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use std::any::TypeId;
use std::cmp::{PartialEq, PartialOrd};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::{Add, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Shl, Shr, Sub};
use std::{convert::TryInto, sync::Arc};
use crate::any::{Any, AnyExt};
use crate::call::FunArgs;
use crate::fn_register::{RegisterBoxFn, RegisterFn};
use crate::parser::{lex, parse, Expr, FnDef, ParseError, Stmt, AST};
use fmt::{Debug, Display};
type Array = Vec<Box<dyn Any>>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum EvalAltResult {
ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(usize, i64),
Return(Box<dyn Any>),
impl EvalAltResult {
fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
Some(match *self {
EvalAltResult::ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref s) => s,
_ => return None,
impl PartialEq for EvalAltResult {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
use EvalAltResult::*;
match (self, other) {
(&ErrorParseError(ref a), &ErrorParseError(ref b)) => a == b,
(&ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref a), &ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref b)) => a == b,
(&ErrorFunctionArgMismatch, &ErrorFunctionArgMismatch) => true,
(&ErrorIndexMismatch, &ErrorIndexMismatch) => true,
(&ErrorArrayMismatch, &ErrorArrayMismatch) => true,
(&ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(max1, index1), &ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(max2, index2)) => {
max1 == max2 && index1 == index2
(&ErrorIfGuardMismatch, &ErrorIfGuardMismatch) => true,
(&ErrorForMismatch, &ErrorForMismatch) => true,
(&ErrorVariableNotFound(ref a), &ErrorVariableNotFound(ref b)) => a == b,
(&ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS, &ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS) => true,
(&ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref a), &ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref b)) => a == b,
(&ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref a), &ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref b)) => a == b,
(&ErrorMalformedDotExpression, &ErrorMalformedDotExpression) => true,
(&LoopBreak, &LoopBreak) => true,
_ => false,
impl Error for EvalAltResult {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(ref p) => p.description(),
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(_) => "Function not found",
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch => "Function argument types do not match",
EvalAltResult::ErrorIndexMismatch => "Array access expects integer index",
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayMismatch => "Indexing can only be performed on an array",
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(_, index) if index < 0 => {
"Array access expects non-negative index"
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(max, _) if max == 0 => "Access of empty array",
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(_, _) => "Array index out of bounds",
EvalAltResult::ErrorIfGuardMismatch => "If guards expect boolean expression",
EvalAltResult::ErrorForMismatch => "For loops expect array",
EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound(_) => "Variable not found",
EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS => {
"Assignment to an unsupported left-hand side expression"
EvalAltResult::ErrorMismatchOutputType(_) => "Output type is incorrect",
EvalAltResult::ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(_) => "Cannot open script file",
EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression => "Malformed dot expression",
EvalAltResult::LoopBreak => "[Not Error] Breaks out of loop",
EvalAltResult::Return(_) => "[Not Error] Function returns value",
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> {
impl fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(s) = self.as_str() {
write!(f, "{}: {}", self.description(), s)
} else {
match self {
EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(ref p) => write!(f, "Syntax error: {}", p),
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(_, index) if *index < 0 => {
write!(f, "{}: {} < 0", self.description(), index)
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(max, _) if *max == 0 => {
write!(f, "{}", self.description())
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(max, index) => {
write!(f, "{} (max {}): {}", self.description(), max - 1, index)
err => write!(f, "{}", err.description()),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct FnSpec {
ident: String,
args: Option<Vec<TypeId>>,
type IteratorFn = dyn Fn(&Box<dyn Any>) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Box<dyn Any>>>;
/// Rhai's engine type. This is what you use to run Rhai scripts
/// ```rust
/// extern crate rhai;
/// use rhai::Engine;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// if let Ok(result) = engine.eval::<i64>("40 + 2") {
/// println!("Answer: {}", result); // prints 42
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Engine {
/// A hashmap containing all functions known to the engine
pub fns: HashMap<FnSpec, Arc<FnIntExt>>,
pub type_iterators: HashMap<TypeId, Arc<IteratorFn>>,
pub enum FnIntExt {
pub type FnAny = dyn Fn(Vec<&mut dyn Any>) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult>;
/// A type containing information about current scope.
