2022-12-04 22:47:10 +08:00

297 lines
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//! Module that defines the `call_fn` API of [`Engine`].
#![cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
use crate::eval::{Caches, GlobalRuntimeState};
use crate::types::dynamic::Variant;
use crate::{
Dynamic, Engine, FuncArgs, Position, RhaiResult, RhaiResultOf, Scope, StaticVec, AST, ERR,
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::{
any::{type_name, TypeId},
/// Options for calling a script-defined function via [`Engine::call_fn_with_options`].
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct CallFnOptions<'t> {
/// A value for binding to the `this` pointer (if any).
pub this_ptr: Option<&'t mut Dynamic>,
/// The custom state of this evaluation run (if any), overrides [`Engine::default_tag`].
pub tag: Option<Dynamic>,
/// Evaluate the [`AST`] to load necessary modules before calling the function? Default `true`.
pub eval_ast: bool,
/// Rewind the [`Scope`] after the function call? Default `true`.
pub rewind_scope: bool,
impl Default for CallFnOptions<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a> CallFnOptions<'a> {
/// Create a default [`CallFnOptions`].
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
this_ptr: None,
tag: None,
eval_ast: true,
rewind_scope: true,
/// Bind to the `this` pointer.
pub fn bind_this_ptr(mut self, value: &'a mut Dynamic) -> Self {
self.this_ptr = Some(value);
/// Set the custom state of this evaluation run (if any).
pub fn with_tag(mut self, value: impl Variant + Clone) -> Self {
self.tag = Some(Dynamic::from(value));
/// Set whether to evaluate the [`AST`] to load necessary modules before calling the function.
pub const fn eval_ast(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.eval_ast = value;
/// Set whether to rewind the [`Scope`] after the function call.
pub const fn rewind_scope(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.rewind_scope = value;
impl Engine {
/// Call a script function defined in an [`AST`] with multiple arguments.
/// Not available under `no_function`.
/// The [`AST`] is evaluated before calling the function.
/// This allows a script to load the necessary modules.
/// This is usually desired. If not, use [`call_fn_with_options`][Engine::call_fn_with_options] instead.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::{Engine, Scope};
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// let ast = engine.compile("
/// fn add(x, y) { len(x) + y + foo }
/// fn add1(x) { len(x) + 1 + foo }
/// fn bar() { foo/2 }
/// ")?;
/// let mut scope = Scope::new();
/// scope.push("foo", 42_i64);
/// // Call the script-defined function
/// let result = engine.call_fn::<i64>(&mut scope, &ast, "add", ( "abc", 123_i64 ) )?;
/// assert_eq!(result, 168);
/// let result = engine.call_fn::<i64>(&mut scope, &ast, "add1", ( "abc", ) )?;
/// // ^^^^^^^^^^ tuple of one
/// assert_eq!(result, 46);
/// let result = engine.call_fn::<i64>(&mut scope, &ast, "bar", () )?;
/// assert_eq!(result, 21);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn call_fn<T: Variant + Clone>(
scope: &mut Scope,
ast: &AST,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
args: impl FuncArgs,
) -> RhaiResultOf<T> {
self.call_fn_with_options(CallFnOptions::default(), scope, ast, name, args)
/// Call a script function defined in an [`AST`] with multiple [`Dynamic`] arguments.
/// Options are provided via the [`CallFnOptions`] type.
/// This is an advanced API.
/// Not available under `no_function`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::{Engine, Scope, Dynamic, CallFnOptions};
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// let ast = engine.compile("
/// fn action(x) { this += x; } // function using 'this' pointer
/// fn decl(x) { let hello = x; } // declaring variables
/// ")?;
/// let mut scope = Scope::new();
/// scope.push("foo", 42_i64);
/// // Binding the 'this' pointer
/// let mut value = 1_i64.into();
/// let options = CallFnOptions::new().bind_this_ptr(&mut value);
/// engine.call_fn_with_options(options, &mut scope, &ast, "action", ( 41_i64, ))?;
/// assert_eq!(value.as_int().unwrap(), 42);
/// // Do not rewind scope
/// let options = CallFnOptions::default().rewind_scope(false);
/// engine.call_fn_with_options(options, &mut scope, &ast, "decl", ( 42_i64, ))?;
/// assert_eq!(scope.get_value::<i64>("hello").unwrap(), 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn call_fn_with_options<T: Variant + Clone>(
options: CallFnOptions,
scope: &mut Scope,
ast: &AST,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
args: impl FuncArgs,
) -> RhaiResultOf<T> {
let mut arg_values = StaticVec::new_const();
args.parse(&mut arg_values);
let result = self._call_fn(
&mut GlobalRuntimeState::new(self),
&mut Caches::new(),
// Bail out early if the return type needs no cast
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<Dynamic>() {
return Ok(reify!(result => T));
// Cast return type
let typ = self.map_type_name(result.type_name());
result.try_cast().ok_or_else(|| {
let t = self.map_type_name(type_name::<T>()).into();
ERR::ErrorMismatchOutputType(t, typ.into(), Position::NONE).into()
/// Call a script function defined in an [`AST`] with multiple [`Dynamic`] arguments.
/// # Arguments
/// All the arguments are _consumed_, meaning that they're replaced by `()`. This is to avoid
/// unnecessarily cloning the arguments.
/// Do not use the arguments after this call. If they are needed afterwards, clone them _before_
/// calling this function.
pub(crate) fn _call_fn(
options: CallFnOptions,
scope: &mut Scope,
global: &mut GlobalRuntimeState,
caches: &mut Caches,
ast: &AST,
name: &str,
arg_values: &mut [Dynamic],
) -> RhaiResult {
let statements = ast.statements();
let orig_lib_len = global.lib.len();
let mut orig_tag = None;
if let Some(value) = options.tag {
orig_tag = Some(mem::replace(&mut global.tag, value));
let mut no_this_ptr = Dynamic::NULL;
let this_ptr = options.this_ptr.unwrap_or(&mut no_this_ptr);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
let orig_embedded_module_resolver = std::mem::replace(
&mut global.embedded_module_resolver,
let rewind_scope = options.rewind_scope;
let result = if options.eval_ast && !statements.is_empty() {
auto_restore! {
scope if rewind_scope => rewind;
let orig_scope_len = scope.len();
self.eval_global_statements(global, caches, scope, statements)
} else {
.and_then(|_| {
let args = &mut arg_values.iter_mut().collect::<StaticVec<_>>();
// Check for data race.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))]
crate::func::ensure_no_data_race(name, args, false)?;
.get_script_fn(name, args.len())
|| Err(ERR::ErrorFunctionNotFound(name.into(), Position::NONE).into()),
|fn_def| {
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
if self.is_debugger_registered() {
global.debugger_mut().status = crate::eval::DebuggerStatus::Terminate;
let node = &crate::ast::Stmt::Noop(Position::NONE);
self.run_debugger(global, caches, scope, this_ptr, node)?;
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
global.embedded_module_resolver = orig_embedded_module_resolver;
if let Some(value) = orig_tag {
global.tag = value;