2022-01-27 08:22:20 +08:00

860 lines
28 KiB

//! Module defining script expressions.
use super::{ASTNode, Ident, Stmt, StmtBlock};
use crate::func::hashing::ALT_ZERO_HASH;
use crate::module::Namespace;
use crate::tokenizer::Token;
use crate::types::dynamic::Union;
use crate::{calc_fn_hash, Dynamic, FnPtr, Identifier, ImmutableString, Position, StaticVec, INT};
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::{
num::{NonZeroU8, NonZeroUsize},
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
use std::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
use num_traits::float::FloatCore as Float;
/// _(internals)_ A binary expression.
/// Exported under the `internals` feature only.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct BinaryExpr {
/// LHS expression.
pub lhs: Expr,
/// RHS expression.
pub rhs: Expr,
/// _(internals)_ A custom syntax expression.
/// Exported under the `internals` feature only.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct CustomExpr {
/// List of keywords.
pub inputs: StaticVec<Expr>,
/// List of tokens actually parsed.
pub tokens: StaticVec<Identifier>,
/// Is the current [`Scope`][crate::Scope] possibly modified by this custom statement
/// (e.g. introducing a new variable)?
pub scope_may_be_changed: bool,
/// Is this custom syntax self-terminated?
pub self_terminated: bool,
impl CustomExpr {
/// Is this custom syntax self-terminated (i.e. no need for a semicolon terminator)?
/// A self-terminated custom syntax always ends in `$block$`, `}` or `;`
pub const fn is_self_terminated(&self) -> bool {
/// _(internals)_ A set of function call hashes. Exported under the `internals` feature only.
/// Two separate hashes are pre-calculated because of the following patterns:
/// ```js
/// func(a, b, c); // Native: func(a, b, c) - 3 parameters
/// // Script: func(a, b, c) - 3 parameters
/// a.func(b, c); // Native: func(&mut a, b, c) - 3 parameters
/// // Script: func(b, c) - 2 parameters
/// ```
/// For normal function calls, the native hash equals the script hash.
/// For method-style calls, the script hash contains one fewer parameter.
/// Function call hashes are used in the following manner:
/// * First, the script hash is tried, which contains only the called function's name plus the
/// number of parameters.
/// * Next, the actual types of arguments are hashed and _combined_ with the native hash, which is
/// then used to search for a native function. In other words, a complete native function call
/// hash always contains the called function's name plus the types of the arguments. This is due
/// to possible function overloading for different parameter types.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Default)]
pub struct FnCallHashes {
/// Pre-calculated hash for a script-defined function (zero if native functions only).
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
pub script: u64,
/// Pre-calculated hash for a native Rust function with no parameter types.
pub native: u64,
impl fmt::Debug for FnCallHashes {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
if self.script != 0 {
return if self.script == self.native {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.native, f)
} else {
write!(f, "({}, {})", self.script, self.native)
write!(f, "{} (native only)", self.native)
impl From<u64> for FnCallHashes {
fn from(hash: u64) -> Self {
let hash = if hash == 0 { ALT_ZERO_HASH } else { hash };
Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
script: hash,
native: hash,
impl FnCallHashes {
/// Create a [`FnCallHashes`] with only the native Rust hash.
pub const fn from_native(hash: u64) -> Self {
Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
script: 0,
native: if hash == 0 { ALT_ZERO_HASH } else { hash },
/// Create a [`FnCallHashes`] with both native Rust and script function hashes.
pub const fn from_all(#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] script: u64, native: u64) -> Self {
Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
script: if script == 0 { ALT_ZERO_HASH } else { script },
native: if native == 0 { ALT_ZERO_HASH } else { native },
/// Is this [`FnCallHashes`] native Rust only?
pub const fn is_native_only(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
return self.script == 0;
#[cfg(feature = "no_function")]
return true;
/// _(internals)_ A function call.
