chore(deps): update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo #12

kjuulh wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/graphqlcodegenerator-monorepo into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@graphql-codegen/cli (source) devDependencies major ^2.11.6 -> ^5.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node (source) devDependencies major ^2.3.3 -> ^5.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript (source) devDependencies major ^2.7.3 -> ^4.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations (source) devDependencies major ^2.5.3 -> ^4.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo (source) devDependencies major ^3.3.3 -> ^4.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query (source) devDependencies major ^4.0.1 -> ^6.0.0

Release Notes

dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@​graphql-codegen/cli)


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  • #​9151 b7dacb21f Thanks @​'./user/schema.mappers#UserMapper',! - Add watchPattern config option for generates sections.

    By default, watch mode automatically watches all GraphQL schema and document files. This means when a change is detected, Codegen CLI is run.

    A user may want to run Codegen CLI when non-schema and non-document files are changed. Each generates section now has a watchPattern option to allow more file patterns to be added to the list of patterns to watch.

    In the example below, mappers are exported from schema.mappers.ts files. We want to re-run Codegen if the content of *.mappers.ts files change because they change the generated types file. To solve this, we can add mapper file patterns to watch using the glob pattern used for schema and document files.

    // codegen.ts
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'src/schema/**/*.graphql',
      generates: {
        'src/schema/types.ts': {
          plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolvers'],
          config: {
            mappers: {
              Book: './book/schema.mappers#BookMapper',
          watchPattern: 'src/schema/**/*.mappers.ts', // Watches mapper files in `watch` mode. Use an array for multiple patterns e.g. `['src/*.pattern1.ts','src/*.pattern2.ts']`

    Then, run Codegen CLI in watch mode:

    yarn graphql-codegen --watch

    Now, updating *.mappers.ts files re-runs Codegen! 🎉

    Note: watchPattern is only used in watch mode i.e. running CLI with --watch flag.

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  • #​8893 a118c307a Thanks @​n1ru4l! - It is no longer mandatory to declare an empty plugins array when using a preset

  • #​8723 a3309e63e Thanks @​kazekyo! - Introduce a new feature called DocumentTransform.

    DocumentTransform is a functionality that allows you to modify documents before they are processed by plugins. You can use functions passed to the documentTransforms option to make changes to GraphQL documents.

    To use this feature, you can write documentTransforms as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@​graphql-codegen/cli'
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                // Make some changes to the documents
                return documents
    export default config

    For instance, to remove a @localOnlyDirective directive from documents, you can write the following code:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@​graphql-codegen/cli'
    import { visit } from 'graphql'
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: [
              transform: ({ documents }) => {
                return => {
                  documentFile.document = visit(documentFile.document, {
                    Directive: {
                      leave(node) {
                        if ( === 'localOnlyDirective') return null
                  return documentFile
    export default config

    DocumentTransform can also be specified by file name. You can create a custom file for a specific transformation and pass it to documentTransforms.

    Let's create the document transform as a file:

    module.exports = {
      transform: ({ documents }) => {
        // Make some changes to the documents
        return documents

    Then, you can specify the file name as follows:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from '@​graphql-codegen/cli'
    const config: CodegenConfig = {
      schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql',
      documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
      generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
          preset: 'client',
          documentTransforms: ['./my-document-transform.js']
    export default config
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dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@​graphql-codegen/typed-document-node)


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  • #​9196 3848a2b73 Thanks @​beerose! - Add @defer directive support

    When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved.

    Once start using the @defer directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive.

    // src/index.tsx
    import { graphql } from './gql'
    const OrdersFragment = graphql(`
      fragment OrdersFragment on User {
        orders {
    const GetUserQuery = graphql(`
      query GetUser($id: ID!) {
        user(id: $id) {
          ...OrdersFragment @​defer

    The generated type for GetUserQuery will have information that the fragment is incremental, meaning it may not be available right away.

    // gql/graphql.ts
    export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({
      __typename?: 'Query'
    } & {
      ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> }

    Apart from generating code that includes support for the @defer directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called isFragmentReady. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred
    fragment is available:

    const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => {
      const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,;
      return (
        // render orders list
    function App() {
      const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery);
      return (
        {data && (
            {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data)
    					&& <OrdersList data={data} />}
    export default App;
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  • #​9137 2256c8b5d Thanks @​beerose! - Add TypedDocumentNode string alternative that doesn't require GraphQL AST on the client. This change requires @graphql-typed-document-node/core in version 3.2.0 or higher.
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dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@​graphql-codegen/typescript)


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  • #​10077 3f4f546 Thanks @​eddeee888! - Extend config.avoidOptions to support query, mutation and subscription

    Previously, config.avoidOptions.resolvers was being used to make query, mutation and subscription fields non-optional.
    Now, config.avoidOptions.query, config.avoidOptions.mutation and config.avoidOptions.subscription can be used to target the respective types.

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  • #​9497 2276708d0 Thanks @​eddeee888! - Revert default ID scalar input type to string

    We changed the ID Scalar input type from string to string | number in the latest major version of typescript plugin. This causes issues for server plugins (e.g. typescript-resolvers) that depends on typescript plugin. This is because the scalar type needs to be manually inverted on setup which is confusing.

