadata]( ```js // playwright.config.ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ captureGitInfo: { commit: true, diff: true } }); ``` HTML report will show this information when available: ![Git information in the report]( #### Test Step improvements A new [TestStepInfo]( object is now available in test steps. You can add step attachments or skip the step under some conditions. ```js test('some test', async ({ page, isMobile }) => { // Note the new "step" argument: await test.step('here is my step', async step => { step.skip(isMobile, 'not relevant on mobile layouts'); // ... await step.attach('my attachment', { body: 'some text' }); // ... }); }); ``` #### Miscellaneous - New option `contrast` for methods [page.emulateMedia()]( and [browser.newContext()]( allows to emulate the `prefers-contrast` media feature. - New option [`failOnStatusCode`]( makes all fetch requests made through the [APIRequestContext]( throw on response codes other than 2xx and 3xx. - Assertion [expect(page).toHaveURL()]( now supports a predicate. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 134.0.6998.35 - Mozilla Firefox 135.0 - WebKit 18.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 133 - Microsoft Edge 133 ### [`v1.50.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Feature]: single aria snapshot for different engines/browsers - \[Bug]: Firefox not handling keepalive: true fetch requests - \[Bug]: update snapshots not creating good diffs - \[Bug]: snapshotPathTemplate doesnt work when multiple projects - \[Bug]: updateSnapshots "changed" throws an error #### Browser Versions - Chromium 133.0.6943.16 - Mozilla Firefox 134.0 - WebKit 18.2 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 132 - Microsoft Edge 132 ### [`v1.50.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Test runner - New option [`timeout`]( allows specifying a maximum run time for an individual test step. A timed-out step will fail the execution of the test. ```js test('some test', async ({ page }) => { await test.step('a step', async () => { // This step can time out separately from the test }, { timeout: 1000 }); }); ``` - New method [test.step.skip()]( to disable execution of a test step. ```js test('some test', async ({ page }) => { await test.step('before running step', async () => { // Normal step }); await test.step.skip('not yet ready', async () => { // This step is skipped }); await test.step('after running step', async () => { // This step still runs even though the previous one was skipped }); }); ``` - Expanded [expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot()]( to allow storing of aria snapshots in separate YAML files. - Added method [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage()]( to assert the Locator points to an element with a given [aria errormessage]( - Option [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( added the configuration enum `changed`. `changed` updates only the snapshots that have changed, whereas `all` now updates all snapshots, regardless of whether there are any differences. - New option [testConfig.updateSourceMethod]( defines the way source code is updated when [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( is configured. Added `overwrite` and `3-way` modes that write the changes into source code, on top of existing `patch` mode that creates a patch file. ```bash npx playwright test --update-snapshots=changed --update-source-method=3way ``` - Option [testConfig.webServer]( added a `gracefulShutdown` field for specifying a process kill signal other than the default `SIGKILL`. - Exposed [testStep.attachments]( from the reporter API to allow retrieval of all attachments created by that step. - New option `pathTemplate` for `toHaveScreenshot` and `toMatchAriaSnapshot` assertions in the [testConfig.expect]( configuration. #### UI updates - Updated default HTML reporter to improve display of attachments. - New button for picking elements to produce aria snapshots. - Additional details (such as keys pressed) are now displayed alongside action API calls in traces. - Display of `canvas` content in traces is error-prone. Display is now disabled by default, and can be enabled via the `Display canvas content` UI setting. - `Call` and `Network` panels now display additional time information. #### Breaking - [expect(locator).toBeEditable()]( and [locator.isEditable()]( now throw if the target element is not `<input>`, `<select>`, or a number of other editable elements. - Option [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( now updates all snapshots when set to `all`, rather than only the failed/changed snapshots. Use the new enum `changed` to keep the old functionality of only updating the changed snapshots. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 133.0.6943.16 - Mozilla Firefox 134.0 - WebKit 18.2 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 132 - Microsoft Edge 132 ### [`v1.49.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Bug]: Codegen's Clear button doesn't work if not recording - \[Bug]: playwright hangs while waiting for pending navigations - \[Bug]: VSC extension isn't capturing all entered text - \[Regression]: Double clicking the steps in trace viewer doesn't filter actions - \[Bug]: aria_snapshot generates invalid yaml when combined with an aria-label attribut - \[Bug]: text input with number value raises "container is not iterable" with to_match_aria_snapshot - \[Bug]: getByRole can't find element with the accessible name from label element when aria-labelledby is not valid - \[Regression]: Unable to open Playwright UI in Dark Mode #### Browser Versions - Chromium 131.0.6778.33 - Mozilla Firefox 132.0 - WebKit 18.2 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 130 - Microsoft Edge 130 ### [`v1.49.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Aria snapshots New assertion [expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot()]( verifies page structure by comparing to an expected accessibility tree, represented as YAML. ```js await page.goto(''); await expect(page.locator('body')).toMatchAriaSnapshot(` - banner: - heading /Playwright enables reliable/ [level=1] - link "Get started" - link "Star microsoft/playwright on GitHub" - main: - img "Browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit)" - heading "Any browser • Any platform • One API" `); ``` You can generate this assertion with [Test Generator]( and update the expected snapshot with `--update-snapshots` command line flag. Learn more in the [aria snapshots guide]( #### Test runner - New option [testConfig.tsconfig]( allows to specify a single `tsconfig` to be used for all tests. - New method []( to focus on a failing test. - Options [testConfig.globalSetup]( and [testConfig.globalTeardown]( now support multiple setups/teardowns. - New value `'on-first-failure'` for [testOptions.screenshot]( - Added "previous" and "next" buttons to the HTML report to quickly switch between test cases. - New properties [testInfoError.cause]( and [testError.cause]( mirroring [`Error.cause`]( #### Breaking: channels `chrome`, `msedge` and similar switch to new headless This change affects you if you're using one of the following channels in your `playwright.config.ts`: - `chrome`, `chrome-dev`, `chrome-beta`, or `chrome-canary` - `msedge`, `msedge-dev`, `msedge-beta`, or `msedge-canary` ##### What do I need to do? After updating to Playwright v1.49, run your test suite. If it still passes, you're good to go. If not, you will probably need to update your snapshots, and adapt some of your test code around PDF viewers and extensions. See [issue #&#8203;33566]( for more details. #### Other breaking changes - There will be no more updates for WebKit on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11. We recommend updating your OS to a later version. - Package `@playwright/experimental-ct-vue2` will no longer be updated. - Package `@playwright/experimental-ct-solid` will no longer be updated. #### Try new Chromium headless You can opt into the new headless mode by using `'chromium'` channel. As [official Chrome documentation puts it]( > New Headless on the other hand is the real Chrome browser, and is thus more authentic, reliable, and offers more features. This makes it more suitable for high-accuracy end-to-end web app testing or browser extension testing. See [issue #&#8203;33566]( for the list of possible breakages you could encounter and more details on Chromium headless. Please file an issue if you see any problems after opting in. ```js import { defineConfig, devices } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ projects: [ { name: 'chromium', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], channel: 'chromium' }, }, ], }); ``` #### Miscellaneous - `<canvas>` elements inside a snapshot now draw a preview. - New method []( to visually group actions in the trace. - Playwright docker images switched from Node.js v20 to Node.js v22 LTS. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 131.0.6778.33 - Mozilla Firefox 132.0 - WebKit 18.2 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 130 - Microsoft Edge 130 ### [`v1.48.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Bug]: UI Mode crashed - \[BUG] Trace Viewer PWA crashes with "Aw, Snap!" - \[Bug]: UI Mode Memory problem - \[Regression]: Inspector and Browser doesn't close on CTRL+C - \[Bug]: Chrome tab and inspector not closing after terminating session in terminal #### Browser Versions - Chromium 130.0.6723.19 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 129 - Microsoft Edge 129 ### [`v1.48.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Bug]: command line flag --headed has no effect in ui mode - \[REGRESSION]: page.waitForRequest does not get resolved since 1.48.0 - \[Bug]: WebSocket route does not handle full URLs in Playwright - \[Regression]: Inspector not showing recorded steps - \[Bug]: Wrong Ubuntu release name in Dockerfile.noble - \[BUG] Trace attachments have small unusable height #### Browser Versions - Chromium 130.0.6723.19 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 129 - Microsoft Edge 129 ### [`v1.48.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### WebSocket routing New methods [page.routeWebSocket()]( and [browserContext.routeWebSocket()]( allow to intercept, modify and mock WebSocket connections initiated in the page. Below is a simple example that mocks WebSocket communication by responding to a `"request"` with a `"response"`. ```js await page.routeWebSocket('/ws', ws => { ws.onMessage(message => { if (message === 'request') ws.send('response'); }); }); ``` See [WebSocketRoute]( for more details. #### UI updates - New "copy" buttons for annotations and test location in the HTML report. - Route method calls like [route.fulfill()]( are not shown in the report and trace viewer anymore. You can see which network requests were routed in the network tab instead. - New "Copy as cURL" and "Copy as fetch" buttons for requests in the network tab. #### Miscellaneous - Option [`form`]( and similar ones now accept [FormData]( - New method [page.requestGC()]( may help detect memory leaks. - New option [`location`]( to pass custom step location. - Requests made by [APIRequestContext]( now record detailed timing and security information in the HAR. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 130.0.6723.19 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 129 - Microsoft Edge 129 ### [`v1.47.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights \[REGRESSION]: fix(codegen): use content_frame property in python/.NET \[REGRESSION]: page.pause() does not pause test timeout after 1.47 - fix(trace-viewer): time delta between local and remote actions #### Browser Versions - Chromium 129.0.6668.29 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 128 - Microsoft Edge 128 ### [`v1.47.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: tsconfig.json's compilerOptions.paths no longer working in 1.47 - \[REGRESSION]: broken UI in Trace Viewer while showing network response body #### Browser Versions - Chromium 129.0.6668.29 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 128 - Microsoft Edge 128 ### [`v1.47.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Network Tab improvements The Network tab in the UI mode and trace viewer has several nice improvements: - filtering by asset type and URL - better display of query string parameters - preview of font assets ![Network tab now has filters]( Credit to [@&#8203;kubajanik]( for these wonderful improvements! #### `--tsconfig` CLI option By default, Playwright will look up the closest tsconfig for each imported file using a heuristic. You can now specify a single tsconfig file in the command line, and Playwright will use it for all imported files, not only test files: ```sh ### Pass a specific tsconfig npx playwright test --tsconfig tsconfig.test.json ``` #### [APIRequestContext]( now accepts [`URLSearchParams`]( and `string` as query parameters You can now pass [`URLSearchParams`]( and `string` as query parameters to [APIRequestContext]( ```ts test('query params', async ({ request }) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(); searchParams.set('userId', 1); const response = await request.get( '', { params: searchParams // or as a string: 'userId=1' } ); // ... }); ``` #### Miscellaneous - The `` now serves a Playwright image based on Ubuntu 24.04 Noble. To use the 22.04 jammy-based image, please use `` instead. - The `:latest`/`:focal`/`:jammy` tag for Playwright Docker images is no longer being published. Pin to a specific version for better stability and reproducibility. - New option `behavior` in [page.removeAllListeners()](, [browser.removeAllListeners()]( and [browserContext.removeAllListeners()]( to wait for ongoing listeners to complete. - TLS client certificates can now be passed from memory by passing `cert` and `key` as buffers instead of file paths. - Attachments with a `text/html` content type can now be opened in a new tab in the HTML report. This is useful for including third-party reports or other HTML content in the Playwright test report and distributing it to your team. - `noWaitAfter` in [locator.selectOption()]( was deprecated. - We've seen reports of WebGL in Webkit misbehaving on GitHub Actions `macos-13`. We recommend upgrading GitHub Actions to `macos-14`. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 129.0.6668.29 - Mozilla Firefox 130.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 128 - Microsoft Edge 128 ### [`v1.46.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: Client Certificates don't work with Microsoft IIS - \[REGRESSION]: Websites stall on TLS handshake errors when using Client Certificates - \[BUG]: Credential scanners warn about internal socks-proxy TLS certificates - \[REGRESSION]: 1.46.0 (TypeScript) - custom fixtures extend no longer chainable - \[Bug]: --only-changed flag and project dependencies - \[Bug]: --only-changed with shallow clone throws "unknown revision" error #### Browser Versions - Chromium 128.0.6613.18 - Mozilla Firefox 128.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 127 - Microsoft Edge 127 ### [`v1.46.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### TLS Client Certificates Playwright now allows to supply client-side certificates, so that server can verify them, as specified by TLS Client Authentication. When client certificates are specified, all browser traffic is routed through a proxy that establishes the secure TLS connection, provides client certificates to the server and validates server certificates. The following snippet sets up a client certificate for ``: ```ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ // ... use: { clientCertificates: [{ origin: '', certPath: './cert.pem', keyPath: './key.pem', passphrase: 'mysecretpassword', }], }, // ... }); ``` You can also provide client certificates to a particular [test project]( or as a parameter of [browser.newContext()]( and [apiRequest.newContext()]( #### `--only-changed` cli option New CLI option `--only-changed` allows to only run test files that have been changed since the last git commit or from a specific git "ref". ```sh ### Only run test files with uncommitted changes npx playwright test --only-changed ### Only run test files changed relative to the "main" branch npx playwright test --only-changed=main ``` #### Component Testing: New `router` fixture This release introduces an experimental `router` fixture to intercept and handle network requests in component testing. There are two ways to use the router fixture: - Call `router.route(url, handler)` that behaves similarly to [page.route()]( - Call `router.use(handlers)` and pass [MSW library]( request handlers to it. Here is an example of reusing your existing MSW handlers in the test. ```ts import { handlers } from '@&#8203;src/mocks/handlers'; test.beforeEach(async ({ router }) => { // install common handlers before each test await router.use(...handlers); }); test('example test', async ({ mount }) => { // test as usual, your handlers are active // ... }); ``` This fixture is only available in [component tests]( #### UI Mode / Trace Viewer Updates - Test annotations are now shown in UI mode. - Content of text attachments is now rendered inline in the attachments