Rhai - Embedded Scripting for Rust

Rhai is an embedded scripting language for Rust that gives you a safe and easy way to add scripting to your applications.

Rhai's current feature set:

  • Easy integration with Rust functions and data types
  • Fairly efficient (1 mil iterations in 0.75 sec on my 5 year old laptop)
  • Low compile-time overhead (~0.6 sec debug/~3 sec release for script runner app)
  • Easy-to-use language similar to JS+Rust
  • Support for overloaded functions
  • Very few additional dependencies (right now only num-traits to do checked arithmetic operations)

Note: Currently, the version is 0.10.2, so the language and API's may change before they stabilize.


You can install Rhai using crates by adding this line to your dependencies:

rhai = "0.10.2"

or simply:

rhai = "*"

to use the latest version.

Beware that in order to use pre-releases (alpha and beta) you need to specify the exact version in your Cargo.toml.

Optional features

Feature Description
debug_msgs Print debug messages to stdout (using println!) related to function registrations and function calls.
no_stdlib Exclude the standard library of utility functions in the build, and only include the minimum necessary functionalities.
unchecked Exclude arithmetic checking in the standard library. Beware that a bad script may panic the entire system!
no_index Disable arrays and indexing features

Other cool projects to check out:


A number of examples can be found in the examples folder:

Example Description
arrays_and_structs demonstrates registering a new type to Rhai and the usage of arrays on it
custom_types_and_methods shows how to register a type and methods for it
hello simple example that evaluates an expression and prints the result
reuse_scope evaluates two pieces of code in separate runs, but using a common scope
rhai_runner runs each filename passed to it as a Rhai script
simple_fn shows how to register a Rust function to a Rhai engine
repl a simple REPL, interactively evaluate statements from stdin

Examples can be run with the following command:

cargo run --example name

The repl example is a particularly good one as it allows you to interactively try out Rhai's language features in a standard REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).

Example Scripts

There are also a number of examples scripts that showcase Rhai's features, all in the scripts folder:

Script Description
array.rhai arrays in Rhai
assignment.rhai variable declarations
comments.rhai just comments
for1.rhai for loops
function_decl1.rhai a function without parameters
function_decl2.rhai a function with two parameters
function_decl3.rhai a function with many parameters
if1.rhai if example
loop.rhai endless loop in Rhai, this example emulates a do..while cycle
op1.rhai just a simple addition
op2.rhai simple addition and multiplication
op3.rhai change evaluation order with parenthesis
speed_test.rhai a simple program to measure the speed of Rhai's interpreter
string.rhai string operations
while.rhai while loop

To run the scripts, either make a tiny program or use of the rhai_runner example:

cargo run --example rhai_runner scripts/any_script.rhai

Hello world

To get going with Rhai, create an instance of the scripting engine and then call eval:

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};

fn main() -> Result<(), EvalAltResult>
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    let result = engine.eval::<i64>("40 + 2")?;

    println!("Answer: {}", result);  // prints 42


You can also evaluate a script file:

let result = engine.eval_file::<i64>("hello_world.rhai")?;

If you want to repeatedly evaluate a script, you can compile it first into an AST (abstract syntax tree) form:

use rhai::Engine;

let mut engine = Engine::new();

// Compile to an AST and store it for later evaluations
let ast = engine.compile("40 + 2")?;

for _ in 0..42 {
    let result = engine.eval_ast::<i64>(&ast)?;

    println!("Answer: {}", result);  // prints 42

Compiling a script file is also supported:

use rhai::Engine;

let mut engine = Engine::new();

let ast = engine.compile_file("hello_world.rhai")?;

Rhai also allows you to work backwards from the other direction - i.e. calling a Rhai-scripted function from Rust. You do this via call_fn, which takes a compiled AST (output from compile) and the function call arguments:

use rhai::Engine;

let mut engine = Engine::new();

// Define a function in a script and compile to AST
let ast = engine.compile(
            fn hello(x, y) {    // a function with two arguments: String and i64
                x.len() + y     // returning i64

// Evaluate the function in the AST, passing arguments into the script as a tuple.
// Beware, arguments must be of the correct types because Rhai does not have built-in type conversions.
// If you pass in arguments of the wrong type, the Engine will not find the function.

let result: i64 = engine.call_fn("hello", &ast, ( String::from("abc"), 123_i64 ) )?;
//                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ put arguments in a tuple

Values and types

The following primitive types are supported natively:

Category Types
Integer i32, u32, i64 (default), u64
Floating-point f32, f64 (default)
Character char
Boolean bool
Array rhai::Array
Dynamic (i.e. can be anything) rhai::Dynamic

Value conversions

All types are treated strictly separate by Rhai, meaning that i32 and i64 and u32 are completely different; you cannot even add them together.

