Nathan Kent 86d86a85e4 Remove unsound casting functions
The casting functions in `unsafe.rs` were unsound (i.e., they allowed
safe code to cause undefined behavior). While they did appear to be used
in a way that wouldn't cause UB the fact that there exists unsound
functions is unsettling.

This commit removes those functions and replaces it with a macro that
performs the same reification - the difference is that the macro call
will also include the checks which are required to prevent UB. A macro
was chosen instead of a function for two reasons:

1. A macro can keep the same code generation whereas a function would
   require going through an `Option` which has negative impacts on code
   generation (niche values cause poor DCE).
2. There exist other `unsafe` code blocks in the crate and an attempt to
   make Rhai 100% safe is completely out-of-scope for this merge
   request, so we may as well use `unsafe` in the macro.

Regarding (2) above, I may come back at a later date with a 100% safe
`reify` function but only once the other `unsafe` blocks are removed.
For posterity, said function would look something like:

fn reify<A: Any, C>(value: A) -> Option<C> {
    let mut v = Some(value);
    let v: &mut dyn Any = &mut v;
2022-02-05 16:29:05 -08:00

354 lines
13 KiB

//! Module implementing custom syntax for [`Engine`].
use crate::ast::Expr;
use crate::func::native::SendSync;
use crate::parser::ParseResult;
use crate::tokenizer::{is_valid_identifier, Token};
use crate::types::dynamic::Variant;
use crate::{
Engine, EvalContext, Identifier, ImmutableString, LexError, Position, RhaiResult, Shared,
StaticVec, reify,
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::ops::Deref;
/// Collection of special markers for custom syntax definition.
pub mod markers {
/// Special marker for matching an expression.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_EXPR: &str = "$expr$";
/// Special marker for matching a statements block.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_BLOCK: &str = "$block$";
/// Special marker for matching an identifier.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_IDENT: &str = "$ident$";
/// Special marker for matching a single symbol.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_SYMBOL: &str = "$symbol$";
/// Special marker for matching a string literal.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_STRING: &str = "$string$";
/// Special marker for matching an integer number.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_INT: &str = "$int$";
/// Special marker for matching a floating-point number.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_FLOAT: &str = "$float$";
/// Special marker for matching a boolean value.
pub const CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_BOOL: &str = "$bool$";
/// Special marker for identifying the custom syntax variant.
/// A general expression evaluation trait object.
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))]
pub type FnCustomSyntaxEval = dyn Fn(&mut EvalContext, &[Expression]) -> RhaiResult;
/// A general expression evaluation trait object.
#[cfg(feature = "sync")]
pub type FnCustomSyntaxEval = dyn Fn(&mut EvalContext, &[Expression]) -> RhaiResult + Send + Sync;
/// A general expression parsing trait object.
#[cfg(not(feature = "sync"))]
pub type FnCustomSyntaxParse =
dyn Fn(&[ImmutableString], &str) -> ParseResult<Option<ImmutableString>>;
/// A general expression parsing trait object.
#[cfg(feature = "sync")]
pub type FnCustomSyntaxParse =
dyn Fn(&[ImmutableString], &str) -> ParseResult<Option<ImmutableString>> + Send + Sync;
/// An expression sub-tree in an [`AST`][crate::AST].
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Expression<'a>(&'a Expr);
impl<'a> From<&'a Expr> for Expression<'a> {
fn from(expr: &'a Expr) -> Self {
impl Expression<'_> {
/// Get the value of this expression if it is a variable name or a string constant.
/// Returns [`None`] also if the constant is not of the specified type.
pub fn get_string_value(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self.0 {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
Expr::Variable(_, _, x) if x.1.is_some() => None,
Expr::Variable(_, _, x) => Some(x.2.as_str()),
Expr::StringConstant(x, _) => Some(x.as_str()),
_ => None,
/// Get the position of this expression.
pub const fn position(&self) -> Position {
/// Get the value of this expression if it is a literal constant.
/// Supports [`INT`][crate::INT], [`FLOAT`][crate::FLOAT], `()`, `char`, `bool` and
/// [`ImmutableString`][crate::ImmutableString].
/// Returns [`None`] also if the constant is not of the specified type.
pub fn get_literal_value<T: Variant>(&self) -> Option<T> {
// Coded this way in order to maximally leverage potentials for dead-code removal.
match self.0 {
Expr::IntegerConstant(x, _) => reify!(x, |x: T| Some(x), || None),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
Expr::FloatConstant(x, _) => reify!(x, |x: T| Some(x), || None),
Expr::CharConstant(x, _) => reify!(x, |x: T| Some(x), || None),
Expr::StringConstant(x, _) => reify!(x.clone(), |x: T| Some(x), || None),
Expr::Variable(_, _, x) => {
let x = Into::<ImmutableString>::into(&x.2);
reify!(x, |x: T| Some(x), || None)
Expr::BoolConstant(x, _) => reify!(x, |x: T| Some(x), || None),
Expr::Unit(_) => reify!((), |x: T| Some(x), || None),
_ => None,
impl AsRef<Expr> for Expression<'_> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Expr {
impl Deref for Expression<'_> {
type Target = Expr;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl EvalContext<'_, '_, '_, '_, '_, '_, '_, '_, '_, '_> {
/// Evaluate an [expression tree][Expression].
