167 lines
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167 lines
5.1 KiB
//! Module that defines the public evaluation API of [`Engine`].
use crate::eval::{Caches, GlobalRuntimeState};
use crate::parser::ParseState;
use crate::{Engine, RhaiResultOf, Scope, SharedModule, AST};
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
impl Engine {
/// Evaluate a string as a script.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::Engine;
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// engine.run("print(40 + 2);")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn run(&self, script: &str) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {
self.run_with_scope(&mut Scope::new(), script)
/// Evaluate a string as a script with own scope.
/// ## Constants Propagation
/// If not [`OptimizationLevel::None`][crate::OptimizationLevel::None], constants defined within
/// the scope are propagated throughout the script _including_ functions.
/// This allows functions to be optimized based on dynamic global constants.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::{Engine, Scope};
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// // Create initialized scope
/// let mut scope = Scope::new();
/// scope.push("x", 40_i64);
/// engine.run_with_scope(&mut scope, "x += 2; print(x);")?;
/// // The variable in the scope is modified
/// assert_eq!(scope.get_value::<i64>("x").expect("variable x should exist"), 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn run_with_scope(&self, scope: &mut Scope, script: &str) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {
let scripts = [script];
let (stream, tokenizer_control) =
self.lex_raw(&scripts, self.token_mapper.as_ref().map(<_>::as_ref));
let mut state = ParseState::new(self, scope, Default::default(), tokenizer_control);
let ast = self.parse(&mut stream.peekable(), &mut state, self.optimization_level)?;
self.run_ast_with_scope(scope, &ast)
/// Evaluate an [`AST`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::Engine;
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// // Compile a script to an AST and store it for later evaluation
/// let ast = engine.compile("print(40 + 2);")?;
/// // Evaluate it
/// engine.run_ast(&ast)?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn run_ast(&self, ast: &AST) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {
self.run_ast_with_scope(&mut Scope::new(), ast)
/// Evaluate an [`AST`] with own scope.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// use rhai::{Engine, Scope};
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// // Create initialized scope
/// let mut scope = Scope::new();
/// scope.push("x", 40_i64);
/// // Compile a script to an AST and store it for later evaluation
/// let ast = engine.compile("x += 2; x")?;
/// // Evaluate it
/// engine.run_ast_with_scope(&mut scope, &ast)?;
/// // The variable in the scope is modified
/// assert_eq!(scope.get_value::<i64>("x").expect("variable x should exist"), 42);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn run_ast_with_scope(&self, scope: &mut Scope, ast: &AST) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {
let caches = &mut Caches::new();
let global = &mut GlobalRuntimeState::new(self);
global.source = ast.source_raw().cloned();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
global.embedded_module_resolver = ast.resolver().cloned();
let statements = ast.statements();
if !statements.is_empty() {
let lib: &[SharedModule] = &[
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
let lib = if lib.first().map_or(true, |m| m.is_empty()) {
} else {
self.eval_global_statements(global, caches, lib, 0, scope, statements)?;
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
if self.debugger.is_some() {
global.debugger.status = crate::eval::DebuggerStatus::Terminate;
let lib = &[
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
let mut this = crate::Dynamic::NULL;
let node = &crate::ast::Stmt::Noop(crate::Position::NONE);
self.run_debugger(global, caches, lib, 0, scope, &mut this, node)?;
/// Evaluate a string as a script.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<rhai::EvalAltResult>> {
/// rhai::run("print(40 + 2);")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn run(script: &str) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {