output "control_planes_public_ipv4" { value = module.control_planes.*.ipv4_address description = "The public IPv4 addresses of the controlplane server." } output "agents_public_ipv4" { value = [ for obj in module.agents : obj.ipv4_address ] description = "The public IPv4 addresses of the agent server." } output "load_balancer_public_ipv4" { description = "The public IPv4 address of the Hetzner load balancer" value = data.hcloud_load_balancer.traefik.ipv4 } output "kubeconfig_file" { value = local.kubeconfig_external description = "Kubeconfig file content with external IP address" sensitive = true } output "kubeconfig" { description = "Structured kubeconfig data to supply to other providers" value = local.kubeconfig_data sensitive = true }