#![cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] use rhai::{ module_resolvers::{DummyModuleResolver, StaticModuleResolver}, Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult, FnNamespace, ImmutableString, Module, ParseError, ParseErrorType, Scope, INT, }; // #[cfg(all(not(feature = "no_function"), feature = "internals"))] use rhai::{FnPtr, NativeCallContext}; #[test] fn test_module() { let mut module = Module::new(); module.set_var("answer", 42 as INT); assert!(module.contains_var("answer")); assert_eq!(module.get_var_value::("answer").unwrap(), 42); } #[test] fn test_module_syntax() { let engine = Engine::new(); assert!(engine.compile("abc.def::xyz").is_err()); assert!(engine.compile("abc.def::xyz()").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut module = Module::new(); let mut sub_module = Module::new(); let mut sub_module2 = Module::new(); sub_module2.set_var("answer", 41 as INT); let hash_inc = sub_module2.set_native_fn("inc", |x: &mut INT| Ok(*x + 1)); sub_module2.build_index(); assert!(!sub_module2.contains_indexed_global_functions()); let super_hash = sub_module2.set_native_fn("super_inc", |x: &mut INT| Ok(*x + 1)); sub_module2.update_fn_namespace(super_hash, FnNamespace::Global); sub_module2.build_index(); assert!(sub_module2.contains_indexed_global_functions()); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] sub_module2.set_getter_fn("doubled", |x: &mut INT| Ok(*x * 2)); sub_module.set_sub_module("universe", sub_module2); module.set_sub_module("life", sub_module); module.set_var("MYSTIC_NUMBER", Dynamic::from(42 as INT)); module.build_index(); assert!(module.contains_indexed_global_functions()); assert!(module.contains_sub_module("life")); let m = module.get_sub_module("life").unwrap(); assert!(m.contains_sub_module("universe")); let m2 = m.get_sub_module("universe").unwrap(); assert!(m2.contains_var("answer")); assert!(m2.contains_fn(hash_inc)); assert_eq!(m2.get_var_value::("answer").unwrap(), 41); module.set_custom_type::<()>("Don't Panic"); let mut engine = Engine::new(); engine.register_static_module("question", module.into()); assert_eq!(engine.eval::("type_of(())")?, "Don't Panic"); assert_eq!(engine.eval::("question::MYSTIC_NUMBER")?, 42); assert!(engine.eval::("MYSTIC_NUMBER").is_err()); assert_eq!(engine.eval::("question::life::universe::answer")?, 41); assert_eq!( engine.eval::("question::life::universe::answer + 1")?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::("question::life::universe::inc(question::life::universe::answer)")?, 42 ); assert!(engine .eval::("inc(question::life::universe::answer)") .is_err()); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] assert_eq!(engine.eval::("question::MYSTIC_NUMBER.doubled")?, 84); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] assert_eq!( engine.eval::("question::life::universe::answer.doubled")?, 82 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::("super_inc(question::life::universe::answer)")?, 42 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_module_resolver() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut resolver = StaticModuleResolver::new(); let mut module = Module::new(); module.set_var("answer", 42 as INT); module.set_native_fn("sum", |x: INT, y: INT, z: INT, w: INT| Ok(x + y + z + w)); let double_hash = module.set_native_fn("double", |x: &mut INT| { *x *= 2; Ok(()) }); module.update_fn_namespace(double_hash, FnNamespace::Global); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] module.set_native_fn( "sum_of_three_args", |target: &mut INT, a: INT, b: INT, c: rhai::FLOAT| { *target = a + b + c as INT; Ok(()) }, ); resolver.insert("hello", module); let mut engine = Engine::new(); engine.set_module_resolver(resolver); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h1; import "hello" as h2; h1::sum(h2::answer, -10, 3, 7) "# )?, 42 ); assert!(engine .eval::( r#" import "hello" as h; sum(h::answer, -10, 3, 7) "# ) .is_err()); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h1; import "hello" as h2; let x = 42; h1::sum(x, -10, 3, 7) "# )?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h1; import "hello" as h2; let x = 42; h1::sum(x, 0, 0, 0); x "# )?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h; let x = 21; h::double(x); x "# )?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h; let x = 21; double(x); x "# )?, 42 ); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] { assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" import "hello" as h; let x = 21; h::sum_of_three_args(x, 14, 26, 2.0); x "# )?, 42 ); } #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] { engine.set_max_modules(5); assert!