/// Exported under the `internals` feature only.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Hash)]
pub struct FnCallExpr {
/// Namespace of the function, if any.
pub namespace: Option<Namespace>,
/// Function name.
pub name: Identifier,
/// Pre-calculated hashes.
pub hashes: FnCallHashes,
/// List of function call argument expressions.
pub args: StaticVec<Expr>,
/// List of function call arguments that are constants.
/// Any arguments in `args` that is [`Expr::Stack`] indexes into this
/// array to find the constant for use as its argument value.
/// # Notes
/// Constant arguments are very common in function calls, and keeping each constant in
/// an [`Expr::DynamicConstant`] involves an additional allocation. Keeping the constant
/// values in an inlined array avoids these extra allocations.
pub constants: StaticVec<Dynamic>,
/// Does this function call capture the parent scope?
pub capture_parent_scope: bool,
impl FnCallExpr {
/// Does this function call contain a qualified namespace?
pub const fn is_qualified(&self) -> bool {
/// Convert this into an [`Expr::FnCall`].
pub fn into_fn_call_expr(self, pos: Position) -> Expr {
Expr::FnCall(self.into(), pos)
/// A type that wraps a floating-point number and implements [`Hash`].
/// Not available under `no_float`.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct FloatWrapper<F>(F);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl Hash for FloatWrapper<crate::FLOAT> {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> AsRef<F> for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &F {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> AsMut<F> for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut F {
&mut self.0
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> std::ops::Deref for FloatWrapper<F> {
type Target = F;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> std::ops::DerefMut for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float + fmt::Display + fmt::LowerExp + From<f32>> fmt::Display for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let abs = self.0.abs();
if abs.is_zero() {
} else if abs > Self::MAX_NATURAL_FLOAT_FOR_DISPLAY.into()
write!(f, "{:e}", self.0)
} else {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)?;
if abs.fract().is_zero() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> From<F> for FloatWrapper<F> {
fn from(value: F) -> Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float + FromStr> FromStr for FloatWrapper<F> {
type Err = <F as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl<F: Float> FloatWrapper<F> {
/// Maximum floating-point number for natural display before switching to scientific notation.
pub const MAX_NATURAL_FLOAT_FOR_DISPLAY: f32 = 10000000000000.0;
/// Minimum floating-point number for natural display before switching to scientific notation.
pub const MIN_NATURAL_FLOAT_FOR_DISPLAY: f32 = 0.0000000000001;
/// Create a new [`FloatWrapper`].
pub fn new(value: F) -> Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
impl FloatWrapper<crate::FLOAT> {
/// Create a new [`FloatWrapper`].
pub const fn new_const(value: crate::FLOAT) -> Self {
/// _(internals)_ An expression sub-tree.
/// Exported under the `internals` feature only.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub enum Expr {
/// Dynamic constant.
/// Used to hold complex constants such as [`Array`][crate::Array] or [`Map`][crate::Map] for quick cloning.
/// Primitive data types should use the appropriate variants to avoid an allocation.
DynamicConstant(Box<Dynamic>, Position),
/// Boolean constant.
BoolConstant(bool, Position),
/// Integer constant.
IntegerConstant(INT, Position),
/// Floating-point constant.
/// Not available under `no_float`.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
FloatConstant(FloatWrapper<crate::FLOAT>, Position),
/// Character constant.
CharConstant(char, Position),
/// [String][ImmutableString] constant.
StringConstant(ImmutableString, Position),
/// An interpolated [string][ImmutableString].
InterpolatedString(Box<StaticVec<Expr>>, Position),
/// [ expr, ... ]
Array(Box<StaticVec<Expr>>, Position),
/// #{ name:expr, ... }
Box<(StaticVec<(Ident, Expr)>, BTreeMap<Identifier, Dynamic>)>,
/// ()
/// Variable access - optional short index, position, (optional index, optional (hash, modules), variable name)
/// The short index is [`u8`] which is used when the index is <= 255, which should be the vast
/// majority of cases (unless there are more than 255 variables defined!).
/// This is to avoid reading a pointer redirection during each variable access.
