//! Implementation of the Event Handler With State Pattern - Map Style

#[cfg(any(feature = "no_function", feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn main() {
    panic!("This example does not run under 'no_function' or 'no_object'.")

#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn main() {
    use rhai::{Dynamic, Engine, Map, Scope, AST};
    use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write};

    const SCRIPT_FILE: &str = "event_handler_map/script.rhai";

    struct Handler {
        pub engine: Engine,
        pub scope: Scope<'static>,
        pub ast: AST,

    fn print_scope(scope: &Scope) {
        for (i, (name, constant, value)) in scope.iter_raw().enumerate() {
            #[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))]
            let value_is_shared = if value.is_shared() { " (shared)" } else { "" };
            #[cfg(feature = "no_closure")]
            let value_is_shared = "";

                "[{}] {}{}{} = {:?}",
                i + 1,
                if constant { "const " } else { "" },

    println!("Events Handler Example - Map Style");

    let mut input = String::new();

    // Read script file
    print!("Script file [{}]: ", SCRIPT_FILE);
    stdout().flush().expect("flush stdout");


    stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("read input");

    let path = match input.trim() {
        "" => SCRIPT_FILE,
        path => path,

    // Create Engine
    let mut engine = Engine::new();

    // Prevent shadowing of `state`
    engine.on_def_var(|_, info, _| Ok(info.name != "state"));

    // Create a custom 'Scope' to hold state
    let mut scope = Scope::new();

    // Add any system-provided state into the custom 'Scope'.
    // Constants can be used to optimize the script.
    scope.push_constant("MY_CONSTANT", 42_i64);

    // Use an object map to hold state
    let mut states = Map::new();

    // Default states can be added
    states.insert("bool_state".into(), Dynamic::FALSE);

    // Add the main states-holding object map and call it 'state'
    scope.push("state", states);

    // Compile the handler script.
    println!("> Loading script file: {path}");

    let ast = match engine.compile_file_with_scope(&mut scope, path.into()) {
        Ok(ast) => ast,
        Err(err) => {
            eprintln!("! Error: {err}");
            println!("Cannot continue. Bye!");

    println!("> Script file loaded.");
    println!("quit      = exit program");
    println!("scope     = print scope");
    println!("event arg = run function with argument");

    // Run the 'init' function to initialize the state, retaining variables.
    let result = engine.call_fn::<()>(&mut scope, &ast, "init", ());

    if let Err(err) = result {
        eprintln!("! {err}")

    // Create handler instance
    let mut handler = Handler { engine, scope, ast };

    // Events loop
    loop {
        print!("event> ");
        stdout().flush().expect("flush stdout");

        // Read event
        stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("read input");

        let mut fields = input.trim().splitn(2, ' ');

        let event = fields.next().expect("event").trim();
        let arg = fields.next().unwrap_or("");

        // Process event
        match event {
            "quit" => break,

            "scope" => {

            // Map all other events to function calls
            _ => {
                let engine = &handler.engine;
                let scope = &mut handler.scope;
                let ast = &handler.ast;

                let result = engine.call_fn::<()>(scope, ast, event, (arg.to_string(),));

                if let Err(err) = result {
                    eprintln!("! {err}")