/// # WARNING - Low Level API
/// This function is very low level. It evaluates an expression from an [`AST`][crate::AST].
pub fn eval_expression_tree(&mut self, expr: &Expression) -> RhaiResult {
/// Definition of a custom syntax definition.
pub struct CustomSyntax {
/// A parsing function to return the next token in a custom syntax based on the
/// symbols parsed so far.
pub parse: Box<FnCustomSyntaxParse>,
/// Custom syntax implementation function.
pub func: Shared<FnCustomSyntaxEval>,
/// Any variables added/removed in the scope?
pub scope_may_be_changed: bool,
impl Engine {
/// Register a custom syntax with the [`Engine`].
/// * `symbols` holds a slice of strings that define the custom syntax.
/// * `scope_may_be_changed` specifies variables _may_ be added/removed by this custom syntax.
/// * `func` is the implementation function.
/// ## Note on `symbols`
/// * Whitespaces around symbols are stripped.
/// * Symbols that are all-whitespace or empty are ignored.
/// * If `symbols` does not contain at least one valid token, then the custom syntax registration
/// is simply ignored.
/// ## Note on `scope_may_be_changed`
/// If `scope_may_be_changed` is `true`, then _size_ of the current [`Scope`][crate::Scope]
/// _may_ be modified by this custom syntax.
/// Adding new variables and/or removing variables count.
/// Simply modifying the values of existing variables does NOT count, as the _size_ of the
/// current [`Scope`][crate::Scope] is unchanged, so `false` should be passed.
/// Replacing one variable with another (i.e. adding a new variable and removing one variable at
/// the same time so that the total _size_ of the [`Scope`][crate::Scope] is unchanged) also
/// does NOT count, so `false` should be passed.
pub fn register_custom_syntax<S: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>>(
&mut self,
symbols: impl AsRef<[S]>,
scope_may_be_changed: bool,
func: impl Fn(&mut EvalContext, &[Expression]) -> RhaiResult + SendSync + 'static,
) -> ParseResult<&mut Self> {
use markers::*;
let mut segments = StaticVec::<ImmutableString>::new();
for s in symbols.as_ref() {
let s = s.as_ref().trim();
// Skip empty symbols
if s.is_empty() {
let token = Token::lookup_from_syntax(s);
let seg = match s {
// Markers not in first position
if !segments.is_empty() =>
// Markers not in first position
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
CUSTOM_SYNTAX_MARKER_FLOAT if !segments.is_empty() => s.into(),
// Standard or reserved keyword/symbol not in first position
_ if !segments.is_empty() && token.is_some() => {
// Make it a custom keyword/symbol if it is disabled or reserved
if (self.disabled_symbols.contains(s)
|| token.map_or(false, |v| v.is_reserved()))
&& !self.custom_keywords.contains_key(s)
self.custom_keywords.insert(s.into(), None);
// Standard keyword in first position but not disabled
_ if segments.is_empty()
&& token.as_ref().map_or(false, |v| v.is_standard_keyword())
&& !self.disabled_symbols.contains(s) =>
return Err(LexError::ImproperSymbol(
"Improper symbol for custom syntax at position #{}: '{}'",
segments.len() + 1,
// Identifier in first position
_ if segments.is_empty() && is_valid_identifier(s.chars()) => {
// Make it a custom keyword/symbol if it is disabled or reserved
if self.disabled_symbols.contains(s) || token.map_or(false, |v| v.is_reserved())
if !self.custom_keywords.contains_key(s) {
self.custom_keywords.insert(s.into(), None);
// Anything else is an error
_ => {
return Err(LexError::ImproperSymbol(
"Improper symbol for custom syntax at position #{}: '{}'",
segments.len() + 1,
// If the syntax has no symbols, just ignore the registration
if segments.is_empty() {
return Ok(self);
// The first keyword is the discriminator
let key = segments[0].clone();
// Construct the parsing function
move |stream, _| {
if stream.len() >= segments.len() {
} else {
/// Register a custom syntax with the [`Engine`].
/// # WARNING - Low Level API
/// This function is very low level.
/// * `scope_may_be_changed` specifies variables have been added/removed by this custom syntax.
/// * `parse` is the parsing function.
/// * `func` is the implementation function.
/// All custom keywords used as symbols must be manually registered via [`Engine::register_custom_operator`].
/// Otherwise, they won't be recognized.
/// # Implementation Function Signature
/// The implementation function has the following signature:
/// > `Fn(symbols: &[ImmutableString], look_ahead: &str) -> Result<Option<ImmutableString>, ParseError>`
/// where:
/// * `symbols`: a slice of symbols that have been parsed so far, possibly containing `$expr$` and/or `$block$`;
/// `$ident$` and other literal markers are replaced by the actual text
/// * `look_ahead`: a string slice containing the next symbol that is about to be read
/// ## Return value
/// * `Ok(None)`: parsing complete and there are no more symbols to match.
/// * `Ok(Some(symbol))`: the next symbol to match, which can also be `$expr$`, `$ident$` or `$block$`.
/// * `Err(ParseError)`: error that is reflected back to the [`Engine`], normally `ParseError(ParseErrorType::BadInput(LexError::ImproperSymbol(message)), Position::NONE)` to indicate a syntax error, but it can be any [`ParseError`][crate::ParseError].
pub fn register_custom_syntax_raw(
&mut self,
key: impl Into<Identifier>,
parse: impl Fn(&[ImmutableString], &str) -> ParseResult<Option<ImmutableString>>
+ SendSync
+ 'static,
scope_may_be_changed: bool,
func: impl Fn(&mut EvalContext, &[Expression]) -> RhaiResult + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
CustomSyntax {
parse: Box::new(parse),
func: (Box::new(func) as Box<FnCustomSyntaxEval>).into(),