use rhai::plugin::*;
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, Scope};

pub mod general_kenobi {
    /// Returns a string where "hello there" is repeated `n` times.
    pub fn hello_there(n: i64) -> String {
        use std::convert::TryInto;
        "hello there ".repeat(n.try_into().unwrap())

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
    let mut engine = Engine::new();
    let mut scope = Scope::new();

    // This variable will also show up in the definitions, since it will be part of the scope.
    scope.push("hello_there", "hello there");

    #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
    engine.register_static_module("general_kenobi", exported_module!(general_kenobi).into());

    // Custom operators also show up in definitions.
    #[cfg(not(feature = "no_custom_syntax"))]
        engine.register_custom_operator("minus", 100).unwrap();
        engine.register_fn("minus", |a: i64, b: i64| a - b);

        &mut scope,
        "hello_there = general_kenobi::hello_there(4 minus 2);",

    // Generate definitions for the contents of the engine and the scope.

    // Alternatively we can write all of the above to a single file.

    // Skip standard packages if not needed (e.g. they are provided elsewhere).

    // Write function definitions as JSON.
    let json = engine

    std::fs::write("examples/definitions/.rhai/defs.json", json).unwrap();