/// Useful for keeping state between `Engine` runs
/// ```rust
/// use rhai::{Engine, Scope};
/// let mut engine = Engine::new();
/// let mut my_scope = Scope::new();
/// assert!(engine.eval_with_scope::<()>(&mut my_scope, "let x = 5;").is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(engine.eval_with_scope::<i64>(&mut my_scope, "x + 1").unwrap(), 6);
/// ```
/// Between runs, `Engine` only remembers functions when not using own `Scope`.
pub type Scope = Vec<(String, Box<dyn Any>)>;
impl Engine {
pub fn call_fn<'a, I, A, T>(&self, ident: I, args: A) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult>
I: Into<String>,
A: FunArgs<'a>,
T: Any + Clone,
self.call_fn_raw(ident.into(), args.into_vec())
.and_then(|b| {
.map(|b| *b)
.map_err(|a| EvalAltResult::ErrorMismatchOutputType((*a).type_name()))
/// Universal method for calling functions, that are either
/// registered with the `Engine` or written in Rhai
pub fn call_fn_raw(
ident: String,
args: Vec<&mut dyn Any>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
"Trying to call function {:?} with args {:?}",
.map(|x| Any::type_name(&**x))
let spec = FnSpec {
ident: ident.clone(),
args: Some(args.iter().map(|a| Any::type_id(&**a)).collect()),
.or_else(|| {
let spec1 = FnSpec {
ident: ident.clone(),
args: None,
.ok_or_else(|| {
let typenames = args
.map(|x| (*(&**x).box_clone()).type_name())
"{} ({})",
typenames.join(", ")
.and_then(move |f| match **f {
FnIntExt::Ext(ref f) => f(args),
FnIntExt::Int(ref f) => {
let mut scope = Scope::new();
.zip(args.iter().map(|x| (&**x).box_clone())),
match self.eval_stmt(&mut scope, &*f.body) {
Err(EvalAltResult::Return(x)) => Ok(x),
other => other,
pub fn register_fn_raw(&mut self, ident: String, args: Option<Vec<TypeId>>, f: Box<FnAny>) {
debug_println!("Register; {:?} with args {:?}", ident, args);
let spec = FnSpec { ident, args };
self.fns.insert(spec, Arc::new(FnIntExt::Ext(f)));
/// Register a type for use with Engine. Keep in mind that
/// your type must implement Clone.
pub fn register_type<T: Any>(&mut self) {
// currently a no-op, exists for future extensibility
/// Register an iterator adapter for a type.