pane. - New setting to show/hide routing actions like [route.continue()]( - Request method and status are shown in the network details tab. - New button to copy source file location to clipboard. - Metadata pane now displays the `baseURL`. #### Miscellaneous - New `maxRetries` option in [apiRequestContext.fetch()]( which retries on the `ECONNRESET` network error. - New option to [box a fixture]( to minimize the fixture exposure in test reports and error messages. - New option to provide a [custom fixture title]( to be used in test reports and error messages. #### Possibly breaking change Fixture values that are array of objects, when specified in the `test.use()` block, may require being wrapped into a fixture tuple. This is best seen on the example: ```ts import { test as base } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; // Define an option fixture that has an "array of objects" value type User = { name: string, password: string }; const test = base.extend<{ users: User[] }>({ users: [ [], { option: true } ], }); // Specify option value in the test.use block. test.use({ // WRONG: this syntax may not work for you users: [ { name: 'John Doe', password: 'secret' }, { name: 'John Smith', password: 's3cr3t' }, ], // CORRECT: this syntax will work. Note extra [] around the value, and the "scope" property. users: [[ { name: 'John Doe', password: 'secret' }, { name: 'John Smith', password: 's3cr3t' }, ], { scope: 'test' }], }); test('example test', async () => { // ... }); ``` #### Browser Versions - Chromium 128.0.6613.18 - Mozilla Firefox 128.0 - WebKit 18.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 127 - Microsoft Edge 127 ### [`v1.45.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Bug]: some actions do not appear in the trace file - \[Bug]: Traceviewer not reporting all actions #### Browser Versions - Chromium 127.0.6533.5 - Mozilla Firefox 127.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 126 - Microsoft Edge 126 ### [`v1.45.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: Trace is not showing any screenshots nor test name - \[REGRESSION]: missing trace for 2nd browser - \[REGRESSION]: Failing tests have a trace with no images and with steps missing #### Browser Versions - Chromium 127.0.6533.5 - Mozilla Firefox 127.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 126 - Microsoft Edge 126 ### [`v1.45.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: Playwright raises an error ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'test-results/.playwright-artifacts-0/' with Electron - \[REGRESSION]: Locators of elements changing from/to hidden have operations hanging when using `--disable-web-security` - \[REGRESSION]: NewTab doesn't work properly with Chrome with `--disable-web-security` - \[REGRESSION]: beforeEach hooks are not skipped when describe condition depends on fixtures - \[REGRESSION]: `@playwright/experimental-ct-react` doesn't work with VSCode extension and PNPM #### Browser Versions - Chromium 127.0.6533.5 - Mozilla Firefox 127.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 126 - Microsoft Edge 126 ### [`v1.45.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Clock Utilizing the new [Clock]( API allows to manipulate and control time within tests to verify time-related behavior. This API covers many common scenarios, including: - testing with predefined time; - keeping consistent time and timers; - monitoring inactivity; - ticking through time manually. ```js // Initialize clock and let the page load naturally. await page.clock.install({ time: new Date('2024-02-02T08:00:00') }); await page.goto('http://localhost:3333'); // Pretend that the user closed the laptop lid and opened it again at 10am, // Pause the time once reached that point. await page.clock.pauseAt(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00')); // Assert the page state. await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM'); // Close the laptop lid again and open it at 10:30am. await page.clock.fastForward('30:00'); await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:30:00 AM'); ``` See [the clock guide]( for more details. #### Test runner - New CLI option `--fail-on-flaky-tests` that sets exit code to `1` upon any flaky tests. Note that by default, the test runner exits with code `0` when all failed tests recovered upon a retry. With this option, the test run will fail in such case. - New enviroment variable `PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY` controls whether built-in `list`, `line` and `dot` reporters assume a live terminal. For example, this could be useful to disable tty behavior when your CI environment does not handle ANSI control sequences well. Alternatively, you can enable tty behavior even when to live terminal is present, if you plan to post-process the output and handle control sequences. ```sh ``` ### Avoid TTY features that output ANSI control sequences PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY=0 npx playwright test ### Enable TTY features, assuming a terminal width 80 PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY=80 npx playwright test ```` - New options [testConfig.respectGitIgnore]( and [testProject.respectGitIgnore]( control whether files matching `.gitignore` patterns are excluded when searching for tests. - New property `timeout` is now available for custom expect matchers. This property takes into account `playwright.config.ts` and `expect.configure()`. ```ts import { expect as baseExpect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export const expect = baseExpect.extend({ async toHaveAmount(locator: Locator, expected: number, options?: { timeout?: number }) { // When no timeout option is specified, use the config timeout. const timeout = options?.timeout ?? this.timeout; // ... implement the assertion ... }, }); ```` #### Miscellaneous - Method [locator.setInputFiles()]( now supports uploading a directory for `<input type=file webkitdirectory>` elements. ```ts await page.getByLabel('Upload directory').setInputFiles(path.join(__dirname, 'mydir')); ``` - Multiple methods like []( or []( now support a `ControlOrMeta` modifier key. This key maps to `Meta` on macOS and maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux. ```ts // Press the common keyboard shortcut Control+S or Meta+S to trigger a "Save" operation. await'ControlOrMeta+S'); ``` - New property `httpCredentials.send` in [apiRequest.newContext()]( that allows to either always send the `Authorization` header or only send it in response to `401 Unauthorized`. - New option `reason` in [apiRequestContext.dispose()]( that will be included in the error message of ongoing operations interrupted by the context disposal. - New option `host` in [browserType.launchServer()]( allows to accept websocket connections on a specific address instead of unspecified ``. - Playwright now supports Chromium, Firefox and WebKit on Ubuntu 24.04. - v1.45 is the last release to receive WebKit update for macOS 12 Monterey. Please update macOS to keep using the latest WebKit. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 127.0.6533.5 - Mozilla Firefox 127.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 126 - Microsoft Edge 126 ### [`v1.44.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: When using `video: 'on'` with VSCode extension the browser got closed - \[REGRESSION]: Electron launch with spaces inside executablePath didn't work - \[REGRESSION]: Mask elements outside of viewport when creating fullscreen screenshots didn't work - \[REGRESSION]: ipv6 got shown instead of localhost in show-trace/show-report #### Browser Versions - Chromium 125.0.6422.14 - Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 124 - Microsoft Edge 124 ### [`v1.44.