//! Main module defining the lexer and parser. use crate::engine::{ Engine, KEYWORD_DEBUG, KEYWORD_EVAL, KEYWORD_FN_PTR, KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CALL, KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CURRY, KEYWORD_IS_DEF_FN, KEYWORD_IS_DEF_VAR, KEYWORD_PRINT, KEYWORD_THIS, KEYWORD_TYPE_OF, }; #[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))] use crate::engine::KEYWORD_IS_SHARED; use crate::error::LexError; use crate::parser::INT; use crate::StaticVec; #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] use crate::parser::FLOAT; use crate::stdlib::{ borrow::Cow, boxed::Box, char, collections::HashMap, fmt, format, iter::Peekable, str::{Chars, FromStr}, string::{String, ToString}, }; type LERR = LexError; pub type TokenStream<'a, 't> = Peekable>; /// A location (line number + character position) in the input script. /// /// # Limitations /// /// In order to keep footprint small, both line number and character position have 16-bit resolution, /// meaning they go up to a maximum of 65,535 lines and 65,535 characters per line. /// /// Advancing beyond the maximum line length or maximum number of lines is not an error but has no effect. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Position { /// Line number - 0 = none line: u16, /// Character position - 0 = BOL pos: u16, } impl Position { /// Create a new `Position`. /// /// `line` must not be zero. /// If `position` is zero, then it is at the beginning of a line. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `line` is zero. #[inline(always)] pub fn new(line: u16, position: u16) -> Self { assert!(line != 0, "line cannot be zero"); Self { line, pos: position, } } /// Get the line number (1-based), or `None` if there is no position. #[inline(always)] pub fn line(&self) -> Option { if self.is_none() { None } else { Some(self.line as usize) } } /// Get the character position (1-based), or `None` if at beginning of a line. #[inline(always)] pub fn position(&self) -> Option { if self.is_none() || self.pos == 0 { None } else { Some(self.pos as usize) } } /// Advance by one character position. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn advance(&mut self) { assert!(!self.is_none(), "cannot advance Position::none"); // Advance up to maximum position if self.pos < u16::MAX { self.pos += 1; } } /// Go backwards by one character position. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if already at beginning of a line - cannot rewind to a previous line. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn rewind(&mut self) { assert!(!self.is_none(), "cannot rewind Position::none"); assert!(self.pos > 0, "cannot rewind at position 0"); self.pos -= 1; } /// Advance to the next line. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new_line(&mut self) { assert!(!self.is_none(), "cannot advance Position::none"); // Advance up to maximum position if self.line < u16::MAX { self.line += 1; self.pos = 0; } } /// Create a `Position` representing no position. #[inline(always)] pub fn none() -> Self { Self { line: 0, pos: 0 } } /// Is there no `Position`? #[inline(always)] pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool { self.line == 0 && self.pos == 0 } } impl Default for Position { #[inline(always)] fn default() -> Self { Self::new(1, 0) } } impl fmt::Display for Position { #[inline(always)] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.is_none() { write!(f, "none") } else { write!(f, "line {}, position {}", self.line, self.pos) } } } impl fmt::Debug for Position { #[inline(always)] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}:{}", self.line, self.pos) } } /// _[INTERNALS]_ A Rhai language token. /// Exported under the `internals` feature only. /// /// ## WARNING /// /// This type is volatile and may change. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Token { /// An `INT` constant. IntegerConstant(INT), /// A `FLOAT` constant. /// /// Reserved under the `no_float` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] FloatConstant(FLOAT), /// An identifier. Identifier(String), /// A character constant. CharConstant(char), /// A string constant. StringConstant(String), /// `{` LeftBrace, /// `}` RightBrace, /// `(` LeftParen, /// `)` RightParen, /// `[` LeftBracket, /// `]` RightBracket, /// `+` Plus, /// `+` (unary) UnaryPlus, /// `-` Minus, /// `-` (unary) UnaryMinus, /// `*` Multiply, /// `/` Divide, /// `%` Modulo, /// `~` PowerOf, /// `<<` LeftShift, /// `>>` RightShift, /// `;` SemiColon, /// `:` Colon, /// `::` DoubleColon, /// `,` Comma, /// `.` Period, /// `#{` MapStart, /// `=` Equals, /// `true` True, /// `false` False, /// `let` Let, /// `const` Const, /// `if` If, /// `else` Else, /// `while` While, /// `loop` Loop, /// `for` For, /// `in` In, /// `<` LessThan, /// `>` GreaterThan, /// `<=` LessThanEqualsTo, /// `>=` GreaterThanEqualsTo, /// `==` EqualsTo, /// `!=` NotEqualsTo, /// `!` Bang, /// `|` Pipe, /// `||` Or, /// `^` XOr, /// `&` Ampersand, /// `&&` And, /// `fn` /// /// Reserved under the `no_function` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] Fn, /// `continue` Continue, /// `break` Break, /// `return` Return, /// `throw` Throw, /// `+=` PlusAssign, /// `-=` MinusAssign, /// `*=` MultiplyAssign, /// `/=` DivideAssign, /// `<<=` LeftShiftAssign, /// `>>=` RightShiftAssign, /// `&=` AndAssign, /// `|=` OrAssign, /// `^=` XOrAssign, /// `%=` ModuloAssign, /// `~=` PowerOfAssign, /// `private` /// /// Reserved under the `no_function` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] Private, /// `import` /// /// Reserved under the `no_module` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] Import, /// `export` /// /// Reserved under the `no_module` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] Export, /// `as` /// /// Reserved under the `no_module` feature. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] As, /// A lexer error. LexError(Box), /// A comment block. Comment(String), /// A reserved symbol. Reserved(String), /// A custom keyword. Custom(String), /// End of the input stream. EOF, } impl Token { /// Get the syntax of the token. pub fn syntax(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> { use Token::*; match self { IntegerConstant(i) => i.to_string().into(), #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] FloatConstant(f) => f.to_string().into(), StringConstant(_) => "string".into(), CharConstant(c) => c.to_string().into(), Identifier(s) => s.clone().into(), Reserved(s) => s.clone().into(), Custom(s) => s.clone().into(), LexError(err) => err.to_string().into(), token => match token { LeftBrace => "{", RightBrace => "}", LeftParen => "(", RightParen => ")", LeftBracket => "[", RightBracket => "]", Plus => "+", UnaryPlus => "+", Minus => "-", UnaryMinus => "-", Multiply => "*", Divide => "/", SemiColon => ";", Colon => ":", DoubleColon => "::", Comma => ",", Period => ".", MapStart => "#{", Equals => "=", True => "true", False => "false", Let => "let", Const => "const", If => "if", Else => "else", While => "while", Loop => "loop", For => "for", In => "in", LessThan => "<", GreaterThan => ">", Bang => "!", LessThanEqualsTo => "<=", GreaterThanEqualsTo => ">=", EqualsTo => "==", NotEqualsTo => "!=", Pipe => "|", Or => "||", Ampersand => "&", And => "&&", Continue => "continue", Break => "break", Return => "return", Throw => "throw", PlusAssign => "+=", MinusAssign => "-=", MultiplyAssign => "*=", DivideAssign => "/=", LeftShiftAssign => "<<=", RightShiftAssign => ">>=", AndAssign => "&=", OrAssign => "|=", XOrAssign => "^=", LeftShift => "<<", RightShift => ">>", XOr => "^", Modulo => "%", ModuloAssign => "%=", PowerOf => "~", PowerOfAssign => "~=", #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] Fn => "fn", #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] Private => "private", #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] Import => "import", #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] Export => "export", #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] As => "as", EOF => "{EOF}", _ => unreachable!("operator should be match in outer scope"), } .into(), } } /// Reverse lookup a token from a piece of syntax. pub fn lookup_from_syntax(syntax: &str) -> Option { use Token::*; Some(match syntax { "{" => LeftBrace, "}" => RightBrace, "(" => LeftParen, ")" => RightParen, "[" => LeftBracket, "]" => RightBracket, "+" => Plus, "-" => Minus, "*" => Multiply, "/" => Divide, ";" => SemiColon, ":" => Colon, "::" => DoubleColon, "," => Comma, "." => Period, "#{" => MapStart, "=" => Equals, "true" => True, "false" => False, "let" => Let, "const" => Const, "if" => If, "else" => Else, "while" => While, "loop" => Loop, "for" => For, "in" => In, "<" => LessThan, ">" => GreaterThan, "!" => Bang, "<=" => LessThanEqualsTo, ">=" => GreaterThanEqualsTo, "==" => EqualsTo, "!=" => NotEqualsTo, "|" => Pipe, "||" => Or, "&" => Ampersand, "&&" => And, "continue" => Continue, "break" => Break, "return" => Return, "throw" => Throw, "+=" => PlusAssign, "-=" => MinusAssign, "*=" => MultiplyAssign, "/=" => DivideAssign, "<<=" => LeftShiftAssign, ">>=" => RightShiftAssign, "&=" => AndAssign, "|=" => OrAssign, "^=" => XOrAssign, "<<" => LeftShift, ">>" => RightShift, "^" => XOr, "%" => Modulo, "%=" => ModuloAssign, "~" => PowerOf, "~=" => PowerOfAssign, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] "fn" => Fn, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] "private" => Private, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] "import" => Import, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] "export" => Export, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] "as" => As, #[cfg(feature = "no_function")] "fn" | "private" => Reserved(syntax.into()), #[cfg(feature = "no_module")] "import" | "export" | "as" => Reserved(syntax.into()), "===" | "!