use crate::Dynamic; use std::char; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::str::Chars; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub enum LexError { UnexpectedChar(char), UnterminatedString, MalformedEscapeSequence, MalformedNumber, MalformedChar, Nothing, } type LERR = LexError; impl Error for LexError { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self { LERR::UnexpectedChar(_) => "Unexpected character", LERR::UnterminatedString => "Open string is not terminated", LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence => "Unexpected values in escape sequence", LERR::MalformedNumber => "Unexpected characters in number", LERR::MalformedChar => "Char constant not a single character", LERR::Nothing => "This error is for internal use only", } } } impl fmt::Display for LexError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { LERR::UnexpectedChar(c) => write!(f, "Unexpected '{}'", c), _ => write!(f, "{}", self.description()), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum ParseErrorType { BadInput(String), InputPastEndOfFile, UnknownOperator, MissingRightParen, MissingLeftBrace, MissingRightBrace, MissingRightBracket, MalformedCallExpr, MalformedIndexExpr, VarExpectsIdentifier, FnMissingName, FnMissingParams, } type PERR = ParseErrorType; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Position { pub line: usize, pub pos: usize, } impl Position { pub fn advance(&mut self) { self.pos += 1; } pub fn rewind(&mut self) { // Beware, should not rewind at zero position self.pos -= 1; } pub fn new_line(&mut self) { self.line += 1; self.pos = 0; } pub fn eof() -> Self { Self { line: 0, pos: 0 } } pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool { self.line == 0 } } impl std::fmt::Display for Position { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self.line { 0 => write!(f, "EOF"), _ => write!(f, "line {}, position {}", self.line, self.pos), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct ParseError(PERR, Position); impl ParseError { pub fn error_type(&self) -> &PERR { &self.0 } pub fn line(&self) -> usize { self.1.line } pub fn position(&self) -> usize { self.1.pos } pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool { self.1.is_eof() } } impl Error for ParseError { fn description(&self) -> &str { match self.0 { PERR::BadInput(ref p) => p, PERR::InputPastEndOfFile => "Script is incomplete", PERR::UnknownOperator => "Unknown operator", PERR::MissingRightParen => "Expecting ')'", PERR::MissingLeftBrace => "Expecting '{'", PERR::MissingRightBrace => "Expecting '}'", PERR::MissingRightBracket => "Expecting ']'", PERR::MalformedCallExpr => "Invalid expression in function call arguments", PERR::MalformedIndexExpr => "Invalid index in indexing expression", PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier => "Expecting name of a variable", PERR::FnMissingName => "Expecting name in function declaration", PERR::FnMissingParams => "Expecting parameters in function declaration", } } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { None } } impl fmt::Display for ParseError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self.0 { PERR::BadInput(ref s) => write!(f, "{}", s)?, _ => write!(f, "{}", self.description())?, } if !self.is_eof() { write!(f, " ({})", self.1) } else { write!(f, " at the end of the script but there is no more input") } } } pub struct AST(pub(crate) Vec, pub(crate) Vec); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct FnDef { pub name: String, pub params: Vec, pub body: Box, pub pos: Position, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Stmt { IfElse(Box, Box, Option>), While(Box, Box), Loop(Box), For(String, Box, Box), Let(String, Option>, Position), Block(Vec), Expr(Box), Break(Position), Return(Position), ReturnWithVal(Box, Position), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Expr { IntegerConstant(i64, Position), FloatConstant(f64, Position), Identifier(String, Position), CharConstant(char, Position), StringConstant(String, Position), FunctionCall(String, Vec, Option, Position), Assignment(Box, Box), Dot(Box, Box), Index(String, Box, Position), Array(Vec, Position), And(Box, Box), Or(Box, Box), True(Position), False(Position), Unit(Position), } impl Expr { pub fn position(&self) -> Position { match self { Expr::IntegerConstant(_, pos) | Expr::FloatConstant(_, pos) | Expr::Identifier(_, pos) | Expr::CharConstant(_, pos) | Expr::StringConstant(_, pos) | Expr::FunctionCall(_, _, _, pos) | Expr::Index(_, _, pos) | Expr::Array(_, pos) | Expr::True(pos) | Expr::False(pos) | Expr::Unit(pos) => *pos, Expr::Assignment(_, _) | Expr::Dot(_, _) | Expr::And(_, _) | Expr::Or(_, _) => panic!(), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Token { IntegerConstant(i64), FloatConstant(f64), Identifier(String), CharConstant(char), StringConst(String), LeftBrace, RightBrace, LeftParen, RightParen, LeftBracket, RightBracket, Plus, UnaryPlus, Minus, UnaryMinus, Multiply, Divide, SemiColon, Colon, Comma, Period, Equals, True, False, Let, If, Else, While, Loop, LessThan, GreaterThan, Bang, LessThanEqualsTo, GreaterThanEqualsTo, EqualsTo, NotEqualsTo, Pipe, Or, Ampersand, And, Fn, Break, Return, PlusAssign, MinusAssign, MultiplyAssign, DivideAssign, LeftShiftAssign, RightShiftAssign, AndAssign, OrAssign, XOrAssign, LeftShift, RightShift, XOr, Modulo, ModuloAssign, PowerOf, PowerOfAssign, For, In, LexErr(LexError), } impl Token { // if another operator is after these, it's probably an unary operator // not sure about fn's name pub fn is_next_unary(&self) -> bool { use self::Token::*; match *self { LeftBrace | // (+expr) - is unary // RightBrace | {expr} - expr not unary & is closing LeftParen | // {-expr} - is unary // RightParen | (expr) - expr not unary & is closing LeftBracket | // [-expr] - is unary // RightBracket | [expr] - expr not unary & is closing Plus | UnaryPlus | Minus | UnaryMinus | Multiply | Divide | Colon | Comma | Period | Equals | LessThan | GreaterThan | Bang | LessThanEqualsTo | GreaterThanEqualsTo | EqualsTo | NotEqualsTo | Pipe | Or | Ampersand | And | If | While | PlusAssign | MinusAssign | MultiplyAssign | DivideAssign | LeftShiftAssign | RightShiftAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XOrAssign | LeftShift | RightShift | XOr | Modulo | ModuloAssign | Return | PowerOf | In | PowerOfAssign => true, _ => false, } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn is_bin_op(&self) -> bool { use self::Token::*; match *self { RightBrace | RightParen | RightBracket | Plus | Minus | Multiply | Divide | Comma | // Period | <- does period count? Equals | LessThan | GreaterThan | LessThanEqualsTo | GreaterThanEqualsTo | EqualsTo | NotEqualsTo | Pipe | Or | Ampersand | And | PowerOf => true, _ => false, } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn is_un_op(&self) -> bool { use self::Token::*; match *self { UnaryPlus | UnaryMinus | Equals | Bang | Return => true, _ => false, } } } pub struct TokenIterator<'a> { last: Token, pos: Position, char_stream: Peekable>, } impl<'a> TokenIterator<'a> { fn advance(&mut self) { self.pos.advance(); } fn rewind(&mut self) { self.pos.rewind(); } fn new_line(&mut self) { self.pos.new_line(); } pub fn parse_string_const( &mut self, enclosing_char: char, ) -> Result { let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut escape = false; loop { let next_char =; if next_char.is_none() { return Err((LERR::UnterminatedString, Position::eof())); } self.advance(); match next_char.unwrap() { '\\' if !escape => escape = true, '\\' if escape => { escape = false; result.push('\\'); } 't' if escape => { escape = false; result.push('\t'); } 'n' if escape => { escape = false; result.push('\n'); } 'r' if escape => { escape = false; result.push('\r'); } 'x' if escape => { escape = false; let mut out_val: u32 = 0; for _ in 0..2 { if let Some(c) = { if let Some(d1) = c.to_digit(16) { out_val *= 16; out_val += d1; } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } self.advance(); } if let Some(r) = char::from_u32(out_val) { result.push(r); } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } 'u' if escape => { escape = false; let mut out_val: u32 = 0; for _ in 0..4 { if let Some(c) = { if let Some(d1) = c.to_digit(16) { out_val *= 16; out_val += d1; } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } self.advance(); } if let Some(r) = char::from_u32(out_val) { result.push(r); } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } 'U' if escape => { escape = false; let mut out_val: u32 = 0; for _ in 0..8 { if let Some(c) = { if let Some(d1) = c.to_digit(16) { out_val *= 16; out_val += d1; } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } self.advance(); } if let Some(r) = char::from_u32(out_val) { result.push(r); } else { return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)); } } x if enclosing_char == x && escape => result.push(x), x if enclosing_char == x && !escape => break, _ if escape => return Err((LERR::MalformedEscapeSequence, self.pos)), '\n' => { self.rewind(); return Err((LERR::UnterminatedString, self.pos)); } x => { escape = false; result.push(x); } } } let out: String = result.iter().cloned().collect(); Ok(out) } fn inner_next(&mut self) -> Option<(Token, Position)> { while let Some(c) = { self.advance(); let pos = self.pos; match c { '\n' => self.new_line(), '0'..='9' => { let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut radix_base: Option = None; result.push(c); while let Some(&nxt) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt { '0'..='9' => { result.push(nxt);; self.advance(); } '.' => { result.push(nxt);; self.advance(); while let Some(&nxt_float) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt_float { '0'..='9' => { result.push(nxt_float);; self.advance(); } _ => break, } } } 'x' | 'X' => { result.push(nxt);; self.advance(); while let Some(&nxt_hex) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt_hex { '0'..='9' | 'a'..='f' | 'A'..='F' => { result.push(nxt_hex);; self.advance(); } _ => break, } } radix_base = Some(16); } 'o' | 'O' => { result.push(nxt);; self.advance(); while let Some(&nxt_oct) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt_oct { '0'..='8' => { result.push(nxt_oct);; self.advance(); } _ => break, } } radix_base = Some(8); } 'b' | 'B' => { result.push(nxt);; self.advance(); while let Some(&nxt_bin) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt_bin { '0' | '1' | '_' => { result.push(nxt_bin);; self.advance(); } _ => break, } } radix_base = Some(2); } _ => break, } } if let Some(radix) = radix_base { let out: String = result .iter() .cloned() .skip(2) .filter(|c| c != &'_') .collect(); if let Ok(val) = i64::from_str_radix(&out, radix) { return Some((Token::IntegerConstant(val), pos)); } } let out: String = result.iter().cloned().collect(); return Some(( if let Ok(val) = out.parse::() { Token::IntegerConstant(val) } else if let Ok(val) = out.parse::() { Token::FloatConstant(val) } else { Token::LexErr(LERR::MalformedNumber) }, pos, )); } 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '_' => { let mut result = Vec::new(); result.push(c); while let Some(&nxt) = self.char_stream.peek() { match nxt { x if x.is_alphanumeric() || x == '_' => { result.push(x);; self.advance(); } _ => break, } } let out: String = result.iter().cloned().collect(); return Some(( match out.as_str() { "true" => Token::True, "false" => Token::False, "let" => Token::Let, "if" => Token::If, "else" => Token::Else, "while" => Token::While, "loop" => Token::Loop, "break" => Token::Break, "return" => Token::Return, "fn" => Token::Fn, "for" => Token::For, "in" => Token::In, x => Token::Identifier(x.into()), }, pos, )); } '"' => { return match self.parse_string_const('"') { Ok(out) => Some((Token::StringConst(out), pos)), Err(e) => Some((Token::LexErr(e.0), e.1)), } } '\'' => match self.parse_string_const('\'') { Ok(result) => { let mut chars = result.chars(); return Some(( if let Some(out) = { if chars.count() != 0 { Token::LexErr(LERR::MalformedChar) } else { Token::CharConstant(out) } } else { Token::LexErr(LERR::MalformedChar) }, pos, )); } Err(e) => return Some((Token::LexErr(e.0), e.1)), }, '{' => return Some((Token::LeftBrace, pos)), '}' => return Some((Token::RightBrace, pos)), '(' => return Some((Token::LeftParen, pos)), ')' => return Some((Token::RightParen, pos)), '[' => return Some((Token::LeftBracket, pos)), ']' => return Some((Token::RightBracket, pos)), '+' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::PlusAssign } _ if self.last.is_next_unary() => Token::UnaryPlus, _ => Token::Plus, }, pos, )) } '-' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::MinusAssign } _ if self.last.is_next_unary() => Token::UnaryMinus, _ => Token::Minus, }, pos, )) } '*' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::MultiplyAssign } _ => Token::Multiply, }, pos, )) } '/' => match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'/') => {; self.advance(); while