Box<(Option<NonZeroUsize>, Option<(Namespace, u64)>, Identifier)>,
/// Property access - ((getter, hash), (setter, hash), prop)
(Identifier, u64),
(Identifier, u64),
(ImmutableString, Position),
/// Stack slot for function calls. See [`FnCallExpr`] for more details.
/// This variant does not map to any language structure. It is used in function calls with
/// constant arguments where the `usize` number indexes into an array containing a list of
/// constant arguments for the function call.
Stack(usize, Position),
/// { [statement][Stmt] ... }
/// func `(` expr `,` ... `)`
FnCall(Box<FnCallExpr>, Position),
/// lhs `.` rhs - bool variable is a dummy
Dot(Box<BinaryExpr>, bool, Position),
/// expr `[` expr `]` - boolean indicates whether the dotting/indexing chain stops
Index(Box<BinaryExpr>, bool, Position),
/// lhs `&&` rhs
And(Box<BinaryExpr>, Position),
/// lhs `||` rhs
Or(Box<BinaryExpr>, Position),
/// Custom syntax
Custom(Box<CustomExpr>, Position),
impl Default for Expr {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Debug for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut display_pos = self.position();
match self {
Self::DynamicConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
Self::BoolConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
Self::IntegerConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
Self::CharConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
Self::StringConstant(value, _) => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
Self::Unit(_) => f.write_str("()"),
Self::InterpolatedString(x, _) => {
return f.debug_list().entries(x.iter()).finish();
Self::Array(x, _) => {
Self::Map(x, _) => {
.entries(x.0.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v)))
Self::Variable(i, _, x) => {
if let Some((_, ref namespace)) = x.1 {
write!(f, "{}{}", namespace, Token::DoubleColon.literal_syntax())?
if let Some(n) = i.map_or_else(|| x.0, |n| NonZeroUsize::new(n.get() as usize)) {
write!(f, " #{}", n)?
Self::Property(x) => write!(f, "Property({})", (x.2).0),
Self::Stack(x, _) => write!(f, "StackSlot({})", x),
Self::Stmt(x) => {
Self::FnCall(x, _) => {
let mut ff = f.debug_struct("FnCall");
x.namespace.as_ref().map(|ns| ff.field("namespace", ns));
ff.field("name", &x.name)
.field("hash", &x.hashes)
.field("args", &x.args);
if !x.constants.is_empty() {
ff.field("constants", &x.constants);
if x.capture_parent_scope {
ff.field("capture_parent_scope", &x.capture_parent_scope);
Self::Index(x, term, pos) => {
display_pos = *pos;
.field("lhs", &x.lhs)
.field("rhs", &x.rhs)
.field("terminate", term)
Self::Dot(x, _, pos) | Self::And(x, pos) | Self::Or(x, pos) => {
let op_name = match self {
Self::Dot(_, _, _) => "Dot",
Self::And(_, _) => "And",
Self::Or(_, _) => "Or",
expr => unreachable!(
"Self::Dot or Self::And or Self::Or expected but gets {:?}",
display_pos = *pos;
.field("lhs", &x.lhs)
.field("rhs", &x.rhs)
Self::Custom(x, _) => f.debug_tuple("Custom").field(x).finish(),
impl Expr {
/// Get the [`Dynamic`] value of a literal constant expression.
/// Returns [`None`] if the expression is not a literal constant.
pub fn get_literal_value(&self) -> Option<Dynamic> {
Some(match self {
Self::DynamicConstant(x, _) => x.as_ref().clone(),
Self::IntegerConstant(x, _) => (*x).into(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(x, _) => (*x).into(),
Self::CharConstant(x, _) => (*x).into(),
Self::StringConstant(x, _) => x.clone().into(),
Self::BoolConstant(x, _) => (*x).into(),
Self::Unit(_) => Dynamic::UNIT,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Self::Array(x, _) if self.is_constant() => {
let mut arr = crate::Array::with_capacity(x.len());
arr.extend(x.iter().map(|v| v.get_literal_value().unwrap()));
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Self::Map(x, _) if self.is_constant() => {
Dynamic::from_map(x.0.iter().fold(x.1.clone(), |mut map, (k, v)| {
let value_ref = map.get_mut(k.name.as_str()).unwrap();
*value_ref = v.get_literal_value().unwrap();
// Fn
Self::FnCall(ref x, _)
if !x.is_qualified() && x.args.len() == 1 && x.name == KEYWORD_FN_PTR =>
if let Expr::StringConstant(ref s, _) = x.args[0] {
if let Ok(fn_ptr) = FnPtr::new(s) {
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
// Binary operators
Self::FnCall(x, _) if !x.is_qualified() && x.args.len() == 2 => match x.name.as_str() {
// x..y
if let Expr::IntegerConstant(ref start, _) = x.args[0] {
if let Expr::IntegerConstant(ref end, _) = x.args[1] {
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
// x..=y
if let Expr::IntegerConstant(ref start, _) = x.args[0] {
if let Expr::IntegerConstant(ref end, _) = x.args[1] {
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
_ => return None,
_ => return None,
/// Create an [`Expr`] from a [`Dynamic`] value.
pub fn from_dynamic(value: Dynamic, pos: Position) -> Self {
match value.0 {
Union::Unit(_, _, _) => Self::Unit(pos),
Union::Bool(b, _, _) => Self::BoolConstant(b, pos),
Union::Str(s, _, _) => Self::StringConstant(s, pos),
Union::Char(c, _, _) => Self::CharConstant(c, pos),
Union::Int(i, _, _) => Self::IntegerConstant(i, pos),
#[cfg(feature = "decimal")]
Union::Decimal(value, _, _) => Self::DynamicConstant(Box::new((*value).into()), pos),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Union::Float(f, _, _) => Self::FloatConstant(f, pos),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Union::Array(a, _, _) => Self::DynamicConstant(Box::new((*a).into()), pos),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Union::Map(m, _, _) => Self::DynamicConstant(Box::new((*m).into()), pos),
Union::FnPtr(f, _, _) if !f.is_curried() => Self::FnCall(
FnCallExpr {
namespace: None,
name: KEYWORD_FN_PTR.into(),
hashes: calc_fn_hash(f.fn_name(), 1).into(),
args: once(Self::Stack(0, pos)).collect(),
constants: once(f.fn_name().into()).collect(),
capture_parent_scope: false,
_ => Self::DynamicConstant(value.into(), pos),
/// Is the expression a simple variable access?
pub(crate) const fn is_variable_access(&self, non_qualified: bool) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Variable(_, _, x) => !non_qualified || x.1.is_none(),
_ => false,
/// Return the variable name if the expression a simple variable access.
pub(crate) fn get_variable_name(&self, non_qualified: bool) -> Option<&str> {
match self {
Self::Variable(_, _, x) if !non_qualified || x.1.is_none() => Some(x.2.as_str()),
_ => None,
/// Get the [position][Position] of the expression.
pub const fn position(&self) -> Position {
match self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(_, pos) => *pos,
Self::DynamicConstant(_, pos)
| Self::BoolConstant(_, pos)
| Self::IntegerConstant(_, pos)
| Self::CharConstant(_, pos)
| Self::Unit(pos)
| Self::StringConstant(_, pos)
| Self::Array(_, pos)
| Self::Map(_, pos)
| Self::Variable(_, pos, _)
| Self::Stack(_, pos)
| Self::FnCall(_, pos)
| Self::Index(_, _, pos)
| Self::Custom(_, pos)
| Self::InterpolatedString(_, pos) => *pos,
Self::Property(x) => (x.2).1,
Self::Stmt(x) => x.position(),
Self::And(x, _) | Self::Or(x, _) | Self::Dot(x, _, _) => x.lhs.position(),
/// Override the [position][Position] of the expression.
pub fn set_position(&mut self, new_pos: Position) -> &mut Self {
match self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(_, pos) => *pos = new_pos,
Self::DynamicConstant(_, pos)
| Self::BoolConstant(_, pos)
| Self::IntegerConstant(_, pos)
| Self::CharConstant(_, pos)
| Self::Unit(pos)
| Self::StringConstant(_, pos)
| Self::Array(_, pos)
| Self::Map(_, pos)
| Self::And(_, pos)
| Self::Or(_, pos)
| Self::Dot(_, _, pos)
| Self::Index(_, _, pos)
| Self::Variable(_, pos, _)
| Self::Stack(_, pos)
| Self::FnCall(_, pos)
| Self::Custom(_, pos)
| Self::InterpolatedString(_, pos) => *pos = new_pos,
Self::Property(x) => (x.2).1 = new_pos,
Self::Stmt(x) => x.set_position(new_pos),
/// Is the expression pure?