pub fn register_iterator<T: Any, F>(&mut self, f: F)
F: 'static + Fn(&Box<dyn Any>) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Box<dyn Any>>>,
self.type_iterators.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), Arc::new(f));
/// Register a get function for a member of a registered type
pub fn register_get<T: Clone + Any, U: Clone + Any, F>(&mut self, name: &str, get_fn: F)
F: 'static + Fn(&mut T) -> U,
let get_name = "get$".to_string() + name;
self.register_fn(&get_name, get_fn);
/// Register a set function for a member of a registered type
pub fn register_set<T: Clone + Any, U: Clone + Any, F>(&mut self, name: &str, set_fn: F)
F: 'static + Fn(&mut T, U) -> (),
let set_name = "set$".to_string() + name;
self.register_fn(&set_name, set_fn);
/// Shorthand for registering both getters and setters
pub fn register_get_set<T: Clone + Any, U: Clone + Any, F, G>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
get_fn: F,
set_fn: G,
) where
F: 'static + Fn(&mut T) -> U,
G: 'static + Fn(&mut T, U) -> (),
self.register_get(name, get_fn);
self.register_set(name, set_fn);
fn get_dot_val_helper(
scope: &mut Scope,
this_ptr: &mut dyn Any,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
use std::iter::once;
match *dot_rhs {
Expr::FunctionCall(ref fn_name, ref args) => {
let mut args: Array = args
.map(|arg| self.eval_expr(scope, arg))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let args = once(this_ptr)
.chain(args.iter_mut().map(|b| b.as_mut()))
self.call_fn_raw(fn_name.to_owned(), args)
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let get_fn_name = "get$".to_string() + id;
self.call_fn_raw(get_fn_name, vec![this_ptr])
Expr::Index(ref id, ref idx_raw) => {
let idx = self.eval_expr(scope, idx_raw)?;
let get_fn_name = "get$".to_string() + id;
let mut val = self.call_fn_raw(get_fn_name, vec![this_ptr])?;
((*val).downcast_mut() as Option<&mut Array>)
.and_then(|arr| {
.map(|idx| (arr, *idx))
.and_then(|(arr, idx)| match idx {
x if x < 0 => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(0, x)),
x => arr
.get(x as usize)
.ok_or(EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(arr.len(), x)),
Expr::Dot(ref inner_lhs, ref inner_rhs) => match **inner_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let get_fn_name = "get$".to_string() + id;
self.call_fn_raw(get_fn_name, vec![this_ptr])
.and_then(|mut v| self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, v.as_mut(), inner_rhs))
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
fn search_scope<'a, F, T>(
scope: &'a mut Scope,
id: &str,
map: F,
) -> Result<(usize, T), EvalAltResult>
F: FnOnce(&'a mut dyn Any) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult>,
.find(|&(_, &mut (ref name, _))| *id == *name)
.ok_or_else(|| EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound(id.to_owned()))
.and_then(move |(idx, &mut (_, ref mut val))| map(val.as_mut()).map(|val| (idx, val)))
fn array_value(
scope: &mut Scope,
id: &str,
idx: &Expr,
) -> Result<(usize, usize, Box<dyn Any>), EvalAltResult> {
let idx_boxed = self
.eval_expr(scope, idx)?
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorIndexMismatch)?;
let idx_raw = *idx_boxed;
let idx = match idx_raw {
x if x < 0 => return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(0, x)),
x => x as usize,
let (idx_sc, val) = Self::search_scope(scope, id, |val| {
((*val).downcast_mut() as Option<&mut Array>)
.and_then(|arr| {
.ok_or(EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(arr.len(), idx_raw))
Ok((idx_sc, idx, val))
fn get_dot_val(
scope: &mut Scope,
dot_lhs: &Expr,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let (sc_idx, mut target) = Self::search_scope(scope, id, |x| Ok(x.box_clone()))?;
let value = self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, target.as_mut(), dot_rhs);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to reassign it because
// of the above `clone`.
scope[sc_idx].1 = target;
Expr::Index(ref id, ref idx_raw) => {
let (sc_idx, idx, mut target) = self.array_value(scope, id, idx_raw)?;
let value = self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, target.as_mut(), dot_rhs);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to reassign it because
// of the above `clone`.
scope[sc_idx].1.downcast_mut::<Array>().unwrap()[idx] = target;
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
fn set_dot_val_helper(
this_ptr: &mut dyn Any,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
mut source_val: Box<dyn Any>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_rhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let set_fn_name = "set$".to_string() + id;
self.call_fn_raw(set_fn_name, vec![this_ptr, source_val.as_mut()])
Expr::Dot(ref inner_lhs, ref inner_rhs) => match **inner_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let get_fn_name = "get$".to_string() + id;
self.call_fn_raw(get_fn_name, vec![this_ptr])
.and_then(|mut v| {
self.set_dot_val_helper(v.as_mut(), inner_rhs, source_val)
.map(|_| v) // Discard Ok return value
.and_then(|mut v| {
let set_fn_name = "set$".to_string() + id;
self.call_fn_raw(set_fn_name, vec![this_ptr, v.as_mut()])
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
fn set_dot_val(
scope: &mut Scope,
dot_lhs: &Expr,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
source_val: Box<dyn Any>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let (sc_idx, mut target) = Self::search_scope(scope, id, |x| Ok(x.box_clone()))?;
let value = self.set_dot_val_helper(target.as_mut(), dot_rhs, source_val);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to reassign it because
// of the above `clone`.
