use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, EvalContext, Expression, ParseErrorType, Scope, INT}; #[test] fn test_custom_syntax() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> { let mut engine = Engine::new(); engine.consume("while false {}")?; // Disable 'while' and make sure it still works with custom syntax engine.disable_symbol("while"); assert!(matches!( *engine.compile("while false {}").expect_err("should error").0, ParseErrorType::Reserved(err) if err == "while" )); assert!(matches!( *engine.compile("let while = 0").expect_err("should error").0, ParseErrorType::Reserved(err) if err == "while" )); engine.register_custom_syntax( &[ "do", "|", "$ident$", "|", "->", "$block$", "while", "$expr$", ], 1, |engine: &Engine, context: &mut EvalContext, scope: &mut Scope, inputs: &[Expression]| { let var_name = inputs[0].get_variable_name().unwrap().to_string(); let stmt = inputs.get(1).unwrap(); let expr = inputs.get(2).unwrap(); scope.push(var_name, 0 as INT); loop { engine.eval_expression_tree(context, scope, stmt)?; if !engine .eval_expression_tree(context, scope, expr)? .as_bool() .map_err(|_| { EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("do-while".into(), expr.position()) })? { break; } } Ok(().into()) }, )?; // 'while' is now a custom keyword so this it can no longer be a variable engine.consume("let while = 0").expect_err("should error"); assert_eq!( engine.eval::<INT>( r" do |x| -> { x += 1 } while x < 42; x " )?, 42 ); // The first symbol must be an identifier assert_eq!( *engine .register_custom_syntax(&["!"], 0, |_, _, _, _| Ok(().into())) .expect_err("should error") .0, ParseErrorType::BadInput("Improper symbol for custom syntax: '!'".to_string()) ); Ok(()) }