//! Module that defines functions to output definition files for [`Engine`]. #![cfg(feature = "internals")] #![cfg(feature = "metadata")] use crate::module::FuncInfo; use crate::tokenizer::{is_valid_function_name, Token}; use crate::{Engine, FnAccess, FnPtr, Module, Scope, INT}; #[cfg(feature = "no_std")] use std::prelude::v1::*; use std::{any::type_name, borrow::Cow, cmp::Ordering, fmt}; impl Engine { /// _(metadata, internals)_ Return [`Definitions`] that can be used to generate definition files /// for the [`Engine`]. /// Exported under the `internals` and `metadata` feature only. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// # use rhai::Engine; /// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let engine = Engine::new(); /// /// engine /// .definitions() /// .write_to_dir(".rhai/definitions")?; /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` #[inline(always)] pub fn definitions(&self) -> Definitions { Definitions { engine: self, scope: None, config: DefinitionsConfig::default(), } } /// _(metadata, internals)_ Return [`Definitions`] that can be used to generate definition files /// for the [`Engine`] and the given [`Scope`]. /// Exported under the `internals` and `metadata` feature only. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// # use rhai::{Engine, Scope}; /// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let engine = Engine::new(); /// let scope = Scope::new(); /// engine /// .definitions_with_scope(&scope) /// .write_to_dir(".rhai/definitions")?; /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` #[inline(always)] pub fn definitions_with_scope<'e>(&'e self, scope: &'e Scope<'e>) -> Definitions<'e> { Definitions { engine: self, scope: Some(scope), config: DefinitionsConfig::default(), } } } /// Internal configuration for module generation. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] #[non_exhaustive] #[must_use] pub struct DefinitionsConfig { /// Write `module ...` headers in definition files (default `false`). pub write_headers: bool, /// Include standard packages (default `true`). pub include_standard_packages: bool, } impl Default for DefinitionsConfig { #[inline(always)] #[must_use] fn default() -> Self { Self { write_headers: false, include_standard_packages: true, } } } /// _(metadata, internals)_ Definitions helper type to generate definition files based on the /// contents of an [`Engine`]. /// Exported under the `internals` and `metadata` feature only. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[must_use] pub struct Definitions<'e> { /// The [`Engine`]. engine: &'e Engine, /// Optional [`Scope`] to include. scope: Option<&'e Scope<'e>>, config: DefinitionsConfig, } impl Definitions<'_> { /// Write `module ...` headers in separate definitions, default `false`. /// /// Headers are always present in content that is expected to be written to a file /// (i.e. `write_to*` and `*_file` methods). #[inline(always)] pub fn with_headers(mut self, headers: bool) -> Self { self.config.write_headers = headers; self } /// Include standard packages when writing definition files. #[inline(always)] pub fn include_standard_packages(mut self, include_standard_packages: bool) -> Self { self.config.include_standard_packages = include_standard_packages; self } /// Get the [`Engine`]. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub const fn engine(&self) -> &Engine { self.engine } /// Get the [`Scope`]. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub const fn scope(&self) -> Option<&Scope> { self.scope } /// Get the configuration. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub(crate) const fn config(&self) -> &DefinitionsConfig { &self.config } } impl Definitions<'_> { /// Output all definition files returned from [`iter_files`][Definitions::iter_files] to a /// specified directory. /// /// This function creates the directories and overrides any existing files if needed. #[cfg(all(not(feature = "no_std"), not(target_family = "wasm")))] #[inline] pub fn write_to_dir(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> std::io::Result<()> { use std::fs; let path = path.as_ref(); fs::create_dir_all(path)?; for (file_name, content) in self.iter_files() { fs::write(path.join(file_name), content)?; } Ok(()) } /// Output all definitions merged into a single file. /// /// The parent directory must exist but the file will be created or overwritten as needed. #[cfg(all(not(feature = "no_std"), not(target_family = "wasm")))] #[inline(always)] pub fn write_to_file(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> std::io::Result<()> { std::fs::write(path, self.single_file()) } /// Return all definitions merged into a single file. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn single_file(&self) -> String { let config = DefinitionsConfig { write_headers: false, ..self.config }; let mut def_file = String::from("module static;\n\n"); if config.include_standard_packages { def_file += &self.builtin_functions_operators_impl(&config); def_file += "\n"; def_file += &self.builtin_functions_impl(&config); def_file += "\n"; } def_file += &self.static_module_impl(&config); def_file += "\n"; #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] { use std::fmt::Write; for (module_name, module_def) in self.modules_impl(&config) { write!( &mut def_file, "\nmodule {module_name} {{\n{module_def}\n}}\n" ) .unwrap(); } def_file += "\n"; } def_file += &self.scope_items_impl(&config); def_file += "\n"; def_file } /// Iterate over generated definition files. /// /// The returned iterator yields all definition files as (filename, content) pairs. #[inline] pub fn iter_files(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { let config = DefinitionsConfig { write_headers: true, ..self.config }; if config.include_standard_packages { vec![ ( "__builtin__.d.rhai".to_string(), self.builtin_functions_impl(&config), ), ( "__builtin-operators__.d.rhai".to_string(), self.builtin_functions_operators_impl(&config), ), ] } else { vec![] } .into_iter() .chain(std::iter::once(( "__static__.d.rhai".to_string(), self.static_module_impl(&config), ))) .chain(self.scope.iter().map(move |_| { ( "__scope__.d.rhai".to_string(), self.scope_items_impl(&config), ) })) .chain( #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] { self.modules_impl(&config) .map(|(name, def)| (format!("{name}.d.rhai"), def)) }, #[cfg(feature = "no_module")] { std::iter::empty() }, ) } /// Return definitions for all builtin functions. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn builtin_functions(&self) -> String { self.builtin_functions_impl(&self.config) } /// Return definitions for all builtin functions. #[must_use] fn builtin_functions_impl(&self, config: &DefinitionsConfig) -> String { let def = include_str!("builtin-functions.d.rhai"); if config.write_headers { format!("module static;\n\n{def}") } else { def.to_string() } } /// Return definitions for all builtin operators. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn builtin_functions_operators(&self) -> String { self.builtin_functions_operators_impl(&self.config) } /// Return definitions for all builtin operators. #[must_use] fn builtin_functions_operators_impl(&self, config: &DefinitionsConfig) -> String { let def = include_str!("builtin-operators.d.rhai"); if config.write_headers { format!("module static;\n\n{def}") } else { def.to_string() } } /// Return definitions for all globally available functions and constants. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn static_module(&self) -> String { self.static_module_impl(&self.config) } /// Return definitions for all globally available functions and constants. #[must_use] fn static_module_impl(&self, config: &DefinitionsConfig) -> String { let mut s = if config.write_headers { String::from("module static;\n\n") } else { String::new() }; self.engine .global_modules .iter() .filter(|m| self.config.include_standard_packages || !m.standard) .enumerate() .for_each(|(i, m)| { if i > 0 { s += "\n\n"; } m.write_definition(&mut s, self).unwrap(); }); s } /// Return definitions for all items inside the [`Scope`], if any. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn scope_items(&self) -> String { self.scope_items_impl(&self.config) } /// Return definitions for all items inside the [`Scope`], if any. #[must_use] fn scope_items_impl(&self, config: &DefinitionsConfig) -> String { let mut s = if config.write_headers { String::from("module static;\n\n") } else { String::new() }; if let Some(scope) = self.scope { scope.write_definition(&mut s, self).unwrap(); } s } /// Return a (module name, definitions) pair for each registered static [module][Module]. /// /// Not available under `no_module`. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] #[inline(always)] pub fn modules(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.modules_impl(&self.config) } /// Return a (module name, definitions) pair for each registered static [module][Module]. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] fn modules_impl( &self, config: &DefinitionsConfig, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { let mut m = self .engine .global_sub_modules .iter() .map(move |(name, module)| { ( name.to_string(), if config.write_headers { format!("module {name};\n\n{}", module.definition(self)) } else { module.definition(self) }, ) }) .collect::>(); m.sort_by(|(name1, _), (name2, _)| name1.cmp(name2)); m.into_iter() } } impl Module { /// Return definitions for all items inside the [`Module`]. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] fn definition(&self, def: &Definitions) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); self.write_definition(&mut s, def).unwrap(); s } /// Output definitions for all items inside the [`Module`]. fn write_definition(&self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write, def: &Definitions) -> fmt::Result { let mut first = true; let mut submodules = self.iter_sub_modules().collect::>(); submodules.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a.cmp(b)); for (submodule_name, submodule) in submodules { if !first { writer.write_str("\n\n")?; } first = false; writeln!(writer, "module {submodule_name} {{")?; submodule.write_definition(writer, def)?; writer.write_str("}")?; } let mut vars = self.iter_var().collect::>(); vars.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a.cmp(b)); for (name, value) in vars { if !first { writer.write_str("\n\n")?; } first = false; let ty = def_type_name(value.type_name(), def.engine); write!(writer, "const {name}: {ty};")?; } let mut func_infos = self.iter_fn().collect::>(); func_infos.sort_by(|a, b| match a.name.cmp(&b.name) { Ordering::Equal => match a.num_params.cmp(&b.num_params) { Ordering::Equal => (a.params_info.join("") + a.return_type.as_str()) .cmp(&(b.params_info.join("") + b.return_type.as_str())), o => o, }, o => o, }); for f in func_infos { if !first { writer.write_str("\n\n")?; } first = false; if f.access == FnAccess::Private { continue; } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_custom_syntax"))] let operator = def.engine.custom_keywords.contains_key(&f.name) || (!f.name.contains('$') && !is_valid_function_name(&f.name)); #[cfg(feature = "no_custom_syntax")] let operator = !f.name.contains('$') && !is_valid_function_name(&f.name); f.write_definition(writer, def, operator)?; } Ok(()) } } impl FuncInfo { /// Output definitions for a function. fn write_definition( &self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write, def: &Definitions, operator: bool, ) -> fmt::Result { for comment in &*self.comments { writeln!(writer, "{comment}")?; } if operator { writer.write_str("op ")?; } else { writer.write_str("fn ")?; } if let Some(name) = self.name.strip_prefix("get$") { write!(writer, "get {name}(")?; } else if let Some(name) = self.name.strip_prefix("set$") { write!(writer, "set {name}(")?; } else { write!(writer, "{}(", self.name)?; } let mut first = true; for i in 0..self.num_params { if !first { writer.write_str(", ")?; } first = false; let (param_name, param_type) = self.params_info.get(i).map_or(("_", "?".into()), |s| { let mut s = s.splitn(2, ':'); ( s.next().unwrap_or("_").split(' ').last().unwrap(), s.next() .map_or(Cow::Borrowed("?"), |ty| def_type_name(ty, def.engine)), ) }); if operator { write!(writer, "{param_type}")?; } else { write!(writer, "{param_name}: {param_type}")?; } } write!( writer, ") -> {};", def_type_name(&self.return_type, def.engine) )?; Ok(()) } } /// We have to transform some of the types. /// /// This is highly inefficient and is currently based on trial and error with the core packages. /// /// It tries to flatten types, removing `&` and `&mut`, and paths, while keeping generics. /// /// Associated generic types are also rewritten into regular generic type parameters. fn def_type_name<'a>(ty: &'a str, engine: &'a Engine) -> Cow<'a, str> { let ty = engine.format_type_name(ty).replace("crate::", ""); let ty = ty.strip_prefix("&mut").unwrap_or(&*ty).trim(); let ty = ty.split("::").last().unwrap(); let ty = ty .strip_prefix("RhaiResultOf<") .and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix('>')) .map_or(ty, str::trim); let ty = ty .replace("Iterator(), "int") .replace("FLOAT", "float") .replace("&str", "String") .replace("ImmutableString", "String"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "float"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "Array"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "Blob"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "Map"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))] let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "Instant"); let ty = ty.replace(type_name::(), "FnPtr"); ty.into() } impl Scope<'_> { /// _(metadata, internals)_ Return definitions for all items inside the [`Scope`]. fn write_definition(&self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write, def: &Definitions) -> fmt::Result { let mut first = true; for (name, constant, value) in self.iter_raw() { if !first { writer.write_str("\n\n")?; } first = false; let kw = if constant { Token::Const } else { Token::Let }; let ty = def_type_name(value.type_name(), def.engine); write!(writer, "{kw} {name}: {ty};")?; } Ok(()) } }