There is a to_float function to convert a supported number to an f64, and a to_int function to convert a supported number to i64 and that's about it. For other conversions you can register your own conversion functions.

There is also a type_of function to detect the type of a value.

let x = 42;
let y = x * 100.0;              // error: cannot multiply i64 with f64
let y = x.to_float() * 100.0;   // works
let z = y.to_int() + x;         // works

let c = 'X';                    // character
print("c is '" + c + "' and its code is " + c.to_int());    // prints "c is 'X' and its code is 88"

// Use 'type_of' to get the type of variables
type_of(c) == "char";
type_of(x) == "i64";
y.type_of() == "f64";

if z.type_of() == "string" {

Working with functions

Rhai's scripting engine is very lightweight. It gets its ability from the functions in your program. To call these functions, you need to register them with the scripting engine.

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
use rhai::RegisterFn;                       // include the `RegisterFn` trait to use `register_fn`
use rhai::{Dynamic, RegisterDynamicFn};     // include the `RegisterDynamicFn` trait to use `register_dynamic_fn`

// Normal function
fn add(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
    x + y

// Function that returns a Dynamic value
fn get_an_any() -> Dynamic {

fn main() -> Result<(), EvalAltResult>
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    engine.register_fn("add", add);

    let result = engine.eval::<i64>("add(40, 2)")?;

    println!("Answer: {}", result);  // prints 42

    // Functions that return Dynamic values must use register_dynamic_fn()
    engine.register_dynamic_fn("get_an_any", get_an_any);

    let result = engine.eval::<i64>("get_an_any()")?;

    println!("Answer: {}", result);  // prints 42


To return a Dynamic value, simply Box it and return it.

fn decide(yes_no: bool) -> Dynamic {
    if yes_no {
    } else {
        Box::new("hello world!".to_string())    // remember &str is not supported

Generic functions

Generic functions can be used in Rhai, but you'll need to register separate instances for each concrete type:

use std::fmt::Display;

use rhai::{Engine, RegisterFn};

fn showit<T: Display>(x: &mut T) -> () {
    println!("{}", x)

fn main()
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    engine.register_fn("print", showit as fn(x: &mut i64)->());
    engine.register_fn("print", showit as fn(x: &mut bool)->());
    engine.register_fn("print", showit as fn(x: &mut String)->());

You can also see in this example how you can register multiple functions (or in this case multiple instances of the same function) to the same name in script. This gives you a way to overload functions the correct one, based on the types of the arguments, from your script.

Fallible functions

If your function is fallible (i.e. it returns a Result<_, Error>), you can register it with register_result_fn (using the RegisterResultFn trait).

Your function must return Result<_, EvalAltResult>. EvalAltResult implements From<&str> and From<String> etc. and the error text gets converted into EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime.

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, Position};
use rhai::RegisterResultFn;     // include the `RegisterResultFn` trait to use `register_result_fn`

// Function that may fail
fn safe_divide(x: i64, y: i64) -> Result<i64, EvalAltResult> {
    if y == 0 {
        // Return an error if y is zero
        Err("Division by zero detected!".into())    // short-cut to create EvalAltResult
    } else {
        Ok(x / y)

fn main()
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    // Fallible functions that return Result values must use register_result_fn()
    engine.register_result_fn("divide", safe_divide);

    if let Err(error) = engine.eval::<i64>("divide(40, 0)") {
       println!("Error: {:?}", error);  // prints ErrorRuntime("Division by zero detected!", (1, 1)")

Overriding built-in functions

Any similarly-named function defined in a script overrides any built-in function.

// Override the built-in function 'to_int'
fn to_int(num) {
    print("Ha! Gotcha!" + num);

print(to_int(123));     // what will happen?

