* To do so, we need to ensure that the generated kubeconfig is part of terraforms dependency graph. This has the additional benefit of not depending on local files anymore which should enable multi-user setups. * This also means that we can't deploy CCM, CSI & Traefik from our local host, because we don't have kubeconfig.yaml locally while provisioning the control plane, only afterwards. * So we just run kubectl apply on the control plane itself, after k3s is ready. * To do so, we need to deploy all manifests. I've merged the patches into a single kustomization.yaml file, because that makes the deployment of those files to the control-plane server easier. * we could also put the traefik config into the same kustomization file, which would save us one of the file provisioner blocks. I didn't want this PR to get any bigger, and will consider merging this config later on. kustomization.yaml is small enough that we could yamlencode() for it and store the patches in separate files again, not as inline-strings which is kind of ugly.
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155 lines
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resource "hcloud_server" "first_control_plane" {
name = "k3s-control-plane-0"
image = data.hcloud_image.linux.name
rescue = "linux64"
server_type = var.control_plane_server_type
location = var.location
ssh_keys = [hcloud_ssh_key.k3s.id]
firewall_ids = [hcloud_firewall.k3s.id]
placement_group_id = hcloud_placement_group.k3s.id
labels = {
"provisioner" = "terraform",
"engine" = "k3s"
provisioner "file" {
content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/config.ign.tpl", {
name = self.name
ssh_public_key = local.ssh_public_key
destination = "/root/config.ign"
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
# Install MicroOS
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = local.MicroOS_install_commands
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
# Issue a reboot command
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "ssh ${local.ssh_args} root@${self.ipv4_address} '(sleep 2; reboot)&'; sleep 3"
# Wait for MicroOS to reboot and be ready
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<-EOT
until ssh ${local.ssh_args} -o ConnectTimeout=2 root@${self.ipv4_address} true 2> /dev/null
echo "Waiting for MicroOS to reboot and become available..."
sleep 2
# Generating k3s master config file
provisioner "file" {
content = yamlencode({
node-name = self.name
cluster-init = true
disable-cloud-controller = true
disable = ["servicelb", "local-storage"]
flannel-iface = "eth1"
kubelet-arg = "cloud-provider=external"
node-ip = local.first_control_plane_network_ip
advertise-address = local.first_control_plane_network_ip
token = random_password.k3s_token.result
node-taint = var.allow_scheduling_on_control_plane ? [] : ["node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule"]
destination = "/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml"
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
# Upload kustomization.yaml, containing Hetzner CSI & CSM, as well as kured.
provisioner "file" {
content = local.post_install_kustomization
destination = "/tmp/kustomization.yaml"
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
# Upload traefik config
provisioner "file" {
content = local.traefik_config
destination = "/tmp/traefik.yaml"
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
# Run the first control plane
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
# set the hostname in a persistent fashion
"hostnamectl set-hostname ${self.name}",
# first we disable automatic reboot (after transactional updates), and configure the reboot method as kured
"rebootmgrctl set-strategy off && echo 'REBOOT_METHOD=kured' > /etc/transactional-update.conf",
# then we initiate the cluster
"systemctl enable k3s-server",
until systemctl status k3s-server > /dev/null
systemctl start k3s-server
echo "Initiating the cluster..."
sleep 2
, <<-EOT
timeout 120 bash -c 'while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%%{http_code}'' curl -k https://localhost:6443/readyz)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 1; done'
, "kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic hcloud --from-literal=token=${var.hcloud_token} --from-literal=network=${hcloud_network.k3s.name}",
"kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic hcloud-csi --from-literal=token=${var.hcloud_token}",
"kubectl apply -k /tmp/",
"kubectl apply -f /tmp/traefik.yaml",
"rm /tmp/traefik.yaml /tmp/kustomization.yaml"
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = self.ipv4_address
network {
network_id = hcloud_network.k3s.id
ip = local.first_control_plane_network_ip
depends_on = [