let Some(c) = { if c == '\n' { self.new_line(); break; } else { self.advance(); } } } Some(&'*') => { let mut level = 1;; self.advance(); while let Some(c) = { self.advance(); match c { '/' => { if let Some('*') = { level += 1; } self.advance(); } '*' => { if let Some('/') = { level -= 1; } self.advance(); } '\n' => self.new_line(), _ => (), } if level == 0 { break; } } } Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); return Some((Token::DivideAssign, pos)); } _ => return Some((Token::Divide, pos)), }, ';' => return Some((Token::SemiColon, pos)), ':' => return Some((Token::Colon, pos)), ',' => return Some((Token::Comma, pos)), '.' => return Some((Token::Period, pos)), '=' => match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); return Some((Token::EqualsTo, pos)); } _ => return Some((Token::Equals, pos)), }, '<' => match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); return Some((Token::LessThanEqualsTo, pos)); } Some(&'<') => {; self.advance(); return match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Some((Token::LeftShiftAssign, pos)) } _ => {; self.advance(); Some((Token::LeftShift, pos)) } }; } _ => return Some((Token::LessThan, pos)), }, '>' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo } Some(&'>') => {; self.advance(); match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::RightShiftAssign } _ => {; self.advance(); Token::RightShift } } } _ => Token::GreaterThan, }, pos, )) } '!' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::NotEqualsTo } _ => Token::Bang, }, pos, )) } '|' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'|') => {; self.advance(); Token::Or } Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::OrAssign } _ => Token::Pipe, }, pos, )) } '&' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'&') => {; self.advance(); Token::And } Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::AndAssign } _ => Token::Ampersand, }, pos, )) } '^' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::XOrAssign } _ => Token::XOr, }, pos, )) } '%' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::ModuloAssign } _ => Token::Modulo, }, pos, )) } '~' => { return Some(( match self.char_stream.peek() { Some(&'=') => {; self.advance(); Token::PowerOfAssign } _ => Token::PowerOf, }, pos, )) } x if x.is_whitespace() => (), x => return Some((Token::LexErr(LERR::UnexpectedChar(x)), pos)), } } None } } impl<'a> Iterator for TokenIterator<'a> { type Item = (Token, Position); // TODO - perhaps this could be optimized? fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.inner_next().map(|x| { self.last = x.0.clone(); x }) } } pub fn lex(input: &str) -> TokenIterator<'_> { TokenIterator { last: Token::LexErr(LERR::Nothing), pos: Position { line: 1, pos: 0 }, char_stream: input.chars().peekable(), } } fn get_precedence(token: &Token) -> i8 { match *token { Token::Equals | Token::PlusAssign | Token::MinusAssign | Token::MultiplyAssign | Token::DivideAssign | Token::LeftShiftAssign | Token::RightShiftAssign | Token::AndAssign | Token::OrAssign | Token::XOrAssign | Token::ModuloAssign | Token::PowerOfAssign => 10, Token::Or | Token::XOr | Token::Pipe => 11, Token::And | Token::Ampersand => 12, Token::LessThan | Token::LessThanEqualsTo | Token::GreaterThan | Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo | Token::EqualsTo | Token::NotEqualsTo => 15, Token::Plus | Token::Minus => 20, Token::Divide | Token::Multiply | Token::PowerOf => 40, Token::LeftShift | Token::RightShift => 50, Token::Modulo => 60, Token::Period => 100, _ => -1, } } fn parse_paren_expr<'a>( input: &mut Peekable>, begin: Position, ) -> Result { match input.peek() { Some((Token::RightParen, _)) => {; return Ok(Expr::Unit(begin)); } _ => (), } let expr = parse_expr(input)?; match { Some((Token::RightParen, _)) => Ok(expr), _ => Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingRightParen, Position::eof())), } } fn parse_call_expr<'a>( id: String, input: &mut Peekable>, begin: Position, ) -> Result { let mut args = Vec::new(); if let Some(&(Token::RightParen, _)) = input.peek() {; return Ok(Expr::FunctionCall(id, args, None, begin)); } loop { args.push(parse_expr(input)?); match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightParen, _)) => {; return