400 lines
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400 lines
12 KiB
//! This crate contains procedural macros to make creating Rhai plugin modules much easier.
//! # Export an Entire Rust Module to a Rhai `Module`
//! ```
//! use rhai::{EvalAltResult, FLOAT};
//! use rhai::plugin::*;
//! use rhai::module_resolvers::*;
//! #[export_module]
//! mod advanced_math {
//! pub const MYSTIC_NUMBER: FLOAT = 42.0;
//! pub fn euclidean_distance(x1: FLOAT, y1: FLOAT, x2: FLOAT, y2: FLOAT) -> FLOAT {
//! ((y2 - y1).abs().powf(2.0) + (x2 -x1).abs().powf(2.0)).sqrt()
//! }
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
//! let mut engine = Engine::new();
//! let m = exported_module!(advanced_math);
//! let mut r = StaticModuleResolver::new();
//! r.insert("Math::Advanced", m);
//! engine.set_module_resolver(r);
//! assert_eq!(engine.eval::<FLOAT>(
//! r#"
//! import "Math::Advanced" as math;
//! math::euclidean_distance(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, math::MYSTIC_NUMBER)
//! "#)?, 41.0);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Register a Rust Function with a Rhai `Module`
//! ```
//! use rhai::{EvalAltResult, FLOAT, Module};
//! use rhai::plugin::*;
//! use rhai::module_resolvers::*;
//! #[export_fn]
//! fn distance_function(x1: FLOAT, y1: FLOAT, x2: FLOAT, y2: FLOAT) -> FLOAT {
//! ((y2 - y1).abs().powf(2.0) + (x2 -x1).abs().powf(2.0)).sqrt()
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
//! let mut engine = Engine::new();
//! engine.register_fn("get_mystic_number", || 42.0 as FLOAT);
//! let mut m = Module::new();
//! set_exported_fn!(m, "euclidean_distance", distance_function);
//! let mut r = StaticModuleResolver::new();
//! r.insert("Math::Advanced", m);
//! engine.set_module_resolver(r);
//! assert_eq!(engine.eval::<FLOAT>(
//! r#"
//! import "Math::Advanced" as math;
//! math::euclidean_distance(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, get_mystic_number())
//! "#)?, 41.0);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Register a Plugin Function with an `Engine`
//! ```
//! use rhai::{EvalAltResult, FLOAT, Module};
//! use rhai::plugin::*;
//! use rhai::module_resolvers::*;
//! #[export_fn]
//! pub fn distance_function(x1: FLOAT, y1: FLOAT, x2: FLOAT, y2: FLOAT) -> FLOAT {
//! ((y2 - y1).abs().powf(2.0) + (x2 -x1).abs().powf(2.0)).sqrt()
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
//! let mut engine = Engine::new();
//! engine.register_fn("get_mystic_number", || { 42 as FLOAT });
//! register_exported_fn!(engine, "euclidean_distance", distance_function);
//! assert_eq!(engine.eval::<FLOAT>(
//! "euclidean_distance(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, get_mystic_number())"
//! )?, 41.0);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
mod attrs;
mod function;
mod module;
mod register;
mod rhai_module;
mod test;
/// Attribute, when put on a Rust function, turns it into a _plugin function_.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_fn]
/// fn my_plugin_function(x: i64) -> i64 {
/// x * 2
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// register_exported_fn!(engine, "func", my_plugin_function);
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("func(21)")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn export_fn(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let mut output = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(input.clone());
let parsed_params = match crate::attrs::outer_item_attributes(args.into(), "export_fn") {
Ok(args) => args,
Err(err) => return proc_macro::TokenStream::from(err.to_compile_error()),
let mut function_def = parse_macro_input!(input as function::ExportedFn);
if let Err(e) = function_def.set_params(parsed_params) {
return e.to_compile_error().into();
/// Attribute, when put on a Rust module, turns it into a _plugin module_.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, Module, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_module]
/// mod my_plugin_module {
/// pub fn foo(x: i64) -> i64 { x * 2 }
/// pub fn bar() -> i64 { 21 }
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let module = exported_module!(my_plugin_module);
/// engine.register_global_module(module.into());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("foo(bar())")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn export_module(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let parsed_params = match crate::attrs::outer_item_attributes(args.into(), "export_module") {
Ok(args) => args,
Err(err) => return proc_macro::TokenStream::from(err.to_compile_error()),
let mut module_def = parse_macro_input!(input as module::Module);
if let Err(e) = module_def.set_params(parsed_params) {
return e.to_compile_error().into();
let tokens = module_def.generate();
/// Macro to generate a Rhai `Module` from a _plugin module_ defined via [`#[export_module]`][macro@export_module].
