use rhai::{Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult, Module, Scope, AST, INT}; use rustyline::config::Builder; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::{Cmd, Editor, Event, EventHandler, KeyCode, KeyEvent, Modifiers, Movement}; use smallvec::smallvec; use std::{env, fs::File, io::Read, path::Path, process::exit}; const HISTORY_FILE: &str = ".rhai-repl-history"; /// Pretty-print error. fn print_error(input: &str, mut err: EvalAltResult) { let lines: Vec<_> = input.trim().split('\n').collect(); let pos = err.take_position(); let line_no = if lines.len() > 1 { if pos.is_none() { "".to_string() } else { format!("{}: ", pos.line().unwrap()) } } else { "".to_string() }; // Print error position if pos.is_none() { // No position println!("{}", err); } else { // Specific position - print line text println!("{}{}", line_no, lines[pos.line().unwrap() - 1]); // Display position marker println!( "{0:>1$} {2}", "^", line_no.len() + pos.position().unwrap(), err ); } } /// Print help text. fn print_help() { println!("help => print this help"); println!("quit, exit => quit"); println!("keys => print list of key bindings"); println!("history => print lines history"); println!("!! => repeat the last history line"); println!("!<#> => repeat a particular history line"); println!("! => repeat the last history line starting with some text"); println!("!? => repeat the last history line containing some text"); println!("scope => print all variables in the scope"); println!("strict => toggle on/off Strict Variables Mode"); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] println!("optimize => toggle on/off script optimization"); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] println!("functions => print all functions defined"); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] println!("json => output all functions in JSON format"); println!("ast => print the last AST (optimized)"); println!("astu => print the last raw, un-optimized AST"); println!(); println!("press Ctrl-Enter or end a line with `\\`"); println!("to continue to the next line."); println!(); } /// Print key bindings. fn print_keys() { println!("Home => move to beginning of line"); println!("Ctrl-Home => move to beginning of input"); println!("End => move to end of line"); println!("Ctrl-End => move to end of input"); println!("Left => move left"); println!("Ctrl-Left => move left by one word"); println!("Right => move right by one word"); println!("Ctrl-Right => move right"); println!("Up => previous line or history"); println!("Ctrl-Up => previous history"); println!("Down => next line or history"); println!("Ctrl-Down => next history"); println!("Ctrl-R => reverse search history"); println!(" (Ctrl-S forward, Ctrl-G cancel)"); println!("Ctrl-L => clear screen"); println!("Escape => clear all input"); println!("Ctrl-C => exit"); println!("Ctrl-D => EOF (when line empty)"); println!("Ctrl-H, Backspace => backspace"); println!("Ctrl-D, Del => delete character"); println!("Ctrl-U => delete from start"); println!("Ctrl-W => delete previous word"); println!("Ctrl-T => transpose characters"); println!("Ctrl-V => insert special character"); println!("Ctrl-Y => paste yank"); println!("Ctrl-Z => suspend (Unix), undo (Windows)"); println!("Ctrl-_ => undo"); println!("Enter => run code"); println!("Shift-Ctrl-Enter => continue to next line"); println!(); println!("Plus all standard Emacs key bindings"); println!(); } /// Display the scope. fn print_scope(scope: &Scope) { for (i, (name, constant, value)) in scope.iter_raw().enumerate() { #[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))] let value_is_shared = if value.is_shared() { " (shared)" } else { "" }; #[cfg(feature = "no_closure")] let value_is_shared = ""; println!( "[{}] {}{}{} = {:?}", i + 1, if constant { "const " } else { "" }, name, value_is_shared, *value.read_lock::().unwrap(), ) } println!(); } // Load script files specified in the command line. #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))] fn load_script_files(engine: &mut Engine) { // Load init scripts let mut contents = String::new(); let mut has_init_scripts = false; for filename in env::args().skip(1) { let filename = match Path::new(&filename).canonicalize() { Err(err) => { eprintln!("Error script file path: {}\n{}", filename, err); exit(1); } Ok(f) => { match f.strip_prefix(std::env::current_dir().unwrap().canonicalize().unwrap()) { Ok(f) => f.into(), _ => f, } } }; contents.clear(); let mut f = match File::open(&filename) { Err(err) => { eprintln!