(matches!( *engine .eval::( r#" let sum = 0; for x in 0..10 { import "hello" as h; sum += h::answer; } sum "# ) .unwrap_err(), EvalAltResult::ErrorTooManyModules(..) )); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] assert!(matches!( *engine .eval::( r#" let sum = 0; fn foo() { import "hello" as h; sum += h::answer; } for x in 0..10 { foo(); } sum "# ) .unwrap_err(), EvalAltResult::ErrorInFunctionCall(fn_name, ..) if fn_name == "foo" )); engine.set_max_modules(1000); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] engine.run( r#" fn foo() { import "hello" as h; } for x in 0..10 { foo(); } "#, )?; } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] { let script = r#" fn foo(x) { import "hello" as h; h::answer * x } foo(1) + { import "hello" as h; h::answer } "#; let scope = Scope::new(); let ast = engine.compile_into_self_contained(&scope, script)?; engine.set_module_resolver(DummyModuleResolver::new()); assert_eq!(engine.eval_ast::(&ast)?, 84); assert!(engine.eval::(script).is_err()); let result = engine.call_fn::(&mut Scope::new(), &ast, "foo", (2 as INT,))?; assert_eq!(result, 84); let mut ast2 = engine.compile("fn foo(x) { 42 }")?; #[cfg(feature = "internals")] let len = ast.resolver().unwrap().len(); ast2 += ast; #[cfg(feature = "internals")] { assert!(ast2.resolver().is_some()); assert_eq!(ast2.resolver().unwrap().len(), len); } let result = engine.call_fn::(&mut Scope::new(), &ast2, "foo", (2 as INT,))?; assert_eq!(result, 84); } Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] fn test_module_from_ast() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut engine = Engine::new(); let mut resolver1 = StaticModuleResolver::new(); let mut sub_module = Module::new(); sub_module.set_var("foo", true); resolver1.insert("another module", sub_module); let ast = engine.compile( r#" // Functions become module functions fn calc(x) { x + 1 } fn add_len(x, y) { x + len(y) } fn cross_call(x) { calc(x) } private fn hidden() { throw "you shouldn't see me!"; } // Imported modules become sub-modules import "another module" as extra; // Variables defined at global level become module variables export const x = 123; let foo = 41; let hello; // Final variable values become constant module variable values foo = calc(foo); hello = `hello, ${foo} worlds!`; export x as abc; export x as xxx; export foo; export hello; "#, )?; engine.set_module_resolver(resolver1); let module = Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine)?; let mut resolver2 = StaticModuleResolver::new(); resolver2.insert("testing", module); engine.set_module_resolver(resolver2); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::abc"#)?, 123 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::x"#)?, 123 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::xxx"#)?, 123 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::foo"#)?, 42 ); assert!(engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::extra::foo"#)?); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hello"#)?, "hello, 42 worlds!" ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::calc(999)"#)?, 1000 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::cross_call(999)"#)?, 1000 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::add_len(ttt::foo, ttt::hello)"#)?, 59 ); assert!(matches!( *engine .run(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hidden()"#) .unwrap_err(), EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(fn_name, ..) if fn_name == "ttt::hidden ()" )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_module_export() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); assert!(matches!( engine.compile("let x = 10; { export x; }").unwrap_err(), ParseError(x, ..) if *x == ParseErrorType::WrongExport )); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] assert!(matches!