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, Module, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_module]
/// mod my_plugin_module {
/// pub fn foo(x: i64) -> i64 { x * 2 }
/// pub fn bar() -> i64 { 21 }
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let module = exported_module!(my_plugin_module);
/// engine.register_global_module(module.into());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("foo(bar())")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn exported_module(module_path: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let module_path = parse_macro_input!(module_path as syn::Path);
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote::quote! {
/// Macro to combine a _plugin module_ into an existing module.
/// Functions and variables in the plugin module overrides any existing similarly-named
/// functions and variables in the target module.
/// This call is intended to be used within the [`def_package!`][crate::def_package] macro to define
/// a custom package based on a plugin module.
/// All sub-modules, if any, in the plugin module are _flattened_ and their functions/variables
/// registered at the top level because packages require so.
/// The text string name in the second parameter can be anything and is reserved for future use;
/// it is recommended to be an ID string that uniquely identifies the plugin module.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, Module, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_module]
/// mod my_plugin_module {
/// pub fn foo(x: i64) -> i64 { x * 2 }
/// pub fn bar() -> i64 { 21 }
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// combine_with_exported_module!(&mut module, "my_plugin_module_ID", my_plugin_module);
/// engine.register_global_module(module.into());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("foo(bar())")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn combine_with_exported_module(args: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
match crate::register::parse_register_macro(args) {
Ok((module_expr, _export_name, module_path)) => proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
#module_path::rhai_generate_into_module(#module_expr, true);
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
/// Macro to register a _plugin function_ (defined via [`#[export_fn]`][macro@export_fn]) into an `Engine`.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_fn]
/// fn my_plugin_function(x: i64) -> i64 {
/// x * 2
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// register_exported_fn!(engine, "func", my_plugin_function);
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("func(21)")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn register_exported_fn(args: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
match crate::register::parse_register_macro(args) {
Ok((engine_expr, export_name, rust_mod_path)) => {
let gen_mod_path = crate::register::generated_module_path(&rust_mod_path);
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
#engine_expr.register_result_fn(#export_name, #gen_mod_path::dynamic_result_fn);
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
/// Macro to register a _plugin function_ into a Rhai `Module`.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_fn]
/// fn my_plugin_function(x: i64) -> i64 {
/// x * 2
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// set_exported_fn!(module, "func", my_plugin_function);
/// engine.register_global_module(module.into());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("func(21)")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn set_exported_fn(args: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
match crate::register::parse_register_macro(args) {
Ok((module_expr, export_name, rust_mod_path)) => {
let gen_mod_path = crate::register::generated_module_path(&rust_mod_path);
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")]
let param_names = quote! {
#[cfg(not(feature = "metadata"))]
let param_names = quote! { None };
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
#module_expr.set_fn(#export_name, FnNamespace::Internal, FnAccess::Public,
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),
/// Macro to register a _plugin function_ into a Rhai `Module` and expose it globally.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
/// use rhai::plugin::*;
/// #[export_fn]
/// fn my_plugin_function(x: i64) -> i64 {
/// x * 2
/// }
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let mut module = Module::new();
/// set_exported_global_fn!(module, "func", my_plugin_function);
/// engine.register_static_module("test", module.into());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval::<i64>("func(21)")?, 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn set_exported_global_fn(args: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
match crate::register::parse_register_macro(args) {
Ok((module_expr, export_name, rust_mod_path)) => {
let gen_mod_path = crate::register::generated_module_path(&rust_mod_path);
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")]
let param_names = quote! {
#[cfg(not(feature = "metadata"))]
let param_names = quote! { None };
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
#module_expr.set_fn(#export_name, FnNamespace::Global, FnAccess::Public,
Err(e) => e.to_compile_error().into(),