Numbers ======= {{#include ../}} Integer numbers follow C-style format with support for decimal, binary ('`0b`'), octal ('`0o`') and hex ('`0x`') notations. The default system integer type (also aliased to `INT`) is `i64`. It can be turned into `i32` via the [`only_i32`] feature. Floating-point numbers are also supported if not disabled with [`no_float`]. The default system floating-point type is `i64` (also aliased to `FLOAT`). '`_`' separators can be added freely and are ignored within a number. | Format | Type | | ---------------- | ---------------- | | `123_345`, `-42` | `i64` in decimal | | `0o07_76` | `i64` in octal | | `0xabcd_ef` | `i64` in hex | | `0b0101_1001` | `i64` in binary | | `123_456.789` | `f64` |