Custom types and methods

Here's an more complete example of working with Rust. First the example, then we'll break it into parts:

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
use rhai::RegisterFn;

struct TestStruct {
    x: i64

impl TestStruct {
    fn update(&mut self) {
        self.x += 1000;

    fn new() -> TestStruct {
        TestStruct { x: 1 }

fn main() -> Result<(), EvalAltResult>
    let mut engine = Engine::new();


    engine.register_fn("update", TestStruct::update);
    engine.register_fn("new_ts", TestStruct::new);

    let result = engine.eval::<TestStruct>("let x = new_ts(); x.update(); x")?;

    println!("result: {}", result.x); // prints 1001


First, for each type we use with the engine, we need to be able to Clone. This allows the engine to pass by value and still keep its own state.

struct TestStruct {
    x: i64

Next, we create a few methods that we'll later use in our scripts. Notice that we register our custom type with the engine.

impl TestStruct {
    fn update(&mut self) {
        self.x += 1000;

    fn new() -> TestStruct {
        TestStruct { x: 1 }

let mut engine = Engine::new();


To use methods and functions with the engine, we need to register them. There are some convenience functions to help with this. Below I register update and new with the engine.

Note: the engine follows the convention that methods use a &mut first parameter so that invoking methods can update the value in memory.

engine.register_fn("update", TestStruct::update);
engine.register_fn("new_ts", TestStruct::new);

Finally, we call our script. The script can see the function and method we registered earlier. We need to get the result back out from script land just as before, this time casting to our custom struct type.

let result = engine.eval::<TestStruct>("let x = new_ts(); x.update(); x")?;

println!("result: {}", result.x); // prints 1001

In fact, any function with a first argument (either by copy or via a &mut reference) can be used as a method-call on that type because internally they are the same thing: methods on a type is implemented as a functions taking an first argument.

fn foo(ts: &mut TestStruct) -> i64 {

engine.register_fn("foo", foo);

let result = engine.eval::<i64>("let x = new_ts(); x.foo()")?;

println!("result: {}", result); // prints 1

type_of works fine with custom types and returns the name of the type:

let x = new_ts();
print(x.type_of());     // prints "foo::bar::TestStruct"

If you use register_type_with_name to register the custom type with a special pretty-print name, type_of will return that instead.

Getters and setters

Similarly, you can work with members of your custom types. This works by registering a 'get' or a 'set' function for working with your struct.

For example:

struct TestStruct {
    x: i64

impl TestStruct {
    fn get_x(&mut self) -> i64 {

    fn set_x(&mut self, new_x: i64) {
        self.x = new_x;

    fn new() -> TestStruct {
        TestStruct { x: 1 }

let mut engine = Engine::new();


engine.register_get_set("x", TestStruct::get_x, TestStruct::set_x);
engine.register_fn("new_ts", TestStruct::new);

let result = engine.eval::<i64>("let a = new_ts(); a.x = 500; a.x")?;

println!("result: {}", result);

Initializing and maintaining state

By default, Rhai treats each engine invocation as a fresh one, persisting only the functions that have been defined but no top-level state. This gives each one a fairly clean starting place. Sometimes, though, you want to continue using the same top-level state from one invocation to the next.

In this example, we first create a state with a few initialized variables, then thread the same state through multiple invocations:

use rhai::{Engine, Scope, EvalAltResult};

fn main() -> Result<(), EvalAltResult>
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    // First create the state
    let mut scope = Scope::new();

    // Then push some initialized variables into the state
    // NOTE: Remember the default numbers used by Rhai are i64 and f64.
    //       Better stick to them or it gets hard to work with other variables in the script.
    scope.push("y".into(), 42_i64);
    scope.push("z".into(), 999_i64);

    // First invocation
    // (the second boolean argument indicates that we don't need to retain function definitions
    // because we didn't declare any!)
    engine.eval_with_scope::<()>(&mut scope, false, r"
        let x = 4 + 5 - y + z;
        y = 1;

    // Second invocation using the same state
    let result = engine.eval_with_scope::<i64>(&mut scope, false, "x")?;

    println!("result: {}", result);  // should print 966

    // Variable y is changed in the script
    assert_eq!(scope.get_value::<i64>("y")?, 1);


Rhai Language guide


let /* intruder comment */ name = "Bob";
// This is a very important comment
/* This comment spans
   multiple lines, so it
   only makes sense that
   it is even more important */

/* Fear not, Rhai satisfies all your nesting
   needs with nested comments:


Variables in Rhai follow normal naming rules (i.e. must contain only ASCII letters, digits and '_' underscores).

let x = 3;


