use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, Scope, INT}; #[test] fn test_expressions() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); let mut scope = Scope::new(); scope.push("x", 10 as INT); assert_eq!(engine.eval_expression::("2 + (10 + 10) * 2")?, 42); assert_eq!( engine.eval_expression_with_scope::(&mut scope, "2 + (x + 10) * 2")?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval_expression_with_scope::(&mut scope, "if x > 0 { 42 } else { 123 }")?, 42 ); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] { assert_eq!( engine.eval_expression_with_scope::( &mut scope, "[1, 2, 3, 4].map(|x| x * x).reduce(|a, v| a + v, 0)" )?, 30 ); assert!(engine .eval_expression_with_scope::( &mut scope, "[1, 2, 3, 4].map(|x| { let r = 2; x * r }).reduce(|a, v| a + v, 0)" ) .is_err()); } assert!(engine .eval_expression_with_scope::(&mut scope, "if x > 0 { let y = 42; y } else { 123 }") .is_err()); assert!(engine .eval_expression_with_scope::(&mut scope, "if x > 0 { 42 } else { let y = 123; y }") .is_err()); assert!(engine .eval_expression_with_scope::(&mut scope, "if x > 0 { 42 } else {}") .is_err()); assert_eq!( engine.eval_expression_with_scope::( &mut scope, " switch x { 0 => 1, 10 => 42, 1..10 => 123, } " )?, 42 ); assert!(engine .eval_expression_with_scope::( &mut scope, " switch x { 0 => 1, 10 => 42, 1..10 => { let y = 123; y } } " ) .is_err()); assert!(engine.compile_expression("40 + 2;").is_err()); assert!(engine.compile_expression("40 + { 2 }").is_err()); assert!(engine.compile_expression("x = 42").is_err()); assert!(engine.compile_expression("let x = 42").is_err()); assert!(engine .compile_expression("do { break 42; } while true") .is_err()); engine.compile("40 + { let x = 2; x }")?; Ok(()) } /// This example taken from #[test] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] fn test_expressions_eval() -> Result<(), Box> { #[allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct AGENT { pub gender: String, pub age: INT, } impl AGENT { pub fn get_gender(&mut self) -> String { self.gender.clone() } pub fn get_age(&mut self) -> INT { self.age } } // This is your agent let my_agent = AGENT { gender: "male".into(), age: 42, }; // Create the engine let mut engine = Engine::new(); // Register your AGENT type engine.register_type_with_name::("AGENT"); engine.register_get("gender", AGENT::get_gender); engine.register_get("age", AGENT::get_age); // Create your scope, add the agent as a constant let mut scope = Scope::new(); scope.push_constant("agent", my_agent); // Evaluate the expression assert!(engine.eval_expression_with_scope( &mut scope, r#" agent.age > 10 && agent.gender == "male" "#, )?); Ok(()) }