  • Updated dependencies [2276708d0]:


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Major Changes
  • #​9375 ba84a3a27 Thanks @​eddeee888! - Implement Scalars with input/output types

    In GraphQL, Scalar types can be different for client and server. For example, given the native GraphQL ID:

    • A client may send string or number in the input
    • A client receives string in its selection set (i.e output)
    • A server receives string in the resolver (GraphQL parses string or number received from the client to string)
    • A server may return string or number (GraphQL serializes the value to string before sending it to the client )

    Currently, we represent every Scalar with only one type. This is what codegen generates as base type:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: string

    Then, this is used in both input and output type e.g.

    export type Book = {
      __typename?: 'Book'
      id: Scalars['ID'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars['ID'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number`. However, the type is only `string` here 👎

    This PR extends each Scalar to have input and output:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: {
        input: string | number
        output: string

    Then, each input/output GraphQL type can correctly refer to the correct input/output scalar type:

    export type Book = {
      __typename?: 'Book'
      id: Scalars['ID']['output'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars['ID']['input'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number` 👍

    Note that for typescript-resolvers, the type of ID needs to be inverted. However, the referenced types in GraphQL input/output types should still work correctly:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: {
        input: string;
        output: string | number;
    export type Book = {
      __typename?: "Book";
      id: Scalars["ID"]['output']; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars["ID"]['input']; // Resolvers receive `string` in ID fields 👍
    export type ResolversTypes = {
      ID: ID: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['ID']['output']>; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍
    export type ResolversParentTypes = {
      ID: Scalars['ID']['output']; // Resolvers receive `string` or `number` from parents 👍

    Config changes:

    1. Scalars option can now take input/output types:
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: {
          input: 'string',
          output: 'string | number'
    1. If a string is given (instead of an object with input/output fields), it will be used as both input and output types:
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: 'string' // This means `string` will be used for both ID's input and output types
    1. BREAKING CHANGE: External module Scalar types need to be an object with input/output fields
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: './path/to/scalar-module'

    If correctly, wired up, the following will be generated:

    // Previously, imported `ID` type can be a primitive type, now it must be an object with input/output fields
    import { ID } from './path/to/scalar-module'
    export type Scalars = {
      ID: { input: ID['input']; output: ID['output'] }

    BREAKING CHANGE: This changes Scalar types which could be referenced in other plugins. If you are a plugin maintainer and reference Scalar, please update your plugin to use the correct input/output types.

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @​n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Minor Changes
  • #​9196 3848a2b73 Thanks @​beerose! - Add @defer directive support

    When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved.

    Once start using the @defer directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive.

    // src/index.tsx
    import { graphql } from './gql'
    const OrdersFragment = graphql(`
      fragment OrdersFragment on User {
        orders {
    const GetUserQuery = graphql(`
      query GetUser($id: ID!) {
        user(id: $id) {
          ...OrdersFragment @&#8203;defer

    The generated type for GetUserQuery will have information that the fragment is incremental, meaning it may not be available right away.

    // gql/graphql.ts
    export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({
      __typename?: 'Query'
    } & {
      ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> }

    Apart from generating code that includes support for the @defer directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called isFragmentReady. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred
    fragment is available:

    const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => {
      const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,;
      return (
        // render orders list
    function App() {
      const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery);
      return (
        {data && (
            {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data)
    					&& <OrdersList data={data} />}
    export default App;
  • #​9304 e1dc75f3c Thanks @​esfomeado! - Added support for disabling suffixes on Enums.

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dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@​graphql-codegen/typescript-operations)


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Minor Changes
  • #​10077 3f4f546 Thanks @​eddeee888! - Extend config.avoidOptions to support query, mutation and subscription

    Previously, config.avoidOptions.resolvers was being used to make query, mutation and subscription fields non-optional.
    Now, config.avoidOptions.query, config.avoidOptions.mutation and config.avoidOptions.subscription can be used to target the respective types.

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  • #​9811 d8364e045 Thanks @​saihaj! - fix: out-of-memory crash (fixes #​7720)
    perf: implement a caching mechanism that makes sure the type originating at the same location is never generated twice, as long as the combination of selected fields and possible types matches
    feat: implement extractAllFieldsToTypes: boolean
    feat: implement printFieldsOnNewLines: boolean
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Major Changes
  • #​9375 ba84a3a27 Thanks @​eddeee888! - Implement Scalars with input/output types

    In GraphQL, Scalar types can be different for client and server. For example, given the native GraphQL ID:

    • A client may send string or number in the input
    • A client receives string in its selection set (i.e output)
    • A server receives string in the resolver (GraphQL parses string or number received from the client to string)
    • A server may return string or number (GraphQL serializes the value to string before sending it to the client )

    Currently, we represent every Scalar with only one type. This is what codegen generates as base type:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: string

    Then, this is used in both input and output type e.g.

    export type Book = {
      __typename?: 'Book'
      id: Scalars['ID'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars['ID'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number`. However, the type is only `string` here 👎

    This PR extends each Scalar to have input and output:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: {
        input: string | number
        output: string

    Then, each input/output GraphQL type can correctly refer to the correct input/output scalar type:

    export type Book = {
      __typename?: 'Book'
      id: Scalars['ID']['output'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars['ID']['input'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number` 👍

