name: Benchmark on: push: branches: - master - perf jobs: benchmark: name: Run Rust benchmark runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - run: rustup toolchain update nightly && rustup default nightly - name: Run benchmark run: cargo +nightly bench --features decimal,metadata,serde,debugging | tee output.txt - name: Store benchmark result uses: rhysd/github-action-benchmark@v1 with: name: Rust Benchmark tool: 'cargo' output-file-path: output.txt # Use personal access token instead of GITHUB_TOKEN due to github-token: ${{ secrets.RHAI }} auto-push: true # Show alert with commit comment on detecting possible performance regression alert-threshold: '200%' comment-on-alert: true fail-on-alert: true alert-comment-cc-users: '@schungx'