==" | "->" | "<-" | "=>" | ":=" | "::<" | "(*" | "*)" | "#" | "public" | "new" | "use" | "module" | "package" | "var" | "static" | "shared" | "with" | "do" | "each" | "then" | "goto" | "exit" | "switch" | "match" | "case" | "try" | "catch" | "default" | "void" | "null" | "nil" | "spawn" | "go" | "sync" | "async" | "await" | "yield" => Reserved(syntax.into()), KEYWORD_PRINT | KEYWORD_DEBUG | KEYWORD_TYPE_OF | KEYWORD_EVAL | KEYWORD_FN_PTR | KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CALL | KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CURRY | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_VAR | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_FN | KEYWORD_THIS => Reserved(syntax.into()), #[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))] KEYWORD_IS_SHARED => Reserved(syntax.into()), _ => return None, }) } // Is this token EOF? #[inline(always)] pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool { use Token::*; match self { EOF => true, _ => false, } } // If another operator is after these, it's probably an unary operator // (not sure about fn name). pub fn is_next_unary(&self) -> bool { use Token::*; match self { LexError(_) | LeftBrace | // {+expr} - is unary // RightBrace | {expr} - expr not unary & is closing LeftParen | // (-expr) - is unary // RightParen | (expr) - expr not unary & is closing LeftBracket | // [-expr] - is unary // RightBracket | [expr] - expr not unary & is closing Plus | UnaryPlus | Minus | UnaryMinus | Multiply | Divide | Comma | Period | Equals | LessThan | GreaterThan | Bang | LessThanEqualsTo | GreaterThanEqualsTo | EqualsTo | NotEqualsTo | Pipe | Or | Ampersand | And | If | While | PlusAssign | MinusAssign | MultiplyAssign | DivideAssign | LeftShiftAssign | RightShiftAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XOrAssign | LeftShift | RightShift | XOr | Modulo | ModuloAssign | Return | Throw | PowerOf | In | PowerOfAssign => true, _ => false, } } /// Get the precedence number of the token. pub fn precedence(&self, custom: Option<&HashMap>) -> u8 { use Token::*; match self { // Assignments are not considered expressions - set to zero Equals | PlusAssign | MinusAssign | MultiplyAssign | DivideAssign | LeftShiftAssign | RightShiftAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XOrAssign | ModuloAssign | PowerOfAssign => 0, Or | XOr | Pipe => 30, And | Ampersand => 60, EqualsTo | NotEqualsTo => 90, LessThan | LessThanEqualsTo | GreaterThan | GreaterThanEqualsTo => 110, In => 130, Plus | Minus => 150, Divide | Multiply | PowerOf | Modulo => 180, LeftShift | RightShift => 210, Period => 240, // Custom operators Custom(s) => custom.map_or(0, |c| *c.get(s).unwrap()), _ => 0, } } /// Does an expression bind to the right (instead of left)? pub fn is_bind_right(&self) -> bool { use Token::*; match self { // Assignments bind to the right Equals | PlusAssign | MinusAssign | MultiplyAssign | DivideAssign | LeftShiftAssign | RightShiftAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XOrAssign | ModuloAssign | PowerOfAssign => true, // Property access binds to the right Period => true, _ => false, } } /// Is this token an operator? pub fn is_operator(&self) -> bool { use Token::*; match self { LeftBrace | RightBrace | LeftParen | RightParen | LeftBracket | RightBracket | Plus | UnaryPlus | Minus | UnaryMinus | Multiply | Divide | Modulo | PowerOf | LeftShift | RightShift | SemiColon | Colon | DoubleColon | Comma | Period | MapStart | Equals | LessThan | GreaterThan | LessThanEqualsTo | GreaterThanEqualsTo | EqualsTo | NotEqualsTo | Bang | Pipe | Or | XOr | Ampersand | And | PlusAssign | MinusAssign | MultiplyAssign | DivideAssign | LeftShiftAssign | RightShiftAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XOrAssign | ModuloAssign | PowerOfAssign => true, _ => false, } } /// Is this token an active standard keyword? pub fn is_keyword(&self) -> bool { use Token::*; match self { #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] Fn | Private => true, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] Import | Export | As => true, True | False | Let | Const | If | Else | While | Loop | For | In | Continue | Break | Return | Throw => true, _ => false, } } /// Is this token a reserved symbol? #[inline(always)] pub fn is_reserved(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Reserved(_) => true, _ => false, } } /// Convert a token into a function name, if possible. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] pub(crate) fn into_function_name_for_override(self) -> Result { match self { Self::Reserved(s) if can_override_keyword(&s) => Ok(s), Self::Custom(s) | Self::Identifier(s) if is_valid_identifier(s.chars()) => Ok(s), _ => Err(self), } } /// Is this token a custom keyword? #[inline(always)] pub fn is_custom(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Custom(_) => true, _ => false, } } } impl From for String { #[inline(always)] fn from(token: Token) -> Self { token.syntax().into() } } /// _[INTERNALS]_ State of the tokenizer. /// Exported under the `internals` feature only. /// /// ## WARNING /// /// This type is volatile and may change. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)] pub struct TokenizeState { /// Maximum length of a string (0 = unlimited). pub max_string_size: usize, /// Can the next token be a unary operator? pub non_unary: bool, /// Is the tokenizer currently inside a block comment? pub comment_level: usize, /// Return `None` at the end of the stream instead of `Some(Token::EOF)`? pub end_with_none: bool, /// Include comments? pub include_comments: bool, } /// _[INTERNALS]_ Trait that encapsulates a peekable character input stream. /// Exported under the `internals` feature only. /// /// ## WARNING /// /// This trait is volatile and may change. pub trait InputStream { fn unread(&mut self, ch: char); /// Get the next character fn get_next(&mut self) -> Option; /// Peek the next character fn peek_next(&mut self) -> Option; } /// _[INTERNALS]_ Parse a string literal wrapped by `enclosing_char`. /// Exported under the `internals` feature only. /// /// ## WARNING /// /// This type is volatile and may change. pub fn parse_string_literal( stream: &mut impl InputStream, state: &mut TokenizeState, pos: &mut Position, enclosing_char: char, ) -> Result { let mut result: StaticVec = Default::default(); let mut escape: StaticVec = Default::default(); let start = *pos; loop { let next_char = stream.get_next().ok_or((LERR::UnterminatedString, start))?; pos.advance(); if state.max_string_size > 0 && result.len() > state.max_string_size { return Err((LexError::StringTooLong(state.max_string_size), *pos)); } match next_char { // \... '\\' if escape.is_empty() => { escape.push('\\'); } // \\ '\\' if !escape.is_empty() => { escape.clear(); result.push('\\'); } // \t 't' if !escape.is_empty() => { escape.clear(); result.push('\t'); } // \n 'n' if !escape.is_empty() => { escape.clear(); result.push('\n'); } // \r 'r' if !escape.is_empty() => { escape.clear(); result.push('\r'); } // \x??, \u????, \U???????? ch @ 'x' | ch @ 'u' | ch @ 'U' if !escape.is_empty() => { let mut seq = escape.clone(); escape.clear(); seq.push(ch); let mut out_val: u32 = 0; let len = match ch { 'x' => 2, 'u' => 4, 'U' => 8, _ => unreachable!(), }; for _ in 0..len { let c = stream.get_next().ok_or_else(|| { ( LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence(seq.iter().cloned().collect()), *pos, ) })?; seq.push(c); pos.advance(); out_val *= 16; out_val += c.to_digit(16).ok_or_else(|| { ( LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence(seq.iter().cloned().collect()), *pos, ) })?; } result.push(char::from_u32(out_val).ok_or_else(|| { ( LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence(seq.into_iter().collect()), *pos, ) })?); } // \{enclosing_char} - escaped ch if enclosing_char == ch && !escape.is_empty() => { escape.clear(); result.push(ch) } // Close wrapper ch if enclosing_char == ch && escape.is_empty() => break, // Unknown escape sequence ch if !escape.is_empty() => { escape.push(ch); return Err(( LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence(escape.into_iter().collect()), *pos, )); } // Cannot have new-lines inside string literals '\n' => { pos.rewind(); return Err((LERR::UnterminatedString, start)); } // All other characters ch => { escape.clear(); result.push(ch); } } } let s = result.iter().collect::(); if state.max_string_size > 0 && s.len() > state.max_string_size { return Err((LexError::StringTooLong(state.max_string_size), *pos)); } Ok(s) } /// Consume the next character. #[inline(always)] fn eat_next(stream: &mut impl InputStream, pos: &mut Position) -> Option { pos.advance(); stream.get_next() } /// Scan for a block comment until the end. fn scan_comment( stream: &mut impl InputStream, state: &mut TokenizeState, pos: &mut Position, comment: &mut String, ) { while let Some(c) = stream.get_next() { pos.advance(); if state.include_comments { comment.push(c); } match c { '/' => { if let Some(c2) = stream.get_next() { if state.include_comments { comment.push(c2); } if c2 == '*' { state.comment_level += 1; } } pos.advance(); } '*' => { if let Some(c2) = stream.get_next() { if state.include_comments { comment.push(c2); } if c2 == '/' { state.comment_level -= 1; } } pos.advance(); } '\n' => pos.new_line(), _ => (), } if state.comment_level == 0 { break; } } } /// _[INTERNALS]_ Get the next token from the `InputStream`. /// Exported under the `internals` feature only. /// /// ## WARNING /// /// This type is volatile and may change. #[inline] pub fn get_next_token( stream: &mut impl InputStream, state: &mut TokenizeState, pos: &mut Position, ) -> Option<(Token, Position)> { let result = get_next_token_inner(stream, state, pos); // Save the last token's state if let Some((ref token, _)) = result { state.non_unary = !token.is_next_unary(); } result } /// Test if the given character is a hex character. #[inline(always)] fn is_hex_char(c: char) -> bool { match c { 'a'..='f' => true, 'A'..='F' => true, '0'..='9' => true, _ => false, } } /// Test if the given character is an octal character. #[inline(always)] fn is_octal_char(c: char) -> bool { match c { '0'..='7' => true, _ => false, } } /// Test if the given character is a binary character. #[inline(always)] fn is_binary_char(c: char) -> bool { match c { '0' | '1' => true, _ => false, } } /// Get the next token. fn get_next_token_inner( stream: &mut impl InputStream, state: &mut TokenizeState, pos: &mut Position, ) -> Option<(Token, Position)> { // Still inside a comment? if state.comment_level > 0 { let start_pos = *pos; let mut comment = String::new(); scan_comment(stream, state, pos, &mut comment); if state.include_comments { return Some((Token::Comment(comment), start_pos)); } } let mut negated = false; while let Some(c) = stream.get_next() { pos.advance(); let start_pos = *pos; match (c, stream.peek_next().unwrap_or('\0')) { // \n ('\n', _) => pos.new_line(), // digit ... ('0'..='9', _) => { let mut result: StaticVec = Default::default(); let mut radix_base: Option = None; result.push(c); while let Some(next_char) = stream.peek_next() { match next_char { '0'..='9' | '_' => { result.push(next_char); eat_next(stream, pos); } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] '.' => { stream.get_next().unwrap(); // Check if followed by digits (or _) match stream.peek_next().unwrap_or('\0') { '0'..='9' | '_' => { result.push(next_char); pos.advance() } _ => { // Not a floating-point number stream.unread(next_char); break; } } while let Some(next_char_in_float) = stream.peek_next() { match next_char_in_float { '0'..='9' | '_' => { result.push(next_char_in_float); eat_next(stream, pos); } _ => break, } } } // 0x????, 0o????, 0b???? ch @ 'x' | ch @ 'X' | ch @ 'o' | ch @ 'O' | ch @ 'b' | ch @ 'B' if c == '0' => { result.push(next_char); eat_next(stream, pos); let valid = match ch { 'x' | 'X' => is_hex_char, 'o' | 'O' => is_octal_char, 'b' | 'B' => is_binary_char, _ => unreachable!(), }; radix_base = Some(match ch { 'x' | 'X' => 16, 'o' | 'O' => 8, 'b' | 'B' => 2, _ => unreachable!(), }); while let Some(next_char_in_escape_seq) = stream.peek_next() { if !valid(next_char_in_escape_seq) { break; } result.push(next_char_in_escape_seq); eat_next(stream, pos); } } _ => break, } } if negated { result.insert(0, '-'); } // Parse number if let Some(radix) = radix_base { let out: String = result.iter().skip(2).filter(|&&c| c != '_').collect(); return Some(( INT::from_str_radix(&out, radix) .map(Token::IntegerConstant) .unwrap_or_else(|_| { Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::MalformedNumber( result.into_iter().collect(), ))) }), start_pos, )); } else { let out: String = result.iter().filter(|&&c| c != '_').collect(); let num = INT::from_str(&out).map(Token::IntegerConstant); // If integer parsing is unnecessary, try float instead #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] let num = num.or_else(|_| FLOAT::from_str(&out).map(Token::FloatConstant)); return Some(( num.unwrap_or_else(|_| { Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::MalformedNumber( result.into_iter().collect(), ))) }), start_pos, )); } } // letter or underscore ... ('A'..='Z', _) | ('a'..='z', _) | ('_', _) => { return get_identifier(stream, pos, start_pos, c); } // " - string literal ('"', _) => { return parse_string_literal(stream, state, pos, '"').map_or_else( |err| Some((Token::LexError(Box::new(err.0)), err.1)), |out| Some((Token::StringConstant(out), start_pos)), ) } // ' - character literal ('\'', '\'') => { return Some(( Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::MalformedChar("".to_string()))), start_pos, )) } ('\'', _) => { return Some(parse_string_literal(stream, state, pos, '\'').map_or_else( |err| (Token::LexError(Box::new(err.0)), err.1), |result| { let mut chars = result.chars(); let first = chars.next().unwrap(); if chars.next().is_some() { ( Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::MalformedChar(result))), start_pos, ) } else { (Token::CharConstant(first), start_pos) } }, )) } // Braces ('{', _) => return Some((Token::LeftBrace, start_pos)), ('}', _) => return Some((Token::RightBrace, start_pos)), // Parentheses ('(', '*') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("(*".into()), start_pos)); } ('(', _) => return Some((Token::LeftParen, start_pos)), (')', _) => return Some((Token::RightParen, start_pos)), // Indexing ('[', _) => return Some((Token::LeftBracket, start_pos)), (']', _) => return Some((Token::RightBracket, start_pos)), // Map literal #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] ('#', '{') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::MapStart, start_pos)); } ('#', _) => return Some((Token::Reserved("#".into()), start_pos)), // Operators ('+', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::PlusAssign, start_pos)); } ('+', _) if !state.non_unary => return Some((Token::UnaryPlus, start_pos)), ('+', _) => return Some((Token::Plus, start_pos)), ('-', '0'..='9') if !state.non_unary => negated = true, ('-', '0'..='9') => return Some((Token::Minus, start_pos)), ('-', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::MinusAssign, start_pos)); } ('-', '>') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("->".into()), start_pos)); } ('-', _) if !state.non_unary => return Some((Token::UnaryMinus, start_pos)), ('-', _) => return Some((Token::Minus, start_pos)), ('*', ')') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("*)".into()), start_pos)); } ('*', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::MultiplyAssign, start_pos)); } ('*', _) => return Some((Token::Multiply, start_pos)), // Comments ('/', '/') => { eat_next(stream, pos); let mut comment = if state.include_comments { "//".to_string() } else { String::new() }; while let Some(c) = stream.get_next() { if c == '\n' { pos.new_line(); break; } if state.include_comments { comment.push(c); } pos.advance(); } if state.include_comments { return Some((Token::Comment(comment), start_pos)); } } ('/', '*') => { state.comment_level = 1; eat_next(stream, pos); let mut comment = if state.include_comments { "/*".to_string() } else { String::new() }; scan_comment(stream, state, pos, &mut comment); if state.include_comments { return Some((Token::Comment(comment), start_pos)); } } ('/', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::DivideAssign, start_pos)); } ('/', _) => return Some((Token::Divide, start_pos)), (';', _) => return Some((Token::SemiColon, start_pos)), (',', _) => return Some((Token::Comma, start_pos)), ('.', _) => return Some((Token::Period, start_pos)), ('=', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); // Warn against `===` if stream.peek_next() == Some('=') { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("===".into()), start_pos)); } return Some((Token::EqualsTo, start_pos)); } ('=', '>') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("=>".into()), start_pos)); } ('=', _) => return Some((Token::Equals, start_pos)), (':', ':') => { eat_next(stream, pos); if stream.peek_next() == Some('<') { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("::<".into()), start_pos)); } return Some((Token::DoubleColon, start_pos)); } (':', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved(":=".into()), start_pos)); } (':', _) => return Some((Token::Colon, start_pos)), ('<', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::LessThanEqualsTo, start_pos)); } ('<', '-') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("<-".into()), start_pos)); } ('<', '<') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some(( if stream.peek_next() == Some('=') { eat_next(stream, pos); Token::LeftShiftAssign } else { Token::LeftShift }, start_pos, )); } ('<', _) => return Some((Token::LessThan, start_pos)), ('>', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo, start_pos)); } ('>', '>') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some(( if stream.peek_next() == Some('=') { eat_next(stream, pos); Token::RightShiftAssign } else { Token::RightShift }, start_pos, )); } ('>', _) => return Some((Token::GreaterThan, start_pos)), ('!', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); if stream.peek_next() == Some('=') { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Reserved("!