scope[sc_idx].1 = target;
Expr::Index(ref id, ref idx_raw) => {
let (sc_idx, idx, mut target) = self.array_value(scope, id, idx_raw)?;
let value = self.set_dot_val_helper(target.as_mut(), dot_rhs, source_val);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to reassign it because
// of the above `clone`.
scope[sc_idx].1.downcast_mut::<Array>().unwrap()[idx] = target;
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMalformedDotExpression),
fn eval_expr(&self, scope: &mut Scope, expr: &Expr) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *expr {
Expr::IntegerConstant(i) => Ok(Box::new(i)),
Expr::FloatConstant(i) => Ok(Box::new(i)),
Expr::StringConstant(ref s) => Ok(Box::new(s.clone())),
Expr::CharConstant(ref c) => Ok(Box::new(*c)),
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
return Ok(val.clone());
Expr::Index(ref id, ref idx_raw) => {
self.array_value(scope, id, idx_raw).map(|(_, _, x)| x)
Expr::Assignment(ref id, ref rhs) => {
let rhs_val = self.eval_expr(scope, rhs)?;
match **id {
Expr::Identifier(ref n) => {
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *n == *name {
*val = rhs_val;
return Ok(Box::new(()));
Expr::Index(ref id, ref idx_raw) => {
let idx = self.eval_expr(scope, idx_raw)?;
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
return if let Some(&i) = idx.downcast_ref::<i64>() {
if let Some(arr_typed) =
(*val).downcast_mut() as Option<&mut Array>
if i < 0 {
Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayOutOfBounds(0, i))
} else if i as usize >= arr_typed.len() {
} else {
arr_typed[i as usize] = rhs_val;
} else {
} else {
Expr::Dot(ref dot_lhs, ref dot_rhs) => {
self.set_dot_val(scope, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, rhs_val)
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS),
Expr::Dot(ref lhs, ref rhs) => self.get_dot_val(scope, lhs, rhs),
Expr::Array(ref contents) => {
let mut arr = Vec::new();
for item in &(*contents) {
let arg = self.eval_expr(scope, item)?;
Expr::FunctionCall(ref fn_name, ref args) => self.call_fn_raw(
.map(|ex| self.eval_expr(scope, ex))
.collect::<Result<Array, _>>()?
