Reviewed-on: #1
Hurl tree-sitter Parser
Welcome to the Hurl Tree-sitter parser. This project is aimed at creating a syntax parser for Hurl, a text form of the CURL tool using the Tree-sitter parsing library.
Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It aims to build a concrete syntax tree for a source code and efficiently update the syntax tree as your source code changes.
This parser aids in transforming the text representation of Hurl into a structured format that can be utilized by various text editors or IDEs for features like syntax highlighting, code linting, and intelligent code completion.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the repo:
cd tree-sitter-hurl
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Compile the parser:
npm run ci # runs both generate and test (for good measure)
To parse a file or text, run:
tree-sitter parse examples/<file-name>.hurl
This will generate a syntax tree for the input file.
Link to file:
parser_config.hurl = {
install_info = {
url = "~/git/", -- or your own path, i.e. where you cloned the repository
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
generate_requires_npm = false,
requires_generate_from_grammar = false,
filetype = "hurl",
-- Search for vim.filetype.add
extension = {
hurl = "hurl"
Add your own queries and injections as well (will come with nvim-treesitter, if it ever goes upstream)
cp -r queries ~/.config/nvim
Moves queries to your own nvim config. It may be placed somewhere else use
:h rfp
for help
Tests can be performed using the following command:
npm run test
All test files are located in the ./corpus
directory. If you wish to add more
test cases, simply add new .txt
files in the corpus directory following the
existing naming convention.
Contributions are very much welcomed and appreciated. Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you find any bugs or think of a new feature that can be added.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For more details,
please see the LICENSE
For any questions or concerns, please open an issue on this repository.