    Note that for typescript-resolvers, the type of ID needs to be inverted. However, the referenced types in GraphQL input/output types should still work correctly:

    export type Scalars = {
      ID: {
        input: string;
        output: string | number;
    export type Book = {
      __typename?: "Book";
      id: Scalars["ID"]['output']; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍
    export type QueryBookArgs = {
      id: Scalars["ID"]['input']; // Resolvers receive `string` in ID fields 👍
    export type ResolversTypes = {
      ID: ID: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['ID']['output']>; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍
    export type ResolversParentTypes = {
      ID: Scalars['ID']['output']; // Resolvers receive `string` or `number` from parents 👍

    Config changes:

    1. Scalars option can now take input/output types:
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: {
          input: 'string',
          output: 'string | number'
    1. If a string is given (instead of an object with input/output fields), it will be used as both input and output types:
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: 'string' // This means `string` will be used for both ID's input and output types
    1. BREAKING CHANGE: External module Scalar types need to be an object with input/output fields
    config: {
      scalars: {
        ID: './path/to/scalar-module'

    If correctly, wired up, the following will be generated:

    // Previously, imported `ID` type can be a primitive type, now it must be an object with input/output fields
    import { ID } from './path/to/scalar-module'
    export type Scalars = {
      ID: { input: ID['input']; output: ID['output'] }

    BREAKING CHANGE: This changes Scalar types which could be referenced in other plugins. If you are a plugin maintainer and reference Scalar, please update your plugin to use the correct input/output types.

  • bb66c2a31 Thanks @​n1ru4l! - Require Node.js >= 16. Drop support for Node.js 14

Minor Changes
  • #​9196 3848a2b73 Thanks @​beerose! - Add @defer directive support

    When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved.

    Once start using the @defer directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive.

    // src/index.tsx
    import { graphql } from './gql'
    const OrdersFragment = graphql(`
      fragment OrdersFragment on User {
        orders {
    const GetUserQuery = graphql(`
      query GetUser($id: ID!) {
        user(id: $id) {
          ...OrdersFragment @&#8203;defer

    The generated type for GetUserQuery will have information that the fragment is incremental, meaning it may not be available right away.

    // gql/graphql.ts
    export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({
      __typename?: 'Query'
    } & {
      ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> }

    Apart from generating code that includes support for the @defer directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called isFragmentReady. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred
    fragment is available:

    const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => {
      const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,;
      return (
        // render orders list
    function App() {
      const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery);
      return (
        {data && (
            {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data)
    					&& <OrdersList data={data} />}
    export default App;
  • #​9304 e1dc75f3c Thanks @​esfomeado! - Added support for disabling suffixes on Enums.

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dotansimha/graphql-code-generator-community (@​graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo)


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  • #​620
    Thanks @​tomaskukk! - Improved type-safety: when a query contains
    required variables, passing the variables object to the useQuery hook is enforced


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dotansimha/graphql-code-generator-community (@​graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query)


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  • df7683e95
    Thanks @​saihaj! - Allow fetcher config to accept both string and
    object. object let's user specify the import path to their GraphQLClient instance. So it
    will make it easier to generated hooks by not passing down GraphQLClient.


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🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