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs **Accessibility assertions** - [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName()]( checks if the element has the specified accessible name: ```js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName('Submit'); ``` - [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription()]( checks if the element has the specified accessible description: ```js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Upload a photo'); ``` - [expect(locator).toHaveRole()]( checks if the element has the specified ARIA role: ```js const locator = page.getByTestId('save-button'); await expect(locator).toHaveRole('button'); ``` **Locator handler** - After executing the handler added with [page.addLocatorHandler()](, Playwright will now wait until the overlay that triggered the handler is not visible anymore. You can opt-out of this behavior with the new `noWaitAfter` option. - You can use new `times` option in [page.addLocatorHandler()]( to specify maximum number of times the handler should be run. - The handler in [page.addLocatorHandler()]( now accepts the locator as argument. - New [page.removeLocatorHandler()]( method for removing previously added locator handlers. ```js const locator = page.getByText('This interstitial covers the button'); await page.addLocatorHandler(locator, async overlay => { await overlay.locator('#close').click(); }, { times: 3, noWaitAfter: true }); // Run your tests that can be interrupted by the overlay. // ... await page.removeLocatorHandler(locator); ``` **Miscellaneous options** - [`multipart`]( option in `apiRequestContext.fetch()` now accepts [`FormData`]( and supports repeating fields with the same name. ```js const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', new File(['let x = 2024;'], 'f1.js', { type: 'text/javascript' })); formData.append('file', new File(['hello'], 'f2.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));'', { multipart: formData }); ``` - `expect(callback).toPass({ intervals })` can now be configured by `expect.toPass.inervals` option globally in [testConfig.expect]( or per project in [testProject.expect]( - `expect(page).toHaveURL(url)` now supports `ignoreCase` [option]( - [testProject.ignoreSnapshots]( allows to configure per project whether to skip screenshot expectations. **Reporter API** - New method [suite.entries()]( returns child test suites and test cases in their declaration order. [suite.type]( and [testCase.type]( can be used to tell apart test cases and suites in the list. - [Blob]( reporter now allows overriding report file path with a single option `outputFile`. The same option can also be specified as `PLAYWRIGHT_BLOB_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable that might be more convenient on CI/CD. - [JUnit]( reporter now supports `includeProjectInTestName` option. **Command line** - `--last-failed` CLI option for running only tests that failed in the previous run. First run all tests: ```sh $ npx playwright test Running 103 tests using 5 workers ... 2 failed [chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:8:5 › two ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:13:5 › three ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 101 passed (30.0s) ``` Now fix the failing tests and run Playwright again with `--last-failed` option: ```sh $ npx playwright test --last-failed Running 2 tests using 2 workers 2 passed (1.2s) ``` #### Browser Versions - Chromium 125.0.6422.14 - Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 124 - Microsoft Edge 124 ### [`v1.43.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: UI mode restarts if keep storage state - \[REGRESSION]: Brand new install of playwright, unable to run chromium with show browser using vscode ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 124.0.6367.29 - Mozilla Firefox 124.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 123 - Microsoft Edge 123 ### [`v1.43.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs - Method [browserContext.clearCookies()]( now supports filters to remove only some cookies. ```js // Clear all cookies. await context.clearCookies(); // New: clear cookies with a particular name. await context.clearCookies({ name: 'session-id' }); // New: clear cookies for a particular domain. await context.clearCookies({ domain: '' }); ``` - New mode `retain-on-first-failure` for [testOptions.trace]( In this mode, trace is recorded for the first run of each test, but not for retires. When test run fails, the trace file is retained, otherwise it is removed. ```js title=playwright.config.ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ use: { trace: 'retain-on-first-failure', }, }); ``` - New property [testInfo.tags]( exposes test tags during test execution. ```js test('example', async ({ page }) => { console.log(; }); ``` - New method [locator.contentFrame()]( converts a `Locator` object to a `FrameLocator`. This can be useful when you have a `Locator` object obtained somewhere, and later on would like to interact with the content inside the frame. ```js const locator = page.locator('iframe[name="embedded"]'); // ... const frameLocator = locator.contentFrame(); await frameLocator.getByRole('button').click(); ``` - New method [frameLocator.owner()]( converts a `FrameLocator` object to a `Locator`. This can be useful when you have a `FrameLocator` object obtained somewhere, and later on would like to interact with the `iframe` element. ```js const frameLocator = page.frameLocator('iframe[name="embedded"]'); // ... const locator = frameLocator.owner(); await expect(locator).toBeVisible(); ``` #### UI Mode Updates ![Playwright UI Mode]( - See tags in the test list. - Filter by tags by typing `@fast` or clicking on the tag itself. - New shortcuts: - <kbd>F5</kbd> to run tests. - <kbd>Shift</kbd> <kbd>F5</kbd> to stop running tests. - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>\`</kbd> to toggle test output. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 124.0.6367.29 - Mozilla Firefox 124.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 123 - Microsoft Edge 123 ### [`v1.42.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Regression]: HEAD requests to webServer.url since v1.42.0 - \[Regression]: Playwright CT CLI scripts fail due to broken initializePlugin import - \[Bug]: Component tests fails when imported a module with a dot in a name - \[Regression]: 1.42.0 breaks some import statements - \[Bug]: Possible regression with chained locators in v1.42 ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 123.0.6312.4 - Mozilla Firefox 123.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 122 - Microsoft Edge 123 ### [`v1.42.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs - **Test tags** [New tag syntax]( for adding tags to the tests (@&#8203;-tokens in the test title are still supported). ```js test('test customer login', { tag: ['@&#8203;fast', '@&#8203;login'] }, async ({ page }) => { // ... }); ``` Use `--grep` command line option to run only tests with certain tags. ```sh npx playwright test --grep @&#8203;fast ``` - **Annotating skipped tests** [New annotation syntax]( for test annotations allows annotating the tests that do not run. ```js test('test full report', { annotation: [ { type: 'issue', description: '' }, { type: 'docs', description: '' }, ], }, async ({ page }) => { // ... }); ``` - **page.addLocatorHandler()** > \[!WARNING] > This feature is experimental, we are actively looking for the feedback based on your scenarios. New method [page.addLocatorHandler()]( registers a callback that will be invoked when specified element becomes visible and may block Playwright actions. The callback can get rid of the overlay. Here is an example that closes a cookie dialog when it appears. ```js // Setup the handler. await page.addLocatorHandler( page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Hej! You are in control of your cookies.' }), async () => { await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Accept all' }).click(); }); // Write the test as usual. await page.goto(''); await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Collection of blue and white' }).click(); await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Light and easy' })).toBeVisible(); ``` - **Project wildcard filter** Playwright command line [flag]( now supports '\*' wildcard when filtering by project. ```sh npx playwright test --project='*mobile*' ``` - **Other APIs** - expect(callback).toPass({ timeout }) The timeout can now be configured by `expect.toPass.timeout` option [globally]( or in [project config]( - electronApplication.on('console') [electronApplication.on('console')]( event is emitted when Electron main process calls console API methods. ```js electronApp.on('console', async msg => { const values = []; for (const arg of msg.args()) values.push(await arg.jsonValue()); console.log(...values); }); await electronApp.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, { foo: 'bar' })); ``` - [page.pdf()]( accepts two new options [`tagged`]( and [`outline`]( #### Breaking changes Mixing the test instances in the same suite is no longer supported. Allowing it was an oversight as it makes reasoning about the semantics unnecessarily hard. ```js const test = baseTest.extend({ item: async ({}, use) => {} }); baseTest.describe('Admin user', () => { test('1', async ({ page, item }) => {}); test('2', async ({ page, item }) => {}); }); ``` #### Announcements - ⚠️ Ubuntu 18 is not supported anymore. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 123.0.6312.4 - Mozilla Firefox 123.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 122 - Microsoft Edge 123 ### [`v1.41.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION] route.continue: Protocol error (Fetch.continueRequest): Invalid InterceptionId. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 121.0.6167.57 - Mozilla Firefox 121.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 120 - Microsoft Edge 120 ### [`v1.41.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION] Codegen/Recorder: not all clicks are being actioned nor recorded - \[REGRESSION] React component tests throw type error when passing null/undefined to component - \[REGRESSION] React component tests not passing Date prop values - \[REGRESSION] React component tests not rendering children prop - \[REGRESSION] does not currently support the loading from URL #### Browser Versions - Chromium 121.0.6167.57 - Mozilla Firefox 121.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 120 - Microsoft Edge 120 ### [`v1.41.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs - New method [page.unrouteAll(\[options\])]( removes all routes registered by [page.route(url, handler, handler\[, options\])]( and [page.routeFromHAR(har\[, options\])]( Optionally allows to wait for ongoing routes to finish, or ignore any errors from them. - New method [browserContext.unrouteAll(\[options\])]( removes all routes registered by [browserContext.route(url, handler, handler\[, options\])]( and [browserContext.routeFromHAR(har\[, options\])]( Optionally allows to wait for ongoing routes to finish, or ignore any errors from them. - New option `style` in [page.screenshot(\[options\])]( and [locator.screenshot(\[options\])]( to add custom CSS to the page before taking a screenshot. - New option `stylePath` for methods [expect(page).toHaveScreenshot(name\[, options\])]( and [expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot(name\[, options\])]( to apply a custom stylesheet while making the screenshot. - New `fileName` option for [Blob reporter](, to specify the name of the report to be created. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 121.0.6167.57 - Mozilla Firefox 121.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 120 - Microsoft Edge 120 ### [`v1.40.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: Version 1.40.0 Produces corrupted traces - \[BUG] The color of the 'ok' text did not change to green in the vs code test results section - \[BUG] Ambiguous test outcome and status for serial mode - \[BUG] Merging blobs ends up in Error: Cannot create a string longer than 0x1fffffe8 characters - fix: collect all errors in removeFolders ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 120.0.6099.28 - Mozilla Firefox 119.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 119 - Microsoft Edge 119 ### [`v1.40.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Test Generator Update ![Playwright Test Generator]( New tools to generate assertions: - "Assert visibility" tool generates [expect(locator).toBeVisible()]( - "Assert value" tool generates [expect(locator).toHaveValue(value)]( - "Assert text" tool generates [expect(locator).toContainText(text)]( Here is an example of a generated test with assertions: ```js import { test, expect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; test('test', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(''); await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Get started' }).click(); await expect(page.getByLabel('Breadcrumbs').getByRole('list')).toContainText('Installation'); await expect(page.getByLabel('Search')).toBeVisible(); await page.getByLabel('Search').click(); await page.getByPlaceholder('Search docs').fill('locator'); await expect(page.getByPlaceholder('Search docs')).toHaveValue('locator'); }); ``` #### New APIs - Option `reason` in [page.close()](, [browserContext.close()]( and [browser.close()]( Close reason is reported for all operations interrupted by the closure. - Option `firefoxUserPrefs` in [browserType.launchPersistentContext(userDataDir)]( #### Other Changes - Methods [download.path()]( and [download.createReadStream()]( throw an error for failed and cancelled downloads. - Playwright [docker image]( now comes with Node.js v20. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 120.0.6099.28 - Mozilla Firefox 119.0 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 119 - Microsoft Edge 119 ### [`v1.39.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Add custom matchers to your expect You can extend Playwright assertions by providing custom matchers. These matchers will be available on the expect object. ```js import { expect as baseExpect } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export const expect = baseExpect.extend({ async toHaveAmount(locator: Locator, expected: number, options?: { timeout?: number }) { // ... see documentation for how to write matchers. }, }); test('pass', async ({ page }) => { await expect(page.getByTestId('cart')).toHaveAmount(5); }); ``` See the documentation [for a full example]( #### Merge test fixtures You can now merge test fixtures from multiple files or modules: ```js import { mergeTests } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; import { test as dbTest } from 'database-test-utils'; import { test as a11yTest } from 'a11y-test-utils'; export const test = mergeTests(dbTest, a11yTest); ``` ```js import { test } from './fixtures'; test('passes', async ({ database, page, a11y }) => { // use database and a11y fixtures. }); ``` #### Merge custom expect matchers You can now merge custom expect matchers from multiple files or modules: ```js import { mergeTests, mergeExpects } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; import { test as dbTest, expect as dbExpect } from 'database-test-utils'; import { test as a11yTest, expect as a11yExpect } from 'a11y-test-utils'; export const test = mergeTests(dbTest, a11yTest); export const expect = mergeExpects(dbExpect, a11yExpect); ``` ```js import { test, expect } from './fixtures'; test('passes', async ({ page, database }) => { await expect(database).toHaveDatabaseUser('admin'); await expect(page).toPassA11yAudit(); }); ``` #### Hide implementation details: box test steps You can mark a [`test.step()`]( as "boxed" so that errors inside it point to the step call site. ```js async function login(page) { await test.step('login', async () => { // ... }, { box: true }); // Note the "box" option here. } ``` ```txt Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() ... error details omitted ... 14 | await page.goto(''); > 15 | await login(page); | ^ 16 | }); ``` See [`test.step()`]( documentation for a full example. #### New APIs - [`expect(locator).toHaveAttribute(name)`]( #### Browser Versions - Chromium 119.0.6045.9 - Mozilla Firefox 118.0.1 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 118 - Microsoft Edge 118 ### [`v1.38.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - expect(value).toMatchSnapshot() deprecation announcement on V1.38 - \[BUG] PWT trace viewer fails to load trace and throws TypeError - \[BUG] RangeError: Invalid time value - \[REGRESSION]: npx playwright test --list prints all tests twice - \[REGRESSION]: No longer able to extend PlaywrightTest.Matchers type for locators and pages - \[BUG]can not display trace - \[REGRESSION] Single Quote Wrongly Escaped by Locator When Using Unicode Flag - \[BUG] evaluate serializing fails at 1.38 ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 117.0.5938.62 - Mozilla Firefox 117.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 116 - Microsoft Edge 116 ### [`v1.38.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### UI Mode Updates ![Playwright UI Mode]( 1. Zoom into time range. 