One Engine Instance Per Call =========================== {{#include ../}} Usage Scenario -------------- * A system where scripts are called a _lot_, in tight loops or in parallel. * Keeping a global [`Engine`] instance is sub-optimal due to contention and locking. * Scripts need to be executed independently from each other, perhaps concurrently. * Scripts are used to [create Rust closure][`Func`] that are stored and may be called at any time, perhaps concurrently. In this case, the [`Engine`] instance is usually moved into the closure itself. Key Concepts ------------ * Create a single instance of each standard [package] required. To duplicate `Engine::new`, create a [`StandardPackage`]({{rootUrl}}/rust/packages/ * Gather up all common custom functions into a [custom package]. * Store a global `AST` for use with all engines. * Always use `Engine::new_raw` to create a [raw `Engine`], instead of `Engine::new` which is _much_ more expensive. A [raw `Engine`] is _extremely_ cheap to create. Registering the [`StandardPackage`]({{rootUrl}}/rust/packages/ into a [raw `Engine`] via `Engine::register_global_module` is essentially the same as `Engine::new`. However, because packages are shared, using existing package is _much cheaper_ than registering all the functions one by one. * Register the required packages with the [raw `Engine`] via `Engine::register_global_module`, using `Package::as_shared_module` to obtain a shared [module]. Examples -------- ```rust use rhai::packages::{Package, StandardPackage}; let ast = /* ... some AST ... */; let std_pkg = StandardPackage::new(); let custom_pkg = MyCustomPackage::new(); let make_call = |x: i64| -> Result<(), Box> { // Create a raw Engine - extremely cheap let mut engine = Engine::new_raw(); // Register packages as global modules - cheap engine.register_global_module(std_pkg.as_shared_module()); engine.register_global_module(custom_pkg.as_shared_module()); // Create custom scope - cheap let mut scope = Scope::new(); // Push variable into scope - relatively cheap scope.push("x", x); // Evaluate script. engine.consume_ast_with_scope(&mut scope, &ast) }; // The following loop creates 10,000 Engine instances! for x in 0..10_000 { make_call(x)?; } ```