.map(|b| b.as_mut())
Expr::True => Ok(Box::new(true)),
Expr::False => Ok(Box::new(false)),
Expr::Unit => Ok(Box::new(())),
fn eval_stmt(&self, scope: &mut Scope, stmt: &Stmt) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *stmt {
Stmt::Expr(ref e) => self.eval_expr(scope, e),
Stmt::Block(ref b) => {
let prev_len = scope.len();
let mut last_result: Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> = Ok(Box::new(()));
for s in b.iter() {
last_result = self.eval_stmt(scope, s);
if let Err(x) = last_result {
last_result = Err(x);
while scope.len() > prev_len {
Stmt::If(ref guard, ref body) => {
let guard_result = self.eval_expr(scope, guard)?;
match guard_result.downcast::<bool>() {
Ok(g) => {
if *g {
self.eval_stmt(scope, body)
} else {
Err(_) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorIfGuardMismatch),
Stmt::IfElse(ref guard, ref body, ref else_body) => {
let guard_result = self.eval_expr(scope, guard)?;
match guard_result.downcast::<bool>() {
Ok(g) => {
if *g {
self.eval_stmt(scope, body)
} else {
self.eval_stmt(scope, else_body)
Err(_) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorIfGuardMismatch),
Stmt::While(ref guard, ref body) => loop {
let guard_result = self.eval_expr(scope, guard)?;
match guard_result.downcast::<bool>() {
Ok(g) => {
if *g {
match self.eval_stmt(scope, body) {
Err(EvalAltResult::LoopBreak) => return Ok(Box::new(())),
Err(x) => return Err(x),
_ => (),
} else {
return Ok(Box::new(()));
Err(_) => return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorIfGuardMismatch),
Stmt::Loop(ref body) => loop {
match self.eval_stmt(scope, body) {
Err(EvalAltResult::LoopBreak) => return Ok(Box::new(())),
Err(x) => return Err(x),
_ => (),
Stmt::For(ref name, ref expr, ref body) => {
let arr = self.eval_expr(scope, expr)?;
let tid = Any::type_id(&*arr);
if let Some(iter_fn) = self.type_iterators.get(&tid) {
scope.push((name.clone(), Box::new(())));
let idx = scope.len() - 1;
for a in iter_fn(&arr) {
scope[idx].1 = a;
match self.eval_stmt(scope, body) {
Err(EvalAltResult::LoopBreak) => break,
Err(x) => return Err(x),
_ => (),
} else {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorForMismatch);
Stmt::Break => Err(EvalAltResult::LoopBreak),
Stmt::Return => Err(EvalAltResult::Return(Box::new(()))),
Stmt::ReturnWithVal(ref a) => {
let result = self.eval_expr(scope, a)?;
Stmt::Let(ref name, ref init) => {
match *init {
Some(ref v) => {
let i = self.eval_expr(scope, v)?;
scope.push((name.clone(), i));
None => scope.push((name.clone(), Box::new(()))),
/// Compile a string into an AST
pub fn compile(input: &str) -> Result<AST, ParseError> {
let tokens = lex(input);
let mut peekables = tokens.peekable();
let tree = parse(&mut peekables);
/// Compile a file into an AST
pub fn compile_file(fname: &str) -> Result<AST, EvalAltResult> {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
if let Ok(mut f) = File::open(fname) {
let mut contents = String::new();
if f.read_to_string(&mut contents).is_ok() {
Self::compile(&contents).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(err))
} else {
} else {
/// Evaluate a file
pub fn eval_file<T: Any + Clone>(&mut self, fname: &str) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
if let Ok(mut f) = File::open(fname) {
let mut contents = String::new();
if f.read_to_string(&mut contents).is_ok() {
} else {
} else {
/// Evaluate a string
pub fn eval<T: Any + Clone>(&mut self, input: &str) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
let mut scope = Scope::new();
self.eval_with_scope(&mut scope, input)
/// Evaluate a string with own scope
pub fn eval_with_scope<T: Any + Clone>(
&mut self,
scope: &mut Scope,
input: &str,
) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
let ast = Self::compile(input).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(err))?;
self.eval_ast_with_scope(scope, &ast)
/// Evaluate an AST
pub fn eval_ast<T: Any + Clone>(&mut self, ast: &AST) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
let mut scope = Scope::new();
self.eval_ast_with_scope(&mut scope, ast)
/// Evaluate an AST with own scope
pub fn eval_ast_with_scope<T: Any + Clone>(
&mut self,
scope: &mut Scope,
ast: &AST,
) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
let AST(os, fns) = ast;
let mut x: Result<Box<dyn Any>, EvalAltResult> = Ok(Box::new(()));
for f in fns {
let name = f.name.clone();
let local_f = f.clone();
let spec = FnSpec {
ident: name,
args: None,
self.fns.insert(spec, Arc::new(FnIntExt::Int(local_f)));
for o in os {
x = match self.eval_stmt(scope, o) {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
let x = x?;
match x.downcast::<T>() {
Ok(out) => Ok(*out),
Err(a) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorMismatchOutputType((*a).type_name())),
/// Evaluate a file, but only return errors, if there are any.
