resource "random_password" "k3s_token" { length = 48 special = false } resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "k3s" { name = var.cluster_name public_key = local.ssh_public_key } resource "hcloud_network" "k3s" { name = var.cluster_name ip_range = local.network_ipv4_cidr } # We start from the end of the subnets cird array, # as we would have fewer control plane nodepools, than angent ones. resource "hcloud_network_subnet" "control_plane" { count = length(var.control_plane_nodepools) network_id = type = "cloud" network_zone = var.network_region ip_range = local.network_ipv4_subnets[255 - count.index] } # Here we start at the beginning of the subnets cird array resource "hcloud_network_subnet" "agent" { count = length(var.agent_nodepools) network_id = type = "cloud" network_zone = var.network_region ip_range = local.network_ipv4_subnets[count.index] } resource "hcloud_firewall" "k3s" { name = var.cluster_name dynamic "rule" { for_each = concat(local.base_firewall_rules, var.extra_firewall_rules) content { direction = rule.value.direction protocol = rule.value.protocol port = lookup(rule.value, "port", null) destination_ips = lookup(rule.value, "destination_ips", []) source_ips = lookup(rule.value, "source_ips", []) } } } resource "hcloud_placement_group" "control_plane" { count = ceil(local.control_plane_count / 10) name = "${var.cluster_name}-control-plane-${count.index + 1}" type = "spread" } resource "hcloud_placement_group" "agent" { count = ceil(local.agent_count / 10) name = "${var.cluster_name}-agent-${count.index + 1}" type = "spread" } data "hcloud_load_balancer" "traefik" { count = local.is_single_node_cluster ? 0 : var.traefik_enabled == false ? 0 : 1 name = "${var.cluster_name}-traefik" depends_on = [null_resource.kustomization] } resource "null_resource" "destroy_traefik_loadbalancer" { # this only gets triggered before total destruction of the cluster, but when the necessary elements to run the commands are still available triggers = { kustomization_id = } # Important when issuing terraform destroy, otherwise the LB will not let the network get deleted provisioner "local-exec" { when = destroy command = <<-EOT kubectl -n kube-system delete service traefik --kubeconfig ${path.module}/kubeconfig.yaml EOT on_failure = continue } depends_on = [ local_sensitive_file.kubeconfig, null_resource.control_planes[0], hcloud_network_subnet.control_plane, hcloud_network_subnet.agent, hcloud_placement_group.control_plane, hcloud_placement_group.agent, hcloud_network.k3s, hcloud_firewall.k3s, hcloud_ssh_key.k3s ] }