Engine Configuration Options =========================== {{#include ../links.md}} A number of other configuration options are available from the `Engine` to fine-tune behavior and safeguards. | Method | Not available under | Description | | ------------------------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `set_doc_comments` | | enables/disables [doc-comments] | | `set_optimization_level` | [`no_optimize`] | sets the amount of script _optimizations_ performedSee [script optimization] | | `set_max_expr_depths` | [`unchecked`] | sets the maximum nesting levels of an expression/statementSee [maximum statement depth] | | `set_max_call_levels` | [`unchecked`] | sets the maximum number of function call levels (default 50) to avoid infinite recursionSee [maximum call stack depth] | | `set_max_operations` | [`unchecked`] | sets the maximum number of _operations_ that a script is allowed to consumeSee [maximum number of operations] | | `set_max_modules` | [`unchecked`] | sets the maximum number of [modules] that a script is allowed to loadSee [maximum number of modules] | | `set_max_string_size` | [`unchecked`] | sets the maximum length (in UTF-8 bytes) for [strings]See [maximum length of strings] | | `set_max_array_size` | [`unchecked`], [`no_index`] | sets the maximum size for [arrays]See [maximum size of arrays] | | `set_max_map_size` | [`unchecked`], [`no_object`] | sets the maximum number of properties for [object maps]See [maximum size of object maps] | | `disable_symbol` | | disables a certain keyword or operatorSee [disable keywords and operators] |