/// Useful for when you don't need the result, but still need
/// to keep track of possible errors
pub fn consume_file(&mut self, fname: &str) -> Result<(), EvalAltResult> {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
if let Ok(mut f) = File::open(fname) {
let mut contents = String::new();
if f.read_to_string(&mut contents).is_ok() {
if let e @ Err(_) = self.consume(&contents) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
/// Evaluate a string, but only return errors, if there are any.
/// Useful for when you don't need the result, but still need
/// to keep track of possible errors
pub fn consume(&mut self, input: &str) -> Result<(), EvalAltResult> {
self.consume_with_scope(&mut Scope::new(), input)
/// Evaluate a string with own scope, but only return errors, if there are any.
/// Useful for when you don't need the result, but still need
/// to keep track of possible errors
pub fn consume_with_scope(
&mut self,
scope: &mut Scope,
input: &str,
) -> Result<(), EvalAltResult> {
let tokens = lex(input);
let mut peekables = tokens.peekable();
let tree = parse(&mut peekables);
match tree {
Ok(AST(ref os, ref fns)) => {
for f in fns {
if f.params.len() > 6 {
return Ok(());
let name = f.name.clone();
let local_f = f.clone();
let spec = FnSpec {
ident: name,
args: None,
self.fns.insert(spec, Arc::new(FnIntExt::Int(local_f)));
for o in os {
if let Err(e) = self.eval_stmt(scope, o) {
return Err(e);
Err(_) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch),
/// Register the default library. That means, numeric types, char, bool
/// String, arithmetics and string concatenations.
pub fn register_default_lib(engine: &mut Engine) {
macro_rules! reg_op {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(x: $y, y: $y)->$y);
macro_rules! reg_un {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(x: $y)->$y);
macro_rules! reg_cmp {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(x: $y, y: $y)->bool);
macro_rules! reg_func1 {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $r:ty, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(x: $y)->$r);
macro_rules! reg_func2x {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $v:ty, $r:ty, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(x: $v, y: $y)->$r);
macro_rules! reg_func2y {
($engine:expr, $x:expr, $op:expr, $v:ty, $r:ty, $( $y:ty ),*) => (
$engine.register_fn($x, $op as fn(y: $y, x: $v)->$r);
fn add<T: Add>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Add>::Output {
x + y
fn sub<T: Sub>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Sub>::Output {
x - y
fn mul<T: Mul>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Mul>::Output {
x * y
fn div<T: Div>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Div>::Output {
x / y
fn neg<T: Neg>(x: T) -> <T as Neg>::Output {
fn lt<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x < y
fn lte<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x <= y
fn gt<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x > y
fn gte<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x >= y
fn eq<T: PartialEq>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x == y
fn ne<T: PartialEq>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
x != y
fn and(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool {
x && y
fn or(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool {
x || y
fn not(x: bool) -> bool {
fn concat(x: String, y: String) -> String {
x + &y
fn binary_and<T: BitAnd>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as BitAnd>::Output {
x & y
fn binary_or<T: BitOr>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as BitOr>::Output {
x | y
fn binary_xor<T: BitXor>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as BitXor>::Output {
x ^ y
fn left_shift<T: Shl<T>>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Shl<T>>::Output {
fn right_shift<T: Shr<T>>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Shr<T>>::Output {
fn modulo<T: Rem<T>>(x: T, y: T) -> <T as Rem<T>>::Output {
x % y
fn pow_i64_i64(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
x.pow(y as u32)
fn pow_f64_f64(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
