Marco Nenciarini 0c3aa36c03
First control plane node is not special anymore
The first control plane node is now identical to any other server
node. The cluster initialization happens once in two steps: first,
make sure that the k3s cluster is initialized and then apply our
configurations while the other nodes join. This change makes the
initialization more resilient and even faster than before.
2022-02-22 13:36:25 +01:00

86 lines
2.8 KiB

module "control_planes" {
source = "./modules/host"
count = var.servers_num
name = "k3s-control-plane-${count.index}"
ssh_keys = []
public_key = var.public_key
private_key = var.private_key
additional_public_keys = var.additional_public_keys
firewall_ids = []
placement_group_id =
location = var.location
network_id =
ip = cidrhost(hcloud_network_subnet.k3s.ip_range, 257 + count.index)
server_type = var.control_plane_server_type
labels = {
"provisioner" = "terraform",
"engine" = "k3s"
hcloud_token = var.hcloud_token
resource "null_resource" "control_planes" {
count = var.servers_num
triggers = {
control_plane_id = module.control_planes[count.index].id
connection {
user = "root"
private_key = local.ssh_private_key
agent_identity = local.ssh_identity
host = module.control_planes[count.index].ipv4_address
# Generating k3s server config file
provisioner "file" {
content = yamlencode({
node-name = module.control_planes[count.index].name
server = "https://${element(module.control_planes.*.private_ipv4_address, count.index > 0 ? 0 : 1)}:6443"
token = random_password.k3s_token.result
cluster-init = true
disable-cloud-controller = true
disable = ["servicelb", "local-storage"]
flannel-iface = "eth1"
kubelet-arg = "cloud-provider=external"
node-ip = module.control_planes[count.index].private_ipv4_address
advertise-address = module.control_planes[count.index].private_ipv4_address
tls-san = module.control_planes[count.index].private_ipv4_address
node-taint = var.allow_scheduling_on_control_plane ? [] : [""]
node-label = var.automatically_upgrade_k3s ? ["k3s_upgrade=true"] : []
destination = "/tmp/config.yaml"
# Install k3s server
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = local.install_k3s_server
# Start the k3s server and wait for it to have started correctly
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"systemctl start k3s 2> /dev/null",
timeout 120 bash <<EOF
until systemctl status k3s > /dev/null; do
systemctl start k3s 2> /dev/null
echo "Waiting for the k3s server to start..."
sleep 2
depends_on = [