// This script uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to calculate prime numbers.

let now = timestamp();

const MAX_NUMBER_TO_CHECK = 1_000_000;     // 9592 primes <= 100000

let prime_mask = [];
prime_mask.pad(MAX_NUMBER_TO_CHECK, true);

prime_mask[0] = false;
prime_mask[1] = false;

let total_primes_found = 0;

for p in range(2, MAX_NUMBER_TO_CHECK) {
    if !prime_mask[p] { continue; }


    total_primes_found += 1;

    for i in range(2 * p, MAX_NUMBER_TO_CHECK, p) {
        prime_mask[i] = false;
        i += p;

print("Total " + total_primes_found + " primes <= " + MAX_NUMBER_TO_CHECK);
print("Run time = " + now.elapsed + " seconds.");

if total_primes_found != 78_498 {
    print("The answer is WRONG! Should be 78,498!");