Custom Type Getters and Setters ============================== {{#include ../}} A custom type can also expose members by registering `get` and/or `set` functions. Getters and setters each take a `&mut` reference to the first parameter. ```rust #[derive(Clone)] struct TestStruct { field: String } impl TestStruct { // Returning a 'String' is OK - Rhai converts it into 'ImmutableString' fn get_field(&mut self) -> String { self.field.clone() } // Remember Rhai uses 'ImmutableString' or '&str' instead of 'String' fn set_field(&mut self, new_val: ImmutableString) { // Get a 'String' from an 'ImmutableString' self.field = (*new_val).clone(); } fn new() -> Self { TestStruct { field: "hello" } } } let mut engine = Engine::new(); engine .register_type::() .register_get_set("xyz", TestStruct::get_field, TestStruct::set_field) .register_fn("new_ts", TestStruct::new); // Return result can be 'String' - Rhai will automatically convert it from 'ImmutableString' let result = engine.eval::(r#"let a = new_ts(); = "42";"#)?; println!("Answer: {}", result); // prints 42 ```