/// A pure expression has no side effects.
pub fn is_pure(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::InterpolatedString(x, _) | Self::Array(x, _) => x.iter().all(Self::is_pure),
Self::Map(x, _) => x.0.iter().map(|(_, v)| v).all(Self::is_pure),
Self::And(x, _) | Self::Or(x, _) => x.lhs.is_pure() && x.rhs.is_pure(),
Self::Stmt(x) => x.iter().all(Stmt::is_pure),
Self::Variable(_, _, _) | Self::Stack(_, _) => true,
_ => self.is_constant(),
/// Is the expression the unit `()` literal?
pub const fn is_unit(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Unit(_))
/// Is the expression a constant?
pub fn is_constant(&self) -> bool {
match self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(_, _) => true,
Self::DynamicConstant(_, _)
| Self::BoolConstant(_, _)
| Self::IntegerConstant(_, _)
| Self::CharConstant(_, _)
| Self::StringConstant(_, _)
| Self::Unit(_)
| Self::Stack(_, _) => true,
Self::InterpolatedString(x, _) | Self::Array(x, _) => x.iter().all(Self::is_constant),
Self::Map(x, _) => x.0.iter().map(|(_, expr)| expr).all(Self::is_constant),
_ => false,
/// Is a particular [token][Token] allowed as a postfix operator to this expression?
pub const fn is_valid_postfix(&self, token: &Token) -> bool {
match token {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Token::Period => return true,
_ => (),
match self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Self::FloatConstant(_, _) => false,
Self::DynamicConstant(_, _)
| Self::BoolConstant(_, _)
| Self::CharConstant(_, _)
| Self::And(_, _)
| Self::Or(_, _)
| Self::Unit(_) => false,
Self::IntegerConstant(_, _)
| Self::StringConstant(_, _)
| Self::InterpolatedString(_, _)
| Self::FnCall(_, _)
| Self::Stmt(_)
| Self::Dot(_, _, _)
| Self::Index(_, _, _)
| Self::Array(_, _)
| Self::Map(_, _)
| Self::Custom(_, _) => match token {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Token::LeftBracket => true,
_ => false,
Self::Variable(_, _, _) => match token {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Token::LeftBracket => true,
Token::LeftParen => true,
Token::Bang => true,
Token::DoubleColon => true,
_ => false,
Self::Property(_) => match token {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Token::LeftBracket => true,
Token::LeftParen => true,
_ => false,
Self::Stack(_, _) => false,
/// Recursively walk this expression.
/// Return `false` from the callback to terminate the walk.
pub fn walk<'a>(
&'a self,
path: &mut Vec<ASTNode<'a>>,
on_node: &mut impl FnMut(&[ASTNode]) -> bool,
) -> bool {
// Push the current node onto the path
if !on_node(path) {
return false;
match self {
Self::Stmt(x) => {
for s in x.iter() {
if !s.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
Self::InterpolatedString(x, _) | Self::Array(x, _) => {
for e in x.as_ref() {
if !e.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
Self::Map(x, _) => {
for (_, e) in &x.0 {
if !e.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
Self::Index(x, _, _) | Self::Dot(x, _, _) | Expr::And(x, _) | Expr::Or(x, _) => {
if !x.lhs.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
if !x.rhs.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
Self::FnCall(x, _) => {
for e in &x.args {
if !e.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
Self::Custom(x, _) => {
for e in &x.inputs {
if !e.walk(path, on_node) {
return false;
_ => (),