variable "name" { description = "Host name" type = string } variable "public_key" { description = "SSH public Key." type = string } variable "private_key" { description = "SSH private Key." type = string } variable "additional_public_keys" { description = "Additional SSH public Keys. Use them to grant other team members root access to your cluster nodes" type = list(string) default = [] } variable "ssh_keys" { description = "List of SSH key IDs" type = list(string) nullable = true } variable "firewall_ids" { description = "Set of firewal IDs" type = set(number) nullable = true } variable "placement_group_id" { description = "Placement group ID" type = number nullable = true } variable "labels" { description = "Labels" type = map(any) nullable = true } variable "location" { description = "The server location" type = string } variable "ipv4_subnet_id" { description = "The subnet id" type = string } variable "private_ipv4" { description = "Private IP for the server" type = string } variable "server_type" { description = "The server type" type = string } variable "packages_to_install" { description = "Packages to install" type = list(string) default = [] }