resource "random_password" "k3s_cluster_secret" { length = 48 special = false } resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "default" { name = "K3S terraform module - Provisioning SSH key" public_key = file(var.public_key) } resource "hcloud_network" "k3s" { name = "k3s-net" ip_range = "" } resource "hcloud_network_subnet" "k3s" { network_id = type = "cloud" network_zone = "eu-central" ip_range = "" } resource "hcloud_firewall" "k3s" { name = "k3s-firewall" # Internal cluster traffic, kube api server, kubelet metrics, cilium, etcd, # and Hetzner metadata service and cloud api rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "any" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } rule { direction = "in" protocol = "udp" port = "any" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } rule { direction = "in" protocol = "icmp" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } # Allow all traffic to the kube api server rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "6443" source_ips = [ "" ] } # Allow all traffic to the ssh port rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "22" source_ips = [ "" ] } } data "hcloud_image" "linux" { name = "fedora-34" } data "template_file" "init_cfg" { template = file("${path.module}/init.cfg") } # Render a multi-part cloud-init config making use of the part # above, and other source files data "template_cloudinit_config" "init_cfg" { gzip = true base64_encode = true # Main cloud-config configuration file. part { filename = "init.cfg" content_type = "text/cloud-config" content = data.template_file.init_cfg.rendered } } data "template_file" "ccm_manifest" { template = file("${path.module}/manifests/hcloud-ccm-net.yaml") } data "template_file" "upgrade_plan" { template = file("${path.module}/manifests/upgrade/plan.yaml") } locals { first_control_plane_network_ip = cidrhost(hcloud_network.k3s.ip_range, 2) }