variable "hcloud_token" { description = "Hetzner Cloud API Token" type = string sensitive = true } variable "public_key" { description = "SSH public Key." type = string } variable "private_key" { description = "SSH private Key." type = string } variable "location" { description = "Default server location" type = string } variable "control_plane_server_type" { description = "Default control plane server type" type = string } variable "agent_server_type" { description = "Default agent server type" type = string } variable "lb_server_type" { description = "Default load balancer server type" type = string } variable "servers_num" { description = "Number of control plane nodes." type = number } variable "agents_num" { description = "Number of agent nodes." type = number } variable "hetzner_ccm_version" { type = string default = null description = "Version of Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager for Hetzner Cloud" } variable "hetzner_csi_version" { type = string default = null description = "Version of Container Storage Interface driver for Hetzner Cloud" }