( "Error reading script file: {}\n{}", filename.to_string_lossy(), err ); exit(1); } Ok(f) => f, }; if let Err(err) = f.read_to_string(&mut contents) { println!( "Error reading script file: {}\n{}", filename.to_string_lossy(), err ); exit(1); } let module = match engine .compile(&contents) .map_err(|err| err.into()) .and_then(|mut ast| { ast.set_source(filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()); Module::eval_ast_as_new(Scope::new(), &ast, &engine) }) { Err(err) => { let filename = filename.to_string_lossy(); eprintln!("{:=<1$}", "", filename.len()); eprintln!("{}", filename); eprintln!("{:=<1$}", "", filename.len()); eprintln!(""); print_error(&contents, *err); exit(1); } Ok(m) => m, }; engine.register_global_module(module.into()); has_init_scripts = true; println!("Script '{}' loaded.", filename.to_string_lossy()); } if has_init_scripts { println!(); } } // Setup the Rustyline editor. fn setup_editor() -> Editor<()> { //env_logger::init(); let config = Builder::new() .tab_stop(4) .indent_size(4) .bracketed_paste(true) .build(); let mut rl = Editor::<()>::with_config(config); // Bind more keys // On Windows, Esc clears the input buffer #[cfg(target_family = "windows")] rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Esc, Modifiers::empty())]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Kill(Movement::WholeBuffer)), ); // On Windows, Ctrl-Z is undo #[cfg(target_family = "windows")] rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent::ctrl('z')]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Undo(1)), ); // Map Ctrl-Enter to insert a new line - bypass need for `\` continuation rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Char('J'), Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Newline), ); rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Enter, Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Newline), ); // Map Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End for beginning/end of input rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Home, Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Move(Movement::BeginningOfBuffer)), ); rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::End, Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::Move(Movement::EndOfBuffer)), ); // Map Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down to skip up/down the history, even through multi-line histories rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Down, Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::NextHistory), ); rl.bind_sequence( Event::KeySeq(smallvec![KeyEvent(KeyCode::Up, Modifiers::CTRL)]), EventHandler::Simple(Cmd::PreviousHistory), ); // Load the history file if rl.load_history(HISTORY_FILE).is_err() { eprintln!("! No previous lines history!"); } rl } fn main() { let title = format!("Rhai REPL tool (version {})", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); println!("{}", title); println!("{0:=<1$}", "", title.len()); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] let mut optimize_level = rhai::OptimizationLevel::Simple; // Initialize scripting engine let mut engine = Engine::new(); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))] load_script_files(&mut engine); // Setup Engine #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] engine.set_optimization_level(rhai::OptimizationLevel::None); // Set a file module resolver without caching #[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))] { let mut resolver = rhai::module_resolvers::FileModuleResolver::new(); resolver.enable_cache(false); engine.set_module_resolver(resolver); } // Register sample functions engine .register_fn("test", |x: INT, y: INT| format!("{} {}", x, y)) .register_fn("test", |x: &mut INT, y: INT, z: &str| { *x += y; println!("{} {} {}", x, y, z); }); // Create scope let mut scope = Scope::new(); // REPL line editor setup let mut rl = setup_editor(); // REPL loop let mut input = String::new(); let mut replacement = None; let mut replacement_index = 0; let mut history_offset = 1; let mut main_ast = AST::empty(); let mut ast_u = AST::empty(); let mut ast = AST::empty(); print_help(); 'main_loop: loop { if let Some(replace) = replacement.take() { input = replace; if rl.add_history_entry(input.clone()) { history_offset += 1; } if input.contains('\n') { println!("[{}] ~~~~", replacement_index); println!("{}", input); println!("~~~~"); } else { println!