fixed single node cluster
This commit is contained in:
@ -170,14 +170,9 @@ spec:
<summary>Single-node cluster</summary>
Running a development cluster on a single node, without any high-availability is possible as well.
In this case, we don't deploy an external load-balancer, but use [k3s service load balancer]( on the host itself and open up port 80 & 443 in the firewall.
Running a development cluster on a single node, without any high-availability is possible as well. You need one control plane nodepool with a count of 1, and one agent nodepool with a count of 0.
``` terraform
control_plane_count = 1
allow_scheduling_on_control_plane = true
agent_nodepools = []
In this case, we don't deploy an external load-balancer, but use the default [k3s service load balancer]( on the host itself and open up port 80 & 443 in the firewall (done automatically).
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ resource "null_resource" "control_planes" {
provisioner "file" {
content = yamlencode({
node-name = module.control_planes[each.key].name
server = "https://${module.control_planes[each.key].private_ipv4_address == module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address && length(module.control_planes) > 1 ? module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[1]].private_ipv4_address : module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address}:6443"
server = length(module.control_planes) == 1 ? null : "https://${module.control_planes[each.key].private_ipv4_address == module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address ? module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[1]].private_ipv4_address : module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address}:6443"
token = random_password.k3s_token.result
disable-cloud-controller = true
disable = local.disable_extras
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ resource "null_resource" "control_planes" {
kubelet-arg = "cloud-provider=external"
node-ip = module.control_planes[each.key].private_ipv4_address
advertise-address = module.control_planes[each.key].private_ipv4_address
tls-san = module.control_planes[each.key].ipv4_address
node-label = each.value.labels
node-taint = each.value.taints
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ resource "null_resource" "first_control_plane" {
kubelet-arg = "cloud-provider=external"
node-ip = module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address
advertise-address = module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].private_ipv4_address
tls-san = module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].ipv4_address
node-taint = local.control_plane_nodepools[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].taints
node-label = local.control_plane_nodepools[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].labels
@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ locals {
default_agent_labels = concat([], var.automatically_upgrade_k3s ? ["k3s_upgrade=true"] : [])
default_control_plane_labels = concat([], var.automatically_upgrade_k3s ? ["k3s_upgrade=true"] : [])
allow_scheduling_on_control_plane = local.is_single_node_cluster ? true : var.allow_scheduling_on_control_plane
# Default k3s node taints
default_control_plane_taints = concat([], var.allow_scheduling_on_control_plane ? [] : [""])
default_control_plane_taints = concat([], local.allow_scheduling_on_control_plane ? [] : [""])
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ output "agents_public_ipv4" {
output "load_balancer_public_ipv4" {
description = "The public IPv4 address of the Hetzner load balancer"
value = local.is_single_node_cluster ? module.control_planes[0].ipv4_address : var.traefik_enabled == false ? null : data.hcloud_load_balancer.traefik[0].ipv4
value = local.is_single_node_cluster ? [
for obj in module.control_planes : obj.ipv4_address
][0] : var.traefik_enabled == false ? null : data.hcloud_load_balancer.traefik[0].ipv4
output "kubeconfig_file" {
@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ network_region = "eu-central" # change to `us-east` if location is ash
# You can freely add others nodepools the end of the list if you want, and increase the count of any.
# Also, before decreasing the count of any nodepools to 0, it's important to drain and cordon it the nodes in question, otherwise it will leave your cluster in a bad state.
# Before initializing the cluster, you can change all parameters and add or remove any nodepools.
# If you want to have a single node cluster, just have 1 control plane nodepools with a count of 1.
# Before initializing the cluster, you can change all parameters and add or remove any nodepools.
# If you want to have a single node cluster, just have 1 control plane nodepools with a count of 1, and one agent nodepool with a count of 0.
# Example below:
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ agent_nodepools = [
location = "fsn1",
labels = [],
taints = [],
count = 2
count = 1
name = "agent-large",
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ load_balancer_location = "fsn1"
# metrics_server_enabled = false
# If you want to allow non-control-plane workloads to run on the control-plane nodes set "true" below. The default is "false".
# Also good for single node clusters.
# True by default for single node clusters.
# allow_scheduling_on_control_plane = true
# If you want to disable automatic upgrade of k3s, you can set this to false, default is "true".
Reference in New Issue
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