Ok(Expr::FunctionCall(id, args, None, begin)); } Some(&(Token::Comma, _)) => (), Some(&(_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedCallExpr, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedCallExpr, Position::eof())), }; } } fn parse_index_expr<'a>( id: String, input: &mut Peekable>, begin: Position, ) -> Result { match parse_expr(input) { Ok(idx) => match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightBracket, _)) => {; return Ok(Expr::Index(id, Box::new(idx), begin)); } Some(&(_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedIndexExpr, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedIndexExpr, Position::eof())), }, Err(mut err) => { err.0 = PERR::MalformedIndexExpr; return Err(err); } } } fn parse_ident_expr<'a>( id: String, input: &mut Peekable>, begin: Position, ) -> Result { match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::LeftParen, pos)) => {; parse_call_expr(id, input, pos) } Some(&(Token::LeftBracket, pos)) => {; parse_index_expr(id, input, pos) } Some(_) => Ok(Expr::Identifier(id, begin)), None => Ok(Expr::Identifier(id, Position::eof())), } } fn parse_array_expr<'a>( input: &mut Peekable>, begin: Position, ) -> Result { let mut arr = Vec::new(); let skip_contents = match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightBracket, _)) => true, _ => false, }; if !skip_contents { while let Some(_) = input.peek() { arr.push(parse_expr(input)?); if let Some(&(Token::Comma, _)) = input.peek() {; } if let Some(&(Token::RightBracket, _)) = input.peek() { break; } } } match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightBracket, _)) => {; Ok(Expr::Array(arr, begin)) } Some(&(_, pos)) => Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingRightBracket, pos)), None => Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingRightBracket, Position::eof())), } } fn parse_primary<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { match { Some((token, pos)) => match token { Token::IntegerConstant(x) => Ok(Expr::IntegerConstant(x, pos)), Token::FloatConstant(x) => Ok(Expr::FloatConstant(x, pos)), Token::StringConst(s) => Ok(Expr::StringConstant(s, pos)), Token::CharConstant(c) => Ok(Expr::CharConstant(c, pos)), Token::Identifier(s) => parse_ident_expr(s, input, pos), Token::LeftParen => parse_paren_expr(input, pos), Token::LeftBracket => parse_array_expr(input, pos), Token::True => Ok(Expr::True(pos)), Token::False => Ok(Expr::False(pos)), Token::LexErr(le) => Err(ParseError(PERR::BadInput(le.to_string()), pos)), _ => Err(ParseError( PERR::BadInput(format!("Unexpected {:?} token", token)), pos, )), }, None => Err(ParseError(PERR::InputPastEndOfFile, Position::eof())), } } fn parse_unary<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { let (token, pos) = match input.peek() { Some((tok, tok_pos)) => (tok.clone(), *tok_pos), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::InputPastEndOfFile, Position::eof())), }; match token { Token::UnaryMinus => {; Ok(Expr::FunctionCall( "-".into(), vec![parse_primary(input)?], None, pos, )) } Token::UnaryPlus => {; parse_primary(input) } Token::Bang => {; Ok(Expr::FunctionCall( "!".into(), vec![parse_primary(input)?], Some(Box::new(false)), // NOT operator, when operating on invalid operand, defaults to false pos, )) } _ => parse_primary(input), } } fn parse_binop<'a>( input: &mut Peekable>, prec: i8, lhs: Expr, ) -> Result { let mut lhs_curr = lhs; loop { let mut curr_prec = -1; if let Some(&(ref curr_op, _)) = input.peek() { curr_prec = get_precedence(curr_op); } if curr_prec < prec { return Ok(lhs_curr); } if let Some((op_token, pos)) = { input.peek(); let mut rhs = parse_unary(input)?; let mut next_prec = -1; if let Some(&(ref next_op, _)) = input.peek() { next_prec = get_precedence(next_op); } if curr_prec < next_prec { rhs = parse_binop(input, curr_prec + 1, rhs)?; } else if curr_prec >= 100 { // Always bind right to left for precedence over 100 rhs = parse_binop(input, curr_prec, rhs)?; } lhs_curr = match op_token { Token::Plus => Expr::FunctionCall("+".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::Minus => Expr::FunctionCall("-".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::Multiply => Expr::FunctionCall("*".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::Divide => Expr::FunctionCall("/".