Format Type
123_345, -42 i64 in decimal, '_' separators are ignored
0o07_76 i64 in octal, '_' separators are ignored
0xabcd_ef i64 in hex, '_' separators are ignored
0b0101_1001 i64 in binary, '_' separators are ignored
123_456.789 f64, '_' separators are ignored

Numeric operators

let x = (1 + 2) * (6 - 4) / 2;  // arithmetic
let reminder = 42 % 10;         // modulo
let power = 42 ~ 2;             // power (i64 and f64 only)
let left_shifted = 42 << 3;     // left shift
let right_shifted = 42 >> 3;    // right shift
let bit_op = 42 | 99;           // bit masking

Unary operators

let number = -5;
number = -5 - +5;
let booly = !true;

Numeric functions

The following standard functions (defined in the standard library but excluded if no_stdlib) operate on i8, i16, i32, i64, f32 and f64 only:

Function Description
abs absolute value
to_int converts an f32 or f64 to i64
to_float converts an integer type to f64

Floating-point functions

The following standard functions (defined in the standard library but excluded if no_stdlib) operate on f64 only:

Category Functions
Trigonometry sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh in degrees
Arc-trigonometry asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh in degrees
Square root sqrt
Exponential exp (base e)
Logarithmic ln (base e), log10 (base 10), log (any base)
Rounding floor, ceiling, round, int, fraction
Tests is_nan, is_finite, is_infinite

Strings and Chars

let name = "Bob";
let middle_initial = 'C';
let last = "Davis";

let full_name = name + " " + middle_initial + ". " + last;
full_name == "Bob C. Davis";

// String building with different types
let age = 42;
let record = full_name + ": age " + age;
record == "Bob C. Davis: age 42";

// Strings can be indexed to get a character (disabled with the 'no_index' feature)
let c = record[4];
c == 'C';

ts.s = record;

let c = ts.s[4];
c == 'C';

let c = "foo"[0];
c == 'f';

let c = ("foo" + "bar")[5];
c == 'r';

// Escape sequences in strings
record += " \u2764\n";                  // escape sequence of '❤' in Unicode
record == "Bob C. Davis: age 42 ❤\n";   // '\n' = new-line

// Unlike Rust, Rhai strings can be modified
record[4] = '\x58'; // 0x58 = 'X'
record == "Bob X. Davis: age 42 ❤\n";

The following standard functions (defined in the standard library but excluded if no_stdlib) operate on strings:

Function Description
len returns the number of characters (not number of bytes) in the string
pad pads the string with an character until a specified number of characters
append Adds a character or a string to the end of another string
clear empties the string
truncate cuts off the string at exactly a specified number of characters
contains checks if a certain character or sub-string occurs in the string
replace replaces a substring with another
trim trims the string


let full_name == " Bob C. Davis ";
full_name.len() == 14;

full_name.len() == 12;
full_name == "Bob C. Davis";

full_name.pad(15, '$');
full_name.len() == 15;
full_name == "Bob C. Davis$$$";

full_name.len() == 6;
full_name == "Bob C.";

full_name.replace("Bob", "John");
full_name.len() == 7;
full_name = "John C.";

full_name.contains('C') == true;
full_name.contains("John") == true;

full_name.len() == 0;


You can create arrays of values, and then access them with numeric indices.

The following functions (defined in the standard library but excluded if no_stdlib) operate on arrays:

Function Description
push inserts an element at the end
pop removes the last element and returns it (() if empty)
shift removes the first element and returns it (() if empty)
len returns the number of elements
pad pads the array with an element until a specified length
clear empties the array
truncate cuts off the array at exactly a specified length (discarding all subsequent elements)


let y = [1, 2, 3];      // 3 elements
y[1] = 42;

print(y[1]);            // prints 42

ts.list = y;            // arrays can be assigned completely (by value copy)
let foo = ts.list[1];
foo == 42;

let foo = [1, 2, 3][0];
foo == 1;

fn abc() { [42, 43, 44] }

let foo = abc()[0];
foo == 42;

let foo = y[0];
foo == 1;

y.push(4);              // 4 elements
y.push(5);              // 5 elements

print(y.len());         // prints 5

let first = y.shift();  // remove the first element, 4 elements remaining
first == 1;

let last = y.pop();     // remove the last element, 3 elements remaining
last == 5;

print(y.len());         // prints 3

y.pad(10, "hello");     // pad the array up to 10 elements

print(y.len());         // prints 10

y.truncate(5);          // truncate the array to 5 elements

print(y.len());         // prints 5

y.clear();              // empty the array

print(y.len());         // prints 0

push and pad are only defined for standard built-in types. If you want to use them with your own custom type, you need to define a specific override:

    |list: &mut Array, item: MyType| list.push(Box::new(item))

The type of a Rhai array is rhai::Array. type_of() returns "array".

