The Rhai Scripting Language ========================== 1. [What is Rhai](about/ 1. [Features](about/ 2. [Supported Targets and Builds](about/ 3. [What Rhai Isn't](about/ 4. [Licensing](about/ 5. [Related Resources](about/ 2. [Getting Started](start/ 1. [Online Playground](start/ 2. [Install the Rhai Crate](start/ 3. [Optional Features](start/ 4. [Special Builds](start/builds/ 1. [Performance](start/builds/ 2. [Minimal](start/builds/ 3. [no-std](start/builds/ 4. [WebAssembly (WASM)](start/builds/ 5. [Examples](start/examples/ 1. [Rust](start/examples/ 2. [Scripts](start/examples/ 3. [Using the `Engine`](engine/ 1. [Hello World in Rhai - Evaluate a Script](engine/ 2. [Compile to AST for Repeated Evaluations](engine/ 3. [Call a Rhai Function from Rust](engine/ 4. [Create a Rust Anonymous Function from a Rhai Function](engine/ 5. [Evaluate Expressions Only](engine/ 6. [Raw Engine](engine/ 4. [Extend Rhai with Rust](rust/ 1. [Traits](rust/ 2. [Register a Rust Function](rust/ 1. [String Parameters in Rust Functions](rust/ 3. [Register a Generic Rust Function](rust/ 4. [Register a Fallible Rust Function](rust/ 5. [Packages](rust/packages/ 1. [Built-in Packages](rust/packages/ 2. [Create a Custom Package](rust/packages/ 6. [Override a Built-in Function](rust/ 7. [Operator Overloading](rust/ 8. [Register a Custom Type and its Methods](rust/ 1. [Getters and Setters](rust/ 2. [Indexers](rust/ 3. [Disable Custom Types](rust/ 4. [Printing Custom Types](rust/ 9. [Scope - Initializing and Maintaining State](rust/ 10. [Engine Configuration Options](rust/ 5. [Rhai Language Reference](language/ 1. [Comments](language/ 2. [Values and Types](language/ 1. [Dynamic Values](language/ 2. [type-of()](language/ 3. [Numbers](language/ 1. [Operators](language/ 2. [Functions](language/ 3. [Value Conversions](language/ 4. [Strings and Characters](language/ 1. [Built-in Functions](language/ 5. [Arrays](language/ 6. [Object Maps](language/ 1. [Parse from JSON](language/ 2. [Special Support for OOP](language/ 7. [Time-Stamps](language/ 3. [Keywords](language/ 4. [Statements](language/ 5. [Variables](language/ 6. [Constants](language/ 7. [Logic Operators](language/ 8. [Other Operators](language/ 9. [If Statement](language/ 10. [While Loop](language/ 11. [Loop Statement](language/ 12. [For Loop](language/ 13. [Return Values](language/ 14. [Throw Exception on Error](language/ 15. [Functions](language/ 1. [Call Method as Function](language/ 2. [Overloading](language/ 3. [Namespaces](language/ 4. [Function Pointers](language/ 5. [Anonymous Functions](language/ 6. [Currying](language/ 7. [Closures](language/ 16. [Print and Debug](language/ 17. [Modules](language/modules/ 1. [Export Variables, Functions and Sub-Modules](language/modules/ 2. [Import Modules](language/modules/ 3. [Create from Rust](rust/modules/ 4. [Create from AST](language/modules/ 5. [Module Resolvers](rust/modules/ 1. [Custom Implementation](rust/modules/ 6. [Safety and Protection](safety/ 1. [Checked Arithmetic](safety/ 2. [Sand-Boxing](safety/ 3. [Maximum Length of Strings](safety/ 4. [Maximum Size of Arrays](safety/ 5. [Maximum Size of Object Maps](safety/ 6. [Maximum Number of Operations](safety/ 1. [Tracking Progress and Force-Termination](safety/ 7. [Maximum Number of Modules](safety/ 8. [Maximum Call Stack Depth](safety/ 9. [Maximum Statement Depth](safety/ 7. [Advanced Topics]( 1. [Advanced Patterns](patterns/ 1. [Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)](patterns/ 2. [Loadable Configuration](patterns/ 3. [Control Layer](patterns/ 4. [Singleton Command](patterns/ 2. [Capture Scope for Function Call](language/ 3. [Serialization/Deserialization of `Dynamic` with `serde`](rust/ 4. [Script Optimization](engine/optimize/ 1. [Optimization Levels](engine/optimize/ 2. [Re-Optimize an AST](engine/optimize/ 3. [Eager Function Evaluation](engine/optimize/ 4. [Side-Effect Considerations](engine/optimize/ 5. [Volatility Considerations](engine/optimize/ 6. [Subtle Semantic Changes](engine/optimize/ 5. [Low-Level API](rust/ 6. [Use as DSL](engine/ 1. [Disable Keywords and/or Operators](engine/ 2. [Custom Operators](engine/ 3. [Extending with Custom Syntax](engine/ 7. [Eval Statement](language/ 8. [Appendix](appendix/ 1. [Keywords](appendix/ 2. [Operators and Symbols](appendix/ 3. [Literals](appendix/