locals { first_control_plane_network_ipv4 = module.control_planes[0].private_ipv4_address ssh_public_key = trimspace(file(var.public_key)) # ssh_private_key is either the contents of var.private_key or null to use a ssh agent. ssh_private_key = var.private_key == null ? null : trimspace(file(var.private_key)) # ssh_identity is not set if the private key is passed directly, but if ssh agent is used, the public key tells ssh agent which private key to use. # For terraforms provisioner.connection.agent_identity, we need the public key as a string. ssh_identity = var.private_key == null ? local.ssh_public_key : null # ssh_identity_file is used for ssh "-i" flag, its the private key if that is set, or a public key file # if an ssh agent is used. ssh_identity_file = var.private_key == null ? var.public_key : var.private_key # shared flags for ssh to ignore host keys, to use root and our ssh identity file for all connections during provisioning. ssh_args = "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${local.ssh_identity_file}" ccm_version = var.hetzner_ccm_version != null ? var.hetzner_ccm_version : data.github_release.hetzner_ccm.release_tag csi_version = var.hetzner_csi_version != null ? var.hetzner_csi_version : data.github_release.hetzner_csi.release_tag kured_version = data.github_release.kured.release_tag # The following IPs are important to be whitelisted because they communicate with Hetzner services and enable the CCM and CSI to work properly. # Source https://github.com/hetznercloud/csi-driver/issues/204#issuecomment-848625566 hetzner_metadata_service_ipv4 = "" hetzner_cloud_api_ipv4 = "" whitelisted_ips = [ var.network_ipv4_range, local.hetzner_metadata_service_ipv4, local.hetzner_cloud_api_ipv4, "", ] base_firewall_rules = [ # Allowing internal cluster traffic and Hetzner metadata service and cloud API IPs { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "any" source_ips = local.whitelisted_ips }, { direction = "in" protocol = "udp" port = "any" source_ips = local.whitelisted_ips }, { direction = "in" protocol = "icmp" source_ips = local.whitelisted_ips }, # Allow all traffic to the kube api server { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "6443" source_ips = [ "" ] }, # Allow all traffic to the ssh port { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "22" source_ips = [ "" ] }, # Allow ping on ipv4 { direction = "in" protocol = "icmp" source_ips = [ "" ] }, # Allow basic out traffic # ICMP to ping outside services { direction = "out" protocol = "icmp" destination_ips = [ "" ] }, # DNS { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "53" destination_ips = [ "" ] }, { direction = "out" protocol = "udp" port = "53" destination_ips = [ "" ] }, # HTTP(s) { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "80" destination_ips = [ "" ] }, { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "443" destination_ips = [ "" ] }, #NTP { direction = "out" protocol = "udp" port = "123" destination_ips = [ "" ] } ] common_commands_install_k3s = [ "set -ex", # prepare the k3s config directory "mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s", # move the config file into place "mv /tmp/config.yaml /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml", # if the server has already been initialized just stop here "[ -e /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ] && exit 0", ] install_k3s_server = concat(local.common_commands_install_k3s, ["curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_SELINUX_RPM=true INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_START=true INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=${var.initial_k3s_channel} INSTALL_K3S_EXEC=server sh -"]) install_k3s_agent = concat(local.common_commands_install_k3s, ["curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_SELINUX_RPM=true INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_START=true INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=${var.initial_k3s_channel} INSTALL_K3S_EXEC=agent sh -"]) agent_nodepools = merge([ for nodepool_name, nodepool_obj in var.agent_nodepools : { for index in range(nodepool_obj.count) : format("%s-%s", nodepool_name, index) => { server_type : nodepool_obj.server_type, subnet : lookup(nodepool_obj, "subnet", "default"), index : index } } ]...) }