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👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@graphql-codegen/cli]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^2.11.6` -> `^5.0.0`]( | | [@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^2.3.3` -> `^5.0.0`]( | | [@graphql-codegen/typescript]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^2.7.3` -> `^4.0.0`]( | | [@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^2.5.3` -> `^4.0.0`]( | | [@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^3.3.3` -> `^4.0.0`]( | | [@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^4.0.1` -> `^6.0.0`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/cli)</summary> ### [`v5.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;10282]( [`7d7760d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;oprypkhantc](! - Fix watcher watching project root when schema URL is used ### [`v5.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;10248]( [`72eb86f`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`@whatwg-node/fetch@^0.10.0` ↗︎](;whatwg-node/fetch/v/0.10.0) (from `^0.9.20`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;10227]( [`6f1741a`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Fix schema pointers type to allow an array of pointers - Updated dependencies \[[`8737dd8`](, [`ed71811`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/client-preset]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v5.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;10069]( [`8bb34e7`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`@whatwg-node/fetch@^0.9.20` ↗︎](;whatwg-node/fetch/v/0.9.20) (from `^0.8.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`graphql-config@^5.1.1` ↗︎]( (from `^5.0.2`, in `dependencies`) - [`e0092b5`]( Thanks [@&#8203;ardatan](! - Bump whatwg-node and graphql-config - Updated dependencies \[[`8471a18`](, [`67e7556`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/client-preset]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v5.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9813]( [`4e69568`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - bumping for a release - Updated dependencies \[[`4e69568`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/client-preset]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/core]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Added dependency [`@graphql-codegen/client-preset@^4.1.0` ↗︎](;graphql-codegen/client-preset/v/4.1.0) (to `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - ignore events in `.git` directory - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Surface error occurring during import of [@&#8203;parcel/watcher]( - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Include [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/client-preset]( in [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/cli]( by default - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - fix watcher unable to find highest common directory on Windows - Updated dependencies \[[`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/client-preset]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/core]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;9506]( [`dd9c7e148`]( Thanks [@&#8203;valkum](! - Make [@&#8203;parcel/watcher]( optional ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9513]( [`fdd19d24d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;cichelero](! - Update yaml dependency to 2.3.1 - Updated dependencies \[[`bb1e0e96e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9479]( [`0aa444b5d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;gilgardosh](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`graphql-config@^5.0.2` ↗︎]( (from `^5.0.1`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9479]( [`0aa444b5d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;gilgardosh](! - Update graphql-config to v^5.0.2 ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [`bb66c2a31`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - Require Node.js `>= 16`. Drop support for Node.js 14 ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9449]( [`4d9ea1a5a`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`graphql-config@^5.0.0` ↗︎]( (from `^4.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9449]( [`4d9ea1a5a`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.3.6`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/code-file-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/code-file-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.3.17`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/git-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/git-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.2.13`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/github-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/github-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.3.28`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/json-file-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/json-file-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.4.1`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/load@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/load/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.8.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/prisma-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/prisma-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.2.69`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/url-loader@^8.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/url-loader/v/8.0.0) (from `^7.17.17`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`@graphql-tools/utils@^10.0.0` ↗︎](;graphql-tools/utils/v/10.0.0) (from `^9.0.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`cosmiconfig@^8.1.3` ↗︎]( (from `^7.0.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependency [`graphql-config@^5.0.1` ↗︎]( (from `^4.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9371]( [`d431f426e`]( Thanks [@&#8203;Axxxx0n](! - Fixed option ignoreNoDocuments when using graphql configs - [#&#8203;9275]( [`2a5da5894`]( Thanks [@&#8203;milesrichardson](! - Trigger rebuilds in watch mode while respecting rules of precedence and negation, both in terms of global (top-level) config vs. local (per-output target) config, and in terms of watch patterns (higher priority) vs. documents/schemas (lower priority). This fixes an issue with overly-aggressive rebuilds during watch mode. - Updated dependencies \[[`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`f46803a8c`](, [`63827fabe`](, [`bb66c2a31`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/core]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v3.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9267]( [`183749346`]( Thanks [@&#8203;milesrichardson](! - Fix watch mode to listen to longest common directory prefix of relevant files, rather than only files below the current working directory (fixes [#&#8203;9266]( - [#&#8203;9280]( [`ca1d72c40`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - fix the default output directory for init command ### [`v3.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9151]( [`b7dacb21f`]( Thanks [@&#8203;'./user/schema.mappers#UserMapper',]('./user/schema.mappers#UserMapper',)! - Add `watchPattern` config option for `generates` sections. By default, `watch` mode automatically watches all GraphQL schema and document files. This means when a change is detected, Codegen CLI is run. A user may want to run Codegen CLI when non-schema and non-document files are changed. Each `generates` section now has a `watchPattern` option to allow more file patterns to be added to the list of patterns to watch. In the example below, mappers are exported from `schema.mappers.ts` files. We want to re-run Codegen if the content of `*.mappers.ts` files change because they change the generated types file. To solve this, we can add mapper file patterns to watch using the glob pattern used for schema and document files. ```ts // codegen.ts const config: CodegenConfig = { schema: 'src/schema/**/*.graphql', generates: { 'src/schema/types.ts': { plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolvers'], config: { mappers: { Book: './book/schema.mappers#BookMapper', }, } watchPattern: 'src/schema/**/*.mappers.ts', // Watches mapper files in `watch` mode. Use an array for multiple patterns e.g. `['src/*.pattern1.ts','src/*.pattern2.ts']` }, }, }; ``` Then, run Codegen CLI in `watch` mode: ```shell yarn graphql-codegen --watch ``` Now, updating `*.mappers.ts` files re-runs Codegen! 