2022-02-12 12:41:10 +08:00

35 lines
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//! This example stores a Rhai closure for later use as a callback.
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, FnPtr};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
// This script creates a closure which may capture variables.
let script = "
let x = 20;
// The following closure captures 'x'
return |a, b| (x + a) * b;
// To call a Rhai closure at a later time, you'd need three things:
// 1) an `Engine` (with all needed functions registered),
// 2) a compiled `AST`,
// 3) the closure (of type `FnPtr`).
let engine = Engine::new();
let ast = engine.compile(script)?;
let closure = engine.eval_ast::<FnPtr>(&ast)?;
// Create a closure that we can call any time, encapsulating the
// `Engine`, `AST` and `FnPtr`.
let func = move |x: i64, y: i64| -> Result<i64, _> { closure.call(&engine, &ast, (x, y)) };
// Now we can call `func` anywhere just like a normal function!
let result = func(1, 2)?;
println!("The Answer: {}", result); // prints 42