variable "hcloud_token" { description = "Hetzner API tokey" type = string } variable "public_key" { description = "SSH public Key." type = string } variable "private_key" { description = "SSH private Key." type = string } variable "location" { description = "Default server location" type = string } variable "control_plane_server_type" { description = "Default control plane server type" type = string } variable "agent_server_type" { description = "Default agent server type" type = string } variable "lb_server_type" { description = "Default load balancer server type" type = string } variable "servers_num" { description = "Number of control plane nodes." type = number } variable "agents_num" { description = "Number of agent nodes." type = number } provider "hcloud" { token = var.hcloud_token } resource "random_password" "k3s_token" { length = 48 special = false } resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "default" { name = "K3S terraform module - Provisioning SSH key" public_key = local.ssh_public_key } resource "hcloud_network" "k3s" { name = "k3s-net" ip_range = "" } resource "hcloud_network_subnet" "k3s" { network_id = type = "cloud" network_zone = "eu-central" ip_range = "" } resource "hcloud_firewall" "k3s" { name = "k3s-firewall" # Allowing internal cluster traffic and Hetzner metadata service and cloud API IPs rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "any" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } rule { direction = "in" protocol = "udp" port = "any" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } rule { direction = "in" protocol = "icmp" source_ips = [ "", "", "", "" ] } # Allow all traffic to the kube api server rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "6443" source_ips = [ "" ] } # Allow all traffic to the ssh port rule { direction = "in" protocol = "tcp" port = "22" source_ips = [ "" ] } # Allow ping on ipv4 rule { direction = "in" protocol = "icmp" source_ips = [ "" ] } # Allow basic out traffic # ICMP to ping outside services rule { direction = "out" protocol = "icmp" destination_ips = [ "" ] } # DNS rule { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "53" destination_ips = [ "" ] } rule { direction = "out" protocol = "udp" port = "53" destination_ips = [ "" ] } # HTTP(s) rule { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "80" destination_ips = [ "" ] } rule { direction = "out" protocol = "tcp" port = "443" destination_ips = [ "" ] } #NTP rule { direction = "out" protocol = "udp" port = "123" destination_ips = [ "" ] } } locals { first_control_plane_network_ip = cidrhost(hcloud_network.k3s.ip_range, 2) ssh_public_key = trimspace(file(var.public_key)) hcloud_image_name = "ubuntu-20.04" k3os_install_commands = [ "apt install -y grub-efi grub-pc-bin mtools xorriso", "latest=$(curl -s | jq '.[0].tag_name')", "curl -Lo ./$(echo $latest | xargs)/", "chmod +x ./", "./ --config /tmp/config.yaml /dev/sda$(echo $latest | xargs)/k3os-amd64.iso", "shutdown -r +1", "sleep 3", "exit 0" ] } data "hcloud_image" "linux" { name = local.hcloud_image_name } resource "local_file" "traefik_config" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/traefik_config.yaml.tpl", { lb_server_type = var.lb_server_type location = var.location }) filename = "${path.module}/templates/rendered/traefik_config.yaml" }