🎉 Note: `watchPattern` is only used in `watch` mode i.e. running CLI with `--watch` flag. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`b7dacb21f`](, [`f104619ac`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9086]( [`a34cef35b`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`graphql-config@^4.5.0` ↗︎]( (from `^4.4.0`, in `dependencies`) - Added dependency [`jiti@^1.17.1` ↗︎]( (to `dependencies`) - Removed dependency [`cosmiconfig-typescript-loader@^4.3.0` ↗︎]( (from `dependencies`) - Removed dependency [`ts-node@^10.9.1` ↗︎]( (from `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9086]( [`a34cef35b`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - Support `codegen.ts` in ESM projects ### [`v3.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9051]( [`f7313f7ca`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Added dependency [`micromatch@^4.0.5` ↗︎]( (to `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;9051]( [`f7313f7ca`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - only run generate for files that users have listed in config to avoid running this over every change that codegen is not supposed to execute ### [`v3.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9009]( [`288ed0977`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - use [@&#8203;parcel/watcher]( for improved watch functionality ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9009]( [`288ed0977`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Added dependency [`@parcel/watcher@^2.1.0` ↗︎](;parcel/watcher/v/2.1.0) (to `dependencies`) - Removed dependency [`chokidar@^3.5.2` ↗︎]( (from `dependencies`) ### [`v3.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;8893]( [`a118c307a`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - It is no longer mandatory to declare an empty plugins array when using a preset - [#&#8203;8723]( [`a3309e63e`]( Thanks [@&#8203;kazekyo](! - Introduce a new feature called DocumentTransform. DocumentTransform is a functionality that allows you to modify `documents` before they are processed by plugins. You can use functions passed to the `documentTransforms` option to make changes to GraphQL documents. To use this feature, you can write `documentTransforms` as follows: ```ts import type { CodegenConfig } from '@&#8203;graphql-codegen/cli' const config: CodegenConfig = { schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql', documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'], generates: { './src/gql/': { preset: 'client', documentTransforms: [ { transform: ({ documents }) => { // Make some changes to the documents return documents } } ] } } } export default config ``` For instance, to remove a `@localOnlyDirective` directive from `documents`, you can write the following code: ```js import type { CodegenConfig } from '@&#8203;graphql-codegen/cli' import { visit } from 'graphql' const config: CodegenConfig = { schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql', documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'], generates: { './src/gql/': { preset: 'client', documentTransforms: [ { transform: ({ documents }) => { return => { documentFile.document = visit(documentFile.document, { Directive: { leave(node) { if ( === 'localOnlyDirective') return null } } }) return documentFile }) } } ] } } } export default config ``` DocumentTransform can also be specified by file name. You can create a custom file for a specific transformation and pass it to `documentTransforms`. Let's create the document transform as a file: ```js module.exports = { transform: ({ documents }) => { // Make some changes to the documents return documents } } ``` Then, you can specify the file name as follows: ```ts import type { CodegenConfig } from '@&#8203;graphql-codegen/cli' const config: CodegenConfig = { schema: 'https://localhost:4000/graphql', documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'], generates: { './src/gql/': { preset: 'client', documentTransforms: ['./my-document-transform.js'] } } } export default config ``` ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9000]( [`4c422ccf6`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`@whatwg-node/fetch@^0.8.0` ↗︎](;whatwg-node/fetch/v/0.8.0) (from `^0.6.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`a118c307a`](, [`a3309e63e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/core]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;8885]( [`fd0b0c813`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - drop Node.js 12 support ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;8883]( [`321d5112e`]( Thanks [@&#8203;Solo-steven](! - Fix PluckConfig overwrite problem. - Updated dependencies \[[`fc79b65d4`](, [`fd0b0c813`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/core]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( </details> <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typed-document-node)</summary> ### [`v5.0.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`d8566c0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`6d7c1d7`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.13`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`60dd72f`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.12`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`1617e3c`](, [`fa64fbf`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.11`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;10160]( [`c7af639`]( Thanks [@&#8203;jyasskin](! - Allow explicit `undefined` in additional to optional arguments - Updated dependencies \[[`55a1e9e`](, [`a235051`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`3f4f546`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`79fee3c`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`808ada5`](, [`14ce39e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`dfc5310`](, [`156cc2b`](, [`dfc5310`](, [`b49457b`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`920b443`](, [`ed9c205`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`53f270a`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9813]( [`4e69568`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - bumping for a release - Updated dependencies \[[`4e69568`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`7718a8113`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v5.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.6.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v5.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`d8566c0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [`bb66c2a31`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - Require Node.js `>= 16`. Drop support for Node.js 14 ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9196]( [`3848a2b73`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - Add `@defer` directive support When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved. Once start using the `@defer` directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive. ```jsx // src/index.tsx import { graphql } from './gql' const OrdersFragment = graphql(` fragment OrdersFragment on User { orders { id total } } `) const GetUserQuery = graphql(` query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { id name ...OrdersFragment @&#8203;defer } } `) ``` The generated type for `GetUserQuery` will have information that the fragment is *incremental,* meaning it may not be available right away. ```tsx // gql/graphql.ts export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({ __typename?: 'Query' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> } }) ``` Apart from generating code that includes support for the `@defer` directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called `isFragmentReady`. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred fragment is available: ```jsx const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => { const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,; return ( // render orders list ) }; function App() { const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery); return ( {data && ( <> {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data) && <OrdersList data={data} />} </> )} ); } export default App; ``` ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`f46803a8c`](, [`3848a2b73`](, [`ba84a3a27`](, [`63827fabe`](, [`50471e651`](, [`5aa95aa96`](, [`ca02ad172`](, [`e1dc75f3c`](, [`bb66c2a31`](, [`5950f5a68`](, [`5aa95aa96`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`386cf9044`](, [`402cb8ac0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;9137]( [`2256c8b5d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - Add `TypedDocumentNode` string alternative that doesn't require GraphQL AST on the client. This change requires `@graphql-typed-document-node/core` in version `3.2.0` or higher. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`e56790104`](, [`b7dacb21f`](, [`f104619ac`](, [`acb647e4e`](, [`9f4d9c5a4`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`ba0610bbd`](, [`4b49f6fbe`](, [`b343626c9`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;8879]( [`8206b268d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.5.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.4.0`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;8971]( [`6b6fe3cbc`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - Allow passing fragment documents to APIs like Apollos `readFragment` - Updated dependencies \[[`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`a118c307a`](, [`6b6fe3cbc`](, [`a3309e63e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;8885]( [`fd0b0c813`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - drop Node.js 12 support ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`fc79b65d4`](, [`fd0b0c813`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( </details> <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript)</summary> ### [`v4.1.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`d8566c0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`6d7c1d7`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`60dd72f`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`1617e3c`](, [`fa64fbf`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`55a1e9e`](, [`a235051`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;10077]( [`3f4f546`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Extend `config.avoidOptions` to support query, mutation and subscription Previously, `config.avoidOptions.resolvers` was being used to make query, mutation and subscription fields non-optional. Now, `config.avoidOptions.query`, `config.avoidOptions.mutation` and `config.avoidOptions.subscription` can be used to target the respective types. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`3f4f546`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`79fee3c`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`808ada5`](, [`14ce39e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`dfc5310`](, [`156cc2b`](, [`dfc5310`](, [`b49457b`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`920b443`](, [`ed9c205`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`53f270a`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9813]( [`4e69568`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - bumping for a release - Updated dependencies \[[`4e69568`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/schema-ast]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`7718a8113`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.6.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/schema-ast]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9497]( [`2276708d0`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Revert default ID scalar input type to string We changed the ID Scalar input type from `string` to `string | number` in the latest major version of `typescript` plugin. This causes issues for server plugins (e.g. typescript-resolvers) that depends on `typescript` plugin. This is because the scalar type needs to be manually inverted on setup which is confusing. - Updated dependencies \[[`2276708d0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;9375]( [`ba84a3a27`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Implement Scalars with input/output types In GraphQL, Scalar types can be different for client and server. For example, given the native GraphQL ID: - A client may send `string` or `number` in the input - A client receives `string` in its selection set (i.e output) - A server receives `string` in the resolver (GraphQL parses `string` or `number` received from the client to `string`) - A server may return `string` or `number` (GraphQL serializes the value to `string` before sending it to the client ) Currently, we represent every Scalar with only one type. This is what codegen generates as base type: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: string } ``` Then, this is used in both input and output type e.g. ```ts export type Book = { __typename?: 'Book' id: Scalars['ID'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍 } export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars['ID'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number`. However, the type is only `string` here 👎 } ``` This PR extends each Scalar to have input and output: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: { input: string | number output: string } } ``` Then, each input/output GraphQL type can correctly refer to the correct input/output scalar type: ```ts export type Book = { __typename?: 'Book' id: Scalars['ID']['output'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍 } export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number` 👍 } ``` Note that for `typescript-resolvers`, the type of ID needs to be inverted. However, the referenced types in GraphQL input/output types should still work correctly: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: { input: string; output: string | number; } } export type Book = { __typename?: "Book"; id: Scalars["ID"]['output']; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍 }; export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars["ID"]['input']; // Resolvers receive `string` in ID fields 👍 }; export type ResolversTypes = { ID: ID: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['ID']['output']>; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍 } export type ResolversParentTypes = { ID: Scalars['ID']['output']; // Resolvers receive `string` or `number` from parents 👍 }; ``` *** Config changes: 1. Scalars option can now take input/output types: ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: { input: 'string', output: 'string | number' } } } ``` 2. If a string is given (instead of an object with input/output fields), it will be used as both input and output types: ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: 'string' // This means `string` will be used for both ID's input and output types } } ``` 3. BREAKING CHANGE: External module Scalar types need to be an object with input/output fields ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: './path/to/scalar-module' } } ``` If correctly, wired up, the following will be generated: ```ts // Previously, imported `ID` type can be a primitive type, now it must be an object with input/output fields import { ID } from './path/to/scalar-module' export type Scalars = { ID: { input: ID['input']; output: ID['output'] } } ``` *** BREAKING CHANGE: This changes Scalar types which could be referenced in other plugins. If you are a plugin maintainer and reference Scalar, please update your plugin to use the correct input/output types. - [`bb66c2a31`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - Require Node.js `>= 16`. Drop support for Node.js 14 ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9196]( [`3848a2b73`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - Add `@defer` directive support When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved. Once start using the `@defer` directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive. ```jsx // src/index.tsx import { graphql } from './gql' const OrdersFragment = graphql(` fragment OrdersFragment on User { orders { id total } } `) const GetUserQuery = graphql(` query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { id name ...OrdersFragment @&#8203;defer } } `) ``` The generated type for `GetUserQuery` will have information that the fragment is *incremental,* meaning it may not be available right away. ```tsx // gql/graphql.ts export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({ __typename?: 'Query' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> } }) ``` Apart from generating code that includes support for the `@defer` directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called `isFragmentReady`. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred fragment is available: ```jsx const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => { const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,; return ( // render orders list ) }; function App() { const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery); return ( {data && ( <> {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data) && <OrdersList data={data} />} </> )} ); } export default App; ``` - [#&#8203;9304]( [`e1dc75f3c`]( Thanks [@&#8203;esfomeado](! - Added support for disabling suffixes on Enums. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`f46803a8c`](, [`3848a2b73`](, [`ba84a3a27`](, [`63827fabe`](, [`50471e651`](, [`5aa95aa96`](, [`ca02ad172`](, [`e1dc75f3c`](, [`bb66c2a31`](, [`5950f5a68`](, [`5aa95aa96`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/schema-ast]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`386cf9044`](, [`402cb8ac0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9150]( [`92d86b009`]( Thanks [@&#8203;rliljest](! - Properly escape enum identifiers when enumsAsConst is used - Updated dependencies \[[`e56790104`](, [`b7dacb21f`](, [`f104619ac`](, [`acb647e4e`](, [`9f4d9c5a4`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`ba0610bbd`](, [`4b49f6fbe`](, [`b343626c9`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;8879]( [`8206b268d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.5.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.4.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`a118c307a`](, [`6b6fe3cbc`](, [`a3309e63e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/schema-ast]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;8885]( [`fd0b0c813`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - drop Node.js 12 support ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`fc79b65d4`](, [`fd0b0c813`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/schema-ast]([@&#8203;3]( </details> <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript-operations)</summary> ### [`v4.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;10302]( [`d8566c0`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Fix Apollo unmask directive incorrectly generating fragmentRefs - Updated dependencies \[[`d8566c0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;10270]( [`6d7c1d7`]( Thanks [@&#8203;adapap](! - feat: implement `includeExternalFragments: boolean` option ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`6d7c1d7`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`60dd72f`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;10163]( [`fa64fbf`]( Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add support for Apollo Client `@unmask` directive with fragment masking. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`1617e3c`](, [`fa64fbf`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`55a1e9e`](, [`a235051`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;10077]( [`3f4f546`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Extend `config.avoidOptions` to support query, mutation and subscription Previously, `config.avoidOptions.resolvers` was being used to make query, mutation and subscription fields non-optional. Now, `config.avoidOptions.query`, `config.avoidOptions.mutation` and `config.avoidOptions.subscription` can be used to target the respective types. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`3f4f546`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.2.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`79fee3c`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`808ada5`](, [`14ce39e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`dfc5310`](, [`156cc2b`](, [`dfc5310`](, [`b49457b`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9652]( [`920b443`]( Thanks [@&#8203;gmurphey](! - Added allowUndefinedQueryVariables as config option ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9842]( [`ed9c205`]( Thanks [@&#8203;henryqdineen](! - properly handle aliased conditionals - Updated dependencies \[[`920b443`](, [`ed9c205`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`53f270a`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9813]( [`4e69568`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - bumping for a release - Updated dependencies \[[`4e69568`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( ### [`v4.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`7718a8113`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - fix: out-of-memory crash (fixes [#&#8203;7720]( perf: implement a caching mechanism that makes sure the type originating at the same location is never generated twice, as long as the combination of selected fields and possible types matches feat: implement `extractAllFieldsToTypes: boolean` feat: implement `printFieldsOnNewLines: boolean` ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9811]( [`d8364e045`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.6.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.5.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](, [`d8364e045`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;9497]( [`2276708d0`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Revert default ID scalar input type to string We changed the ID Scalar input type from `string` to `string | number` in the latest major version of `typescript` plugin. This causes issues for server plugins (e.g. typescript-resolvers) that depends on `typescript` plugin. This is because the scalar type needs to be manually inverted on setup which is confusing. - Updated dependencies \[[`2276708d0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;9375]( [`ba84a3a27`]( Thanks [@&#8203;eddeee888](! - Implement Scalars with input/output types In GraphQL, Scalar types can be different for client and server. For example, given the native GraphQL ID: - A client may send `string` or `number` in the input - A client receives `string` in its selection set (i.e output) - A server receives `string` in the resolver (GraphQL parses `string` or `number` received from the client to `string`) - A server may return `string` or `number` (GraphQL serializes the value to `string` before sending it to the client ) Currently, we represent every Scalar with only one type. This is what codegen generates as base type: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: string } ``` Then, this is used in both input and output type e.g. ```ts export type Book = { __typename?: 'Book' id: Scalars['ID'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍 } export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars['ID'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number`. However, the type is only `string` here 👎 } ``` This PR extends each Scalar to have input and output: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: { input: string | number output: string } } ``` Then, each input/output GraphQL type can correctly refer to the correct input/output scalar type: ```ts export type Book = { __typename?: 'Book' id: Scalars['ID']['output'] // Output's ID can be `string` 👍 } export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input'] // Input's ID can be `string` or `number` 👍 } ``` Note that for `typescript-resolvers`, the type of ID needs to be inverted. However, the referenced types in GraphQL input/output types should still work correctly: ```ts export type Scalars = { ID: { input: string; output: string | number; } } export type Book = { __typename?: "Book"; id: Scalars["ID"]['output']; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍 }; export type QueryBookArgs = { id: Scalars["ID"]['input']; // Resolvers receive `string` in ID fields 👍 }; export type ResolversTypes = { ID: ID: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['ID']['output']>; // Resolvers can return `string` or `number` in ID fields 👍 } export type ResolversParentTypes = { ID: Scalars['ID']['output']; // Resolvers