resource "hcloud_server" "server" { name = image = "ubuntu-20.04" rescue = "linux64" server_type = var.server_type location = var.location ssh_keys = var.ssh_keys firewall_ids = var.firewall_ids placement_group_id = var.placement_group_id user_data = data.template_cloudinit_config.config.rendered labels = var.labels # Prevent destroying the whole cluster if the user changes # any of the attributes that force to recreate the servers. lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ location, ssh_keys, user_data, ] } connection { user = "root" private_key = local.ssh_private_key agent_identity = local.ssh_identity host = self.ipv4_address } # Install MicroOS provisioner "remote-exec" { inline = local.microOS_install_commands } # Issue a reboot command provisioner "local-exec" { command = "ssh ${local.ssh_args} root@${self.ipv4_address} '(sleep 2; reboot)&'; sleep 3" } # Wait for MicroOS to reboot and be ready provisioner "local-exec" { command = <<-EOT until ssh ${local.ssh_args} -o ConnectTimeout=2 root@${self.ipv4_address} true 2> /dev/null do echo "Waiting for MicroOS to reboot and become available..." sleep 3 done EOT } } resource "hcloud_server_network" "server" { ip = var.private_ipv4 server_id = subnet_id = var.ipv4_subnet_id } data "template_cloudinit_config" "config" { gzip = true base64_encode = true # Main cloud-config configuration file. part { filename = "init.cfg" content_type = "text/cloud-config" content = templatefile( "${path.module}/templates/userdata.yaml.tpl", { hostname = sshAuthorizedKeys = concat([local.ssh_public_key], var.additional_public_keys) } ) } # Initialization script (runs at every reboot) part { content_type = "text/cloud-boothook" filename = "" content = templatefile( "${path.module}/templates/", { hostname = } ) } }