( engine.compile("fn abc(x) { export x; }").unwrap_err(), ParseError(x, ..) if *x == ParseErrorType::WrongExport )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_module_str() -> Result<(), Box> { fn test_fn(input: ImmutableString) -> Result> { Ok(input.len() as INT) } fn test_fn2(input: &str) -> Result> { Ok(input.len() as INT) } fn test_fn3(input: String) -> Result> { Ok(input.len() as INT) } let mut engine = rhai::Engine::new(); let mut module = Module::new(); module.set_native_fn("test", test_fn); module.set_native_fn("test2", test_fn2); module.set_native_fn("test3", test_fn3); let mut static_modules = rhai::module_resolvers::StaticModuleResolver::new(); static_modules.insert("test", module); engine.set_module_resolver(static_modules); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "test" as test; test::test("test");"#)?, 4 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "test" as test; test::test2("test");"#)?, 4 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "test" as test; test::test3("test");"#)?, 4 ); Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] #[test] fn test_module_ast_namespace() -> Result<(), Box> { let script = " fn foo(x) { x + 1 } fn bar(x) { foo(x) } "; let mut engine = Engine::new(); let ast = engine.compile(script)?; let module = Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine)?; let mut resolver = StaticModuleResolver::new(); resolver.insert("testing", module); engine.set_module_resolver(resolver); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as t; t::foo(41)"#)?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as t; t::bar(41)"#)?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"fn foo(x) { x - 1 } import "testing" as t; t::foo(41)"#)?, 42 ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"fn foo(x) { x - 1 } import "testing" as t; t::bar(41)"#)?, 42 ); Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] #[test] fn test_module_ast_namespace2() -> Result<(), Box> { use rhai::{Engine, Module, Scope}; const MODULE_TEXT: &str = " fn run_function(function) { call(function) } "; const SCRIPT: &str = r#" import "test_module" as test; fn foo() { print("foo"); } test::run_function(Fn("foo")); "#; let mut engine = Engine::new(); let module_ast = engine.compile(MODULE_TEXT)?; let module = Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &module_ast, &engine)?; let mut static_modules = rhai::module_resolvers::StaticModuleResolver::new(); static_modules.insert("test_module", module); engine.set_module_resolver(static_modules); engine.run(SCRIPT)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(all(not(feature = "no_function"), feature = "internals"))] #[test] fn test_module_context() -> Result<(), Box> { let script = "fn bar() { calc(|x| x + 1) }"; let mut engine = Engine::new(); let ast = engine.compile(script)?; let module = Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine)?; let mut resolver = StaticModuleResolver::new(); resolver.insert("testing", module); engine.set_module_resolver(resolver); engine.register_fn( "calc", |context: NativeCallContext, fp: FnPtr| -> Result> { let engine = context.engine(); // Store context for later use - requires the 'internals' feature let context_data = context.store_data(); // Recreate the 'NativeCallContext' let new_context = context_data.create_context(engine); fp.call_within_context(&new_context, (41 as INT,)) }, ); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "testing" as t; t::bar()"#)?, 42 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_module_file() -> Result<(), Box> { let engine = Engine::new(); let ast = engine.compile( r#" import "scripts/module"; print("top"); "#, )?; Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] #[test] fn test_module_environ() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut engine = Engine::new(); let ast = engine.compile( r#" const SECRET = 42; fn foo(x) { print(global::SECRET); global::SECRET + x } "#, )?; let mut m = Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine)?; m.set_id("test"); m.build_index(); engine.register_static_module("test", m.into()); assert_eq!( engine.eval::( r#" const SECRET = "hello"; fn foo(x) { print(global::SECRET); global::SECRET + x } let t = test::foo(0); foo(t) "# )?, "hello42" ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_module_dynamic() -> Result<(), Box> { fn test_fn(input: Dynamic, x: INT) -> Result> { let s = input.into_string().unwrap(); Ok(s.len() as INT + x) } let mut engine = rhai::Engine::new(); let mut module = Module::new(); module.set_native_fn("test", test_fn); let mut static_modules = rhai::module_resolvers::StaticModuleResolver::new(); static_modules.insert("test", module); engine.set_module_resolver(static_modules); engine.register_fn("test2", test_fn); assert_eq!(engine.eval::(r#"test2("test", 38);"#)?, 42); assert_eq!( engine.eval::(r#"import "test" as test; test::test("test", 38);"#)?, 42 ); Ok(()) }