receive `string` or `number` from parents 👍 }; ``` *** Config changes: 1. Scalars option can now take input/output types: ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: { input: 'string', output: 'string | number' } } } ``` 2. If a string is given (instead of an object with input/output fields), it will be used as both input and output types: ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: 'string' // This means `string` will be used for both ID's input and output types } } ``` 3. BREAKING CHANGE: External module Scalar types need to be an object with input/output fields ```ts config: { scalars: { ID: './path/to/scalar-module' } } ``` If correctly, wired up, the following will be generated: ```ts // Previously, imported `ID` type can be a primitive type, now it must be an object with input/output fields import { ID } from './path/to/scalar-module' export type Scalars = { ID: { input: ID['input']; output: ID['output'] } } ``` *** BREAKING CHANGE: This changes Scalar types which could be referenced in other plugins. If you are a plugin maintainer and reference Scalar, please update your plugin to use the correct input/output types. - [`bb66c2a31`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - Require Node.js `>= 16`. Drop support for Node.js 14 ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;9196]( [`3848a2b73`]( Thanks [@&#8203;beerose](! - Add `@defer` directive support When a query includes a deferred fragment field, the server will return a partial response with the non-deferred fields first, followed by the remaining fields once they have been resolved. Once start using the `@defer` directive in your queries, the generated code will automatically include support for the directive. ```jsx // src/index.tsx import { graphql } from './gql' const OrdersFragment = graphql(` fragment OrdersFragment on User { orders { id total } } `) const GetUserQuery = graphql(` query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { id name ...OrdersFragment @&#8203;defer } } `) ``` The generated type for `GetUserQuery` will have information that the fragment is *incremental,* meaning it may not be available right away. ```tsx // gql/graphql.ts export type GetUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; id: string; name: string } & ({ __typename?: 'Query' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OrdersFragment: Incremental<OrdersFragment> } }) ``` Apart from generating code that includes support for the `@defer` directive, the Codegen also exports a utility function called `isFragmentReady`. You can use it to conditionally render components based on whether the data for a deferred fragment is available: ```jsx const OrdersList = (props: { data: FragmentType<typeof OrdersFragment> }) => { const data = useFragment(OrdersFragment,; return ( // render orders list ) }; function App() { const { data } = useQuery(GetUserQuery); return ( {data && ( <> {isFragmentReady(GetUserQuery, OrdersFragment, data) && <OrdersList data={data} />} </> )} ); } export default App; ``` - [#&#8203;9304]( [`e1dc75f3c`]( Thanks [@&#8203;esfomeado](! - Added support for disabling suffixes on Enums. ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`4d9ea1a5a`](, [`f46803a8c`](, [`3848a2b73`](, [`ba84a3a27`](, [`63827fabe`](, [`50471e651`](, [`5aa95aa96`](, [`ca02ad172`](, [`e1dc75f3c`](, [`bb66c2a31`](, [`5950f5a68`](, [`5aa95aa96`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;5]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;4]( ### [`v3.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`386cf9044`](, [`402cb8ac0`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`e56790104`](, [`b7dacb21f`](, [`f104619ac`](, [`92d86b009`](, [`acb647e4e`](, [`9f4d9c5a4`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`ba0610bbd`](, [`4b49f6fbe`](, [`b343626c9`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;8879]( [`8206b268d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.5.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.4.0`, in `dependencies`) - Updated dependencies \[[`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`8206b268d`](, [`a118c307a`](, [`6b6fe3cbc`](, [`a3309e63e`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;8885]( [`fd0b0c813`]( Thanks [@&#8203;n1ru4l](! - drop Node.js 12 support ##### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`fc79b65d4`](, [`fd0b0c813`](]: - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common]([@&#8203;3]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers]([@&#8203;4]( - [@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript]([@&#8203;3]( </details> <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator-community (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo)</summary> ### [`v4.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;835]( [`ea83cf4`]( Thanks [@&#8203;jefrydco](! - feat: support skip token for useSuspenseQuery ### [`v4.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;805]( [`7df8028`]( Thanks [@&#8203;scottopherson](! - Move `graphql-tag` to `devDependencies` from `peerDependencies`. ### [`v4.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;620]( [`3e2c8de`]( Thanks [@&#8203;tomaskukk](! - Improved type-safety: when a query contains required variables, passing the variables object to the useQuery hook is enforced ### [`v4.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;483]( [`ba7e551`]( Thanks [@&#8203;rickdunkin](! - Apollo Client `useFragment` hook ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;464]( [`fa53f8f`]( Thanks [@&#8203;namoscato](! - fix: loosen defaultBaseOptions type ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;392]( [`d86d2052a`]( Thanks [@&#8203;Hal-ang](! - feat: support useSuspenseQuery ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;411]( [`218778010`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Drop support for Node.js 12 and 14. Require Node.js `>= 16` ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;422]( [`ef0adf8c2`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.6.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.4.0`, in `dependencies`) </details> <details> <summary>dotansimha/graphql-code-generator-community (@&#8203;graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query)</summary> ### [`v6.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;552]( [`b403529`]( Thanks [@&#8203;neil585456525](! - Fix importOperationTypesFrom missing prefix ### [`v6.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;434]( [`935b51f07`]( Thanks [@&#8203;neil585456525](! - Support react-query v5 ##### Minor Changes - [`df7683e95`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Allow fetcher config to accept both `string` and `object`. `object` let's user specify the import path to their `GraphQLClient` instance. So it will make it easier to generated hooks by not passing down GraphQLClient. ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;324]( [`d6f48354b`]( Thanks [@&#8203;giubatt](! - removed unused pageParamKey parameter from infinite queries hook call - [#&#8203;411]( [`218778010`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Drop support for Node.js 12 and 14. Require Node.js `>= 16` ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;411]( [`218778010`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - add exposeQueryRootKeys ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;422]( [`ef0adf8c2`]( Thanks [@&#8203;renovate](! - dependencies updates: - Updated dependency [`tslib@~2.6.0` ↗︎]( (from `~2.4.0`, in `dependencies`) - [#&#8203;411]( [`218778010`]( Thanks [@&#8203;saihaj](! - Provide reactQueryImportFrom field to custom react-query import from - [#&#8203;391]( [`14dcc7603`]( Thanks [@&#8203;AlanSl](! - Correct default value in legacyMode docs comment </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. 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kjuulh force-pushed renovate/graphqlcodegenerator-monorepo from 010e582b86 to 8451307abb 2023-02-05 00:07:43 +01:00 Compare
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kjuulh changed title from chore(deps): update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo to v3 to chore(deps): update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo 2023-04-04 10:03:50 +02:00
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