2022-07-26 22:38:40 +08:00

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module static;
/// Display any data to the standard output.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let answer = 42;
/// print(`The Answer is ${answer}`);
/// ```
fn print(data: ?);
/// Display any data to the standard output in debug format.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let answer = 42;
/// debug(answer);
/// ```
fn debug(data: ?);
/// Get the type of a value.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = "hello, world!";
/// print(x.type_of()); // prints "string"
/// ```
fn type_of(data: ?) -> String;
/// Create a function pointer to a named function.
/// If the specified name is not a valid function name, an error is raised.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let f = Fn("foo"); // function pointer to 'foo'
/// f.call(42); // call: foo(42)
/// ```
fn Fn(fn_name: String) -> FnPtr;
/// Call a function pointed to by a function pointer,
/// passing following arguments to the function call.
/// If an appropriate function is not found, an error is raised.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let f = Fn("foo"); // function pointer to 'foo'
/// f.call(1, 2, 3); // call: foo(1, 2, 3)
/// ```
fn call(fn_ptr: FnPtr, ...args: ?) -> ?;
/// Call a function pointed to by a function pointer, binding the `this` pointer
/// to the object of the method call, and passing on following arguments to the function call.
/// If an appropriate function is not found, an error is raised.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// fn add(x) {
/// this + x
/// }
/// let f = Fn("add"); // function pointer to 'add'
/// let x = 41;
/// let r = x.call(f, 1); // call: add(1) with 'this' = 'x'
/// print(r); // prints 42
/// ```
fn call(obj: ?, fn_ptr: FnPtr, ...args: ?) -> ?;
/// Curry a number of arguments into a function pointer and return it as a new function pointer.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// fn foo(x, y, z) {
/// x + y + z
/// }
/// let f = Fn("foo");
/// let g = f.curry(1, 2); // curried arguments: 1, 2
/// g.call(3); // call: foo(1, 2, 3)
/// ```
fn curry(fn_ptr: FnPtr, ...args: ?) -> FnPtr;
/// Return `true` if a script-defined function exists with a specified name and
/// number of parameters.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// fn foo(x) { }
/// print(is_def_fn("foo", 1)); // prints true
/// print(is_def_fn("foo", 2)); // prints false
/// print(is_def_fn("foo", 0)); // prints false
/// print(is_def_fn("bar", 1)); // prints false
/// ```
fn is_def_fn(fn_name: String, num_params: int) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if a variable matching a specified name is defined.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = 42;
/// print(is_def_var("x")); // prints true
/// print(is_def_var("foo")); // prints false
/// {
/// let y = 1;
/// print(is_def_var("y")); // prints true
/// }
/// print(is_def_var("y")); // prints false
/// ```
fn is_def_var(var_name: String) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if the variable is shared.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = 42;
/// print(is_shared(x)); // prints false
/// let f = || x; // capture 'x', making it shared
/// print(is_shared(x)); // prints true
/// ```
fn is_shared(variable: ?) -> bool;
/// Evaluate a text script within the current scope.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = 42;
/// eval("let y = x; x = 123;");
/// print(x); // prints 123
/// print(y); // prints 42
/// ```
fn eval(script: String) -> ?;
/// Return `true` if the string contains another string.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = "hello world!";
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if "world" in x {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(string: String, find: String) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if the string contains a character.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let x = "hello world!";
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if 'w' in x {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(string: String, ch: char) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if a value falls within the exclusive range.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let r = 1..100;
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if 42 in r {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(range: Range<int>, value: int) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if a value falls within the inclusive range.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let r = 1..=100;
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if 42 in r {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(range: RangeInclusive<int>, value: int) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if a key exists within the object map.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let m = #{a:1, b:2, c:3};
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if "c" in m {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(map: Map, string: String) -> bool;
/// Return `true` if a value is found within the BLOB.
/// This function also drives the `in` operator.
/// # Example
/// ```rhai
/// let b = blob();
/// b += 1; b += 2; b += 3; b += 4; b += 5;
/// // The 'in' operator calls 'contains' in the background
/// if 3 in b {
/// print("found!");
/// }
/// ```
fn contains(blob: Blob, value: int) -> bool;