2. Network panel redesign. #### New APIs - [`browserContext.on('weberror')`][browserContext.on('weberror')] - [`locator.pressSequentially()`][locator.pressSequentially()] - The [`reporter.onEnd()`][reporter.onEnd()] now reports `startTime` and total run `duration`. #### Deprecations - The following methods were deprecated: [`page.type()`][page.type()], [`frame.type()`][frame.type()], [`locator.type()`][locator.type()] and [`elementHandle.type()`][elementHandle.type()]. Please use [`locator.fill()`][locator.fill()] instead which is much faster. Use [`locator.pressSequentially()`][locator.pressSequentially()] only if there is a special keyboard handling on the page, and you need to press keys one-by-one. #### Breaking Changes: Playwright no longer downloads browsers automatically > \[!NOTE] > If you are using `@playwright/test` package, this change **does not** affect you. Playwright recommends to use `@playwright/test` package and download browsers via `npx playwright install` command. If you are following this recommendation, nothing has changed for you. However, up to v1.38, installing the `playwright` package instead of `@playwright/test` did automatically download browsers. This is no longer the case, and we recommend to explicitly download browsers via `npx playwright install` command. **v1.37 and earlier** `playwright` package was downloading browsers during `npm install`, while `@playwright/test` was not. **v1.38 and later** `playwright` and `@playwright/test` packages do not download browsers during `npm install`. **Recommended migration** Run `npx playwright install` to download browsers after `npm install`. For example, in your CI configuration: ```yml - run: npm ci - run: npx playwright install --with-deps ``` **Alternative migration option - not recommended** Add `@playwright/browser-chromium`, `@playwright/browser-firefox` and `@playwright/browser-webkit` as a dependency. These packages download respective browsers during `npm install`. Make sure you keep the version of all playwright packages in sync: ```json5 // package.json { "devDependencies": { "playwright": "1.38.0", "@&#8203;playwright/browser-chromium": "1.38.0", "@&#8203;playwright/browser-firefox": "1.38.0", "@&#8203;playwright/browser-webkit": "1.38.0" } } ``` ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 117.0.5938.62 - Mozilla Firefox 117.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 116 - Microsoft Edge 116 [`browserContext.on('weberror')`]: [`locator.pressSequentially()`]: [`reporter.onEnd()`]: [`page.type()`]: [`frame.type()`]: [`locator.type()`]: [`elementHandle.type()`]: [`locator.fill()`]: [`expect(value).toMatchSnapshot()`]: [`expect(page).toHaveScreenshot()`]: [`expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot()`]: ### [`v1.37.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION] webServer stdout is always getting printed - \[REGRESSION] test.only with project dependency is not working #### Browser Versions - Chromium 116.0.5845.82 - Mozilla Firefox 115.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 115 - Microsoft Edge 115 ### [`v1.37.0`]( [Compare Source]( <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Watch the overview: Playwright 1.36 & 1.37</a> #### ✨ New tool to merge reports If you run tests on multiple shards, you can now merge all reports in a single HTML report (or any other report) using the new `merge-reports` CLI tool. Using `merge-reports` tool requires the following steps: 1. Adding a new "blob" reporter to the config when running on CI: ```js title="playwright.config.ts" export default defineConfig({ testDir: './tests', reporter: process.env.CI ? 'blob' : 'html', }); ``` The "blob" reporter will produce ".zip" files that contain all the information about the test run. 2. Copying all "blob" reports in a single shared location and running `npx playwright merge-reports`: ```bash npx playwright merge-reports --reporter html ./all-blob-reports ``` Read more in [our documentation]( #### 📚 Debian 12 Bookworm Support Playwright now supports Debian 12 Bookworm on both x86\_64 and arm64 for Chromium, Firefox and WebKit. Let us know if you encounter any issues! Linux support looks like this: | | Ubuntu 20.04 | Ubuntu 22.04 | Debian 11 | Debian 12 | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Chromium | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | WebKit | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Firefox | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | #### 🌈 UI Mode Updates - UI Mode now respects project dependencies. You can control which dependencies to respect by checking/unchecking them in a projects list. - Console logs from the test are now displayed in the Console tab. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 116.0.5845.82 - Mozilla Firefox 115.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 115 - Microsoft Edge 115 ### [`v1.36.2`]( 1.36.2 [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION] Character classes are not working in globs in 1.36 ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 115.0.5790.75 - Mozilla Firefox 115.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 114 - Microsoft Edge 114 ### [`v1.36.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[REGRESSION]: Snapshot name contains some random string after test name when tests are run in container ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 115.0.5790.75 - Mozilla Firefox 115.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 114 - Microsoft Edge 114 ### [`v1.36.0`]( [Compare Source]( <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Watch the overview: Playwright 1.36 & 1.37</a> ##### Highlights 🏝️ Summer maintenance release. ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 115.0.5790.75 - Mozilla Firefox 115.0 - WebKit 17.0 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 114 - Microsoft Edge 114 ### [`v1.35.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - \[Docs] Provide a description how to correctly use expect.configure with poll parameter - \[BUG] Live Trace does not work with Codespaces - \[BUG] attachment steps are not hidden inside expect.toHaveScreenshot() ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 115.0.5790.13 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 114 - Microsoft Edge 114 ### [`v1.35.0`]( [Compare Source]( <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Playwright v1.35 updates</a> ##### Highlights - UI mode is now available in VSCode Playwright extension via a new "Show trace viewer" button: ![Playwright UI Mode]( - UI mode and trace viewer mark network requests handled with [`page.route()`]( and [`browserContext.route()`]( handlers, as well as those issued via the [API testing]( ![Trace Viewer]( - New option `maskColor` for methods [`page.screenshot()`](, [`locator.screenshot()`](, [`expect(page).toHaveScreenshot()`]( and [`expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot()`]( to change default masking color: ```js await page.goto(''); await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({ mask: [page.locator('img')], maskColor: '#&#8203;00FF00', // green }); ``` - New `uninstall` CLI command to uninstall browser binaries: ```bash $ npx playwright uninstall # remove browsers installed by this installation $ npx playwright uninstall --all # remove all ever-install Playwright browsers ``` - Both UI mode and trace viewer now could be opened in a browser tab: ```bash $ npx playwright test --ui-port 0 # open UI mode in a tab on a random port $ npx playwright show-trace --port 0 # open trace viewer in tab on a random port ``` ##### ⚠️ Breaking changes - `playwright-core` binary got renamed from `playwright` to `playwright-core`. So if you use `playwright-core` CLI, make sure to update the name: ```bash $ npx playwright-core install # the new way to install browsers when using playwright-core ``` This change **does not** affect `@playwright/test` and `playwright` package users. ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 115.0.5790.13 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 114 - Microsoft Edge 114 ### [`v1.34.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] Getting "Please install [@&#8203;playwright/test]( package..." after upgrading from 1.34.0 to 1.34.1 #### Browser Versions - Chromium 114.0.5735.26 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 113 - Microsoft Edge 113 ### [`v1.34.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] VSCode Extension broken with Playwright 1.34.1 #### Browser Versions - Chromium 114.0.5735.26 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 113 - Microsoft Edge 113 ### [`v1.34.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] Container image for v1.34.0 missing library for webkit - \[BUG] Unable to install supported browsers for v1.34.0 from playwright-core - \[BUG] importing ES Module JSX component is broken since 1.34 #### Browser Versions - Chromium 114.0.5735.26 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 113 - Microsoft Edge 113 ### [`v1.34.0`]( [Compare Source]( <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Playwright v1.33 & v1.34 updates</a> ##### Highlights - UI Mode now shows steps, fixtures and attachments: <img src="" width=640> - New property [`testProject.teardown`]( to specify a project that needs to run after this and all dependent projects have finished. Teardown is useful to cleanup any resources acquired by this project. A common pattern would be a `setup` dependency with a corresponding `teardown`: ```js // playwright.config.ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ projects: [ { name: 'setup', testMatch: /global.setup\.ts/, teardown: 'teardown', }, { name: 'teardown', testMatch: /global.teardown\.ts/, }, { name: 'chromium', use: devices['Desktop Chrome'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, { name: 'firefox', use: devices['Desktop Firefox'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, { name: 'webkit', use: devices['Desktop Safari'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, ], }); ``` - New method [`expect.configure`]( to create pre-configured expect instance with its own defaults such as `timeout` and `soft`. ```js const slowExpect = expect.configure({ timeout: 10000 }); await slowExpect(locator).toHaveText('Submit'); // Always do soft assertions. const softExpect = expect.configure({ soft: true }); ``` - New options `stderr` and `stdout` in [`testConfig.webServer`]( to configure output handling: ```js // playwright.config.ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ // Run your local dev server before starting the tests webServer: { command: 'npm run start', url: '', reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI, stdout: 'pipe', stderr: 'pipe', }, }); ``` - New [`locator.and()`]( to create a locator that matches both locators. ```js const button = page.getByRole('button').and(page.getByTitle('Subscribe')); ``` - New events [`browserContext.on('console')`]( and [`browserContext.on('dialog')`]( to subscribe to any dialogs and console messages from any page from the given browser context. Use the new methods [``]( and [``]( to pin-point event source. ##### ⚠️ Breaking changes - `npx playwright test` no longer works if you install both `playwright` and `@playwright/test`. There's no need to install both, since you can always import browser automation APIs from `@playwright/test` directly: ```js // automation.ts import { chromium, firefox, webkit } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; /* ... */ ``` - Node.js 14 is no longer supported since it [reached its end-of-life]( on April 30, 2023. ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 114.0.5735.26 - Mozilla Firefox 113.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 113 - Microsoft Edge 113 ### [`v1.33.0`]( [Compare Source]( <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Playwright v1.33 & v1.34 updates</a> ##### Locators Update - Use [`locator.or()`][locator.or()] to create a locator that matches either of the two locators. Consider a scenario where you'd like to click on a "New email" button, but sometimes a security settings dialog shows up instead. In this case, you can wait for either a "New email" button, or a dialog and act accordingly: ```js const newEmail = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'New' }); const dialog = page.getByText('Confirm security settings'); await expect(newEmail.or(dialog)).toBeVisible(); if (await dialog.isVisible()) await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Dismiss' }).click(); await; ``` - Use new options `hasNot` and `hasNotText` in [`locator.filter()`][locator.filter()] to find elements that **do not match** certain conditions. ```js const rowLocator = page.locator('tr'); await rowLocator .filter({ hasNotText: 'text in column 1' }) .filter({ hasNot: page.getByRole('button', { name: 'column 2 button' }) }) .screenshot(); ``` - Use new web-first assertion [`locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()`][locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()] to ensure that the element is present in the page's DOM. Do not confuse with the [`locatorAssertions.toBeVisible()`][locatorAssertions.toBeVisible()] that ensures that element is both attached & visible. ##### New APIs - [`locator.or()`][locator.or()] - New option `hasNot` in [`locator.filter()`][locator.filter()] - New option `hasNotText` in [`locator.filter()`][locator.filter()] - [`locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()`][locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()] - New option `timeout` in [`route.fetch()`][route.fetch()] - [`reporter.onExit()`][reporter.onExit()] ##### ⚠️ Breaking change - The `` now serves a Playwright image based on Ubuntu Jammy. To use the focal-based image, please use `` instead. ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 113.0.5672.53 - Mozilla Firefox 112.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 112 - Microsoft Edge 112 [`locator.or()`]: [`reporter.onExit()`]: [`locator.filter()`]: [`locatorAssertions.toBeAttached()`]: [`locatorAssertions.toBeVisible()`]: [`route.fetch()`]: ### [`v1.32.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] WebServer only starting after timeout - chore: allow reusing browser between the tests - \[BUG] Tests failing in toPass often marked as passed #### Browser Versions - Chromium 112.0.5615.29 - Mozilla Firefox 111.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 111 - Microsoft Edge 111 ### [`v1.32.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] Browser crash when using Playwright VSC extension and trace-viewer enabled in config - \[Feature] Make Vue component mount props less restrictive - \[REGRESSION]: Tests failing with "Error: tracing.stopChunk" #### Browser Versions - Chromium 112.0.5615.29 - Mozilla Firefox 111.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 111 - Microsoft Edge 111 ### [`v1.32.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] Trace is not opening on specific broken locator - \[BUG] --ui fails to open with error reading mainFrame from an undefined this.\_page - \[BUG]: UI mode, skipped tests not being found - \[BUG] UI mode does not show webServer startup errors - \[BUG] Parameterized tests are not displayed in the UI mode #### Browser Versions - Chromium 112.0.5615.29 - Mozilla Firefox 111.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 111 - Microsoft Edge 111 ### [`v1.32.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 📣 Introducing UI Mode (preview) <a href=""><img src="" width=340></a> <a href="">Playwright v1.32 updates</a> New UI Mode lets you explore, run and debug tests. Comes with a built-in watch mode. ![Playwright UI Mode]( Engage with a new flag `--ui`: ```sh npx playwright test --ui ``` #### New APIs - New options `option: updateMode` and `option: updateContent` in [`page.routeFromHAR()`]( and [`browserContext.routeFromHAR()`]( - Chaining existing locator objects, see [locator docs]( for details. - New property [`TestInfo.testId`]( - New option `name` in method [`Tracing.startChunk()`]( #### ⚠️ Breaking change in component tests Note: **component tests only**, does not affect end-to-end tests. - `@playwright/experimental-ct-react` now supports **React 18 only**. - If you're running component tests with React 16 or 17, please replace `@playwright/experimental-ct-react` with `@playwright/experimental-ct-react17`. #### Browser Versions - Chromium 112.0.5615.29 - Mozilla Firefox 111.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 111 - Microsoft Edge 111 ### [`v1.31.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] ECONNREFUSED on GitHub Actions with Node 18 - \[REGRESSION]: firefox-1378 times out on await page.reload() when URL contains a #hash - \[BUG] Playwright seems to get stuck when using shard option and last test is skipped - Using the webServer config with a Vite dev server? - throw if defineConfig is not used for component testing #### Browser Versions - Chromium 111.0.5563.19 - Mozilla Firefox 109.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 110 - Microsoft Edge 110 ### [`v1.31.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[Regression v1.31] Headless Windows shows cascading cmd windows - fix(loader): experimentalLoader with node@18 #### Browser Versions - Chromium 111.0.5563.19 - Mozilla Firefox 109.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 110 - Microsoft Edge 110 ### [`v1.31.