==".into()), start_pos)); } return Some((Token::NotEqualsTo, start_pos)); } ('!', _) => return Some((Token::Bang, start_pos)), ('|', '|') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::Or, start_pos)); } ('|', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::OrAssign, start_pos)); } ('|', _) => return Some((Token::Pipe, start_pos)), ('&', '&') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::And, start_pos)); } ('&', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::AndAssign, start_pos)); } ('&', _) => return Some((Token::Ampersand, start_pos)), ('^', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::XOrAssign, start_pos)); } ('^', _) => return Some((Token::XOr, start_pos)), ('%', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::ModuloAssign, start_pos)); } ('%', _) => return Some((Token::Modulo, start_pos)), ('~', '=') => { eat_next(stream, pos); return Some((Token::PowerOfAssign, start_pos)); } ('~', _) => return Some((Token::PowerOf, start_pos)), ('@', _) => return Some((Token::Reserved("@".into()), start_pos)), ('$', _) => return Some((Token::Reserved("$".into()), start_pos)), ('\0', _) => unreachable!(), (ch, _) if ch.is_whitespace() => (), #[cfg(feature = "unicode-xid-ident")] (ch, _) if unicode_xid::UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(ch) => { return get_identifier(stream, pos, start_pos, c); } (ch, _) => { return Some(( Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::UnexpectedInput(ch.to_string()))), start_pos, )) } } } pos.advance(); if state.end_with_none { None } else { Some((Token::EOF, *pos)) } } /// Get the next identifier. fn get_identifier( stream: &mut impl InputStream, pos: &mut Position, start_pos: Position, first_char: char, ) -> Option<(Token, Position)> { let mut result: StaticVec<_> = Default::default(); result.push(first_char); while let Some(next_char) = stream.peek_next() { match next_char { x if is_id_continue(x) => { result.push(x); eat_next(stream, pos); } _ => break, } } let is_valid_identifier = is_valid_identifier(result.iter().cloned()); let identifier = result.into_iter().collect(); if !is_valid_identifier { return Some(( Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::MalformedIdentifier(identifier))), start_pos, )); } return Some(( Token::lookup_from_syntax(&identifier).unwrap_or_else(|| Token::Identifier(identifier)), start_pos, )); } /// Is this keyword allowed as a function? #[inline(always)] pub fn is_keyword_function(name: &str) -> bool { match name { #[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))] KEYWORD_IS_SHARED => true, KEYWORD_PRINT | KEYWORD_DEBUG | KEYWORD_TYPE_OF | KEYWORD_EVAL | KEYWORD_FN_PTR | KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CALL | KEYWORD_FN_PTR_CURRY | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_VAR | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_FN => { true } _ => false, } } /// Can this keyword be overridden as a function? #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] #[inline(always)] pub fn can_override_keyword(name: &str) -> bool { match name { KEYWORD_PRINT | KEYWORD_DEBUG | KEYWORD_TYPE_OF | KEYWORD_EVAL | KEYWORD_FN_PTR | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_VAR | KEYWORD_IS_DEF_FN => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_valid_identifier(name: impl Iterator) -> bool { let mut first_alphabetic = false; for ch in name { match ch { '_' => (), _ if is_id_first_alphabetic(ch) => first_alphabetic = true, _ if !first_alphabetic => return false, _ if char::is_ascii_alphanumeric(&ch) => (), _ => return false, } } first_alphabetic } #[cfg(feature = "unicode-xid-ident")] #[inline(always)] fn is_id_first_alphabetic(x: char) -> bool { unicode_xid::UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(x) } #[cfg(feature = "unicode-xid-ident")] #[inline(always)] fn is_id_continue(x: char) -> bool { unicode_xid::UnicodeXID::is_xid_continue(x) } #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-xid-ident"))] #[inline(always)] fn is_id_first_alphabetic(x: char) -> bool { x.is_ascii_alphabetic() } #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-xid-ident"))] #[inline(always)] fn is_id_continue(x: char) -> bool { x.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || x == '_' } /// A type that implements the `InputStream` trait. /// Multiple character streams are jointed together to form one single stream. pub struct MultiInputsStream<'a> { /// Buffered character, if any. buf: Option, /// The input character streams. streams: StaticVec>>, /// The current stream index. index: usize, } impl InputStream for MultiInputsStream<'_> { /// Buffer a character. #[inline(always)] fn unread(&mut self, ch: char) { self.buf = Some(ch); } /// Get the next character fn get_next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(ch) = self.buf.take() { return Some(ch); } loop { if self.index >= self.streams.len() { // No more streams return None; } else if let Some(ch) = self.streams[self.index].next() { // Next character in current stream return Some(ch); } else { // Jump to the next stream self.index += 1; } } } /// Peek the next character fn peek_next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(ch) = self.buf { return Some(ch); } loop { if self.index >= self.streams.len() { // No more streams