fn pow_f64_i64(x: f64, y: i64) -> f64 {
x.powi(y as i32)
fn unit_eq(_a: (), _b: ()) -> bool {
reg_op!(engine, "+", add, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64);
reg_op!(engine, "-", sub, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64);
reg_op!(engine, "*", mul, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64);
reg_op!(engine, "/", div, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, "<", lt, i32, i64, u32, u64, String, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, "<=", lte, i32, i64, u32, u64, String, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, ">", gt, i32, i64, u32, u64, String, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, ">=", gte, i32, i64, u32, u64, String, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, "==", eq, i32, i64, u32, u64, bool, String, f64);
reg_cmp!(engine, "!=", ne, i32, i64, u32, u64, bool, String, f64);
reg_op!(engine, "||", or, bool);
reg_op!(engine, "&&", and, bool);
reg_op!(engine, "|", binary_or, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(engine, "|", or, bool);
reg_op!(engine, "&", binary_and, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(engine, "&", and, bool);
reg_op!(engine, "^", binary_xor, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(engine, "<<", left_shift, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(engine, ">>", right_shift, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(engine, "%", modulo, i32, i64, u32, u64);
engine.register_fn("~", pow_i64_i64);
engine.register_fn("~", pow_f64_f64);
engine.register_fn("~", pow_f64_i64);
reg_un!(engine, "-", neg, i32, i64, f32, f64);
reg_un!(engine, "!", not, bool);
engine.register_fn("+", concat);
engine.register_fn("==", unit_eq);
// engine.register_fn("[]", idx);
// FIXME? Registering array lookups are a special case because we want to return boxes
// directly let ent = engine.fns.entry("[]".to_string()).or_insert_with(Vec::new);
// (*ent).push(FnType::ExternalFn2(Box::new(idx)));
// Register print and debug
fn print_debug<T: Debug>(x: T) {
println!("{:?}", x);
fn print<T: Display>(x: T) {
println!("{}", x);
reg_func1!(engine, "print", print, (), i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_func1!(engine, "print", print, (), f32, f64, bool, String);
reg_func1!(engine, "print", print_debug, (), Array);
engine.register_fn("print", |_: ()| println!());
reg_func1!(engine, "debug", print_debug, (), i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_func1!(engine, "debug", print_debug, (), f32, f64, bool, String);
reg_func1!(engine, "debug", print_debug, (), Array, ());
// Register array functions
fn push<T: Any + 'static>(list: &mut Array, item: T) {
reg_func2x!(engine, "push", push, &mut Array, (), i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_func2x!(engine, "push", push, &mut Array, (), f32, f64, bool);
reg_func2x!(engine, "push", push, &mut Array, (), String, Array, ());
engine.register_box_fn("pop", |list: &mut Array| list.pop().unwrap());
engine.register_box_fn("shift", |list: &mut Array| list.remove(0));
engine.register_fn("len", |list: &mut Array| -> i64 {
// Register string concatenate functions
fn prepend<T: Display>(x: T, y: String) -> String {
format!("{}{}", x, y)
fn append<T: Display>(x: String, y: T) -> String {
format!("{}{}", x, y)
reg_func2x!(engine, "+", append, String, String, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64, bool);
engine.register_fn("+", |x: String, y: Array| format!("{}{:?}", x, y));
engine.register_fn("+", |x: String, _: ()| format!("{}", x));
reg_func2y!(engine, "+", prepend, String, String, i32, i64, u32, u64, f32, f64, bool);
engine.register_fn("+", |x: Array, y: String| format!("{:?}{}", x, y));
engine.register_fn("+", |_: (), y: String| format!("{}", y));
// Register array iterator
engine.register_iterator::<Array, _>(|a| {
// Register range function
use std::ops::Range;
engine.register_iterator::<Range<i64>, _>(|a| {
.map(|n| Box::new(n) as Box<dyn Any>),
engine.register_fn("range", |i1: i64, i2: i64| (i1..i2));
/// Make a new engine
pub fn new() -> Engine {
let mut engine = Engine {
fns: HashMap::new(),
type_iterators: HashMap::new(),
Engine::register_default_lib(&mut engine);