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::Equals => Expr::Assignment(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)), Token::PlusAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "+".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::MinusAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "-".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::Period => Expr::Dot(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)), // Comparison operators default to false when passed invalid operands Token::EqualsTo => { Expr::FunctionCall("==".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::NotEqualsTo => { Expr::FunctionCall("!=".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::LessThan => { Expr::FunctionCall("<".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::LessThanEqualsTo => { Expr::FunctionCall("<=".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::GreaterThan => { Expr::FunctionCall(">".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo => { Expr::FunctionCall(">=".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], Some(Box::new(false)), pos) } Token::Or => Expr::Or(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)), Token::And => Expr::And(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)), Token::XOr => Expr::FunctionCall("^".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::OrAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "|".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::AndAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "&".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::XOrAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "^".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::MultiplyAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "*".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::DivideAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "/".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::Pipe => Expr::FunctionCall("|".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::LeftShift => Expr::FunctionCall("<<".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::RightShift => { Expr::FunctionCall(">>".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos) } Token::LeftShiftAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "<<".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::RightShiftAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( ">>".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::Ampersand => Expr::FunctionCall("&".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::Modulo => Expr::FunctionCall("%".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::ModuloAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "%".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } Token::PowerOf => Expr::FunctionCall("~".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs], None, pos), Token::PowerOfAssign => { let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone(); Expr::Assignment( Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(Expr::FunctionCall( "~".into(), vec![lhs_copy, rhs], None, pos, )), ) } _ => return Err(ParseError(PERR::UnknownOperator, pos)), }; } } } fn parse_expr<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { let lhs = parse_unary(input)?; parse_binop(input, 0, lhs) } fn parse_if<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result {; let guard = parse_expr(input)?; let body = parse_block(input)?; match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::Else, _)) => {; let else_body = match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::If, _)) => parse_if(input)?, _ => parse_block(input)?, }; Ok(Stmt::IfElse( Box::new(guard), Box::new(body), Some(Box::new(else_body)), )) } _ => Ok(Stmt::IfElse(Box::new(guard), Box::new(body), None)), } } fn parse_while<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result {; let guard = parse_expr(input)?; let body = parse_block(input)?; Ok(Stmt::While(Box::new(guard), Box::new(body))) } fn parse_loop<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result {; let body = parse_block(input)?; Ok(Stmt::Loop(Box::new(body))) } fn parse_for<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result {; let name = match { Some((Token::Identifier(s), _)) => s, Some((_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, Position::eof())), }; match { Some((Token::In, _)) => {} Some((_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, Position::eof())), } let expr = parse_expr(input)?; let body = parse_block(input)?; Ok(Stmt::For(name, Box::new(expr), Box::new(body))) } fn parse_var<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { let pos = match { Some((_, tok_pos)) => tok_pos, _ => return Err(ParseError(PERR::InputPastEndOfFile, Position::eof())), }; let name = match { Some((Token::Identifier(s), _)) => s, Some((_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::VarExpectsIdentifier, Position::eof())), }; match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::Equals, _)) => {; let initializer = parse_expr(input)?; Ok(Stmt::Let(name, Some(Box::new(initializer)), pos)) } _ => Ok(Stmt::Let(name, None, pos)), } } fn parse_block<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::LeftBrace, _)) => (), Some(&(_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingLeftBrace, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingLeftBrace, Position::eof())), }; let mut stmts = Vec::new(); let skip_body = match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightBrace, _)) => true, _ => false, }; if !skip_body { while let Some(_) = input.peek() { stmts.push(parse_stmt(input)?); if let Some(&(Token::SemiColon, _)) = input.peek() {; } if let Some(&(Token::RightBrace, _)) = input.peek() { break; } } } match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightBrace, _)) => {; Ok(Stmt::Block(stmts)) } Some(&(_, pos)) => Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingRightBrace, pos)), None => Err(ParseError(PERR::MissingRightBrace, Position::eof())), } } fn parse_expr_stmt<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { Ok(Stmt::Expr(Box::new(parse_expr(input)?))) } fn parse_stmt<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::If, _)) => parse_if(input), Some(&(Token::While, _)) => parse_while(input), Some(&(Token::Loop, _)) => parse_loop(input), Some(&(Token::For, _)) => parse_for(input), Some(&(Token::Break, pos)) => {; Ok(Stmt::Break(pos)) } Some(&(Token::Return, _)) => {; match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::SemiColon, pos)) => Ok(Stmt::Return(pos)), Some(&(_, pos)) => { let ret = parse_expr(input)?; Ok(Stmt::ReturnWithVal(Box::new(ret), pos)) } _ => parse_expr_stmt(input), } } Some(&(Token::LeftBrace, _)) => parse_block(input), Some(&(Token::Let, _)) => parse_var(input), _ => parse_expr_stmt(input), } } fn parse_fn<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { let pos = match { Some((_, tok_pos)) => tok_pos, _ => return Err(ParseError(PERR::InputPastEndOfFile, Position::eof())), }; let name = match { Some((Token::Identifier(s), _)) => s, Some((_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::FnMissingName, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::FnMissingName, Position::eof())), }; match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::LeftParen, _)) => {; } Some(&(_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::FnMissingParams, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::FnMissingParams, Position::eof())), } let mut params = Vec::new(); let skip_params = match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::RightParen, _)) => {; true } _ => false, }; if !skip_params { loop { match { Some((Token::RightParen, _)) => break, Some((Token::Comma, _)) => (), Some((Token::Identifier(s), _)) => { params.push(s); } Some((_, pos)) => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedCallExpr, pos)), None => return Err(ParseError(PERR::MalformedCallExpr, Position::eof())), } } } let body = parse_block(input)?; Ok(FnDef { name: name, params: params, body: Box::new(body), pos: pos, }) } fn parse_top_level<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { let mut stmts = Vec::new(); let mut fndefs = Vec::new(); while let Some(_) = input.peek() { match input.peek() { Some(&(Token::Fn, _)) => fndefs.push(parse_fn(input)?), _ => stmts.push(parse_stmt(input)?), } if let Some(&(Token::SemiColon, _)) = input.peek() {; } } Ok(AST(stmts, fndefs)) } pub fn parse<'a>(input: &mut Peekable>) -> Result { parse_top_level(input) }