//! Module that defines the script optimization API of [`Engine`]. #![cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] use crate::{Engine, OptimizationLevel, Scope, AST}; impl Engine { /// Control whether and how the [`Engine`] will optimize an [`AST`] after compilation. /// /// Not available under `no_optimize`. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_optimization_level(&mut self, optimization_level: OptimizationLevel) -> &mut Self { self.optimization_level = optimization_level; self } /// The current optimization level. /// It controls whether and how the [`Engine`] will optimize an [`AST`] after compilation. /// /// Not available under `no_optimize`. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub const fn optimization_level(&self) -> OptimizationLevel { self.optimization_level } /// Optimize the [`AST`] with constants defined in an external Scope. /// An optimized copy of the [`AST`] is returned while the original [`AST`] is consumed. /// /// Not available under `no_optimize`. /// /// Although optimization is performed by default during compilation, sometimes it is necessary /// to _re_-optimize an [`AST`]. /// /// For example, when working with constants that are passed in via an external scope, /// it will be more efficient to optimize the [`AST`] once again to take advantage of the new constants. /// /// With this method, it is no longer necessary to recompile a large script. /// The script [`AST`] can be compiled just once. /// /// Before evaluation, constants are passed into the [`Engine`] via an external scope /// (i.e. with [`Scope::push_constant`][Scope::push_constant]). /// /// Then, the [`AST`] is cloned and the copy re-optimized before running. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn optimize_ast( &self, scope: &Scope, ast: AST, optimization_level: OptimizationLevel, ) -> AST { let mut ast = ast; #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] let functions = ast .shared_lib() .iter_fn() .filter(|f| f.func.is_script()) .map(|f| f.func.get_script_fn_def().unwrap().clone()) .collect(); let mut _new_ast = crate::optimizer::optimize_into_ast( self, scope, ast.take_statements(), #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] functions, optimization_level, ); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] _new_ast.set_doc(std::mem::take(ast.doc_mut())); _new_ast } }