Arrays are disabled via the no_index feature.

Comparison operators

You can compare most values of the same data type. If you compare two values of different data types, the result is always false.

42 == 42;           // true
42 > 42;            // false
"hello" > "foo";    // true
"42" == 42;         // false
42 == 42.0;         // false - i64 is different from f64

Boolean operators

Double boolean operators && and || short-circuit, meaning that the second operand will not be evaluated if the first one already proves the condition wrong.

Single boolean operators & and | always evaluate both operands.

this() || that();   // that() is not evaluated if this() is true
this() && that();   // that() is not evaluated if this() is false

this() | that();    // both this() and that() are evaluated
this() & that();    // both this() and that() are evaluated

Compound assignment operators

let number = 5;
number += 4;    // number = number + 4
number -= 3;    // number = number - 3
number *= 2;    // number = number * 2
number /= 1;    // number = number / 1
number %= 3;    // number = number % 3
number <<= 2;   // number = number << 2
number >>= 1;   // number = number >> 1

The += operator can also be used to build strings:

let my_str = "abc";
my_str += "ABC";
my_str += 12345;

my_str == "abcABC12345"


if true {
    print("It's true!");
} else if true {
    print("It's true again!");
} else {
    print("It's false!");


let x = 10;

while x > 0 {
    if x == 5 { break; }
    x = x - 1;


let x = 10;

loop {
    x = x - 1;
    if x == 0 { break; }


let array = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 42];

// Iterate through array
for x in array {
    if x == 42 { break; }

// The 'range' function allows iterating from first..last-1
for x in range(0, 50) {
    if x == 42 { break; }


return;     // equivalent to return ();

return 123 + 456;

Errors and Exceptions

if some_bad_condition_has_happened {
    throw error;  // 'throw' takes a string to form the exception text

throw;  // no exception text

All of Engine's evaluation/consuming methods return Result<T, rhai::EvalAltResult> with EvalAltResult holding error information.

Exceptions thrown via throw in the script can be captured by matching Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime(reason, position)) with the exception text captured by the reason parameter.

let result = engine.eval::<i64>(&mut scope, r#"
    let x = 42;

    if x > 0 {
        throw x + " is too large!";

println!(result);   // prints "Runtime error: 42 is too large! (line 5, position 15)"


Rhai supports defining functions in script:

fn add(x, y) {
    return x + y;

print(add(2, 3));

Just like in Rust, you can also use an implicit return.

fn add(x, y) {
    x + y

print(add(2, 3));

Remember that functions defined in script always take Dynamic arguments (i.e. the arguments can be of any type).

However, all arguments are passed by value, so all functions are pure (i.e. they never modify their arguments). Any update to an argument will not be reflected back to the caller. This can introduce subtle bugs, if you are not careful.

fn change(s) {
    s = 42;     // only a COPY of 'x' is changed

let x = 500;
x == 500;       // 'x' is NOT changed!

Furthermore, functions can only be defined at the top level, never inside a block or another function.

// Top level is OK
fn add(x, y) {
    x + y

// The following will not compile
fn do_addition(x) {
    fn add_y(n) {   // functions cannot be defined inside another function
        n + y


Members and methods

let a = new_ts();
a.x = 500;

print and debug

print("hello");         // prints hello to stdout
print(1 + 2 + 3);       // prints 6 to stdout
print("hello" + 42);    // prints hello42 to stdout
debug("world!");        // prints "world!" to stdout using debug formatting

Overriding print and debug with callback functions

// Any function or closure that takes an &str argument can be used to override print and debug
engine.on_print(|x| println!("hello: {}", x));
engine.on_debug(|x| println!("DEBUG: {}", x));

// Example: quick-'n-dirty logging
let mut log: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

// Redirect print/debug output to 'log'
engine.on_print(|s| log.push(format!("entry: {}", s)));
engine.on_debug(|s| log.push(format!("DEBUG: {}", s)));

// Evalulate script

// 'log' captures all the 'print' and 'debug' output
for entry in log {
    println!("{}", entry);
No description provided
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