("[{}] {}", replacement_index, input); } replacement_index = 0; } else { input.clear(); loop { let prompt = if input.is_empty() { "rhai-repl> " } else { " > " }; match rl.readline(prompt) { // Line continuation Ok(mut line) if line.ends_with("\\") => { line.pop(); input += line.trim_end(); input.push('\n'); } Ok(line) => { input += line.trim_end(); if !input.is_empty() && !input.starts_with('!') && input.trim() != "history" { if rl.add_history_entry(input.clone()) { history_offset += 1; } } break; } Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) | Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => break 'main_loop, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Error: {:?}", err); break 'main_loop; } } } } let script = input.trim(); if script.is_empty() { continue; } // Implement standard commands match script { "help" => { print_help(); continue; } "keys" => { print_keys(); continue; } "exit" | "quit" => break, // quit "history" => { for (i, h) in rl.history().iter().enumerate() { match &h.split('\n').collect::>()[..] { [line] => println!("[{}] {}", history_offset + i, line), lines => { for (x, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() { let number = format!("[{}]", history_offset + i); if x == 0 { println!("{} {}", number, line.trim_end()); } else { println!("{0:>1$} {2}", "", number.len(), line.trim_end()); } } } } } continue; } "strict" if engine.strict_variables() => { engine.set_strict_variables(false); println!("Strict Variables Mode turned OFF."); continue; } "strict" => { engine.set_strict_variables(true); println!("Strict Variables Mode turned ON."); continue; } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] "optimize" if optimize_level == rhai::OptimizationLevel::Simple => { optimize_level = rhai::OptimizationLevel::None; println!("Script optimization turned OFF."); continue; } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] "optimize" => { optimize_level = rhai::OptimizationLevel::Simple; println!("Script optimization turned ON."); continue; } "scope" => { print_scope(&scope); continue; } "astu" => { // print the last un-optimized AST println!("{:#?}\n", ast_u); continue; } "ast" => { // print the last AST println!("{:#?}\n", ast); continue; } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] "functions" => { // print a list of all registered functions for f in engine.gen_fn_signatures(false) { println!("{}", f) } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))] for f in main_ast.iter_functions() { println!("{}", f) } println!(); continue; } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] "json" => { println!( "{}", engine .gen_fn_metadata_with_ast_to_json(&main_ast, true) .unwrap() ); continue; } "!!" => { if let Some(line) = rl.history().last() { replacement = Some(line.clone()); replacement_index = history_offset + rl.history().len() - 1; } else { eprintln!("No lines history!"); } continue; } _ if script.starts_with("!?") => { let text = script[2..].trim(); if let Some((n, line)) = rl .history() .iter() .rev() .enumerate() .find(|&(.., h)| h.contains(text)) { replacement = Some(line.clone()); replacement_index = history_offset + (rl.history().len() - 1 - n); } else { eprintln!("History line not found: {}", text); } continue; } _ if script.starts_with('!') => { if let Ok(num) = script[1..].parse::() { if num >= history_offset { if let Some(line) = rl.history().get(num - history_offset) { replacement = Some(line.clone()); replacement_index = num; continue; } } } else { let prefix = script[1..].trim(); if let Some((n, line)) = rl .history() .iter() .rev() .enumerate() .find(|&(.., h)| h.trim_start().starts_with(prefix)) { replacement = Some(line.clone()); replacement_index = history_offset + (rl.history().len() - 1 - n); continue; } } eprintln!("History line not found: {}", &script[1..]); continue; } _ => (), } match engine .compile_with_scope(&scope, &script) .map_err(Into::into) .and_then(|r| { ast_u = r.clone(); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))] { ast = engine.optimize_ast(&scope, r, optimize_level); } #[cfg(feature = "no_optimize")] { ast = r; } // Merge the AST into the main main_ast += ast.clone(); // Evaluate engine.eval_ast_with_scope::(&mut scope, &main_ast) }) { Ok(result) if !<()>() => { println!("=> {:?}", result); println!(); } Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => { println!(); print_error(&input, *err); println!(); } } // Throw away all the statements, leaving only the functions main_ast.clear_statements(); } rl.save_history(HISTORY_FILE).unwrap(); println!("Bye!"); }