#![cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, Map, ParseErrorType, Scope, INT}; #[test] fn test_map_indexing() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] { assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; x["b"]"#)?, 2 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3,}; x["b"]"#)?, 2 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" let y = #{d: 1, "e": #{a: 42, b: 88, "": "hello"}, " 123 xyz": 9}; y.e[""][4] "# )?, 'o' ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"let a = [#{s:"hello"}]; a[0].s[2] = 'X'; a[0].s"#)?, "heXlo" ); } assert_eq!( engine.eval::("let y = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; y.a = 5; y.a")?, 5 ); engine.eval::<()>("let y = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; y.z")?; assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"let y = #{`a\nb`: 1}; y["a\\nb"]"#)?, 1 ); assert!(matches!( *engine .eval::("let y = #{`a${1}`: 1}; y.a1") .expect_err("should error"), EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(ParseErrorType::PropertyExpected, _) )); assert!(engine.eval::(r#"let y = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; "c" in y"#)?); assert!(engine.eval::(r#"let y = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; "b" in y"#)?); assert!(!engine.eval::(r#"let y = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; "z" in y"#)?); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; let c = x.remove("c"); x.len() + c "# )?, 5 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r" let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; let y = #{b: 42, d: 9}; x.mixin(y); x.len() + x.b " )?, 46 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r" let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; x += #{b: 42, d: 9}; x.len() + x.b " )?, 46 ); assert_eq!( engine .eval::( r" let x = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; let y = #{b: 42, d: 9}; x + y " )? .len(), 4 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_map_assign() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); let x = engine.eval::(r#"let x = #{a: 1, b: true, "c$": "hello"}; x"#)?; assert_eq!(x["a"].clone_cast::(), 1); assert_eq!(x["b"].clone_cast::(), true); assert_eq!(x["c$"].clone_cast::(), "hello"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_map_return() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); let x = engine.eval::(r#"#{a: 1, b: true, "c$": "hello"}"#)?; assert_eq!(x["a"].clone_cast::(), 1); assert_eq!(x["b"].clone_cast::(), true); assert_eq!(x["c$"].clone_cast::(), "hello"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] fn test_map_for() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); assert_eq!( engine .eval::( r#" let map = #{a: 1, b_x: true, "$c d e!": "hello"}; let s = ""; for key in keys(map) { s += key; } s "# )? .len(), 11 ); Ok(()) } #[test] /// Because a Rhai object map literal is almost the same as JSON, /// it is possible to convert from JSON into a Rhai object map. fn test_map_json() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); let json = r#"{"a":1, "b":true, "c":42, "$d e f!":"hello", "z":null}"#; let map = engine.parse_json(json, true)?; assert!(!map.contains_key("x")); assert_eq!(map["a"].clone_cast::(), 1); assert_eq!(map["b"].clone_cast::(), true); assert_eq!(map["c"].clone_cast::(), 42); assert_eq!(map["$d e f!"].clone_cast::(), "hello"); assert_eq!(map["z"].clone_cast::<()>(), ()); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] { let mut scope = Scope::new(); scope.push_constant("map", map); assert_eq!( engine .eval_with_scope::( &mut scope, r#" let s = ""; for key in keys(map) { s += key; } s "# )? .len(), 11 ); } engine.parse_json(&format!("#{}", json), true)?; assert!(matches!( *engine.parse_json(" 123", true).expect_err("should error"), EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(ParseErrorType::MissingToken(token, _), pos) if token == "{" && pos.position() == Some(4) )); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] fn test_map_oop() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" let obj = #{ data: 40, action: Fn("abc") }; fn abc(x) { this.data += x; } obj.action(2); obj.data "#, )?, 42 ); Ok(()) }