Kasper Juul Hermansen kjuulh
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • https://blog.kasperhermansen.com
  • Developing my own Developer Platform in my spare time, interested in crafting high-effeciency developer workflows

    Loves developing from first principles and working with open source

  • Joined on 2021-09-19
kjuulh merged pull request kjuulh/vidow#137 2023-07-25 21:38:36 +02:00
Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh created pull request OpenFood/openfood#115 2023-07-25 21:32:43 +02:00
Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at OpenFood/openfood 2023-07-25 21:32:43 +02:00
5721ef759c Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh created branch renovate/all in OpenFood/openfood 2023-07-25 21:32:43 +02:00
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/microblog 2023-07-25 21:31:42 +02:00
205310180f Update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at rawpotion/man 2023-07-25 21:29:57 +02:00
cab44c2c15 Update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at wishlist/client 2023-07-25 21:21:49 +02:00
3cad270bad Update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/cibus-frontend 2023-07-25 21:19:43 +02:00
db4169fa97 chore(deps): update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/beerday 2023-07-25 21:17:14 +02:00
5cb7770100 Update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/wishlist-client 2023-07-25 21:15:35 +02:00
2bfe1fcfb9 Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh created branch renovate/all in kjuulh/wishlist-client 2023-07-25 21:15:35 +02:00
kjuulh created pull request kjuulh/wishlist-client#122 2023-07-25 21:15:34 +02:00
Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh created pull request kjuulh/vidow#137 2023-07-25 21:14:56 +02:00
Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/vidow 2023-07-25 21:14:56 +02:00
5565009aa1 Update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1
kjuulh created branch renovate/all in kjuulh/vidow 2023-07-25 21:14:55 +02:00
kjuulh pushed to renovate/all at kjuulh/cuddle 2023-07-25 18:58:15 +02:00
2026149fa4 fix(deps): update all dependencies
kjuulh pushed to main at kjuulh/lazyvim 2023-07-25 13:17:04 +02:00
c47b498f21 feat: without flit and leap
c430e927b8 feat: add custom treesitter and shfmt
ff018a06c3 feat: with markdown codeblocks
d4090ea19f feat: with response code
7967c0f87e feat: add hurl
Compare 6 commits »
kjuulh pushed to main at OpenFood/openfood 2023-07-25 12:44:27 +02:00
d60498ff3f Update dependency @mui/material to v5.14.2
kjuulh deleted branch renovate/material-ui-monorepo from OpenFood/openfood 2023-07-25 12:44:27 +02:00
kjuulh merged pull request OpenFood/openfood#114 2023-07-25 12:44:26 +02:00
Update dependency @mui/material to v5.14.2