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs - New property [`TestProject.dependencies`]( to configure dependencies between projects. Using dependencies allows global setup to produce traces and other artifacts, see the setup steps in the test report and more. ```js // playwright.config.ts import { defineConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; export default defineConfig({ projects: [ { name: 'setup', testMatch: /global.setup\.ts/, }, { name: 'chromium', use: devices['Desktop Chrome'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, { name: 'firefox', use: devices['Desktop Firefox'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, { name: 'webkit', use: devices['Desktop Safari'], dependencies: ['setup'], }, ], }); ``` - New assertion [`expect(locator).toBeInViewport()`]( ensures that locator points to an element that intersects viewport, according to the [intersection observer API]( ```js const button = page.getByRole('button'); // Make sure at least some part of element intersects viewport. await expect(button).toBeInViewport(); // Make sure element is fully outside of viewport. await expect(button).not.toBeInViewport(); // Make sure that at least half of the element intersects viewport. await expect(button).toBeInViewport({ ratio: 0.5 }); ``` #### Miscellaneous - DOM snapshots in trace viewer can be now opened in a separate window. - New method `defineConfig` to be used in `playwright.config`. - New option `maxRedirects` for method [`Route.fetch`]( - Playwright now supports Debian 11 arm64. - Official [docker images]( now include Node 18 instead of Node 16. #### ⚠️ Breaking change in component tests Note: **component tests only**, does not affect end-to-end tests. `playwright-ct.config` configuration file for [component testing]( now requires calling `defineConfig`. ```js // Before import { type PlaywrightTestConfig, devices } from '@&#8203;playwright/experimental-ct-react'; const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = { // ... config goes here ... }; export default config; ``` Replace `config` variable definition with `defineConfig` call: ```js // After import { defineConfig, devices } from '@&#8203;playwright/experimental-ct-react'; export default defineConfig({ // ... config goes here ... }); ``` #### Browser Versions - Chromium 111.0.5563.19 - Mozilla Firefox 109.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 110 - Microsoft Edge 110 ### [`v1.30.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🎉 Happy New Year 🎉 Maintenance release with bugfixes and new browsers only. We are baking some nice features for v1.31. ##### Browser Versions - Chromium 110.0.5481.38 - Mozilla Firefox 108.0.2 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 109 - Microsoft Edge 109 ### [`v1.29.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] 1.29.1 browserserver + page.goto = net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED #### Browser Versions - Chromium 109.0.5414.46 - Mozilla Firefox 107.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 108 - Microsoft Edge 108 ### [`v1.29.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights - \[BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0 - \[BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.1 - \[REGRESSION]: 1.28 does not work with electron-serve anymore. - \[BUG] returns the path one level higher if you run electron pointing to the directory - \[REGRESSION]: Ubuntu 18 LTS not supported anymore #### Browser Versions - Chromium 109.0.5414.46 - Mozilla Firefox 107.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 108 - Microsoft Edge 108 ### [`v1.29.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs - New method [`route.fetch()`]( and new option `json` for [`route.fulfill()`]( ```js await page.route('**/api/settings', async route => { // Fetch original settings. const response = await route.fetch(); // Force settings theme to a predefined value. const json = await response.json(); json.theme = 'Solorized'; // Fulfill with modified data. await route.fulfill({ json }); }); ``` - New method [`locator.all()`]( to iterate over all matching elements: ```js // Check all checkboxes! const checkboxes = page.getByRole('checkbox'); for (const checkbox of await checkboxes.all()) await checkbox.check(); ``` - [`Locator.selectOption`]( matches now by value or label: ```html <select multiple> <option value="red">Red</div> <option value="green">Green</div> <option value="blue">Blue</div> </select> ``` ```js await element.selectOption('Red'); ``` - Retry blocks of code until all assertions pass: ```js await expect(async () => { const response = await page.request.get(''); await expect(response).toBeOK(); }).toPass(); ``` Read more in [our documentation]( - Automatically capture **full page screenshot** on test failure: ```js // playwright.config.ts import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@&#8203;playwright/test'; const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = { use: { screenshot: { mode: 'only-on-failure', fullPage: true, } } }; export default config; ``` #### Miscellaneous - Playwright Test now respects [`jsconfig.json`]( - New options `args` and `proxy` for [`androidDevice.launchBrowser()`]( - Option `postData` in method [`route.continue()`]( now supports [serializable]( values. - Ubuntu 18.04 is not supported anymore #### Browser Versions - Chromium 109.0.5414.46 - Mozilla Firefox 107.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 108 - Microsoft Edge 108 ### [`v1.28.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Highlights This patch release includes the following bug fixes: - \[BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0 - \[BUG] \[expanded=false] in role selector returns elements without aria-expanded attribute - \[BUG] regression in killing web server process in 1.28.0 #### Browser Versions - Chromium 108.0.5359.29 - Mozilla Firefox 106.0 - WebKit 16.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 107 - Microsoft Edge 107 </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy4zNzUuMSIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM5LjIxNS4yIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFpbiIsImxhYmVscyI6W119-->
kjuulh scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2024-05-23 21:58:33 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 1591c8cf32 to ff22583cb2 2024-07-06 15:26:18 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.44.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.45.1 2024-07-06 15:26:19 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from ff22583cb2 to 3b5bc2a82d 2024-08-21 22:44:04 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.45.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.46.1 2024-08-21 22:44:07 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 3b5bc2a82d to a79427bba9 2024-09-06 02:17:35 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.46.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.0 2024-09-06 02:17:38 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from a79427bba9 to ebf0b18397 2024-09-14 02:17:02 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.0 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.1 2024-09-14 02:17:05 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from ebf0b18397 to b031b2a5d2 2024-09-21 02:30:22 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.2 2024-09-21 02:30:25 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from b031b2a5d2 to af37e694cb 2024-10-09 02:18:51 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.2 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.0 2024-10-09 02:18:55 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from af37e694cb to cdb2eb9d2b 2024-10-17 02:20:51 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.0 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.1 2024-10-17 02:20:53 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from cdb2eb9d2b to 23eea4e18d 2024-10-26 02:19:46 +02:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.2 2024-10-26 02:19:49 +02:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 23eea4e18d to cdaa6eb25c 2024-11-19 02:17:47 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.2 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.49.0 2024-11-19 02:17:51 +01:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from cdaa6eb25c to 9b3aedb188 2024-12-10 06:21:32 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.49.0 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.49.1 2024-12-10 06:21:36 +01:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 9b3aedb188 to 3e421be770 2025-01-24 02:27:57 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.49.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.50.0 2025-01-24 02:28:01 +01:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 3e421be770 to 0a3912864d 2025-02-01 02:24:26 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.50.0 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.50.1 2025-02-01 02:24:30 +01:00
kjuulh force-pushed renovate/playwright-monorepo from 0a3912864d to 2fdeece892 2025-03-25 23:43:26 +01:00 Compare
kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.50.1 to chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.51.1 2025-03-25 23:43:30 +01:00
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