return None; } else if let Some(&ch) = self.streams[self.index].peek() { // Next character in current stream return Some(ch); } else { // Jump to the next stream self.index += 1; } } } } /// An iterator on a `Token` stream. pub struct TokenIterator<'a, 'e> { /// Reference to the scripting `Engine`. engine: &'e Engine, /// Current state. state: TokenizeState, /// Current position. pos: Position, /// Input character stream. stream: MultiInputsStream<'a>, /// A processor function (if any) that maps a token to another. map: Option Token>>, } impl<'a> Iterator for TokenIterator<'a, '_> { type Item = (Token, Position); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let token = match ( get_next_token(&mut self.stream, &mut self.state, &mut self.pos), self.engine.disabled_symbols.as_ref(), self.engine.custom_keywords.as_ref(), ) { // {EOF} (None, _, _) => None, // Reserved keyword/symbol (Some((Token::Reserved(s), pos)), disabled, custom) => Some((match (s.as_str(), custom.map(|c| c.contains_key(&s)).unwrap_or(false)) { ("===", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'===' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '=='?".to_string(), ))), ("!==", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'!==' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '!='?".to_string(), ))), ("->", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'->' is not a valid symbol. This is not C or C++!".to_string()))), ("<-", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'<-' is not a valid symbol. This is not Go! Should it be '<='?".to_string(), ))), ("=>", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'=>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '>='?".to_string(), ))), (":=", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "':=' is not a valid assignment operator. This is not Go! Should it be simply '='?".to_string(), ))), ("::<", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'::<>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '::'?".to_string(), ))), ("(*", false) | ("*)", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'(* .. *)' is not a valid comment format. This is not Pascal! Should it be '/* .. */'?".to_string(), ))), ("#", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( "'#' is not a valid symbol. Should it be '#{'?".to_string(), ))), // Reserved keyword/operator that is custom. (_, true) => Token::Custom(s), // Reserved operator that is not custom. (token, false) if !is_valid_identifier(token.chars()) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( format!("'{}' is a reserved symbol", token) ))), // Reserved keyword that is not custom and disabled. (token, false) if disabled.map(|d| d.contains(token)).unwrap_or(false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol( format!("reserved symbol '{}' is disabled", token) ))), // Reserved keyword/operator that is not custom. (_, false) => Token::Reserved(s), }, pos)), // Custom keyword (Some((Token::Identifier(s), pos)), _, Some(custom)) if custom.contains_key(&s) => { Some((Token::Custom(s), pos)) } // Custom standard keyword - must be disabled (Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), Some(custom)) if token.is_keyword() && custom.contains_key(token.syntax().as_ref()) => { if disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) { // Disabled standard keyword Some((Token::Custom(token.syntax().into()), pos)) } else { // Active standard keyword - should never be a custom keyword! unreachable!() } } // Disabled operator (Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), _) if token.is_operator() && disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) => { Some(( Token::LexError(Box::new(LexError::UnexpectedInput(token.syntax().into()))), pos, )) } // Disabled standard keyword (Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), _) if token.is_keyword() && disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) => { Some((Token::Reserved(token.syntax().into()), pos)) } (r, _, _) => r, }; match token { None => None, Some((token, pos)) => { if let Some(ref map) = self.map { Some((map(token), pos)) } else { Some((token, pos)) } } } } } /// Tokenize an input text stream. #[inline] pub fn lex<'a, 'e>( input: &'a [&'a str], map: Option Token>>, engine: &'e Engine, ) -> TokenIterator<'a, 'e> { TokenIterator { engine, state: TokenizeState { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] max_string_size: engine.limits.max_string_size, #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] max_string_size: 0, non_unary: false, comment_level: 0, end_with_none: false, include_comments: false, }, pos: Position::new(1, 0), stream: MultiInputsStream { buf: None, streams: input.iter().map(|s| s.chars().peekable()).collect(), index: 0, }, map, } }